blob: 6a1ee3a3c623ddb8ea35375586a3d0baa0f0a795 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
flag {
name: "new_status_bar_icons"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enable new status bar system icons"
bug: "314812750"
flag {
name: "enable_cached_bluetooth_device_dedup"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Enable dedup in CachedBluetoothDevice"
bug: "319197962"
metadata {
flag {
name: "bluetooth_qs_tile_dialog_auto_on_toggle"
namespace: "bluetooth"
description: "Displays the auto on toggle in the bluetooth QS tile dialog"
bug: "316985153"
flag {
name: "legacy_le_audio_sharing"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates the legacy le audio sharing UI."
bug: "322295262"
flag {
name: "enable_le_audio_sharing"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates whether to enable LE audio sharing"
bug: "305620450"
flag {
name: "enable_le_audio_qr_code_private_broadcast_sharing"
namespace: "pixel_cross_device_control"
description: "Gates whether to enable LE audio private broadcast sharing via QR code"
bug: "308368124"