| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> |
| <string name="app_name">CredentialManager</string> |
| <string name="string_cancel">Cancel</string> |
| <string name="string_continue">Continue</string> |
| <string name="string_more_options">More options</string> |
| <string name="string_create_in_another_place">Create in another place</string> |
| <string name="string_save_to_another_place">Save to another place</string> |
| <string name="string_no_thanks">No thanks</string> |
| <string name="passkey_creation_intro_title">A simple way to sign in safely</string> |
| <string name="passkey_creation_intro_body">Use your fingerprint, face or screen lock to sign in with a unique passkey that can’t be forgotten or stolen. Learn more</string> |
| <string name="choose_provider_title">Choose your default provider</string> |
| <string name="choose_provider_body">This provider will store passkeys and passwords for you and help you easily autofill and sign in. Learn more</string> |
| <string name="choose_create_option_passkey_title">Create a passkey in <xliff:g id="providerInfoDisplayName">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| <string name="choose_create_option_password_title">Save your password to <xliff:g id="providerInfoDisplayName">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| <string name="choose_create_option_sign_in_title">Save your sign-in info to <xliff:g id="providerInfoDisplayName">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| <string name="choose_sign_in_title">Use saved sign in</string> |
| <string name="create_passkey_in">Create passkey in</string> |
| <string name="save_password_to">Save password to</string> |
| <string name="save_sign_in_to">Save sign-in to</string> |
| <string name="use_provider_for_all_title">Use <xliff:g id="providerInfoDisplayName">%1$s</xliff:g> for all your sign-ins?</string> |
| <string name="set_as_default">Set as default</string> |
| <string name="use_once">Use once</string> |
| <string name="choose_create_option_description">You can use your <xliff:g id="appDomainName">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="type">%2$s</xliff:g> on any device. It is saved to <xliff:g id="providerInfoDisplayName">%3$s</xliff:g> for <xliff:g id="createInfoDisplayName">%4$s</xliff:g></string> |
| <string name="more_options_usage_passwords_passkeys"><xliff:g id="passwordsNumber">%1$s</xliff:g> passwords, <xliff:g id="passkeysNumber">%2$s</xliff:g> passkeys</string> |
| <string name="more_options_usage_passwords"><xliff:g id="passwordsNumber">%1$s</xliff:g> passwords</string> |
| <string name="more_options_usage_passkeys"><xliff:g id="passkeysNumber">%1$s</xliff:g> passkeys</string> |
| <string name="passkey">passkey</string> |
| <string name="password">password</string> |
| <string name="sign_ins">sign-ins</string> |
| <string name="another_device">Another device</string> |
| <string name="other_password_manager">Other password manager</string> |
| <!-- TODO: Check the wording here. --> |
| <string name="confirm_default_or_use_once_description">This password manager will store your passwords and passkeys to help you easily sign in.</string> |
| <!-- Spoken content description of an element which will close the sheet when clicked. --> |
| <string name="close_sheet">"Close sheet"</string> |
| <!-- Spoken content description of the back arrow button. --> |
| <string name="accessibility_back_arrow_button">"Go back to the previous page"</string> |
| |
| <!-- Strings for the get flow. --> |
| <!-- This appears as the title of the modal bottom sheet asking for user confirmation to use the single previously saved passkey to sign in to the app. [CHAR LIMIT=200] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_title_use_passkey_for">Use your saved passkey for <xliff:g id="app_name" example="YouTube">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| <!-- This appears as the title of the dialog asking for user confirmation to use the single previously saved credential to sign in to the app. [CHAR LIMIT=200] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_title_use_sign_in_for">Use your saved sign-in for <xliff:g id="app_name" example="YouTube">%1$s</xliff:g>?</string> |
| <!-- This appears as the title of the dialog asking for user to make a choice from various previously saved credentials to sign in to the app. [CHAR LIMIT=200] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_title_choose_sign_in_for">Choose a saved sign-in for <xliff:g id="app_name" example="YouTube">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| <!-- Appears as an option row for viewing all the available sign-in options. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_use_saved_passkey_for">Sign in another way</string> |
| <!-- Button label to close the dialog when the user does not want to use any sign-in. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_button_label_no_thanks">No thanks</string> |
| <!-- Button label to continue with the selected sign-in. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_button_label_continue">Continue</string> |
| <!-- Separator for sign-in type and username in a sign-in entry. --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_sign_in_type_username_separator" translatable="false">" - "</string> |
| <!-- Modal bottom sheet title for displaying all the available sign-in options. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_title_sign_in_options">Sign-in options</string> |
| <!-- Column heading for displaying sign-ins for a specific username. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_heading_for_username">For <xliff:g id="username" example="[email protected]">%1$s</xliff:g></string> |
| <!-- Column heading for displaying locked (that is, the user needs to first authenticate via pin, fingerprint, faceId, etc.) sign-ins. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_heading_locked_password_managers">Locked password managers</string> |
| <!-- Explanatory sub/body text for an option entry to use a locked (that is, the user needs to first authenticate via pin, fingerprint, faceId, etc.) sign-in. [CHAR LIMIT=120] --> |
| <string name="locked_credential_entry_label_subtext">Tap to unlock</string> |
| <!-- Column heading for displaying action chips for managing sign-ins from each credential provider. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_heading_manage_sign_ins">Manage sign-ins</string> |
| <!-- Column heading for displaying option to use sign-ins saved on a different device. [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_heading_from_another_device">From another device</string> |
| <!-- Headline text for an option to use sign-ins saved on a different device. [CHAR LIMIT=120] --> |
| <string name="get_dialog_option_headline_use_a_different_device">Use a different device</string> |
| </resources> |