| page.title=Set up Managed Configurations |
| page.metaDescription=Learn how to implement managed configurations that can be changed by other apps on the same device. |
| page.image=images/work/cards/briefcase_600px.png |
| |
| @jd:body |
| |
| <div id="qv-wrapper"> |
| <div id="qv"> |
| <h2>In this document</h2> |
| <ol> |
| <li><a href="#define-configuration">Define Managed Configurations</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#check-configuration">Check Managed Configurations</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#listen-configuration">Listen for Managed Configuration Changes</a></li> |
| </ol> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <p> |
| If you are developing apps for the enterprise market, you may need |
| to satisfy particular requirements set by a company's policies. |
| Managed configurations, previously known as <em>application restrictions</em>, |
| allow the enterprise administrator to remotely specify settings for |
| apps. This capability is particularly useful for enterprise-approved |
| apps deployed to a managed profile. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>For example, an enterprise might require that approved apps allow the |
| enterprise administrator to:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Whitelist or blacklist URLs for a web browser</li> |
| <li>Configure whether an app is allowed to sync content via cellular, or just |
| by Wi-Fi</li> |
| <li>Configure the app's email settings</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| This guide shows how to implement these configuration settings in your app. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> For historical reasons, these configuration settings are known as |
| <em>restrictions,</em> and are implemented with files and classes that use this |
| term (such as {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}). However, these |
| restrictions can actually implement a wide range of configuration options, |
| not just restrictions on app functionality. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id="overview"> |
| Remote Configuration Overview |
| </h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Apps define the managed configuration options that can be remotely |
| set by an administrator. These are arbitrary settings that can be |
| changed by a managed configuration provider. If your app is running on an |
| enterprise device's managed profile, the enterprise administrator |
| can change your app's managed configuration. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The managed configurations provider is another app running on the same device. |
| This app is typically controlled by the enterprise administrator. The |
| enterprise administrator communicates configuration changes to the managed |
| configuration provider app. That app, in turn, changes the configurations on your app. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| To provide externally managed configurations: |
| </p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Declare the managed configurations in your app manifest. Doing |
| so allows the enterprise administrator to read the app's |
| configurations through Google Play APIs. |
| </li> |
| |
| <li>Whenever the app resumes, use the {@link |
| android.content.RestrictionsManager} object to check the current |
| managed configurations, and change your app's UI and behavior to |
| conform with those configurations. |
| </li> |
| |
| <li>Listen for the |
| ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent. When you receive this |
| broadcast, check the {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager} to see what |
| the current managed configurations are, and make any necessary changes to your |
| app's behavior. |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h2 id="define-configuration"> |
| Define Managed Configurations |
| </h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Your app can support any managed configuration you want to define. You declare the |
| app's managed configurations in a <em>managed configurations file</em>, and declare the |
| configurations file in the manifest. Creating a configurations file allows other |
| apps to examine the managed configurations your app provides. Enterprise Mobility |
| Management (EMM) partners can read your app's configurations by using Google |
| Play APIs. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| To define your app's remote configuration options, put the following element |
| in your manifest's |
| <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html"> |
| <code><application></code></a> element: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre><meta-data android:name="android.content.APP_RESTRICTIONS" |
| android:resource="@xml/app_restrictions" /> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| Create a file named <code>app_restrictions.xml</code> in your app's |
| <code>res/xml</code> directory. The structure of that file is described in |
| the reference for {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}. The file has a |
| single top-level <code><restrictions></code> element, which contains |
| one <code><restriction></code> child element for every configuration |
| option the app has. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> Do not create localized versions of the |
| managed configuration file. Your app is only allowed to have a |
| single managed configurations file, so configurations will be |
| consistent for your app in all locales. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| In an enterprise environment, an EMM will typically use the managed |
| configuration schema to generate a remote console for IT |
| administrators, so the administrators can remotely configure your |
| application. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| For example, suppose your app can be remotely configured to allow or forbid |
| it to download data over a cellular connection. Your app could have a |
| <code><restriction></code> element like this: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <restrictions xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > |
| |
| <restriction |
| android:key="downloadOnCellular" |
| android:title="@string/download_on_cell_title" |
| android:restrictionType="bool" |
| android:description="@string/download_on_cell_description" |
| android:defaultValue="true" /> |
| |
| </restrictions> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| The supported types for the <code>android:restrictionType</code> element are |
| documented in the reference for {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| You use each configuration's <code>android:key</code> attribute to |
| read its value from a managed configuration bundle. For this reason, |
| each configuration must have a unique key string, and the string |
| <em>cannot</em> be localized. It must be specified with a string literal. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> In a production app, <code>android:title</code> and |
| <code>android:description</code> should be drawn from a localized resource |
| file, as described in <a href= |
| "{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/localization.html">Localizing with |
| Resources</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The managed configuration provider can query the app to find details |
| on the app's available configurations, including their description |
| text. Configurations providers and enterprise administrators can |
| change your app's managed configurations at any time, even when the |
| app is not running. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id="check-configuration"> |
| Check Managed Configurations |
| </h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Your app is not automatically notified when other apps change its |
| configuration settings. Instead, you need to check what the managed |
| configurations are when your app starts or resumes, and listen for a |
| system intent to find out if the configurations change while your |
| app is running. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| To find out the current configuration settings, your app uses a |
| {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager} object. Your app should |
| check for the current managed configurations at the following times: |
| </p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>When the app starts or resumes, in its |
| {@link android.app.Activity#onResume onResume()} method |
| </li> |
| |
| <li>When the app is notified of a configuration change, as described in |
| <a href="#listen-configuration">Listen for Managed Configuration |
| Changes</a> |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| To get a {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager} object, get the current |
| activity with {@link android.app.Fragment#getActivity getActivity()}, then |
| call that activity's {@link android.app.Activity#getSystemService |
| Activity.getSystemService()} method: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre>RestrictionsManager myRestrictionsMgr = |
| (RestrictionsManager) getActivity() |
| .getSystemService(Context.RESTRICTIONS_SERVICE);</pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| Once you have a {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager}, you can get the |
| current configuration settings by calling its |
| {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions |
| getApplicationRestrictions()} method: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre>Bundle appRestrictions = myRestrictionsMgr.getApplicationRestrictions();</pre> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> For convenience, you can also fetch the current |
| configurations with a {@link android.os.UserManager}, by calling |
| {@link android.os.UserManager#getApplicationRestrictions |
| UserManager.getApplicationRestrictions()}. This method behaves exactly the |
| same as {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions |
| RestrictionsManager.getApplicationRestrictions()}. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions |
| getApplicationRestrictions()} method requires reading from data storage, so |
| it should be done sparingly. Do not call this method every time you need to |
| know the current configuration. Instead, you should call it once when your app |
| starts or resumes, and cache the fetched managed configurations bundle. Then listen |
| for the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED |
| ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent to find out if the configuration |
| change while your app is active, as described in |
| <a href="#listen-configuration">Listen for Managed Configuration Changes</a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="read-configurations"> |
| Reading and applying managed configurations |
| </h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| The {@link android.content.RestrictionsManager#getApplicationRestrictions |
| getApplicationRestrictions()} method returns a {@link android.os.Bundle} |
| containing a key-value pair for each configuration that has been set. The |
| values are all of type <code>Boolean</code>, <code>int</code>, |
| <code>String</code>, and <code>String[]</code>. Once you have the |
| managed configurations {@link android.os.Bundle}, you can check the current |
| configuration settings with the standard {@link android.os.Bundle} methods for |
| those data types, such as {@link android.os.Bundle#getBoolean getBoolean()} |
| or |
| {@link android.os.Bundle#getString getString()}. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> The managed configurations {@link android.os.Bundle} |
| contains one item for every configuration that has been explicitly set by a |
| managed configurations provider. However, you <em>cannot</em> assume that a |
| configuration will be present in the bundle just because you defined a default |
| value in the managed configurations XML file. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| It is up to your app to take appropriate action based on the current |
| managed configuration settings. For example, if your app has a |
| configuration specifying whether it can download data over a |
| cellular connection, and you find that the configuration is set to |
| <code>false</code>, you would have to disable data download except when |
| the device has a Wi-Fi connection, as shown in the following example code: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| boolean appCanUseCellular; |
| |
| if appRestrictions.containsKey("downloadOnCellular") { |
| appCanUseCellular = appRestrictions.getBoolean("downloadOnCellular"); |
| } else { |
| // here, cellularDefault is a boolean set with the restriction's |
| // default value |
| appCanUseCellular = cellularDefault; |
| } |
| |
| if (!appCanUseCellular) { |
| // ...turn off app's cellular-download functionality |
| // ...show appropriate notices to user |
| }</pre> |
| |
| <h2 id="listen-configuration"> |
| Listen for Managed Configuration Changes |
| </h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Whenever an app's managed configurations are changed, the system fires the |
| ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent. Your app has to listen for |
| this intent so you can change the app's behavior when the configuration settings |
| change.</p> |
| |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> The {@link |
| ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED} intent is sent only to listeners |
| that are dynamically registered, <em>not</em> to listeners that are declared |
| in the app manifest. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The following code shows how to dynamically register a broadcast receiver for |
| this intent: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre>IntentFilter restrictionsFilter = |
| |
| BroadcastReceiver restrictionsReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { |
| @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { |
| |
| // Get the current configuration bundle |
| Bundle appRestrictions = myRestrictionsMgr.getApplicationRestrictions(); |
| |
| // Check current configuration settings, change your app's UI and |
| // functionality as necessary. |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| registerReceiver(restrictionsReceiver, restrictionsFilter); |
| </pre> |
| <p class="note"> |
| <strong>Note:</strong> Ordinarily, your app does not need to be notified |
| about configuration changes when it is paused. Instead, you should unregister |
| your broadcast receiver when the app is paused. When the app resumes, you |
| first check for the current managed configurations (as discussed in |
| <a href="#check-configuration">Check Managed Configurations</a>), then register |
| your broadcast receiver to make sure you're notified about configuration changes |
| that happen while the app is active. |
| </p> |