blob: 62f0b6e9a2e043ec918dcbaf33c18b38baddbbbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// How API docs are generated:
// raw source files --(metalava)--> stub source files --(doclava)--> API doc
// The metalava conversion is done by droidstub modules framework-doc-*-stubs.
// The API doc generation is done by the various droiddoc modules each of which
// is for different format.
// These defaults enable doc-stub generation, api lint database generation and sdk value generation.
stubs_defaults {
name: "android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-defaults",
defaults: ["android-non-updatable-stubs-defaults"],
srcs: [
// No longer part of the stubs, but are included in the docs.
create_doc_stubs: true,
write_sdk_values: true,
// Defaults module for doc-stubs targets that use module source code as input.
stubs_defaults {
name: "framework-doc-stubs-sources-default",
defaults: ["android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-defaults"],
srcs: [
droidstubs {
name: "android-non-updatable-doc-stubs",
defaults: [
droidstubs {
name: "android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-system",
defaults: [
flags: ["--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.PRIVILEGED_APPS\\)"],
droidstubs {
name: "android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-module-lib",
defaults: [
flags: [
"--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.PRIVILEGED_APPS\\)",
"--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.MODULE_LIBRARIES\\)",
generate_stubs: false, // We're only using this module for the output, disable doc-stubs.
write_sdk_values: false,
droidstubs {
name: "android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-system-server",
defaults: [
flags: [
"--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.PRIVILEGED_APPS\\)",
"--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.MODULE_LIBRARIES\\)",
"--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER\\)",
generate_stubs: false, // We're only using this module for the output, disable doc-stubs.
write_sdk_values: false,
droidstubs {
name: "framework-doc-stubs",
defaults: ["android-non-updatable-doc-stubs-defaults"],
srcs: [":all-modules-public-stubs-source"],
api_levels_module: "api_versions_public",
aidl: {
include_dirs: [
droidstubs {
name: "framework-doc-system-stubs",
defaults: ["framework-doc-stubs-sources-default"],
flags: ["--show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.PRIVILEGED_APPS\\)"],
api_levels_module: "api_versions_system",
// API docs are created from the generated stub source files
// using droiddoc
doc_defaults {
name: "framework-docs-default",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
libs: [
html_dirs: [
knowntags: [
custom_template: "droiddoc-templates-sdk",
resourcesdir: "docs/html/reference/images/",
resourcesoutdir: "reference/android/images/",
lint_baseline: "javadoc-lint-baseline",
flags: [
"-manifest $(location :frameworks-base-core-AndroidManifest.xml)",
"-overview $(location :frameworks-base-java-overview)",
// Federate Support Library references against local API file.
"-federate SupportLib",
"-federationapi SupportLib $(location :current-support-api)",
// Federate Support Library references against local API file.
"-federate AndroidX",
"-federationapi AndroidX $(location :current-androidx-api)",
// doclava contains checks for a few issues that are have been migrated to metalava.
// disable them in doclava, to avoid mistriggering or double triggering.
"-hide 101", // TODO: turn Lint 101 back into an error again
"-hide 111", // HIDDEN_SUPERCLASS
"-hide 126", // BROADCAST_BEHAVIOR
"-hide 127", // SDK_CONSTANT
"-hide 128", // TODO
hdf: [
"dac true",
"sdk.codename O",
"sdk.preview.version 1",
"sdk.version 7.0",
" 1",
"sdk.preview 0",
arg_files: [
// TODO(b/169090544): remove below aidl includes.
aidl: {
include_dirs: [
droiddoc {
name: "offline-sdk-docs",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc offline",
compat_config: ":global-compat-config",
proofread_file: "offline-sdk-docs-proofread.txt",
flags: [
"-title \"Android SDK\"",
static_doc_index_redirect: "docs/docs-preview-index.html",
droiddoc {
// Please sync with android-api-council@ before making any changes for the name property below.
// Since there's cron jobs that fetch periodically.
// See b/116221385 for reference.
name: "offline-sdk-referenceonly-docs",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc offline",
proofread_file: "offline-sdk-referenceonly-docs-proofread.txt",
flags: [
"-title \"Android SDK\"",
static_doc_index_redirect: "docs/docs-documentation-redirect.html",
static_doc_properties: "docs/",
droiddoc {
// Please sync with android-api-council@ before making any changes for the name property below.
// Since there's cron jobs that fetch periodically.
// See b/116221385 for reference.
name: "offline-system-sdk-referenceonly-docs",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc offline",
proofread_file: "offline-system-sdk-referenceonly-docs-proofread.txt",
flags: [
"-hide 101",
"-hide 104",
"-hide 108",
"-title \"Android System SDK\"",
static_doc_index_redirect: "docs/docs-documentation-redirect.html",
static_doc_properties: "docs/",
droiddoc {
name: "ds-docs-java",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc online",
"android.hasSamples true",
proofread_file: "ds-docs-proofread.txt",
flags: [
" -toroot /",
"-samplegroup Admin",
"-samplegroup Background",
"-samplegroup Connectivity",
"-samplegroup Content",
"-samplegroup Input",
"-samplegroup Media",
"-samplegroup Notification",
"-samplegroup RenderScript",
"-samplegroup Security",
"-samplegroup Sensors",
"-samplegroup System",
"-samplegroup Testing",
"-samplegroup UI",
"-samplegroup Views",
"-samplegroup Wearable",
droiddoc {
name: "ds-docs-kt",
srcs: [
flags: [
proofread_file: "ds-dokka-proofread.txt",
dokka_enabled: true,
java_genrule {
name: "ds-docs",
tools: [
srcs: [
out: [""],
dist: {
targets: ["docs"],
cmd: "$(location zip2zip) -i $(location :ds-docs-kt{}) -o $(genDir)/ **/*:en/reference/kotlin && " +
"$(location merge_zips) $(out) $(location :ds-docs-java{}) $(genDir)/",
java_genrule {
name: "ds-docs-switched",
tools: [
srcs: [
out: [""],
dist: {
targets: ["docs"],
cmd: "unzip -q $(location :ds-docs-java{}) -d $(genDir) && " +
"unzip -q $(location :ds-docs-kt{}) -d $(genDir)/en/reference/kotlin && " +
"SWITCHER=$$(cd $$(dirname $(location switcher4)) && pwd)/$$(basename $(location switcher4)) && " +
"(cd $(genDir)/en/reference && $$SWITCHER --work platform) > /dev/null && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir) -D $(genDir)",
droiddoc {
name: "ds-static-docs",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc online",
flags: [
"-toroot /",
droiddoc {
name: "ds-ref-navtree-docs",
defaults: ["framework-docs-default"],
srcs: [
hdf: [
"android.whichdoc online",
flags: [
"-toroot /",