blob: 1bc50bd409a2917c488cefda547a6e6a20b21dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_base_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
// SPDX-license-identifier-MIT
// SPDX-license-identifier-Unicode-DFS
default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_base_license"],
python_defaults {
name: "python3_version_defaults",
version: {
py2: {
enabled: false,
py3: {
enabled: true,
embedded_launcher: false,
python_binary_host {
name: "api_versions_trimmer",
srcs: [""],
defaults: ["python3_version_defaults"],
python_test_host {
name: "api_versions_trimmer_unittests",
main: "",
srcs: [
defaults: ["python3_version_defaults"],
test_options: {
unit_test: true,
python_binary_host {
name: "merge_annotation_zips",
srcs: [""],
defaults: ["python3_version_defaults"],
python_test_host {
name: "merge_annotation_zips_test",
main: "",
srcs: [
defaults: ["python3_version_defaults"],
test_options: {
unit_test: true,
metalava_cmd = "$(location metalava)"
// Silence reflection warnings. See b/168689341
metalava_cmd += " -J--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED "
metalava_cmd += " --quiet --no-banner --format=v2 "
genrule {
name: "current-api-xml",
tools: ["metalava"],
srcs: [":frameworks-base-api-current.txt"],
out: ["current.api"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "-convert2xmlnostrip $(in) $(out)",
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-current.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["current.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "current.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/public/api",
dest: "android.txt",
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.public.latest) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.public.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-current.srcjar",
srcs: [
out: ["current.srcjar"],
tools: ["merge_zips"],
cmd: "$(location merge_zips) $(out) $(in)",
visibility: ["//visibility:private"], // Used by make module in //development, mind.
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-removed.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["removed.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "removed.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/public/api",
dest: "removed.txt",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["system-current.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "system-current.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/system/api",
dest: "android.txt",
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.system.latest) " +
"--check-compatibility:base $(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.system.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-removed.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["system-removed.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "system-removed.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/system/api",
dest: "removed.txt",
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["module-lib-current.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "module-lib-current.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/module-lib/api",
dest: "android.txt",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.module-lib.latest) " +
// Note: having "public" be the base of module-lib is not perfect -- it should
// ideally be a merged public+system), but this will help when migrating from
// MODULE_LIBS -> public.
"--check-compatibility:base $(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.module-lib.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-removed.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["module-lib-removed.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "module-lib-removed.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/module-lib/api",
dest: "removed.txt",
genrule {
name: "combined-removed-dex",
visibility: [
srcs: [
tool_files: [""],
tools: ["metalava"],
out: ["combined-removed-dex.txt"],
cmd: "$(location $(location metalava) $(genDir) $(in) > $(out)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-server-current.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["system-server-current.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "system-server-current.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/system-server/api",
dest: "android.txt",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-server-removed.txt",
srcs: [
out: ["system-server-removed.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd + "$(in) --api $(out)",
dists: [
targets: ["droidcore"],
dir: "api",
dest: "system-server-removed.txt",
targets: [
dir: "apistubs/android/system-server/api",
dest: "removed.txt",
// This rule will filter classes present in the jar files of mainline modules
// from the lint database in api-versions.xml.
// This is done to reduce the number of false positive NewApi findings in
// java libraries that compile against the module SDK
genrule {
name: "api-versions-xml-public-filtered",
srcs: [
// Note: order matters: first parameter is the full api-versions.xml
// after that the stubs files in any order
// stubs files are all modules that export API surfaces EXCEPT ART
out: ["api-versions-public-filtered.xml"],
tools: ["api_versions_trimmer"],
cmd: "$(location api_versions_trimmer) $(out) $(in)",
dist: {
targets: [