blob: faa7f7fa3aa1f36becf0092385c03bc807875176 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.StringDef;
import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerExecutor;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.util.Log;
import dalvik.system.CloseGuard;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
* MediaDrm can be used to obtain keys for decrypting protected media streams, in
* conjunction with {@link}. The MediaDrm APIs
* are designed to support the ISO/IEC 23001-7: Common Encryption standard, but
* may also be used to implement other encryption schemes.
* <p>
* Encrypted content is prepared using an encryption server and stored in a content
* library. The encrypted content is streamed or downloaded from the content library to
* client devices via content servers. Licenses to view the content are obtained from
* a License Server.
* <p>
* <p><img src="../../../images/mediadrm_overview.png"
* alt="MediaDrm Overview diagram"
* border="0" /></p>
* <p>
* Keys are requested from the license server using a key request. The key
* response is delivered to the client app, which provides the response to the
* MediaDrm API.
* <p>
* A Provisioning server may be required to distribute device-unique credentials to
* the devices.
* <p>
* Enforcing requirements related to the number of devices that may play content
* simultaneously can be performed either through key renewal or using the secure
* stop methods.
* <p>
* The following sequence diagram shows the interactions between the objects
* involved while playing back encrypted content:
* <p>
* <p><img src="../../../images/mediadrm_decryption_sequence.png"
* alt="MediaDrm Overview diagram"
* border="0" /></p>
* <p>
* The app first constructs {@link} and
* {@link} objects. It accesses the DRM-scheme-identifying UUID,
* typically from metadata in the content, and uses this UUID to construct an instance
* of a MediaDrm object that is able to support the DRM scheme required by the content.
* Crypto schemes are assigned 16 byte UUIDs. The method {@link #isCryptoSchemeSupported}
* can be used to query if a given scheme is supported on the device.
* <p>
* The app calls {@link #openSession} to generate a sessionId that will uniquely identify
* the session in subsequent interactions. The app next uses the MediaDrm object to
* obtain a key request message and send it to the license server, then provide
* the server's response to the MediaDrm object.
* <p>
* Once the app has a sessionId, it can construct a MediaCrypto object from the UUID and
* sessionId. The MediaCrypto object is registered with the MediaCodec in the
* {@link MediaCodec#configure} method to enable the codec to decrypt content.
* <p>
* When the app has constructed {@link},
* {@link} and {@link} objects,
* it proceeds to pull samples from the extractor and queue them into the decoder. For
* encrypted content, the samples returned from the extractor remain encrypted, they
* are only decrypted when the samples are delivered to the decoder.
* <p>
* MediaDrm methods throw {@link}
* when a method is called on a MediaDrm object that has had an unrecoverable failure
* in the DRM plugin or security hardware.
* {@link} extends
* {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} with the addition of a developer-readable
* diagnostic information string associated with the exception.
* <p>
* In the event of a mediaserver process crash or restart while a MediaDrm object
* is active, MediaDrm methods may throw {@link}.
* To recover, the app must release the MediaDrm object, then create and initialize
* a new one.
* <p>
* As {@link} and
* {@link} both extend
* {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException}, they should be in an earlier catch()
* block than {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} if handled separately.
* <p>
* <a name="Callbacks"></a>
* <h3>Callbacks</h3>
* <p>Applications should register for informational events in order
* to be informed of key state updates during playback or streaming.
* Registration for these events is done via a call to
* {@link #setOnEventListener}. In order to receive the respective
* callback associated with this listener, applications are required to create
* MediaDrm objects on a thread with its own Looper running (main UI
* thread by default has a Looper running).
public final class MediaDrm implements AutoCloseable {
private static final String TAG = "MediaDrm";
private final AtomicBoolean mClosed = new AtomicBoolean();
private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get();
private static final String PERMISSION = android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_DRM_CERTIFICATES;
private long mNativeContext;
private final String mAppPackageName;
* Specify no certificate type
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public static final int CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NONE = 0;
* Specify X.509 certificate type
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public static final int CERTIFICATE_TYPE_X509 = 1;
/** @hide */
public @interface CertificateType {}
* Query if the given scheme identified by its UUID is supported on
* this device.
* @param uuid The UUID of the crypto scheme.
public static final boolean isCryptoSchemeSupported(@NonNull UUID uuid) {
return isCryptoSchemeSupportedNative(getByteArrayFromUUID(uuid), null,
* Query if the given scheme identified by its UUID is supported on
* this device, and whether the DRM plugin is able to handle the
* media container format specified by mimeType.
* @param uuid The UUID of the crypto scheme.
* @param mimeType The MIME type of the media container, e.g. "video/mp4"
* or "video/webm"
public static final boolean isCryptoSchemeSupported(
@NonNull UUID uuid, @NonNull String mimeType) {
return isCryptoSchemeSupportedNative(getByteArrayFromUUID(uuid),
* Query if the given scheme identified by its UUID is supported on
* this device, and whether the DRM plugin is able to handle the
* media container format specified by mimeType at the requested
* security level.
* @param uuid The UUID of the crypto scheme.
* @param mimeType The MIME type of the media container, e.g. "video/mp4"
* or "video/webm"
* @param securityLevel the security level requested
public static final boolean isCryptoSchemeSupported(
@NonNull UUID uuid, @NonNull String mimeType, @SecurityLevel int securityLevel) {
return isCryptoSchemeSupportedNative(getByteArrayFromUUID(uuid), mimeType,
* @return list of crypto schemes (as {@link UUID}s) for which
* {@link #isCryptoSchemeSupported(UUID)} returns true; each {@link UUID}
* can be used as input to create {@link MediaDrm} objects via {@link #MediaDrm(UUID)}.
public static final @NonNull List<UUID> getSupportedCryptoSchemes(){
byte[] uuidBytes = getSupportedCryptoSchemesNative();
return getUUIDsFromByteArray(uuidBytes);
private static final byte[] getByteArrayFromUUID(@NonNull UUID uuid) {
long msb = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
long lsb = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits();
byte[] uuidBytes = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
uuidBytes[i] = (byte)(msb >>> (8 * (7 - i)));
uuidBytes[8 + i] = (byte)(lsb >>> (8 * (7 - i)));
return uuidBytes;
private static final UUID getUUIDFromByteArray(@NonNull byte[] uuidBytes, int off) {
long msb = 0;
long lsb = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
msb = (msb << 8) | (0xffl & uuidBytes[off + i]);
lsb = (lsb << 8) | (0xffl & uuidBytes[off + i + 8]);
return new UUID(msb, lsb);
private static final List<UUID> getUUIDsFromByteArray(@NonNull byte[] uuidBytes) {
Set<UUID> uuids = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (int off = 0; off < uuidBytes.length; off+=16) {
uuids.add(getUUIDFromByteArray(uuidBytes, off));
return new ArrayList<>(uuids);
private static final native byte[] getSupportedCryptoSchemesNative();
private static final native boolean isCryptoSchemeSupportedNative(
@NonNull byte[] uuid, @Nullable String mimeType, @SecurityLevel int securityLevel);
private Handler createHandler() {
Looper looper;
Handler handler;
if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) {
handler = new Handler(looper);
} else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) {
handler = new Handler(looper);
} else {
handler = null;
return handler;
* Instantiate a MediaDrm object
* @param uuid The UUID of the crypto scheme.
* @throws UnsupportedSchemeException if the device does not support the
* specified scheme UUID
public MediaDrm(@NonNull UUID uuid) throws UnsupportedSchemeException {
/* Native setup requires a weak reference to our object.
* It's easier to create it here than in C++.
mAppPackageName = ActivityThread.currentOpPackageName();
native_setup(new WeakReference<MediaDrm>(this),
getByteArrayFromUUID(uuid), mAppPackageName);"release");
* Error codes that may be returned from {@link
* MediaDrmStateException#getErrorCode()} and {@link
* MediaCodec.CryptoException#getErrorCode()}
* <p>
* The description of each error code includes steps that may be taken to
* resolve the error condition. For some errors however, a recovery action
* cannot be predetermined. The description of those codes refers to a
* general strategy for handling the error condition programmatically, which
* is to try the following in listed order until successful:
* <ol>
* <li> retry the operation </li>
* <li> if the operation is related to a session, {@link
* #closeSession(byte[]) close} the session, {@link #openSession() open} a
* new session, and retry the operation </li>
* <li> {@link #close() close} the {@link MediaDrm} instance and any other
* related components such as the {@link MediaCodec codec} and retry
* playback, or </li>
* <li> try using a different configuration of the {@link MediaDrm} plugin,
* such as a different {@link #openSession(int) security level}. </li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* If the problem still persists after all the aforementioned steps, please
* report the failure to the {@link MediaDrm} plugin vendor along with the
* {@link LogMessage log messages} returned by {@link
* MediaDrm#getLogMessages()}, and a bugreport if possible.
public final static class ErrorCodes {
private ErrorCodes() {}
* ERROR_UNKNOWN is used where no other defined error code is applicable
* to the current failure.
* <p>
* Please see the general error handling strategy for unexpected errors
* described in {@link ErrorCodes}.
public static final int ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0;
* The requested key was not found when trying to perform a decrypt
* operation.
* <p>
* The operation can be retried after adding the correct decryption key.
public static final int ERROR_NO_KEY = 1;
* The key used for decryption is no longer valid due to license term
* expiration.
* <p>
* The operation can be retried after updating the expired keys.
public static final int ERROR_KEY_EXPIRED = 2;
* A required crypto resource was not able to be allocated while
* attempting the requested operation.
* <p>
* The operation can be retried if the app is able to release resources.
public static final int ERROR_RESOURCE_BUSY = 3;
* The output protection levels supported by the device are not
* sufficient to meet the requirements set by the content owner in the
* license policy.
* Decryption was attempted on a session that is not opened, which could
* be due to a failure to open the session, closing the session
* prematurely, the session being reclaimed by the resource manager, or
* a non-existent session id.
public static final int ERROR_SESSION_NOT_OPENED = 5;
* An operation was attempted that could not be supported by the crypto
* system of the device in its current configuration.
* <p>
* This may occur when the license policy requires device security
* features that aren't supported by the device, or due to an internal
* error in the crypto system that prevents the specified security
* policy from being met.
public static final int ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 6;
* The security level of the device is not sufficient to meet the
* requirements set by the content owner in the license policy.
public static final int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY = 7;
* The video frame being decrypted exceeds the size of the device's
* protected output buffers.
* <p>
* When encountering this error the app should try playing content
* of a lower resolution or skipping the problematic frame.
public static final int ERROR_FRAME_TOO_LARGE = 8;
* The session state has been invalidated. This can occur on devices
* that are not capable of retaining crypto session state across device
* suspend/resume.
* <p>
* The session must be closed and a new session opened to resume
* operation.
public static final int ERROR_LOST_STATE = 9;
* Certificate is malformed or is of the wrong type.
* <p>
* Ensure the certificate provided by the app or returned from the
* license server is valid. Check with the {@link MediaDrm} plugin
* vendor for the expected certificate format.
public static final int ERROR_CERTIFICATE_MALFORMED = 10;
* Certificate has not been set.
* <p>
* Ensure the certificate has been provided by the app. Check with the
* {@link MediaDrm} plugin vendor for the expected method to provide
* {@link MediaDrm} a certificate.
public static final int ERROR_CERTIFICATE_MISSING = 11;
* An error happened within the crypto library used by the drm plugin.
public static final int ERROR_CRYPTO_LIBRARY = 12;
* Unexpected error reported by the device OEM subsystem.
* <p>
* Please see the general error handling strategy for unexpected errors
* described in {@link ErrorCodes}.
public static final int ERROR_GENERIC_OEM = 13;
* Unexpected internal failure in {@link MediaDrm}/{@link MediaCrypto}.
* <p>
* Please see the general error handling strategy for unexpected errors
* described in {@link ErrorCodes}.
public static final int ERROR_GENERIC_PLUGIN = 14;
* The init data parameter passed to {@link MediaDrm#getKeyRequest} is
* empty or invalid.
* <p>
* Init data is typically obtained from {@link
* MediaExtractor#getPsshInfo()} or {@link
* MediaExtractor#getDrmInitData()}. Check with the {@link MediaDrm}
* plugin vendor for the expected init data format.
public static final int ERROR_INIT_DATA = 15;
* Either the key was not loaded from the license before attempting the
* operation, or the key ID parameter provided by the app is incorrect.
* <p>
* Ensure the proper keys are in the license, and check the key ID
* parameter provided by the app is correct. Check with the {@link
* MediaDrm} plugin vendor for the expected license format.
public static final int ERROR_KEY_NOT_LOADED = 16;
* The license response was empty, fields are missing or otherwise
* unable to be parsed or decrypted.
* <p>
* Check for mistakes such as empty or overwritten buffers. Otherwise,
* check with the {@link MediaDrm} plugin vendor for the expected
* license format.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_PARSE = 17;
* The operation (e.g. to renew or persist a license) is prohibited by
* the license policy.
* <p>
* Check the license policy configuration on the license server.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_POLICY = 18;
* Failed to generate a release request because a field in the offline
* license is empty or malformed.
* <p>
* The license can't be released on the server, but the app may remove
* the offline license explicitly using {@link
* MediaDrm#removeOfflineLicense}.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_RELEASE = 19;
* The license server detected an error in the license request.
* <p>
* Check for errors on the license server.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_REQUEST_REJECTED = 20;
* Failed to restore an offline license because a field in the offline
* license is empty or malformed.
* <p>
* Try requesting the license again if the device is online.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_RESTORE = 21;
* Offline license is in an invalid state for the attempted operation.
* <p>
* Check the sequence of API calls made that can affect offline license
* state. For example, this could happen when the app attempts to
* restore a license after it has been released.
public static final int ERROR_LICENSE_STATE = 22;
* Failure in the media framework.
* <p>
* Try releasing media resources (e.g. {@link MediaCodec}, {@link
* MediaDrm}), and restarting playback.
public static final int ERROR_MEDIA_FRAMEWORK = 23;
* Error loading the provisioned certificate.
* <p>
* Re-provisioning may resolve the problem; check with the {@link
* MediaDrm} plugin vendor for re-provisioning instructions. Otherwise,
* using a different security level may resolve the issue.
public static final int ERROR_PROVISIONING_CERTIFICATE = 24;
* Required steps were not performed before provisioning was attempted.
* <p>
* Ask the {@link MediaDrm} plugin vendor for situations where this
* error may occur.
public static final int ERROR_PROVISIONING_CONFIG = 25;
* The provisioning response was empty, fields are missing or otherwise
* unable to be parsed.
* <p>
* Check for mistakes such as empty or overwritten buffers. Otherwise,
* check with the {@link MediaDrm} plugin vendor for the expected
* provisioning response format.
public static final int ERROR_PROVISIONING_PARSE = 26;
* The provisioning server detected an error in the provisioning
* request.
* <p>
* Check for errors on the provisioning server.
public static final int ERROR_PROVISIONING_REQUEST_REJECTED = 27;
* Provisioning failed in a way that is likely to succeed on a
* subsequent attempt.
* <p>
* The app should retry the operation.
public static final int ERROR_PROVISIONING_RETRY = 28;
* This indicates that apps using MediaDrm sessions are
* temporarily exceeding the capacity of available crypto
* resources.
* <p>
* The app should retry the operation later.
public static final int ERROR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION = 29;
* Failed to generate a secure stop request because a field in the
* stored license is empty or malformed.
* <p>
* The secure stop can't be released on the server, but the app may
* remove it explicitly using {@link MediaDrm#removeSecureStop}.
public static final int ERROR_SECURE_STOP_RELEASE = 30;
* The plugin was unable to read data from the filesystem.
* <p>
* Please see the general error handling strategy for unexpected errors
* described in {@link ErrorCodes}.
public static final int ERROR_STORAGE_READ = 31;
* The plugin was unable to write data to the filesystem.
* <p>
* Please see the general error handling strategy for unexpected errors
* described in {@link ErrorCodes}.
public static final int ERROR_STORAGE_WRITE = 32;
* {@link MediaCodec#queueSecureInputBuffer} called with 0 subsamples.
* <p>
* Check the {@link MediaCodec.CryptoInfo} object passed to {@link
* MediaCodec#queueSecureInputBuffer}.
public static final int ERROR_ZERO_SUBSAMPLES = 33;
/** @hide */
public @interface MediaDrmErrorCode {}
* Thrown when a general failure occurs during a MediaDrm operation.
* Extends {@link IllegalStateException} with the addition of an error
* code that may be useful in diagnosing the failure.
* <p>
* Please refer to {@link ErrorCodes} for the general error handling
* strategy and details about each possible return value from {@link
* MediaDrmStateException#getErrorCode()}.
public static final class MediaDrmStateException extends java.lang.IllegalStateException
implements MediaDrmThrowable {
private final int mErrorCode, mVendorError, mOemError, mErrorContext;
private final String mDiagnosticInfo;
* @hide
public MediaDrmStateException(int errorCode, @Nullable String detailMessage) {
this(detailMessage, errorCode, 0, 0, 0);
* @hide
public MediaDrmStateException(String detailMessage, int errorCode,
int vendorError, int oemError, int errorContext) {
mErrorCode = errorCode;
mVendorError = vendorError;
mOemError = oemError;
mErrorContext = errorContext;
// TODO get this from DRM session
final String sign = errorCode < 0 ? "neg_" : "";
mDiagnosticInfo =
"" + sign + Math.abs(errorCode);
* Returns error code associated with this {@link
* MediaDrmStateException}.
* <p>
* Please refer to {@link ErrorCodes} for the general error handling
* strategy and details about each possible return value.
* @return an error code defined in {@link MediaDrm.ErrorCodes}.
public int getErrorCode() {
return mErrorCode;
public int getVendorError() {
return mVendorError;
public int getOemError() {
return mOemError;
public int getErrorContext() {
return mErrorContext;
* Returns true if the {@link MediaDrmStateException} is a transient
* issue, perhaps due to resource constraints, and that the operation
* (e.g. provisioning) may succeed on a subsequent attempt.
public boolean isTransient() {
return mErrorCode == ErrorCodes.ERROR_PROVISIONING_RETRY
|| mErrorCode == ErrorCodes.ERROR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION;
* Retrieve a developer-readable diagnostic information string
* associated with the exception. Do not show this to end-users,
* since this string will not be localized or generally comprehensible
* to end-users.
public String getDiagnosticInfo() {
return mDiagnosticInfo;
* {@link SessionException} is a misnomer because it may occur in methods
* <b>without</b> a session context.
* <p>
* A {@link SessionException} is most likely to be thrown when an operation
* failed in a way that is likely to succeed on a subsequent attempt; call
* {@link #isTransient()} to determine whether the app should retry the
* failing operation.
public static final class SessionException extends RuntimeException
implements MediaDrmThrowable {
public SessionException(int errorCode, @Nullable String detailMessage) {
this(detailMessage, errorCode, 0, 0, 0);
* @hide
public SessionException(String detailMessage, int errorCode, int vendorError, int oemError,
int errorContext) {
mErrorCode = errorCode;
mVendorError = vendorError;
mOemError = oemError;
mErrorContext = errorContext;
* The SessionException has an unknown error code.
* @deprecated Unused.
public static final int ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0;
* This indicates that apps using MediaDrm sessions are
* temporarily exceeding the capacity of available crypto
* resources. The app should retry the operation later.
* @deprecated Please use {@link #isTransient()} instead of comparing
* the return value of {@link #getErrorCode()} against
* {@link SessionException#ERROR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION}.
public static final int ERROR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION = 1;
/** @hide */
public @interface SessionErrorCode {}
* Retrieve the error code associated with the SessionException
* @deprecated Please use {@link #isTransient()} instead of comparing
* the return value of {@link #getErrorCode()} against
* {@link SessionException#ERROR_RESOURCE_CONTENTION}.
public int getErrorCode() {
return mErrorCode;
public int getVendorError() {
return mVendorError;
public int getOemError() {
return mOemError;
public int getErrorContext() {
return mErrorContext;
* Returns true if the {@link SessionException} is a transient
* issue, perhaps due to resource constraints, and that the operation
* (e.g. provisioning, generating requests) may succeed on a subsequent
* attempt.
public boolean isTransient() {
private final int mErrorCode, mVendorError, mOemError, mErrorContext;
* Register a callback to be invoked when a session expiration update
* occurs. The app's OnExpirationUpdateListener will be notified
* when the expiration time of the keys in the session have changed.
* @param listener the callback that will be run, or {@code null} to unregister the
* previously registered callback.
* @param handler the handler on which the listener should be invoked, or
* {@code null} if the listener should be invoked on the calling thread's looper.
public void setOnExpirationUpdateListener(
@Nullable OnExpirationUpdateListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler) {
setListenerWithHandler(EXPIRATION_UPDATE, handler, listener,
* Register a callback to be invoked when a session expiration update
* occurs.
* @see #setOnExpirationUpdateListener(OnExpirationUpdateListener, Handler)
* @param executor the executor through which the listener should be invoked
* @param listener the callback that will be run.
public void setOnExpirationUpdateListener(
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull OnExpirationUpdateListener listener) {
setListenerWithExecutor(EXPIRATION_UPDATE, executor, listener,
* Clear the {@link OnExpirationUpdateListener}.
public void clearOnExpirationUpdateListener() {
* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drm session
* expiration update occurs
public interface OnExpirationUpdateListener
* Called when a session expiration update occurs, to inform the app
* about the change in expiration time
* @param md the MediaDrm object on which the event occurred
* @param sessionId the DRM session ID on which the event occurred
* @param expirationTime the new expiration time for the keys in the session.
* The time is in milliseconds, relative to the Unix epoch. A time of
* 0 indicates that the keys never expire.
void onExpirationUpdate(
@NonNull MediaDrm md, @NonNull byte[] sessionId, long expirationTime);
* Register a callback to be invoked when the state of keys in a session
* change, e.g. when a license update occurs or when a license expires.
* @param listener the callback that will be run when key status changes, or
* {@code null} to unregister the previously registered callback.
* @param handler the handler on which the listener should be invoked, or
* null if the listener should be invoked on the calling thread's looper.
public void setOnKeyStatusChangeListener(
@Nullable OnKeyStatusChangeListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler) {
setListenerWithHandler(KEY_STATUS_CHANGE, handler, listener,
* Register a callback to be invoked when the state of keys in a session
* change.
* @see #setOnKeyStatusChangeListener(OnKeyStatusChangeListener, Handler)
* @param listener the callback that will be run when key status changes.
* @param executor the executor on which the listener should be invoked.
public void setOnKeyStatusChangeListener(
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull OnKeyStatusChangeListener listener) {
setListenerWithExecutor(KEY_STATUS_CHANGE, executor, listener,
* Clear the {@link OnKeyStatusChangeListener}.
public void clearOnKeyStatusChangeListener() {
* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the keys in a drm
* session change states.
public interface OnKeyStatusChangeListener
* Called when the keys in a session change status, such as when the license
* is renewed or expires.
* @param md the MediaDrm object on which the event occurred
* @param sessionId the DRM session ID on which the event occurred
* @param keyInformation a list of {@link MediaDrm.KeyStatus}
* instances indicating the status for each key in the session
* @param hasNewUsableKey indicates if a key has been added that is usable,
* which may trigger an attempt to resume playback on the media stream
* if it is currently blocked waiting for a key.
void onKeyStatusChange(
@NonNull MediaDrm md, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull List<KeyStatus> keyInformation,
boolean hasNewUsableKey);
* Register a callback to be invoked when session state has been
* lost. This event can occur on devices that are not capable of
* retaining crypto session state across device suspend/resume
* cycles. When this event occurs, the session must be closed and
* a new session opened to resume operation.
* @param listener the callback that will be run, or {@code null} to unregister the
* previously registered callback.
* @param handler the handler on which the listener should be invoked, or
* {@code null} if the listener should be invoked on the calling thread's looper.
public void setOnSessionLostStateListener(
@Nullable OnSessionLostStateListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler) {
setListenerWithHandler(SESSION_LOST_STATE, handler, listener,
* Register a callback to be invoked when session state has been
* lost.
* @see #setOnSessionLostStateListener(OnSessionLostStateListener, Handler)
* @param listener the callback that will be run.
* @param executor the executor on which the listener should be invoked.
public void setOnSessionLostStateListener(
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@Nullable OnSessionLostStateListener listener) {
setListenerWithExecutor(SESSION_LOST_STATE, executor, listener,
* Clear the {@link OnSessionLostStateListener}.
public void clearOnSessionLostStateListener() {
* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the
* session state has been lost and is now invalid
public interface OnSessionLostStateListener
* Called when session state has lost state, to inform the app
* about the condition so it can close the session and open a new
* one to resume operation.
* @param md the MediaDrm object on which the event occurred
* @param sessionId the DRM session ID on which the event occurred
void onSessionLostState(
@NonNull MediaDrm md, @NonNull byte[] sessionId);
* Defines the status of a key.
* A KeyStatus for each key in a session is provided to the
* {@link OnKeyStatusChangeListener#onKeyStatusChange}
* listener.
public static final class KeyStatus {
private final byte[] mKeyId;
private final int mStatusCode;
* The key is currently usable to decrypt media data
public static final int STATUS_USABLE = 0;
* The key is no longer usable to decrypt media data because its
* expiration time has passed.
public static final int STATUS_EXPIRED = 1;
* The key is not currently usable to decrypt media data because its
* output requirements cannot currently be met.
public static final int STATUS_OUTPUT_NOT_ALLOWED = 2;
* The status of the key is not yet known and is being determined.
* The status will be updated with the actual status when it has
* been determined.
public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 3;
* The key is not currently usable to decrypt media data because of an
* internal error in processing unrelated to input parameters. This error
* is not actionable by an app.
public static final int STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR = 4;
* The key is not yet usable to decrypt media because the start
* time is in the future. The key will become usable when
* its start time is reached.
public static final int STATUS_USABLE_IN_FUTURE = 5;
/** @hide */
public @interface KeyStatusCode {}
KeyStatus(@NonNull byte[] keyId, @KeyStatusCode int statusCode) {
mKeyId = keyId;
mStatusCode = statusCode;
* Returns the status code for the key
public int getStatusCode() { return mStatusCode; }
* Returns the id for the key
public byte[] getKeyId() { return mKeyId; }
* Register a callback to be invoked when an event occurs
* @see #setOnEventListener(OnEventListener, Handler)
* @param listener the callback that will be run. Use {@code null} to
* stop receiving event callbacks.
public void setOnEventListener(@Nullable OnEventListener listener)
setOnEventListener(listener, null);
* Register a callback to be invoked when an event occurs
* @param listener the callback that will be run. Use {@code null} to
* stop receiving event callbacks.
* @param handler the handler on which the listener should be invoked, or
* null if the listener should be invoked on the calling thread's looper.
public void setOnEventListener(@Nullable OnEventListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler)
setListenerWithHandler(DRM_EVENT, handler, listener, this::createOnEventListener);
* Register a callback to be invoked when an event occurs
* @see #setOnEventListener(OnEventListener)
* @param executor the executor through which the listener should be invoked
* @param listener the callback that will be run.
public void setOnEventListener(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull OnEventListener listener) {
setListenerWithExecutor(DRM_EVENT, executor, listener, this::createOnEventListener);
* Clear the {@link OnEventListener}.
public void clearOnEventListener() {
* Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drm event
* occurs
public interface OnEventListener
* Called when an event occurs that requires the app to be notified
* @param md the MediaDrm object on which the event occurred
* @param sessionId the DRM session ID on which the event occurred,
* or {@code null} if there is no session ID associated with the event.
* @param event indicates the event type
* @param extra an secondary error code
* @param data optional byte array of data that may be associated with the event
void onEvent(
@NonNull MediaDrm md, @Nullable byte[] sessionId,
@DrmEvent int event, int extra,
@Nullable byte[] data);
* This event type indicates that the app needs to request a certificate from
* the provisioning server. The request message data is obtained using
* {@link #getProvisionRequest}
* @deprecated Handle provisioning via {@link}
* instead.
public static final int EVENT_PROVISION_REQUIRED = 1;
* This event type indicates that the app needs to request keys from a license
* server. The request message data is obtained using {@link #getKeyRequest}.
public static final int EVENT_KEY_REQUIRED = 2;
* This event type indicates that the licensed usage duration for keys in a session
* has expired. The keys are no longer valid.
* @deprecated Use {@link OnKeyStatusChangeListener#onKeyStatusChange}
* and check for {@link MediaDrm.KeyStatus#STATUS_EXPIRED} in the {@link MediaDrm.KeyStatus}
* instead.
public static final int EVENT_KEY_EXPIRED = 3;
* This event may indicate some specific vendor-defined condition, see your
* DRM provider documentation for details
public static final int EVENT_VENDOR_DEFINED = 4;
* This event indicates that a session opened by the app has been reclaimed by the resource
* manager.
public static final int EVENT_SESSION_RECLAIMED = 5;
/** @hide */
public @interface DrmEvent {}
private static final int DRM_EVENT = 200;
private static final int EXPIRATION_UPDATE = 201;
private static final int KEY_STATUS_CHANGE = 202;
private static final int SESSION_LOST_STATE = 203;
// Use ConcurrentMap to support concurrent read/write to listener settings.
// ListenerWithExecutor is immutable so we shouldn't need further locks.
private final Map<Integer, ListenerWithExecutor> mListenerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// called by old-style set*Listener APIs using Handlers; listener & handler are Nullable
private <T> void setListenerWithHandler(int what, Handler handler, T listener,
Function<T, Consumer<ListenerArgs>> converter) {
if (listener == null) {
} else {
handler = handler == null ? createHandler() : handler;
final HandlerExecutor executor = new HandlerExecutor(handler);
setGenericListener(what, executor, listener, converter);
// called by new-style set*Listener APIs using Executors; listener & executor must be NonNull
private <T> void setListenerWithExecutor(int what, Executor executor, T listener,
Function<T, Consumer<ListenerArgs>> converter) {
if (executor == null || listener == null) {
final String errMsg = String.format("executor %s listener %s", executor, listener);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
setGenericListener(what, executor, listener, converter);
private <T> void setGenericListener(int what, Executor executor, T listener,
Function<T, Consumer<ListenerArgs>> converter) {
mListenerMap.put(what, new ListenerWithExecutor(executor, converter.apply(listener)));
private void clearGenericListener(int what) {
private Consumer<ListenerArgs> createOnEventListener(OnEventListener listener) {
return args -> {
byte[] sessionId = args.sessionId;
if (sessionId.length == 0) {
sessionId = null;
byte[] data =;
if (data != null && data.length == 0) {
data = null;
Log.i(TAG, "Drm event (" + args.arg1 + "," + args.arg2 + ")");
listener.onEvent(this, sessionId, args.arg1, args.arg2, data);
private Consumer<ListenerArgs> createOnKeyStatusChangeListener(
OnKeyStatusChangeListener listener) {
return args -> {
byte[] sessionId = args.sessionId;
if (sessionId.length > 0) {
List<KeyStatus> keyStatusList = args.keyStatusList;
boolean hasNewUsableKey = args.hasNewUsableKey;
Log.i(TAG, "Drm key status changed");
listener.onKeyStatusChange(this, sessionId, keyStatusList, hasNewUsableKey);
private Consumer<ListenerArgs> createOnExpirationUpdateListener(
OnExpirationUpdateListener listener) {
return args -> {
byte[] sessionId = args.sessionId;
if (sessionId.length > 0) {
long expirationTime = args.expirationTime;
Log.i(TAG, "Drm key expiration update: " + expirationTime);
listener.onExpirationUpdate(this, sessionId, expirationTime);
private Consumer<ListenerArgs> createOnSessionLostStateListener(
OnSessionLostStateListener listener) {
return args -> {
byte[] sessionId = args.sessionId;
Log.i(TAG, "Drm session lost state event: ");
listener.onSessionLostState(this, sessionId);
private static class ListenerArgs {
private final int arg1;
private final int arg2;
private final byte[] sessionId;
private final byte[] data;
private final long expirationTime;
private final List<KeyStatus> keyStatusList;
private final boolean hasNewUsableKey;
public ListenerArgs(
int arg1,
int arg2,
byte[] sessionId,
byte[] data,
long expirationTime,
List<KeyStatus> keyStatusList,
boolean hasNewUsableKey) {
this.arg1 = arg1;
this.arg2 = arg2;
this.sessionId = sessionId; = data;
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
this.keyStatusList = keyStatusList;
this.hasNewUsableKey = hasNewUsableKey;
private static class ListenerWithExecutor {
private final Consumer<ListenerArgs> mConsumer;
private final Executor mExecutor;
public ListenerWithExecutor(Executor executor, Consumer<ListenerArgs> consumer) {
this.mExecutor = executor;
this.mConsumer = consumer;
* Parse a list of KeyStatus objects from an event parcel
private List<KeyStatus> keyStatusListFromParcel(@NonNull Parcel parcel) {
int nelems = parcel.readInt();
List<KeyStatus> keyStatusList = new ArrayList(nelems);
while (nelems-- > 0) {
byte[] keyId = parcel.createByteArray();
int keyStatusCode = parcel.readInt();
keyStatusList.add(new KeyStatus(keyId, keyStatusCode));
return keyStatusList;
* This method is called from native code when an event occurs. This method
* just uses the EventHandler system to post the event back to the main app thread.
* We use a weak reference to the original MediaPlayer object so that the native
* code is safe from the object disappearing from underneath it. (This is
* the cookie passed to native_setup().)
private static void postEventFromNative(@NonNull Object mediadrm_ref,
int what, int eventType, int extra,
byte[] sessionId, byte[] data, long expirationTime,
List<KeyStatus> keyStatusList, boolean hasNewUsableKey)
MediaDrm md = (MediaDrm)((WeakReference<MediaDrm>)mediadrm_ref).get();
if (md == null) {
switch (what) {
ListenerWithExecutor listener = md.mListenerMap.get(what);
if (listener != null) {
final Runnable command = () -> {
if (md.mNativeContext == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "MediaDrm went away with unhandled events");
ListenerArgs args = new ListenerArgs(eventType, extra,
sessionId, data, expirationTime,
keyStatusList, hasNewUsableKey);
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown message type " + what);
* Open a new session with the MediaDrm object. A session ID is returned.
* By default, sessions are opened at the native security level of the device.
* @throws NotProvisionedException if provisioning is needed
* @throws ResourceBusyException if required resources are in use
public byte[] openSession() throws NotProvisionedException,
ResourceBusyException {
return openSession(getMaxSecurityLevel());
* Open a new session at a requested security level. The security level
* represents the robustness of the device's DRM implementation. By default,
* sessions are opened at the native security level of the device.
* Overriding the security level is necessary when the decrypted frames need
* to be manipulated, such as for image compositing. The security level
* parameter must be lower than the native level. Reducing the security
* level will typically limit the content to lower resolutions, as
* determined by the license policy. If the requested level is not
* supported, the next lower supported security level will be set. The level
* can be queried using {@link #getSecurityLevel}. A session
* ID is returned.
* @param level the new security level
* @throws NotProvisionedException if provisioning is needed
* @throws ResourceBusyException if required resources are in use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested security level is
* higher than the native level or lower than the lowest supported level or
* if the device does not support specifying the security level when opening
* a session
public byte[] openSession(@SecurityLevel int level) throws
NotProvisionedException, ResourceBusyException {
byte[] sessionId = openSessionNative(level);
mPlaybackComponentMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(sessionId), new PlaybackComponent(sessionId));
return sessionId;
private native byte[] openSessionNative(int level) throws
NotProvisionedException, ResourceBusyException;
* Close a session on the MediaDrm object that was previously opened
* with {@link #openSession}.
public void closeSession(@NonNull byte[] sessionId) {
private native void closeSessionNative(@NonNull byte[] sessionId);
private final Map<ByteBuffer, PlaybackComponent> mPlaybackComponentMap
= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* This key request type species that the keys will be for online use, they will
* not be saved to the device for subsequent use when the device is not connected
* to a network.
public static final int KEY_TYPE_STREAMING = 1;
* This key request type specifies that the keys will be for offline use, they
* will be saved to the device for use when the device is not connected to a network.
public static final int KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE = 2;
* This key request type specifies that previously saved offline keys should be released.
public static final int KEY_TYPE_RELEASE = 3;
/** @hide */
public @interface KeyType {}
* Contains the opaque data an app uses to request keys from a license server.
* These request types may or may not be generated by a given plugin. Refer
* to plugin vendor documentation for more information.
public static final class KeyRequest {
private byte[] mData;
private String mDefaultUrl;
private int mRequestType;
* Key request type is initial license request. A license request
* is necessary to load keys.
public static final int REQUEST_TYPE_INITIAL = 0;
* Key request type is license renewal. A license request is
* necessary to prevent the keys from expiring.
public static final int REQUEST_TYPE_RENEWAL = 1;
* Key request type is license release
public static final int REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE = 2;
* Keys are already loaded and are available for use. No license request is necessary, and
* no key request data is returned.
public static final int REQUEST_TYPE_NONE = 3;
* Keys have been loaded but an additional license request is needed
* to update their values.
public static final int REQUEST_TYPE_UPDATE = 4;
/** @hide */
public @interface RequestType {}
KeyRequest() {}
* Get the opaque message data
public byte[] getData() {
if (mData == null) {
// this should never happen as mData is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the KeyRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("KeyRequest is not initialized");
return mData;
* Get the default URL to use when sending the key request message to a
* server, if known. The app may prefer to use a different license
* server URL from other sources.
* This method returns an empty string if the default URL is not known.
public String getDefaultUrl() {
if (mDefaultUrl == null) {
// this should never happen as mDefaultUrl is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the KeyRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("KeyRequest is not initialized");
return mDefaultUrl;
* Get the type of the request
public int getRequestType() { return mRequestType; }
* A key request/response exchange occurs between the app and a license server
* to obtain or release keys used to decrypt encrypted content.
* <p>
* getKeyRequest() is used to obtain an opaque key request byte array that is
* delivered to the license server. The opaque key request byte array is returned
* in The recommended URL to deliver the key request to is
* returned in KeyRequest.defaultUrl.
* <p>
* After the app has received the key request response from the server,
* it should deliver to the response to the MediaDrm instance using the method
* {@link #provideKeyResponse}.
* @param scope may be a sessionId or a keySetId, depending on the specified keyType.
* scope should be set to the sessionId the keys will be provided to. When the keyType
* is KEY_TYPE_RELEASE, scope should be set to the keySetId of the keys
* being released. Releasing keys from a device invalidates them for all sessions.
* @param init container-specific data, its meaning is interpreted based on the
* mime type provided in the mimeType parameter. It could contain, for example,
* the content ID, key ID or other data obtained from the content metadata that is
* required in generating the key request. May be null when keyType is
* KEY_TYPE_RELEASE or if the request is a renewal, i.e. not the first key
* request for the session.
* @param mimeType identifies the mime type of the content. May be null if the
* keyType is KEY_TYPE_RELEASE or if the request is a renewal, i.e. not the
* first key request for the session.
* @param keyType specifes the type of the request. The request may be to acquire
* keys for streaming or offline content, or to release previously acquired
* keys, which are identified by a keySetId.
* @param optionalParameters are included in the key request message to
* allow a client application to provide additional message parameters to the server.
* This may be {@code null} if no additional parameters are to be sent.
* @throws NotProvisionedException if reprovisioning is needed, due to a
* problem with the certifcate
public KeyRequest getKeyRequest(
@NonNull byte[] scope, @Nullable byte[] init,
@Nullable String mimeType, @KeyType int keyType,
@Nullable HashMap<String, String> optionalParameters)
throws NotProvisionedException {
HashMap<String, String> internalParams;
if (optionalParameters == null) {
internalParams = new HashMap<>();
} else {
internalParams = new HashMap<>(optionalParameters);
byte[] rawBytes = getNewestAvailablePackageCertificateRawBytes();
byte[] hashBytes = null;
if (rawBytes != null) {
hashBytes = getDigestBytes(rawBytes, "SHA-256");
if (hashBytes != null) {
Base64.Encoder encoderB64 = Base64.getEncoder();
String hashBytesB64 = encoderB64.encodeToString(hashBytes);
internalParams.put("package_certificate_hash_bytes", hashBytesB64);
return getKeyRequestNative(scope, init, mimeType, keyType, internalParams);
private byte[] getNewestAvailablePackageCertificateRawBytes() {
Application application = ActivityThread.currentApplication();
if (application == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "pkg cert: Application is null");
return null;
PackageManager pm = application.getPackageManager();
if (pm == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "pkg cert: PackageManager is null");
return null;
PackageInfo packageInfo = null;
try {
packageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(mAppPackageName,
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.w(TAG, mAppPackageName, e);
if (packageInfo == null || packageInfo.signingInfo == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "pkg cert: PackageInfo or SigningInfo is null");
return null;
Signature[] signers = packageInfo.signingInfo.getApkContentsSigners();
if (signers != null && signers.length == 1) {
return signers[0].toByteArray();
Log.w(TAG, "pkg cert: " + signers.length + " signers");
return null;
private static byte[] getDigestBytes(@NonNull byte[] rawBytes, @NonNull String algorithm) {
try {
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm);
return messageDigest.digest(rawBytes);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
Log.w(TAG, algorithm, e);
return null;
private native KeyRequest getKeyRequestNative(
@NonNull byte[] scope, @Nullable byte[] init,
@Nullable String mimeType, @KeyType int keyType,
@Nullable HashMap<String, String> optionalParameters)
throws NotProvisionedException;
* A key response is received from the license server by the app, then it is
* provided to the MediaDrm instance using provideKeyResponse. When the
* response is for an offline key request, a keySetId is returned that can be
* used to later restore the keys to a new session with the method
* {@link #restoreKeys}.
* When the response is for a streaming or release request, an empty byte array
* is returned.
* @param scope may be a sessionId or keySetId depending on the type of the
* response. Scope should be set to the sessionId when the response is for either
* streaming or offline key requests. Scope should be set to the keySetId when
* the response is for a release request.
* @param response the byte array response from the server
* @return If the response is for an offline request, the keySetId for the offline
* keys will be returned. If the response is for a streaming or release request
* an empty byte array will be returned.
* @throws NotProvisionedException if the response indicates that
* reprovisioning is required
* @throws DeniedByServerException if the response indicates that the
* server rejected the request
public native byte[] provideKeyResponse(
@NonNull byte[] scope, @NonNull byte[] response)
throws NotProvisionedException, DeniedByServerException;
* Restore persisted offline keys into a new session. keySetId identifies the
* keys to load, obtained from a prior call to {@link #provideKeyResponse}.
* @param sessionId the session ID for the DRM session
* @param keySetId identifies the saved key set to restore
public native void restoreKeys(@NonNull byte[] sessionId, @NonNull byte[] keySetId);
* Remove the current keys from a session.
* @param sessionId the session ID for the DRM session
public native void removeKeys(@NonNull byte[] sessionId);
* Request an informative description of the key status for the session. The status is
* in the form of {name, value} pairs. Since DRM license policies vary by vendor,
* the specific status field names are determined by each DRM vendor. Refer to your
* DRM provider documentation for definitions of the field names for a particular
* DRM plugin.
* @param sessionId the session ID for the DRM session
public native HashMap<String, String> queryKeyStatus(@NonNull byte[] sessionId);
* Contains the opaque data an app uses to request a certificate from a provisioning
* server
public static final class ProvisionRequest {
ProvisionRequest() {}
* Get the opaque message data
public byte[] getData() {
if (mData == null) {
// this should never happen as mData is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the KeyRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("ProvisionRequest is not initialized");
return mData;
* Get the default URL to use when sending the provision request
* message to a server, if known. The app may prefer to use a different
* provisioning server URL obtained from other sources.
* This method returns an empty string if the default URL is not known.
public String getDefaultUrl() {
if (mDefaultUrl == null) {
// this should never happen as mDefaultUrl is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the ProvisionRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("ProvisionRequest is not initialized");
return mDefaultUrl;
private byte[] mData;
private String mDefaultUrl;
* A provision request/response exchange occurs between the app and a provisioning
* server to retrieve a device certificate. If provisionining is required, the
* EVENT_PROVISION_REQUIRED event will be sent to the event handler.
* getProvisionRequest is used to obtain the opaque provision request byte array that
* should be delivered to the provisioning server. The provision request byte array
* is returned in The recommended URL to deliver the provision
* request to is returned in ProvisionRequest.defaultUrl.
public ProvisionRequest getProvisionRequest() {
return getProvisionRequestNative(CERTIFICATE_TYPE_NONE, "");
private native ProvisionRequest getProvisionRequestNative(int certType,
@NonNull String certAuthority);
* After a provision response is received by the app, it is provided to the
* MediaDrm instance using this method.
* @param response the opaque provisioning response byte array to provide to the
* MediaDrm instance.
* @throws DeniedByServerException if the response indicates that the
* server rejected the request
public void provideProvisionResponse(@NonNull byte[] response)
throws DeniedByServerException {
private native Certificate provideProvisionResponseNative(@NonNull byte[] response)
throws DeniedByServerException;
* The keys in an offline license allow protected content to be played even
* if the device is not connected to a network. Offline licenses are stored
* on the device after a key request/response exchange when the key request
* KeyType is OFFLINE. Normally each app is responsible for keeping track of
* the keySetIds it has created. If an app loses the keySetId for any stored
* licenses that it created, however, it must be able to recover the stored
* keySetIds so those licenses can be removed when they expire or when the
* app is uninstalled.
* <p>
* This method returns a list of the keySetIds for all offline licenses.
* The offline license keySetId may be used to query the status of an
* offline license with {@link #getOfflineLicenseState} or remove it with
* {@link #removeOfflineLicense}.
* @return a list of offline license keySetIds
public native List<byte[]> getOfflineLicenseKeySetIds();
* Normally offline licenses are released using a key request/response
* exchange using {@link #getKeyRequest} where the key type is
* KEY_TYPE_RELEASE, followed by {@link #provideKeyResponse}. This allows
* the server to cryptographically confirm that the license has been removed
* and then adjust the count of offline licenses allocated to the device.
* <p>
* In some exceptional situations it may be necessary to directly remove
* offline licenses without notifying the server, which may be performed
* using this method.
* @param keySetId the id of the offline license to remove
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the keySetId does not refer to an
* offline license.
public native void removeOfflineLicense(@NonNull byte[] keySetId);
* Offline license state is unknown, an error occurred while trying
* to access it.
public static final int OFFLINE_LICENSE_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
* Offline license is usable, the keys may be used for decryption.
public static final int OFFLINE_LICENSE_STATE_USABLE = 1;
* Offline license is released, the keys have been marked for
* release using {@link #getKeyRequest} with KEY_TYPE_RELEASE but
* the key response has not been received.
public static final int OFFLINE_LICENSE_STATE_RELEASED = 2;
/** @hide */
public @interface OfflineLicenseState {}
* Request the state of an offline license. An offline license may be usable
* or inactive. The keys in a usable offline license are available for
* decryption. When the offline license state is inactive, the keys have
* been marked for release using {@link #getKeyRequest} with
* KEY_TYPE_RELEASE but the key response has not been received. The keys in
* an inactive offline license are not usable for decryption.
* @param keySetId selects the offline license
* @return the offline license state
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the keySetId does not refer to an
* offline license.
public native int getOfflineLicenseState(@NonNull byte[] keySetId);
* Secure stops are a way to enforce limits on the number of concurrent
* streams per subscriber across devices. They provide secure monitoring of
* the lifetime of content decryption keys in MediaDrm sessions.
* <p>
* A secure stop is written to secure persistent memory when keys are loaded
* into a MediaDrm session. The secure stop state indicates that the keys
* are available for use. When playback completes and the keys are removed
* or the session is destroyed, the secure stop state is updated to indicate
* that keys are no longer usable.
* <p>
* After playback, the app can query the secure stop and send it in a
* message to the license server confirming that the keys are no longer
* active. The license server returns a secure stop release response
* message to the app which then deletes the secure stop from persistent
* memory using {@link #releaseSecureStops}.
* <p>
* Each secure stop has a unique ID that can be used to identify it during
* enumeration, access and removal.
* @return a list of all secure stops from secure persistent memory
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Secure stops are a way to enforce limits on the number of
* concurrent streams per subscriber across devices. They provide secure
* monitoring of the lifetime of content decryption keys in MediaDrm
* sessions. Limits on concurrent streams may also be enforced by
* periodically renewing licenses. This can be achieved by calling
* {@link #getKeyRequest} to initiate a renewal. MediaDrm users should
* transition away from secure stops to periodic renewals.
public native List<byte[]> getSecureStops();
* Return a list of all secure stop IDs currently in persistent memory.
* The secure stop ID can be used to access or remove the corresponding
* secure stop.
* @return a list of secure stop IDs
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Use renewals by calling {@link #getKeyRequest} to track
* concurrent playback. See additional information in
* {@link #getSecureStops}
public native List<byte[]> getSecureStopIds();
* Access a specific secure stop given its secure stop ID.
* Each secure stop has a unique ID.
* @param ssid the ID of the secure stop to return
* @return the secure stop identified by ssid
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Use renewals by calling {@link #getKeyRequest} to track
* concurrent playback. See additional information in
* {@link #getSecureStops}
public native byte[] getSecureStop(@NonNull byte[] ssid);
* Process the secure stop server response message ssRelease. After
* authenticating the message, remove the secure stops identified in the
* response.
* @param ssRelease the server response indicating which secure stops to release
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Use renewals by calling {@link #getKeyRequest} to track
* concurrent playback. See additional information in
* {@link #getSecureStops}
public native void releaseSecureStops(@NonNull byte[] ssRelease);
* Remove a specific secure stop without requiring a secure stop release message
* from the license server.
* @param ssid the ID of the secure stop to remove
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Use renewals by calling {@link #getKeyRequest} to track
* concurrent playback. See additional information in
* {@link #getSecureStops}
public native void removeSecureStop(@NonNull byte[] ssid);
* Remove all secure stops without requiring a secure stop release message from
* the license server.
* This method was added in API 28. In API versions 18 through 27,
* {@link #releaseAllSecureStops} should be called instead. There is no need to
* do anything for API versions prior to 18.
* @deprecated This method is deprecated and may be removed in a future
* release. Use renewals by calling {@link #getKeyRequest} to track
* concurrent playback. See additional information in
* {@link #getSecureStops}
public native void removeAllSecureStops();
* Remove all secure stops without requiring a secure stop release message from
* the license server.
* @deprecated Remove all secure stops using {@link #removeAllSecureStops} instead.
public void releaseAllSecureStops() {
* @deprecated Not of any use for application development;
* please note that the related integer constants remain supported:
* {@link #HDCP_NONE},
* {@link #HDCP_V1},
* {@link #HDCP_V2},
* {@link #HDCP_V2_1},
* {@link #HDCP_V2_2},
* {@link #HDCP_V2_3}
public @interface HdcpLevel {}
* The DRM plugin did not report an HDCP level, or an error
* occurred accessing it
public static final int HDCP_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 0;
* HDCP is not supported on this device, content is unprotected
public static final int HDCP_NONE = 1;
* HDCP version 1.0
public static final int HDCP_V1 = 2;
* HDCP version 2.0 Type 1.
public static final int HDCP_V2 = 3;
* HDCP version 2.1 Type 1.
public static final int HDCP_V2_1 = 4;
* HDCP version 2.2 Type 1.
public static final int HDCP_V2_2 = 5;
* HDCP version 2.3 Type 1.
public static final int HDCP_V2_3 = 6;
* No digital output, implicitly secure
public static final int HDCP_NO_DIGITAL_OUTPUT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Return the HDCP level negotiated with downstream receivers the
* device is connected to. If multiple HDCP-capable displays are
* simultaneously connected to separate interfaces, this method
* returns the lowest negotiated level of all interfaces.
* <p>
* This method should only be used for informational purposes, not for
* enforcing compliance with HDCP requirements. Trusted enforcement of
* HDCP policies must be handled by the DRM system.
* <p>
* @return the connected HDCP level
public native int getConnectedHdcpLevel();
* Return the maximum supported HDCP level. The maximum HDCP level is a
* constant for a given device, it does not depend on downstream receivers
* that may be connected. If multiple HDCP-capable interfaces are present,
* it indicates the highest of the maximum HDCP levels of all interfaces.
* <p>
* @return the maximum supported HDCP level
public native int getMaxHdcpLevel();
* Return the number of MediaDrm sessions that are currently opened
* simultaneously among all MediaDrm instances for the active DRM scheme.
* @return the number of open sessions.
public native int getOpenSessionCount();
* Return the maximum number of MediaDrm sessions that may be opened
* simultaneosly among all MediaDrm instances for the active DRM
* scheme. The maximum number of sessions is not affected by any
* sessions that may have already been opened.
* @return maximum sessions.
public native int getMaxSessionCount();
* Security level indicates the robustness of the device's DRM
* implementation.
* @deprecated Not of any use for application development;
* please note that the related integer constants remain supported:
public @interface SecurityLevel {}
* The DRM plugin did not report a security level, or an error occurred
* accessing it
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_UNKNOWN = 0;
* DRM key management uses software-based whitebox crypto.
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_SW_SECURE_CRYPTO = 1;
* DRM key management and decoding use software-based whitebox crypto.
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_SW_SECURE_DECODE = 2;
* DRM key management and crypto operations are performed within a hardware
* backed trusted execution environment.
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_CRYPTO = 3;
* DRM key management, crypto operations and decoding of content are
* performed within a hardware backed trusted execution environment.
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_DECODE = 4;
* DRM key management, crypto operations, decoding of content and all
* handling of the media (compressed and uncompressed) is handled within a
* hardware backed trusted execution environment.
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_ALL = 5;
* Indicates that the maximum security level supported by the device should
* be used when opening a session. This is the default security level
* selected when a session is opened.
* @hide
public static final int SECURITY_LEVEL_MAX = 6;
* Returns a value that may be passed as a parameter to {@link #openSession(int)}
* requesting that the session be opened at the maximum security level of
* the device.
public static final int getMaxSecurityLevel() {
* Return the current security level of a session. A session has an initial
* security level determined by the robustness of the DRM system's
* implementation on the device. The security level may be changed at the
* time a session is opened using {@link #openSession}.
* @param sessionId the session to query.
* <p>
* @return the security level of the session
public native int getSecurityLevel(@NonNull byte[] sessionId);
* String property name: identifies the maker of the DRM plugin
public static final String PROPERTY_VENDOR = "vendor";
* String property name: identifies the version of the DRM plugin
public static final String PROPERTY_VERSION = "version";
* String property name: describes the DRM plugin
public static final String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION = "description";
* String property name: a comma-separated list of cipher and mac algorithms
* supported by CryptoSession. The list may be empty if the DRM
* plugin does not support CryptoSession operations.
public static final String PROPERTY_ALGORITHMS = "algorithms";
/** @hide */
@StringDef(prefix = { "PROPERTY_" }, value = {
public @interface StringProperty {}
* Read a MediaDrm String property value, given the property name string.
* <p>
* Standard fields names are:
public native String getPropertyString(@NonNull String propertyName);
* Set a MediaDrm String property value, given the property name string
* and new value for the property.
public native void setPropertyString(@NonNull String propertyName,
@NonNull String value);
* Byte array property name: the device unique identifier is established during
* device provisioning and provides a means of uniquely identifying each device.
public static final String PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID = "deviceUniqueId";
/** @hide */
@StringDef(prefix = { "PROPERTY_" }, value = {
public @interface ArrayProperty {}
* Read a MediaDrm byte array property value, given the property name string.
* <p>
* Standard fields names are {@link #PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID}
public native byte[] getPropertyByteArray(String propertyName);
* Set a MediaDrm byte array property value, given the property name string
* and new value for the property.
public native void setPropertyByteArray(
@NonNull String propertyName, @NonNull byte[] value);
private static final native void setCipherAlgorithmNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId, @NonNull String algorithm);
private static final native void setMacAlgorithmNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId, @NonNull String algorithm);
private static final native byte[] encryptNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull byte[] keyId, @NonNull byte[] input, @NonNull byte[] iv);
private static final native byte[] decryptNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull byte[] keyId, @NonNull byte[] input, @NonNull byte[] iv);
private static final native byte[] signNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull byte[] keyId, @NonNull byte[] message);
private static final native boolean verifyNative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull byte[] keyId, @NonNull byte[] message, @NonNull byte[] signature);
* Return Metrics data about the current MediaDrm instance.
* @return a {@link PersistableBundle} containing the set of attributes and values
* available for this instance of MediaDrm.
* The attributes are described in {@link MetricsConstants}.
* Additional vendor-specific fields may also be present in
* the return value.
public PersistableBundle getMetrics() {
PersistableBundle bundle = getMetricsNative();
return bundle;
private native PersistableBundle getMetricsNative();
* In addition to supporting decryption of DASH Common Encrypted Media, the
* MediaDrm APIs provide the ability to securely deliver session keys from
* an operator's session key server to a client device, based on the factory-installed
* root of trust, and then perform encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify operations
* with the session key on arbitrary user data.
* <p>
* The CryptoSession class implements generic encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify methods
* based on the established session keys. These keys are exchanged using the
* getKeyRequest/provideKeyResponse methods.
* <p>
* Applications of this capability could include securing various types of
* purchased or private content, such as applications, books and other media,
* photos or media delivery protocols.
* <p>
* Operators can create session key servers that are functionally similar to a
* license key server, except that instead of receiving license key requests and
* providing encrypted content keys which are used specifically to decrypt A/V media
* content, the session key server receives session key requests and provides
* encrypted session keys which can be used for general purpose crypto operations.
* <p>
* A CryptoSession is obtained using {@link #getCryptoSession}
public final class CryptoSession {
private byte[] mSessionId;
CryptoSession(@NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull String cipherAlgorithm,
@NonNull String macAlgorithm)
mSessionId = sessionId;
setCipherAlgorithmNative(MediaDrm.this, sessionId, cipherAlgorithm);
setMacAlgorithmNative(MediaDrm.this, sessionId, macAlgorithm);
* Encrypt data using the CryptoSession's cipher algorithm
* @param keyid specifies which key to use
* @param input the data to encrypt
* @param iv the initialization vector to use for the cipher
public byte[] encrypt(
@NonNull byte[] keyid, @NonNull byte[] input, @NonNull byte[] iv) {
return encryptNative(MediaDrm.this, mSessionId, keyid, input, iv);
* Decrypt data using the CryptoSessions's cipher algorithm
* @param keyid specifies which key to use
* @param input the data to encrypt
* @param iv the initialization vector to use for the cipher
public byte[] decrypt(
@NonNull byte[] keyid, @NonNull byte[] input, @NonNull byte[] iv) {
return decryptNative(MediaDrm.this, mSessionId, keyid, input, iv);
* Sign data using the CryptoSessions's mac algorithm.
* @param keyid specifies which key to use
* @param message the data for which a signature is to be computed
public byte[] sign(@NonNull byte[] keyid, @NonNull byte[] message) {
return signNative(MediaDrm.this, mSessionId, keyid, message);
* Verify a signature using the CryptoSessions's mac algorithm. Return true
* if the signatures match, false if they do no.
* @param keyid specifies which key to use
* @param message the data to verify
* @param signature the reference signature which will be compared with the
* computed signature
public boolean verify(
@NonNull byte[] keyid, @NonNull byte[] message, @NonNull byte[] signature) {
return verifyNative(MediaDrm.this, mSessionId, keyid, message, signature);
* Obtain a CryptoSession object which can be used to encrypt, decrypt,
* sign and verify messages or data using the session keys established
* for the session using methods {@link #getKeyRequest} and
* {@link #provideKeyResponse} using a session key server.
* @param sessionId the session ID for the session containing keys
* to be used for encrypt, decrypt, sign and/or verify
* @param cipherAlgorithm the algorithm to use for encryption and
* decryption ciphers. The algorithm string conforms to JCA Standard
* Names for Cipher Transforms and is case insensitive. For example
* "AES/CBC/NoPadding".
* @param macAlgorithm the algorithm to use for sign and verify
* The algorithm string conforms to JCA Standard Names for Mac
* Algorithms and is case insensitive. For example "HmacSHA256".
* <p>
* The list of supported algorithms for a DRM plugin can be obtained
* using the method {@link #getPropertyString} with the property name
* "algorithms".
public CryptoSession getCryptoSession(
@NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull String cipherAlgorithm, @NonNull String macAlgorithm)
return new CryptoSession(sessionId, cipherAlgorithm, macAlgorithm);
* Contains the opaque data an app uses to request a certificate from a provisioning
* server
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public static final class CertificateRequest {
private byte[] mData;
private String mDefaultUrl;
CertificateRequest(@NonNull byte[] data, @NonNull String defaultUrl) {
mData = data;
mDefaultUrl = defaultUrl;
* Get the opaque message data
public byte[] getData() { return mData; }
* Get the default URL to use when sending the certificate request
* message to a server, if known. The app may prefer to use a different
* certificate server URL obtained from other sources.
public String getDefaultUrl() { return mDefaultUrl; }
* Generate a certificate request, specifying the certificate type
* and authority. The response received should be passed to
* provideCertificateResponse.
* @param certType Specifies the certificate type.
* @param certAuthority is passed to the certificate server to specify
* the chain of authority.
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public CertificateRequest getCertificateRequest(
@CertificateType int certType, @NonNull String certAuthority)
ProvisionRequest provisionRequest = getProvisionRequestNative(certType, certAuthority);
return new CertificateRequest(provisionRequest.getData(),
* Contains the wrapped private key and public certificate data associated
* with a certificate.
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public static final class Certificate {
Certificate() {}
* Get the wrapped private key data
public byte[] getWrappedPrivateKey() {
if (mWrappedKey == null) {
// this should never happen as mWrappedKey is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the KeyRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("Certificate is not initialized");
return mWrappedKey;
* Get the PEM-encoded certificate chain
public byte[] getContent() {
if (mCertificateData == null) {
// this should never happen as mCertificateData is initialized in
// JNI after construction of the KeyRequest object. The check
// is needed here to guarantee @NonNull annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("Certificate is not initialized");
return mCertificateData;
private byte[] mWrappedKey;
private byte[] mCertificateData;
* Process a response from the certificate server. The response
* is obtained from an HTTP Post to the url provided by getCertificateRequest.
* <p>
* The public X509 certificate chain and wrapped private key are returned
* in the returned Certificate objec. The certificate chain is in PEM format.
* The wrapped private key should be stored in application private
* storage, and used when invoking the signRSA method.
* @param response the opaque certificate response byte array to provide to the
* MediaDrm instance.
* @throws DeniedByServerException if the response indicates that the
* server rejected the request
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public Certificate provideCertificateResponse(@NonNull byte[] response)
throws DeniedByServerException {
return provideProvisionResponseNative(response);
private static final native byte[] signRSANative(
@NonNull MediaDrm drm, @NonNull byte[] sessionId,
@NonNull String algorithm, @NonNull byte[] wrappedKey, @NonNull byte[] message);
* Sign data using an RSA key
* @param sessionId a sessionId obtained from openSession on the MediaDrm object
* @param algorithm the signing algorithm to use, e.g. "PKCS1-BlockType1"
* @param wrappedKey - the wrapped (encrypted) RSA private key obtained
* from provideCertificateResponse
* @param message the data for which a signature is to be computed
* @hide - not part of the public API at this time
public byte[] signRSA(
@NonNull byte[] sessionId, @NonNull String algorithm,
@NonNull byte[] wrappedKey, @NonNull byte[] message) {
return signRSANative(this, sessionId, algorithm, wrappedKey, message);
* Query if the crypto scheme requires the use of a secure decoder
* to decode data of the given mime type at the default security level.
* The default security level is defined as the highest security level
* supported on the device.
* @param mime The mime type of the media data. Please use {@link
* #isCryptoSchemeSupported(UUID, String)} to query mime type support separately;
* for unsupported mime types the return value of {@link
* #requiresSecureDecoder(String)} is crypto scheme dependent.
public boolean requiresSecureDecoder(@NonNull String mime) {
return requiresSecureDecoder(mime, getMaxSecurityLevel());
* Query if the crypto scheme requires the use of a secure decoder
* to decode data of the given mime type at the given security level.
* @param mime The mime type of the media data. Please use {@link
* #isCryptoSchemeSupported(UUID, String, int)} to query mime type support
* separately; for unsupported mime types the return value of {@link
* #requiresSecureDecoder(String, int)} is crypto scheme dependent.
* @param level a security level between {@link #SECURITY_LEVEL_SW_SECURE_CRYPTO}
* and {@link #SECURITY_LEVEL_HW_SECURE_ALL}. Otherwise the special value
* {@link #getMaxSecurityLevel()} is also permitted;
* use {@link #getMaxSecurityLevel()} to indicate the maximum security level
* supported by the device.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested security level is none of the documented
* values for the parameter {@code level}.
public native boolean requiresSecureDecoder(@NonNull String mime, @SecurityLevel int level);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
if (mCloseGuard != null) {
} finally {
* Releases resources associated with the current session of
* MediaDrm. It is considered good practice to call this method when
* the {@link MediaDrm} object is no longer needed in your
* application. After this method is called, {@link MediaDrm} is no
* longer usable since it has lost all of its required resource.
* This method was added in API 28. In API versions 18 through 27, release()
* should be called instead. There is no need to do anything for API
* versions prior to 18.
public void close() {
* @deprecated replaced by {@link #close()}.
public void release() {
if (mClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
/** @hide */
public native final void native_release();
private static native final void native_init();
private native final void native_setup(Object mediadrm_this, byte[] uuid,
String appPackageName);
static {
* Definitions for the metrics that are reported via the
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
public final static class MetricsConstants
private MetricsConstants() {}
* Key to extract the number of successful {@link #openSession} calls
* from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String OPEN_SESSION_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.open_session.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed {@link #openSession} calls
* from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String OPEN_SESSION_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.open_session.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #openSession} calls. The key is used to lookup the list
* in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a {@link #getMetrics}
* call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String OPEN_SESSION_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.open_session.error.list";
* Key to extract the number of successful {@link #closeSession} calls
* from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String CLOSE_SESSION_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.close_session.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed {@link #closeSession} calls
* from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String CLOSE_SESSION_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.close_session.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #closeSession} calls. The key is used to lookup the list
* in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a {@link #getMetrics}
* call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String CLOSE_SESSION_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.close_session.error.list";
* Key to extract the start times of sessions. Times are
* represented as milliseconds since epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
* The start times are returned from the {@link PersistableBundle}
* from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The start times are returned as another {@link PersistableBundle}
* containing the session ids as keys and the start times as long
* values. Use {@link android.os.BaseBundle#keySet} to get the list of
* session ids, and then {@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong} to get
* the start time for each session.
public static final String SESSION_START_TIMES_MS
= "drm.mediadrm.session_start_times_ms";
* Key to extract the end times of sessions. Times are
* represented as milliseconds since epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
* The end times are returned from the {@link PersistableBundle}
* from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The end times are returned as another {@link PersistableBundle}
* containing the session ids as keys and the end times as long
* values. Use {@link android.os.BaseBundle#keySet} to get the list of
* session ids, and then {@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong} to get
* the end time for each session.
public static final String SESSION_END_TIMES_MS
= "drm.mediadrm.session_end_times_ms";
* Key to extract the number of successful {@link #getKeyRequest} calls
* from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_KEY_REQUEST_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_key_request.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed {@link #getKeyRequest}
* calls from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_KEY_REQUEST_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_key_request.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #getKeyRequest} calls. The key is used to lookup the list
* in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a {@link #getMetrics}
* call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String GET_KEY_REQUEST_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.get_key_request.error.list";
* Key to extract the average time in microseconds of calls to
* {@link #getKeyRequest}. The value is retrieved from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from {@link #getMetrics}.
* The time is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_KEY_REQUEST_OK_TIME_MICROS
= "drm.mediadrm.get_key_request.ok.average_time_micros";
* Key to extract the number of successful {@link #provideKeyResponse}
* calls from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String PROVIDE_KEY_RESPONSE_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_key_response.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed {@link #provideKeyResponse}
* calls from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String PROVIDE_KEY_RESPONSE_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_key_response.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #provideKeyResponse} calls. The key is used to lookup the
* list in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String PROVIDE_KEY_RESPONSE_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_key_response.error.list";
* Key to extract the average time in microseconds of calls to
* {@link #provideKeyResponse}. The valus is retrieved from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from {@link #getMetrics}.
* The time is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String PROVIDE_KEY_RESPONSE_OK_TIME_MICROS
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_key_response.ok.average_time_micros";
* Key to extract the number of successful {@link #getProvisionRequest}
* calls from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_PROVISION_REQUEST_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_provision_request.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed {@link #getProvisionRequest}
* calls from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_PROVISION_REQUEST_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_provision_request.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #getProvisionRequest} calls. The key is used to lookup the
* list in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String GET_PROVISION_REQUEST_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.get_provision_request.error.list";
* Key to extract the number of successful
* {@link #provideProvisionResponse} calls from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_provision_response.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed
* {@link #provideProvisionResponse} calls from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_provision_response.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #provideProvisionResponse} calls. The key is used to lookup
* the list in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
= "drm.mediadrm.provide_provision_response.error.list";
* Key to extract the number of successful
* {@link #getPropertyByteArray} calls were made with the
* {@link #PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID} value. The key is used to lookup
* the value in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID_OK_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_device_unique_id.ok.count";
* Key to extract the number of failed
* {@link #getPropertyByteArray} calls were made with the
* {@link #PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID} value. The key is used to lookup
* the value in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String GET_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.get_device_unique_id.error.count";
* Key to extract the list of error codes that were returned from
* {@link #getPropertyByteArray} calls with the
* {@link #PROPERTY_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID} value. The key is used to lookup
* the list in the {@link PersistableBundle} returned by a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The list is an array of Long values
* ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLongArray}).
public static final String GET_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID_ERROR_LIST
= "drm.mediadrm.get_device_unique_id.error.list";
* Key to extract the count of {@link KeyStatus#STATUS_EXPIRED} events
* that occured. The count is extracted from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String KEY_STATUS_EXPIRED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.key_status.EXPIRED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link KeyStatus#STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR}
* events that occured. The count is extracted from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String KEY_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.key_status.INTERNAL_ERROR.count";
* Key to extract the count of
* {@link KeyStatus#STATUS_OUTPUT_NOT_ALLOWED} events that occured.
* The count is extracted from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String KEY_STATUS_OUTPUT_NOT_ALLOWED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.key_status_change.OUTPUT_NOT_ALLOWED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link KeyStatus#STATUS_PENDING}
* events that occured. The count is extracted from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String KEY_STATUS_PENDING_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.key_status_change.PENDING.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link KeyStatus#STATUS_USABLE}
* events that occured. The count is extracted from the
* {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String KEY_STATUS_USABLE_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.key_status_change.USABLE.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link OnEventListener#onEvent}
* calls of type PROVISION_REQUIRED occured. The count is
* extracted from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String EVENT_PROVISION_REQUIRED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.event.PROVISION_REQUIRED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link OnEventListener#onEvent}
* calls of type KEY_NEEDED occured. The count is
* extracted from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String EVENT_KEY_NEEDED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.event.KEY_NEEDED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link OnEventListener#onEvent}
* calls of type KEY_EXPIRED occured. The count is
* extracted from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String EVENT_KEY_EXPIRED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.event.KEY_EXPIRED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link OnEventListener#onEvent}
* calls of type VENDOR_DEFINED. The count is
* extracted from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String EVENT_VENDOR_DEFINED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.event.VENDOR_DEFINED.count";
* Key to extract the count of {@link OnEventListener#onEvent}
* calls of type SESSION_RECLAIMED. The count is
* extracted from the {@link PersistableBundle} returned from a
* {@link #getMetrics} call.
* The count is a Long value ({@link android.os.BaseBundle#getLong}).
public static final String EVENT_SESSION_RECLAIMED_COUNT
= "drm.mediadrm.event.SESSION_RECLAIMED.count";
* Obtain a {@link PlaybackComponent} associated with a DRM session.
* Call {@link PlaybackComponent#setLogSessionId(LogSessionId)} on
* the returned object to associate a playback session with the DRM session.
* @param sessionId a DRM session ID obtained from {@link #openSession()}
* @return a {@link PlaybackComponent} associated with the session,
* or {@code null} if the session is closed or does not exist.
* @see PlaybackComponent
public PlaybackComponent getPlaybackComponent(@NonNull byte[] sessionId) {
if (sessionId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionId is null");
return mPlaybackComponentMap.get(ByteBuffer.wrap(sessionId));
private native void setPlaybackId(byte[] sessionId, String logSessionId);
/** This class contains the Drm session ID and log session ID */
public final class PlaybackComponent {
private final byte[] mSessionId;
@NonNull private LogSessionId mLogSessionId = LogSessionId.LOG_SESSION_ID_NONE;
/** @hide */
public PlaybackComponent(byte[] sessionId) {
mSessionId = sessionId;
* Sets the {@link LogSessionId}.
* <p>The implementation of this method varies by DRM provider; Please refer
* to your DRM provider documentation for more details on this method.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException when the vendor plugin does not
* implement this method
public void setLogSessionId(@NonNull LogSessionId logSessionId) {
if (logSessionId.getStringId() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("playbackId is null");
MediaDrm.this.setPlaybackId(mSessionId, logSessionId.getStringId());
mLogSessionId = logSessionId;
* Returns the {@link LogSessionId}.
@NonNull public LogSessionId getLogSessionId() {
return mLogSessionId;
* Returns recent {@link LogMessage LogMessages} associated with this {@link MediaDrm}
* instance.
public native List<LogMessage> getLogMessages();
* A {@link LogMessage} records an event in the {@link MediaDrm} framework
* or vendor plugin.
public static final class LogMessage {
private final long timestampMillis;
private final int priority;
private final String message;
* Timing of the recorded event measured in milliseconds since the Epoch,
* 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
public final long getTimestampMillis() { return timestampMillis; }
* Priority of the recorded event.
* <p>
* Possible priority constants are defined in {@link Log}, e.g.:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Log#ASSERT}</li>
* <li>{@link Log#ERROR}</li>
* <li>{@link Log#WARN}</li>
* <li>{@link Log#INFO}</li>
* <li>{@link Log#DEBUG}</li>
* <li>{@link Log#VERBOSE}</li>
* </ul>
public final int getPriority() { return priority; }
* Description of the recorded event.
public final String getMessage() { return message; }
private LogMessage(long timestampMillis, int priority, String message) {
this.timestampMillis = timestampMillis;
if (priority < Log.VERBOSE || priority > Log.ASSERT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid log priority " + priority);
this.priority = priority;
this.message = message;
private char logPriorityChar() {
switch (priority) {
case Log.VERBOSE:
return 'V';
case Log.DEBUG:
return 'D';
case Log.INFO:
return 'I';
case Log.WARN:
return 'W';
case Log.ERROR:
return 'E';
case Log.ASSERT:
return 'F';
return 'U';
public String toString() {
return String.format("LogMessage{%s %c %s}",
Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestampMillis), logPriorityChar(), message);