blob: fb2213cdad57f291f2e5124bfbc4bf53cccbfe04 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import collections
import glob
from os import path
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from fontTools import ttLib
'de': 'Latn',
'en': 'Latn',
'es': 'Latn',
'eu': 'Latn',
'ja': 'Jpan',
'ko': 'Kore',
'hu': 'Latn',
'hy': 'Armn',
'nb': 'Latn',
'nn': 'Latn',
'pt': 'Latn',
def lang_to_script(lang_code):
lang = lang_code.lower()
while lang not in LANG_TO_SCRIPT:
hyphen_idx = lang.rfind('-')
assert hyphen_idx != -1, (
'We do not know what script the "%s" language is written in.'
% lang_code)
assumed_script = lang[hyphen_idx+1:]
if len(assumed_script) == 4 and assumed_script.isalpha():
# This is actually the script
return assumed_script.title()
lang = lang[:hyphen_idx]
return LANG_TO_SCRIPT[lang]
def get_best_cmap(font):
font_file, index = font
font_path = path.join(_fonts_dir, font_file)
if index is not None:
ttfont = ttLib.TTFont(font_path, fontNumber=index)
ttfont = ttLib.TTFont(font_path)
all_unicode_cmap = None
bmp_cmap = None
for cmap in ttfont['cmap'].tables:
specifier = (cmap.format, cmap.platformID, cmap.platEncID)
if specifier == (4, 3, 1):
assert bmp_cmap is None, 'More than one BMP cmap in %s' % (font, )
bmp_cmap = cmap
elif specifier == (12, 3, 10):
assert all_unicode_cmap is None, (
'More than one UCS-4 cmap in %s' % (font, ))
all_unicode_cmap = cmap
return all_unicode_cmap.cmap if all_unicode_cmap else bmp_cmap.cmap
def assert_font_supports_any_of_chars(font, chars):
best_cmap = get_best_cmap(font)
for char in chars:
if char in best_cmap:
sys.exit('None of characters in %s were found in %s' % (chars, font))
def check_hyphens(hyphens_dir):
# Find all the scripts that need automatic hyphenation
scripts = set()
for hyb_file in glob.iglob(path.join(hyphens_dir, '*.hyb')):
hyb_file = path.basename(hyb_file)
assert hyb_file.startswith('hyph-'), (
'Unknown hyphenation file %s' % hyb_file)
lang_code = hyb_file[hyb_file.index('-')+1:hyb_file.index('.')]
HYPHENS = {0x002D, 0x2010}
for script in scripts:
fonts = _script_to_font_map[script]
assert fonts, 'No fonts found for the "%s" script' % script
for font in fonts:
assert_font_supports_any_of_chars(font, HYPHENS)
def parse_fonts_xml(fonts_xml_path):
global _script_to_font_map, _fallback_chain
_script_to_font_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
_fallback_chain = []
tree = ElementTree.parse(fonts_xml_path)
for family in tree.findall('family'):
name = family.get('name')
variant = family.get('variant')
langs = family.get('lang')
if name:
assert variant is None, (
'No variant expected for LGC font %s.' % name)
assert langs is None, (
'No language expected for LGC fonts %s.' % name)
assert variant in {None, 'elegant', 'compact'}, (
'Unexpected value for variant: %s' % variant)
if langs:
langs = langs.split()
scripts = {lang_to_script(lang) for lang in langs}
scripts = set()
for child in family:
assert child.tag == 'font', (
'Unknown tag <%s>' % child.tag)
font_file = child.text
weight = int(child.get('weight'))
assert weight % 100 == 0, (
'Font weight "%d" is not a multiple of 100.' % weight)
style = child.get('style')
assert style in {'normal', 'italic'}, (
'Unknown style "%s"' % style)
index = child.get('index')
if index:
index = int(index)
(font_file, index)))
if name: # non-empty names are used for default LGC fonts
map_scripts = {'Latn', 'Grek', 'Cyrl'}
map_scripts = scripts
for script in map_scripts:
_script_to_font_map[script].add((font_file, index))
def main():
target_out = sys.argv[1]
global _fonts_dir
_fonts_dir = path.join(target_out, 'fonts')
fonts_xml_path = path.join(target_out, 'etc', 'fonts.xml')
hyphens_dir = path.join(target_out, 'usr', 'hyphen-data')
if __name__ == '__main__':