| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package android.media; |
| |
| import org.xml.sax.Attributes; |
| import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; |
| import org.xml.sax.SAXException; |
| |
| import android.content.ContentUris; |
| import android.content.ContentValues; |
| import android.content.Context; |
| import android.content.IContentProvider; |
| import android.database.Cursor; |
| import android.database.SQLException; |
| import android.drm.DrmManagerClient; |
| import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; |
| import android.mtp.MtpConstants; |
| import android.net.Uri; |
| import android.os.Environment; |
| import android.os.Process; |
| import android.os.RemoteException; |
| import android.os.SystemProperties; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore; |
| import android.provider.Settings; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Audio; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Files; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Images; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Video; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Genres; |
| import android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Playlists; |
| import android.sax.Element; |
| import android.sax.ElementListener; |
| import android.sax.RootElement; |
| import android.text.TextUtils; |
| import android.util.Config; |
| import android.util.Log; |
| import android.util.Xml; |
| |
| import java.io.BufferedReader; |
| import java.io.File; |
| import java.io.FileDescriptor; |
| import java.io.FileInputStream; |
| import java.io.IOException; |
| import java.io.InputStreamReader; |
| import java.util.ArrayList; |
| import java.util.HashMap; |
| import java.util.HashSet; |
| import java.util.Iterator; |
| |
| /** |
| * Internal service helper that no-one should use directly. |
| * |
| * The way the scan currently works is: |
| * - The Java MediaScannerService creates a MediaScanner (this class), and calls |
| * MediaScanner.scanDirectories on it. |
| * - scanDirectories() calls the native processDirectory() for each of the specified directories. |
| * - the processDirectory() JNI method wraps the provided mediascanner client in a native |
| * 'MyMediaScannerClient' class, then calls processDirectory() on the native MediaScanner |
| * object (which got created when the Java MediaScanner was created). |
| * - native MediaScanner.processDirectory() (currently part of opencore) calls |
| * doProcessDirectory(), which recurses over the folder, and calls |
| * native MyMediaScannerClient.scanFile() for every file whose extension matches. |
| * - native MyMediaScannerClient.scanFile() calls back on Java MediaScannerClient.scanFile, |
| * which calls doScanFile, which after some setup calls back down to native code, calling |
| * MediaScanner.processFile(). |
| * - MediaScanner.processFile() calls one of several methods, depending on the type of the |
| * file: parseMP3, parseMP4, parseMidi, parseOgg or parseWMA. |
| * - each of these methods gets metadata key/value pairs from the file, and repeatedly |
| * calls native MyMediaScannerClient.handleStringTag, which calls back up to its Java |
| * counterparts in this file. |
| * - Java handleStringTag() gathers the key/value pairs that it's interested in. |
| * - once processFile returns and we're back in Java code in doScanFile(), it calls |
| * Java MyMediaScannerClient.endFile(), which takes all the data that's been |
| * gathered and inserts an entry in to the database. |
| * |
| * In summary: |
| * Java MediaScannerService calls |
| * Java MediaScanner scanDirectories, which calls |
| * Java MediaScanner processDirectory (native method), which calls |
| * native MediaScanner processDirectory, which calls |
| * native MyMediaScannerClient scanFile, which calls |
| * Java MyMediaScannerClient scanFile, which calls |
| * Java MediaScannerClient doScanFile, which calls |
| * Java MediaScanner processFile (native method), which calls |
| * native MediaScanner processFile, which calls |
| * native parseMP3, parseMP4, parseMidi, parseOgg or parseWMA, which calls |
| * native MyMediaScanner handleStringTag, which calls |
| * Java MyMediaScanner handleStringTag. |
| * Once MediaScanner processFile returns, an entry is inserted in to the database. |
| * |
| * {@hide} |
| */ |
| public class MediaScanner |
| { |
| static { |
| System.loadLibrary("media_jni"); |
| native_init(); |
| } |
| |
| private final static String TAG = "MediaScanner"; |
| |
| private static final String[] FILES_PRESCAN_PROJECTION = new String[] { |
| Files.FileColumns._ID, // 0 |
| Files.FileColumns.DATA, // 1 |
| Files.FileColumns.FORMAT, // 2 |
| Files.FileColumns.DATE_MODIFIED, // 3 |
| }; |
| |
| private static final String[] ID_PROJECTION = new String[] { |
| Files.FileColumns._ID, |
| }; |
| |
| private static final int FILES_PRESCAN_ID_COLUMN_INDEX = 0; |
| private static final int FILES_PRESCAN_PATH_COLUMN_INDEX = 1; |
| private static final int FILES_PRESCAN_FORMAT_COLUMN_INDEX = 2; |
| private static final int FILES_PRESCAN_DATE_MODIFIED_COLUMN_INDEX = 3; |
| |
| private static final String[] PLAYLIST_MEMBERS_PROJECTION = new String[] { |
| Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAYLIST_ID, // 0 |
| }; |
| |
| private static final int ID_PLAYLISTS_COLUMN_INDEX = 0; |
| private static final int PATH_PLAYLISTS_COLUMN_INDEX = 1; |
| private static final int DATE_MODIFIED_PLAYLISTS_COLUMN_INDEX = 2; |
| |
| private static final String[] GENRE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION = new String[] { |
| Audio.Genres._ID, // 0 |
| Audio.Genres.NAME, // 1 |
| }; |
| |
| private static final String RINGTONES_DIR = "/ringtones/"; |
| private static final String NOTIFICATIONS_DIR = "/notifications/"; |
| private static final String ALARMS_DIR = "/alarms/"; |
| private static final String MUSIC_DIR = "/music/"; |
| private static final String PODCAST_DIR = "/podcasts/"; |
| |
| private static final String[] ID3_GENRES = { |
| // ID3v1 Genres |
| "Blues", |
| "Classic Rock", |
| "Country", |
| "Dance", |
| "Disco", |
| "Funk", |
| "Grunge", |
| "Hip-Hop", |
| "Jazz", |
| "Metal", |
| "New Age", |
| "Oldies", |
| "Other", |
| "Pop", |
| "R&B", |
| "Rap", |
| "Reggae", |
| "Rock", |
| "Techno", |
| "Industrial", |
| "Alternative", |
| "Ska", |
| "Death Metal", |
| "Pranks", |
| "Soundtrack", |
| "Euro-Techno", |
| "Ambient", |
| "Trip-Hop", |
| "Vocal", |
| "Jazz+Funk", |
| "Fusion", |
| "Trance", |
| "Classical", |
| "Instrumental", |
| "Acid", |
| "House", |
| "Game", |
| "Sound Clip", |
| "Gospel", |
| "Noise", |
| "AlternRock", |
| "Bass", |
| "Soul", |
| "Punk", |
| "Space", |
| "Meditative", |
| "Instrumental Pop", |
| "Instrumental Rock", |
| "Ethnic", |
| "Gothic", |
| "Darkwave", |
| "Techno-Industrial", |
| "Electronic", |
| "Pop-Folk", |
| "Eurodance", |
| "Dream", |
| "Southern Rock", |
| "Comedy", |
| "Cult", |
| "Gangsta", |
| "Top 40", |
| "Christian Rap", |
| "Pop/Funk", |
| "Jungle", |
| "Native American", |
| "Cabaret", |
| "New Wave", |
| "Psychadelic", |
| "Rave", |
| "Showtunes", |
| "Trailer", |
| "Lo-Fi", |
| "Tribal", |
| "Acid Punk", |
| "Acid Jazz", |
| "Polka", |
| "Retro", |
| "Musical", |
| "Rock & Roll", |
| "Hard Rock", |
| // The following genres are Winamp extensions |
| "Folk", |
| "Folk-Rock", |
| "National Folk", |
| "Swing", |
| "Fast Fusion", |
| "Bebob", |
| "Latin", |
| "Revival", |
| "Celtic", |
| "Bluegrass", |
| "Avantgarde", |
| "Gothic Rock", |
| "Progressive Rock", |
| "Psychedelic Rock", |
| "Symphonic Rock", |
| "Slow Rock", |
| "Big Band", |
| "Chorus", |
| "Easy Listening", |
| "Acoustic", |
| "Humour", |
| "Speech", |
| "Chanson", |
| "Opera", |
| "Chamber Music", |
| "Sonata", |
| "Symphony", |
| "Booty Bass", |
| "Primus", |
| "Porn Groove", |
| "Satire", |
| "Slow Jam", |
| "Club", |
| "Tango", |
| "Samba", |
| "Folklore", |
| "Ballad", |
| "Power Ballad", |
| "Rhythmic Soul", |
| "Freestyle", |
| "Duet", |
| "Punk Rock", |
| "Drum Solo", |
| "A capella", |
| "Euro-House", |
| "Dance Hall", |
| // The following ones seem to be fairly widely supported as well |
| "Goa", |
| "Drum & Bass", |
| "Club-House", |
| "Hardcore", |
| "Terror", |
| "Indie", |
| "Britpop", |
| "Negerpunk", |
| "Polsk Punk", |
| "Beat", |
| "Christian Gangsta", |
| "Heavy Metal", |
| "Black Metal", |
| "Crossover", |
| "Contemporary Christian", |
| "Christian Rock", |
| "Merengue", |
| "Salsa", |
| "Thrash Metal", |
| "Anime", |
| "JPop", |
| "Synthpop", |
| // 148 and up don't seem to have been defined yet. |
| }; |
| |
| private int mNativeContext; |
| private Context mContext; |
| private IContentProvider mMediaProvider; |
| private Uri mAudioUri; |
| private Uri mVideoUri; |
| private Uri mImagesUri; |
| private Uri mThumbsUri; |
| private Uri mGenresUri; |
| private Uri mPlaylistsUri; |
| private Uri mFilesUri; |
| private boolean mProcessPlaylists, mProcessGenres; |
| private int mMtpObjectHandle; |
| |
| private final String mExternalStoragePath; |
| |
| // used when scanning the image database so we know whether we have to prune |
| // old thumbnail files |
| private int mOriginalCount; |
| /** Whether the scanner has set a default sound for the ringer ringtone. */ |
| private boolean mDefaultRingtoneSet; |
| /** Whether the scanner has set a default sound for the notification ringtone. */ |
| private boolean mDefaultNotificationSet; |
| /** Whether the scanner has set a default sound for the alarm ringtone. */ |
| private boolean mDefaultAlarmSet; |
| /** The filename for the default sound for the ringer ringtone. */ |
| private String mDefaultRingtoneFilename; |
| /** The filename for the default sound for the notification ringtone. */ |
| private String mDefaultNotificationFilename; |
| /** The filename for the default sound for the alarm ringtone. */ |
| private String mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename; |
| /** |
| * The prefix for system properties that define the default sound for |
| * ringtones. Concatenate the name of the setting from Settings |
| * to get the full system property. |
| */ |
| private static final String DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "ro.config."; |
| |
| // set to true if file path comparisons should be case insensitive. |
| // this should be set when scanning files on a case insensitive file system. |
| private boolean mCaseInsensitivePaths; |
| |
| private BitmapFactory.Options mBitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); |
| |
| private static class FileCacheEntry { |
| Uri mTableUri; |
| long mRowId; |
| String mPath; |
| long mLastModified; |
| int mFormat; |
| boolean mSeenInFileSystem; |
| boolean mLastModifiedChanged; |
| |
| FileCacheEntry(Uri tableUri, long rowId, String path, long lastModified, int format) { |
| mTableUri = tableUri; |
| mRowId = rowId; |
| mPath = path; |
| mLastModified = lastModified; |
| mFormat = format; |
| mSeenInFileSystem = false; |
| mLastModifiedChanged = false; |
| } |
| |
| @Override |
| public String toString() { |
| return mPath + " mTableUri: " + mTableUri + " mRowId: " + mRowId; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // hashes file path to FileCacheEntry. |
| // path should be lower case if mCaseInsensitivePaths is true |
| private HashMap<String, FileCacheEntry> mFileCache; |
| |
| private ArrayList<FileCacheEntry> mPlayLists; |
| private HashMap<String, Uri> mGenreCache; |
| |
| private DrmManagerClient mDrmManagerClient = null; |
| |
| public MediaScanner(Context c) { |
| native_setup(); |
| mContext = c; |
| mBitmapOptions.inSampleSize = 1; |
| mBitmapOptions.inJustDecodeBounds = true; |
| |
| setDefaultRingtoneFileNames(); |
| |
| mExternalStoragePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); |
| } |
| |
| private void setDefaultRingtoneFileNames() { |
| mDefaultRingtoneFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX |
| + Settings.System.RINGTONE); |
| mDefaultNotificationFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX |
| + Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND); |
| mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_RINGTONE_PROPERTY_PREFIX |
| + Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT); |
| } |
| |
| private MyMediaScannerClient mClient = new MyMediaScannerClient(); |
| |
| private boolean isDrmEnabled() { |
| String prop = SystemProperties.get("drm.service.enabled"); |
| return prop != null && prop.equals("true"); |
| } |
| |
| private class MyMediaScannerClient implements MediaScannerClient { |
| |
| private String mArtist; |
| private String mAlbumArtist; // use this if mArtist is missing |
| private String mAlbum; |
| private String mTitle; |
| private String mComposer; |
| private String mGenre; |
| private String mMimeType; |
| private int mFileType; |
| private int mTrack; |
| private int mYear; |
| private int mDuration; |
| private String mPath; |
| private long mLastModified; |
| private long mFileSize; |
| private String mWriter; |
| private int mCompilation; |
| |
| public FileCacheEntry beginFile(String path, String mimeType, long lastModified, |
| long fileSize, boolean isDirectory) { |
| mMimeType = mimeType; |
| mFileType = 0; |
| mFileSize = fileSize; |
| |
| if (!isDirectory) { |
| // special case certain file names |
| // I use regionMatches() instead of substring() below |
| // to avoid memory allocation |
| int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); |
| if (lastSlash >= 0 && lastSlash + 2 < path.length()) { |
| // ignore those ._* files created by MacOS |
| if (path.regionMatches(lastSlash + 1, "._", 0, 2)) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // ignore album art files created by Windows Media Player: |
| // Folder.jpg, AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArt_{...}_Large.jpg |
| // and AlbumArt_{...}_Small.jpg |
| if (path.regionMatches(true, path.length() - 4, ".jpg", 0, 4)) { |
| if (path.regionMatches(true, lastSlash + 1, "AlbumArt_{", 0, 10) || |
| path.regionMatches(true, lastSlash + 1, "AlbumArt.", 0, 9)) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| int length = path.length() - lastSlash - 1; |
| if ((length == 17 && path.regionMatches( |
| true, lastSlash + 1, "AlbumArtSmall", 0, 13)) || |
| (length == 10 |
| && path.regionMatches(true, lastSlash + 1, "Folder", 0, 6))) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // try mimeType first, if it is specified |
| if (mimeType != null) { |
| mFileType = MediaFile.getFileTypeForMimeType(mimeType); |
| } |
| |
| // if mimeType was not specified, compute file type based on file extension. |
| if (mFileType == 0) { |
| MediaFile.MediaFileType mediaFileType = MediaFile.getFileType(path); |
| if (mediaFileType != null) { |
| mFileType = mediaFileType.fileType; |
| if (mMimeType == null) { |
| mMimeType = mediaFileType.mimeType; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isDrmEnabled() && MediaFile.isDrmFileType(mFileType)) { |
| mFileType = getFileTypeFromDrm(path); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String key = path; |
| if (mCaseInsensitivePaths) { |
| key = path.toLowerCase(); |
| } |
| FileCacheEntry entry = mFileCache.get(key); |
| // add some slack to avoid a rounding error |
| long delta = (entry != null) ? (lastModified - entry.mLastModified) : 0; |
| boolean wasModified = delta > 1 || delta < -1; |
| if (entry == null || wasModified) { |
| Uri tableUri; |
| if (isDirectory) { |
| tableUri = mFilesUri; |
| } else if (MediaFile.isVideoFileType(mFileType)) { |
| tableUri = mVideoUri; |
| } else if (MediaFile.isImageFileType(mFileType)) { |
| tableUri = mImagesUri; |
| } else if (MediaFile.isAudioFileType(mFileType)) { |
| tableUri = mAudioUri; |
| } else { |
| tableUri = mFilesUri; |
| } |
| if (wasModified) { |
| entry.mLastModified = lastModified; |
| entry.mTableUri = tableUri; |
| } else { |
| entry = new FileCacheEntry(tableUri, 0, path, lastModified, |
| (isDirectory ? MtpConstants.FORMAT_ASSOCIATION : 0)); |
| mFileCache.put(key, entry); |
| } |
| entry.mLastModifiedChanged = true; |
| } |
| entry.mSeenInFileSystem = true; |
| |
| if (mProcessPlaylists && MediaFile.isPlayListFileType(mFileType)) { |
| mPlayLists.add(entry); |
| // we don't process playlists in the main scan, so return null |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // clear all the metadata |
| mArtist = null; |
| mAlbumArtist = null; |
| mAlbum = null; |
| mTitle = null; |
| mComposer = null; |
| mGenre = null; |
| mTrack = 0; |
| mYear = 0; |
| mDuration = 0; |
| mPath = path; |
| mLastModified = lastModified; |
| mWriter = null; |
| mCompilation = 0; |
| |
| return entry; |
| } |
| |
| public void scanFile(String path, long lastModified, long fileSize, boolean isDirectory) { |
| // This is the callback funtion from native codes. |
| // Log.v(TAG, "scanFile: "+path); |
| doScanFile(path, null, lastModified, fileSize, isDirectory, false); |
| } |
| |
| public Uri doScanFile(String path, String mimeType, long lastModified, |
| long fileSize, boolean isDirectory, boolean scanAlways) { |
| Uri result = null; |
| // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| try { |
| FileCacheEntry entry = beginFile(path, mimeType, lastModified, |
| fileSize, isDirectory); |
| // rescan for metadata if file was modified since last scan |
| if (entry != null && (entry.mLastModifiedChanged || scanAlways)) { |
| String lowpath = path.toLowerCase(); |
| boolean ringtones = (lowpath.indexOf(RINGTONES_DIR) > 0); |
| boolean notifications = (lowpath.indexOf(NOTIFICATIONS_DIR) > 0); |
| boolean alarms = (lowpath.indexOf(ALARMS_DIR) > 0); |
| boolean podcasts = (lowpath.indexOf(PODCAST_DIR) > 0); |
| boolean music = (lowpath.indexOf(MUSIC_DIR) > 0) || |
| (!ringtones && !notifications && !alarms && !podcasts); |
| |
| // we only extract metadata for audio and video files |
| if (MediaFile.isAudioFileType(mFileType) |
| || MediaFile.isVideoFileType(mFileType)) { |
| processFile(path, mimeType, this); |
| } |
| |
| result = endFile(entry, ringtones, notifications, alarms, music, podcasts); |
| } |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.scanFile()", e); |
| } |
| // long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| // Log.v(TAG, "scanFile: " + path + " took " + (t2-t1)); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private int parseSubstring(String s, int start, int defaultValue) { |
| int length = s.length(); |
| if (start == length) return defaultValue; |
| |
| char ch = s.charAt(start++); |
| // return defaultValue if we have no integer at all |
| if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return defaultValue; |
| |
| int result = ch - '0'; |
| while (start < length) { |
| ch = s.charAt(start++); |
| if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') return result; |
| result = result * 10 + (ch - '0'); |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| public void handleStringTag(String name, String value) { |
| if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("title") || name.startsWith("title;")) { |
| // Don't trim() here, to preserve the special \001 character |
| // used to force sorting. The media provider will trim() before |
| // inserting the title in to the database. |
| mTitle = value; |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("artist") || name.startsWith("artist;")) { |
| mArtist = value.trim(); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("albumartist") || name.startsWith("albumartist;") |
| || name.equalsIgnoreCase("band") || name.startsWith("band;")) { |
| mAlbumArtist = value.trim(); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("album") || name.startsWith("album;")) { |
| mAlbum = value.trim(); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("composer") || name.startsWith("composer;")) { |
| mComposer = value.trim(); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("genre") || name.startsWith("genre;")) { |
| mGenre = getGenreName(value); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("year") || name.startsWith("year;")) { |
| mYear = parseSubstring(value, 0, 0); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("tracknumber") || name.startsWith("tracknumber;")) { |
| // track number might be of the form "2/12" |
| // we just read the number before the slash |
| int num = parseSubstring(value, 0, 0); |
| mTrack = (mTrack / 1000) * 1000 + num; |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("discnumber") || |
| name.equals("set") || name.startsWith("set;")) { |
| // set number might be of the form "1/3" |
| // we just read the number before the slash |
| int num = parseSubstring(value, 0, 0); |
| mTrack = (num * 1000) + (mTrack % 1000); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("duration")) { |
| mDuration = parseSubstring(value, 0, 0); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("writer") || name.startsWith("writer;")) { |
| mWriter = value.trim(); |
| } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("compilation")) { |
| mCompilation = parseSubstring(value, 0, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public String getGenreName(String genreTagValue) { |
| |
| if (genreTagValue == null) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| final int length = genreTagValue.length(); |
| |
| if (length > 0 && genreTagValue.charAt(0) == '(') { |
| StringBuffer number = new StringBuffer(); |
| int i = 1; |
| for (; i < length - 1; ++i) { |
| char c = genreTagValue.charAt(i); |
| if (Character.isDigit(c)) { |
| number.append(c); |
| } else { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (genreTagValue.charAt(i) == ')') { |
| try { |
| short genreIndex = Short.parseShort(number.toString()); |
| if (genreIndex >= 0) { |
| if (genreIndex < ID3_GENRES.length) { |
| return ID3_GENRES[genreIndex]; |
| } else if (genreIndex == 0xFF) { |
| return null; |
| } else if (genreIndex < 0xFF && (i + 1) < length) { |
| // genre is valid but unknown, |
| // if there is a string after the value we take it |
| return genreTagValue.substring(i + 1); |
| } else { |
| // else return the number, without parentheses |
| return number.toString(); |
| } |
| } |
| } catch (NumberFormatException e) { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return genreTagValue; |
| } |
| |
| public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { |
| if ("audio/mp4".equals(mMimeType) && |
| mimeType.startsWith("video")) { |
| // for feature parity with Donut, we force m4a files to keep the |
| // audio/mp4 mimetype, even if they are really "enhanced podcasts" |
| // with a video track |
| return; |
| } |
| mMimeType = mimeType; |
| mFileType = MediaFile.getFileTypeForMimeType(mimeType); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Formats the data into a values array suitable for use with the Media |
| * Content Provider. |
| * |
| * @return a map of values |
| */ |
| private ContentValues toValues() { |
| ContentValues map = new ContentValues(); |
| |
| map.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA, mPath); |
| map.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, mTitle); |
| map.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_MODIFIED, mLastModified); |
| map.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.SIZE, mFileSize); |
| map.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE, mMimeType); |
| |
| if (MediaFile.isVideoFileType(mFileType)) { |
| map.put(Video.Media.ARTIST, (mArtist != null && mArtist.length() > 0 ? mArtist : MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING)); |
| map.put(Video.Media.ALBUM, (mAlbum != null && mAlbum.length() > 0 ? mAlbum : MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING)); |
| map.put(Video.Media.DURATION, mDuration); |
| } else if (MediaFile.isImageFileType(mFileType)) { |
| } else if (MediaFile.isAudioFileType(mFileType)) { |
| map.put(Audio.Media.ARTIST, (mArtist != null && mArtist.length() > 0) ? |
| mArtist : MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING); |
| map.put(Audio.Media.ALBUM_ARTIST, (mAlbumArtist != null && |
| mAlbumArtist.length() > 0) ? mAlbumArtist : null); |
| map.put(Audio.Media.ALBUM, (mAlbum != null && mAlbum.length() > 0) ? |
| mAlbum : MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING); |
| map.put(Audio.Media.COMPOSER, mComposer); |
| if (mYear != 0) { |
| map.put(Audio.Media.YEAR, mYear); |
| } |
| map.put(Audio.Media.TRACK, mTrack); |
| map.put(Audio.Media.DURATION, mDuration); |
| map.put(Audio.Media.COMPILATION, mCompilation); |
| } |
| return map; |
| } |
| |
| private Uri endFile(FileCacheEntry entry, boolean ringtones, boolean notifications, |
| boolean alarms, boolean music, boolean podcasts) |
| throws RemoteException { |
| // update database |
| |
| // use album artist if artist is missing |
| if (mArtist == null || mArtist.length() == 0) { |
| mArtist = mAlbumArtist; |
| } |
| |
| ContentValues values = toValues(); |
| String title = values.getAsString(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE); |
| if (title == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(title.trim())) { |
| title = MediaFile.getFileTitle(values.getAsString(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA)); |
| values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE, title); |
| } |
| String album = values.getAsString(Audio.Media.ALBUM); |
| if (MediaStore.UNKNOWN_STRING.equals(album)) { |
| album = values.getAsString(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA); |
| // extract last path segment before file name |
| int lastSlash = album.lastIndexOf('/'); |
| if (lastSlash >= 0) { |
| int previousSlash = 0; |
| while (true) { |
| int idx = album.indexOf('/', previousSlash + 1); |
| if (idx < 0 || idx >= lastSlash) { |
| break; |
| } |
| previousSlash = idx; |
| } |
| if (previousSlash != 0) { |
| album = album.substring(previousSlash + 1, lastSlash); |
| values.put(Audio.Media.ALBUM, album); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| long rowId = entry.mRowId; |
| if (MediaFile.isAudioFileType(mFileType) && (rowId == 0 || mMtpObjectHandle != 0)) { |
| // Only set these for new entries. For existing entries, they |
| // may have been modified later, and we want to keep the current |
| // values so that custom ringtones still show up in the ringtone |
| // picker. |
| values.put(Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE, ringtones); |
| values.put(Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION, notifications); |
| values.put(Audio.Media.IS_ALARM, alarms); |
| values.put(Audio.Media.IS_MUSIC, music); |
| values.put(Audio.Media.IS_PODCAST, podcasts); |
| } else if (mFileType == MediaFile.FILE_TYPE_JPEG) { |
| ExifInterface exif = null; |
| try { |
| exif = new ExifInterface(entry.mPath); |
| } catch (IOException ex) { |
| // exif is null |
| } |
| if (exif != null) { |
| float[] latlng = new float[2]; |
| if (exif.getLatLong(latlng)) { |
| values.put(Images.Media.LATITUDE, latlng[0]); |
| values.put(Images.Media.LONGITUDE, latlng[1]); |
| } |
| |
| long time = exif.getGpsDateTime(); |
| if (time != -1) { |
| values.put(Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, time); |
| } else { |
| // If no time zone information is available, we should consider using |
| // EXIF local time as taken time if the difference between file time |
| // and EXIF local time is not less than 1 Day, otherwise MediaProvider |
| // will use file time as taken time. |
| time = exif.getDateTime(); |
| if (Math.abs(mLastModified * 1000 - time) >= 86400000) { |
| values.put(Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, time); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt( |
| ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, -1); |
| if (orientation != -1) { |
| // We only recognize a subset of orientation tag values. |
| int degree; |
| switch(orientation) { |
| case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90: |
| degree = 90; |
| break; |
| case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180: |
| degree = 180; |
| break; |
| case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270: |
| degree = 270; |
| break; |
| default: |
| degree = 0; |
| break; |
| } |
| values.put(Images.Media.ORIENTATION, degree); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Uri tableUri = entry.mTableUri; |
| Uri result = null; |
| if (rowId == 0) { |
| if (mMtpObjectHandle != 0) { |
| values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MEDIA_SCANNER_NEW_OBJECT_ID, mMtpObjectHandle); |
| } |
| if (tableUri == mFilesUri) { |
| int format = entry.mFormat; |
| if (format == 0) { |
| format = MediaFile.getFormatCode(entry.mPath, mMimeType); |
| } |
| values.put(Files.FileColumns.FORMAT, format); |
| } |
| // new file, insert it |
| result = mMediaProvider.insert(tableUri, values); |
| if (result != null) { |
| rowId = ContentUris.parseId(result); |
| entry.mRowId = rowId; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // updated file |
| result = ContentUris.withAppendedId(tableUri, rowId); |
| // path should never change, and we want to avoid replacing mixed cased paths |
| // with squashed lower case paths |
| values.remove(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA); |
| mMediaProvider.update(result, values, null, null); |
| } |
| if (mProcessGenres && mGenre != null) { |
| String genre = mGenre; |
| Uri uri = mGenreCache.get(genre); |
| if (uri == null) { |
| Cursor cursor = null; |
| try { |
| // see if the genre already exists |
| cursor = mMediaProvider.query( |
| mGenresUri, |
| GENRE_LOOKUP_PROJECTION, MediaStore.Audio.Genres.NAME + "=?", |
| new String[] { genre }, null); |
| if (cursor == null || cursor.getCount() == 0) { |
| // genre does not exist, so create the genre in the genre table |
| values.clear(); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Genres.NAME, genre); |
| uri = mMediaProvider.insert(mGenresUri, values); |
| } else { |
| // genre already exists, so compute its Uri |
| cursor.moveToNext(); |
| uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(mGenresUri, cursor.getLong(0)); |
| } |
| if (uri != null) { |
| uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Genres.Members.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); |
| mGenreCache.put(genre, uri); |
| } |
| } finally { |
| // release the cursor if it exists |
| if (cursor != null) { |
| cursor.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (uri != null) { |
| // add entry to audio_genre_map |
| values.clear(); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Genres.Members.AUDIO_ID, Long.valueOf(rowId)); |
| mMediaProvider.insert(uri, values); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (notifications && !mDefaultNotificationSet) { |
| if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultNotificationFilename) || |
| doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultNotificationFilename)) { |
| setSettingIfNotSet(Settings.System.NOTIFICATION_SOUND, tableUri, rowId); |
| mDefaultNotificationSet = true; |
| } |
| } else if (ringtones && !mDefaultRingtoneSet) { |
| if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultRingtoneFilename) || |
| doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultRingtoneFilename)) { |
| setSettingIfNotSet(Settings.System.RINGTONE, tableUri, rowId); |
| mDefaultRingtoneSet = true; |
| } |
| } else if (alarms && !mDefaultAlarmSet) { |
| if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename) || |
| doesPathHaveFilename(entry.mPath, mDefaultAlarmAlertFilename)) { |
| setSettingIfNotSet(Settings.System.ALARM_ALERT, tableUri, rowId); |
| mDefaultAlarmSet = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private boolean doesPathHaveFilename(String path, String filename) { |
| int pathFilenameStart = path.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1; |
| int filenameLength = filename.length(); |
| return path.regionMatches(pathFilenameStart, filename, 0, filenameLength) && |
| pathFilenameStart + filenameLength == path.length(); |
| } |
| |
| private void setSettingIfNotSet(String settingName, Uri uri, long rowId) { |
| |
| String existingSettingValue = Settings.System.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), |
| settingName); |
| |
| if (TextUtils.isEmpty(existingSettingValue)) { |
| // Set the setting to the given URI |
| Settings.System.putString(mContext.getContentResolver(), settingName, |
| ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, rowId).toString()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void addNoMediaFolder(String path) { |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA, ""); |
| String [] pathSpec = new String[] {path + '%'}; |
| try { |
| // These tables have DELETE_FILE triggers that delete the file from the |
| // sd card when deleting the database entry. We don't want to do this in |
| // this case, since it would cause those files to be removed if a .nomedia |
| // file was added after the fact, when in that case we only want the database |
| // entries to be removed. |
| mMediaProvider.update(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values, |
| MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA + " LIKE ?", pathSpec); |
| mMediaProvider.update(MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values, |
| MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA + " LIKE ?", pathSpec); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| throw new RuntimeException(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private int getFileTypeFromDrm(String path) { |
| if (!isDrmEnabled()) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| int resultFileType = 0; |
| |
| if (mDrmManagerClient == null) { |
| mDrmManagerClient = new DrmManagerClient(mContext); |
| } |
| |
| if (mDrmManagerClient.canHandle(path, null)) { |
| String drmMimetype = mDrmManagerClient.getOriginalMimeType(path); |
| if (drmMimetype != null) { |
| mMimeType = drmMimetype; |
| resultFileType = MediaFile.getFileTypeForMimeType(drmMimetype); |
| } |
| } |
| return resultFileType; |
| } |
| |
| }; // end of anonymous MediaScannerClient instance |
| |
| private void prescan(String filePath, boolean prescanFiles) throws RemoteException { |
| Cursor c = null; |
| String where = null; |
| String[] selectionArgs = null; |
| |
| if (mFileCache == null) { |
| mFileCache = new HashMap<String, FileCacheEntry>(); |
| } else { |
| mFileCache.clear(); |
| } |
| if (mPlayLists == null) { |
| mPlayLists = new ArrayList<FileCacheEntry>(); |
| } else { |
| mPlayLists.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| if (filePath != null) { |
| // query for only one file |
| where = Files.FileColumns.DATA + "=?"; |
| selectionArgs = new String[] { filePath }; |
| } |
| |
| // Build the list of files from the content provider |
| try { |
| if (prescanFiles) { |
| // First read existing files from the files table |
| |
| c = mMediaProvider.query(mFilesUri, FILES_PRESCAN_PROJECTION, |
| where, selectionArgs, null); |
| |
| if (c != null) { |
| while (c.moveToNext()) { |
| long rowId = c.getLong(FILES_PRESCAN_ID_COLUMN_INDEX); |
| String path = c.getString(FILES_PRESCAN_PATH_COLUMN_INDEX); |
| int format = c.getInt(FILES_PRESCAN_FORMAT_COLUMN_INDEX); |
| long lastModified = c.getLong(FILES_PRESCAN_DATE_MODIFIED_COLUMN_INDEX); |
| |
| // Only consider entries with absolute path names. |
| // This allows storing URIs in the database without the |
| // media scanner removing them. |
| if (path.startsWith("/")) { |
| String key = path; |
| if (mCaseInsensitivePaths) { |
| key = path.toLowerCase(); |
| } |
| |
| FileCacheEntry entry = new FileCacheEntry(mFilesUri, rowId, path, |
| lastModified, format); |
| mFileCache.put(key, entry); |
| } |
| } |
| c.close(); |
| c = null; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| finally { |
| if (c != null) { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // compute original size of images |
| mOriginalCount = 0; |
| c = mMediaProvider.query(mImagesUri, ID_PROJECTION, null, null, null); |
| if (c != null) { |
| mOriginalCount = c.getCount(); |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private boolean inScanDirectory(String path, String[] directories) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) { |
| String directory = directories[i]; |
| if (path.startsWith(directory)) { |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| private void pruneDeadThumbnailFiles() { |
| HashSet<String> existingFiles = new HashSet<String>(); |
| String directory = "/sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails"; |
| String [] files = (new File(directory)).list(); |
| if (files == null) |
| files = new String[0]; |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { |
| String fullPathString = directory + "/" + files[i]; |
| existingFiles.add(fullPathString); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| Cursor c = mMediaProvider.query( |
| mThumbsUri, |
| new String [] { "_data" }, |
| null, |
| null, |
| null); |
| Log.v(TAG, "pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... " + c); |
| if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { |
| do { |
| String fullPathString = c.getString(0); |
| existingFiles.remove(fullPathString); |
| } while (c.moveToNext()); |
| } |
| |
| for (String fileToDelete : existingFiles) { |
| if (Config.LOGV) |
| Log.v(TAG, "fileToDelete is " + fileToDelete); |
| try { |
| (new File(fileToDelete)).delete(); |
| } catch (SecurityException ex) { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Log.v(TAG, "/pruneDeadThumbnailFiles... " + c); |
| if (c != null) { |
| c.close(); |
| } |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| // We will soon be killed... |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void postscan(String[] directories) throws RemoteException { |
| Iterator<FileCacheEntry> iterator = mFileCache.values().iterator(); |
| |
| while (iterator.hasNext()) { |
| FileCacheEntry entry = iterator.next(); |
| String path = entry.mPath; |
| |
| // remove database entries for files that no longer exist. |
| boolean fileMissing = false; |
| |
| if (!entry.mSeenInFileSystem && !MtpConstants.isAbstractObject(entry.mFormat)) { |
| if (inScanDirectory(path, directories)) { |
| // we didn't see this file in the scan directory. |
| fileMissing = true; |
| } else { |
| // the file actually a directory or other abstract object |
| // or is outside of our scan directory, |
| // so we need to check for file existence here. |
| File testFile = new File(path); |
| if (!testFile.exists()) { |
| fileMissing = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (fileMissing) { |
| // do not delete missing playlists, since they may have been modified by the user. |
| // the user can delete them in the media player instead. |
| // instead, clear the path and lastModified fields in the row |
| MediaFile.MediaFileType mediaFileType = MediaFile.getFileType(path); |
| int fileType = (mediaFileType == null ? 0 : mediaFileType.fileType); |
| |
| if (MediaFile.isPlayListFileType(fileType)) { |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATA, ""); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATE_MODIFIED, 0); |
| mMediaProvider.update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(mPlaylistsUri, entry.mRowId), |
| values, null, null); |
| } else { |
| mMediaProvider.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(mFilesUri, entry.mRowId), |
| null, null); |
| iterator.remove(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // handle playlists last, after we know what media files are on the storage. |
| if (mProcessPlaylists) { |
| processPlayLists(); |
| } |
| |
| if (mOriginalCount == 0 && mImagesUri.equals(Images.Media.getContentUri("external"))) |
| pruneDeadThumbnailFiles(); |
| |
| // allow GC to clean up |
| mGenreCache = null; |
| mPlayLists = null; |
| mFileCache = null; |
| mMediaProvider = null; |
| } |
| |
| private void initialize(String volumeName) { |
| mMediaProvider = mContext.getContentResolver().acquireProvider("media"); |
| |
| mAudioUri = Audio.Media.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| mVideoUri = Video.Media.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| mImagesUri = Images.Media.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| mThumbsUri = Images.Thumbnails.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| mFilesUri = Files.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| |
| if (!volumeName.equals("internal")) { |
| // we only support playlists on external media |
| mProcessPlaylists = true; |
| mProcessGenres = true; |
| mGenreCache = new HashMap<String, Uri>(); |
| mGenresUri = Genres.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| mPlaylistsUri = Playlists.getContentUri(volumeName); |
| |
| mCaseInsensitivePaths = !mContext.getResources().getBoolean( |
| com.android.internal.R.bool.config_caseSensitiveExternalStorage); |
| if (!Process.supportsProcesses()) { |
| // Simulator uses host file system, so it should be case sensitive. |
| mCaseInsensitivePaths = false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void scanDirectories(String[] directories, String volumeName) { |
| try { |
| long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| initialize(volumeName); |
| prescan(null, true); |
| long prescan = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < directories.length; i++) { |
| processDirectory(directories[i], mClient); |
| } |
| long scan = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| postscan(directories); |
| long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
| |
| if (Config.LOGD) { |
| Log.d(TAG, " prescan time: " + (prescan - start) + "ms\n"); |
| Log.d(TAG, " scan time: " + (scan - prescan) + "ms\n"); |
| Log.d(TAG, "postscan time: " + (end - scan) + "ms\n"); |
| Log.d(TAG, " total time: " + (end - start) + "ms\n"); |
| } |
| } catch (SQLException e) { |
| // this might happen if the SD card is removed while the media scanner is running |
| Log.e(TAG, "SQLException in MediaScanner.scan()", e); |
| } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { |
| // this might happen if the SD card is removed while the media scanner is running |
| Log.e(TAG, "UnsupportedOperationException in MediaScanner.scan()", e); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.scan()", e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // this function is used to scan a single file |
| public Uri scanSingleFile(String path, String volumeName, String mimeType) { |
| try { |
| initialize(volumeName); |
| prescan(path, true); |
| |
| File file = new File(path); |
| |
| // lastModified is in milliseconds on Files. |
| long lastModifiedSeconds = file.lastModified() / 1000; |
| |
| // always scan the file, so we can return the content://media Uri for existing files |
| return mClient.doScanFile(path, mimeType, lastModifiedSeconds, file.length(), |
| false, true); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.scanFile()", e); |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void scanMtpFile(String path, String volumeName, int objectHandle, int format) { |
| initialize(volumeName); |
| MediaFile.MediaFileType mediaFileType = MediaFile.getFileType(path); |
| int fileType = (mediaFileType == null ? 0 : mediaFileType.fileType); |
| File file = new File(path); |
| long lastModifiedSeconds = file.lastModified() / 1000; |
| |
| if (!MediaFile.isAudioFileType(fileType) && !MediaFile.isVideoFileType(fileType) && |
| !MediaFile.isImageFileType(fileType) && !MediaFile.isPlayListFileType(fileType)) { |
| |
| // no need to use the media scanner, but we need to update last modified and file size |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| values.put(Files.FileColumns.SIZE, file.length()); |
| values.put(Files.FileColumns.DATE_MODIFIED, lastModifiedSeconds); |
| try { |
| String[] whereArgs = new String[] { Integer.toString(objectHandle) }; |
| mMediaProvider.update(Files.getMtpObjectsUri(volumeName), values, "_id=?", |
| whereArgs); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in scanMtpFile", e); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| mMtpObjectHandle = objectHandle; |
| try { |
| if (MediaFile.isPlayListFileType(fileType)) { |
| // build file cache so we can look up tracks in the playlist |
| prescan(null, true); |
| |
| String key = path; |
| if (mCaseInsensitivePaths) { |
| key = path.toLowerCase(); |
| } |
| FileCacheEntry entry = mFileCache.get(key); |
| if (entry != null) { |
| processPlayList(entry); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // MTP will create a file entry for us so we don't want to do it in prescan |
| prescan(path, false); |
| |
| // always scan the file, so we can return the content://media Uri for existing files |
| mClient.doScanFile(path, mediaFileType.mimeType, lastModifiedSeconds, file.length(), |
| (format == MtpConstants.FORMAT_ASSOCIATION), true); |
| } |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.scanFile()", e); |
| } finally { |
| mMtpObjectHandle = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // returns the number of matching file/directory names, starting from the right |
| private int matchPaths(String path1, String path2) { |
| int result = 0; |
| int end1 = path1.length(); |
| int end2 = path2.length(); |
| |
| while (end1 > 0 && end2 > 0) { |
| int slash1 = path1.lastIndexOf('/', end1 - 1); |
| int slash2 = path2.lastIndexOf('/', end2 - 1); |
| int backSlash1 = path1.lastIndexOf('\\', end1 - 1); |
| int backSlash2 = path2.lastIndexOf('\\', end2 - 1); |
| int start1 = (slash1 > backSlash1 ? slash1 : backSlash1); |
| int start2 = (slash2 > backSlash2 ? slash2 : backSlash2); |
| if (start1 < 0) start1 = 0; else start1++; |
| if (start2 < 0) start2 = 0; else start2++; |
| int length = end1 - start1; |
| if (end2 - start2 != length) break; |
| if (path1.regionMatches(true, start1, path2, start2, length)) { |
| result++; |
| end1 = start1 - 1; |
| end2 = start2 - 1; |
| } else break; |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private boolean addPlayListEntry(String entry, String playListDirectory, |
| Uri uri, ContentValues values, int index) { |
| |
| // watch for trailing whitespace |
| int entryLength = entry.length(); |
| while (entryLength > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(entry.charAt(entryLength - 1))) entryLength--; |
| // path should be longer than 3 characters. |
| // avoid index out of bounds errors below by returning here. |
| if (entryLength < 3) return false; |
| if (entryLength < entry.length()) entry = entry.substring(0, entryLength); |
| |
| // does entry appear to be an absolute path? |
| // look for Unix or DOS absolute paths |
| char ch1 = entry.charAt(0); |
| boolean fullPath = (ch1 == '/' || |
| (Character.isLetter(ch1) && entry.charAt(1) == ':' && entry.charAt(2) == '\\')); |
| // if we have a relative path, combine entry with playListDirectory |
| if (!fullPath) |
| entry = playListDirectory + entry; |
| |
| //FIXME - should we look for "../" within the path? |
| |
| // best matching MediaFile for the play list entry |
| FileCacheEntry bestMatch = null; |
| |
| // number of rightmost file/directory names for bestMatch |
| int bestMatchLength = 0; |
| |
| Iterator<FileCacheEntry> iterator = mFileCache.values().iterator(); |
| while (iterator.hasNext()) { |
| FileCacheEntry cacheEntry = iterator.next(); |
| String path = cacheEntry.mPath; |
| |
| if (path.equalsIgnoreCase(entry)) { |
| bestMatch = cacheEntry; |
| break; // don't bother continuing search |
| } |
| |
| int matchLength = matchPaths(path, entry); |
| if (matchLength > bestMatchLength) { |
| bestMatch = cacheEntry; |
| bestMatchLength = matchLength; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (bestMatch == null) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| // OK, now we need to add this to the database |
| values.clear(); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER, Integer.valueOf(index)); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.AUDIO_ID, Long.valueOf(bestMatch.mRowId)); |
| mMediaProvider.insert(uri, values); |
| } catch (RemoteException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.addPlayListEntry()", e); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| private void processM3uPlayList(String path, String playListDirectory, Uri uri, ContentValues values) { |
| BufferedReader reader = null; |
| try { |
| File f = new File(path); |
| if (f.exists()) { |
| reader = new BufferedReader( |
| new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f)), 8192); |
| String line = reader.readLine(); |
| int index = 0; |
| while (line != null) { |
| // ignore comment lines, which begin with '#' |
| if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') { |
| values.clear(); |
| if (addPlayListEntry(line, playListDirectory, uri, values, index)) |
| index++; |
| } |
| line = reader.readLine(); |
| } |
| } |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "IOException in MediaScanner.processM3uPlayList()", e); |
| } finally { |
| try { |
| if (reader != null) |
| reader.close(); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "IOException in MediaScanner.processM3uPlayList()", e); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void processPlsPlayList(String path, String playListDirectory, Uri uri, ContentValues values) { |
| BufferedReader reader = null; |
| try { |
| File f = new File(path); |
| if (f.exists()) { |
| reader = new BufferedReader( |
| new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f)), 8192); |
| String line = reader.readLine(); |
| int index = 0; |
| while (line != null) { |
| // ignore comment lines, which begin with '#' |
| if (line.startsWith("File")) { |
| int equals = line.indexOf('='); |
| if (equals > 0) { |
| values.clear(); |
| if (addPlayListEntry(line.substring(equals + 1), playListDirectory, uri, values, index)) |
| index++; |
| } |
| } |
| line = reader.readLine(); |
| } |
| } |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "IOException in MediaScanner.processPlsPlayList()", e); |
| } finally { |
| try { |
| if (reader != null) |
| reader.close(); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "IOException in MediaScanner.processPlsPlayList()", e); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class WplHandler implements ElementListener { |
| |
| final ContentHandler handler; |
| String playListDirectory; |
| Uri uri; |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| int index = 0; |
| |
| public WplHandler(String playListDirectory, Uri uri) { |
| this.playListDirectory = playListDirectory; |
| this.uri = uri; |
| |
| RootElement root = new RootElement("smil"); |
| Element body = root.getChild("body"); |
| Element seq = body.getChild("seq"); |
| Element media = seq.getChild("media"); |
| media.setElementListener(this); |
| |
| this.handler = root.getContentHandler(); |
| } |
| |
| public void start(Attributes attributes) { |
| String path = attributes.getValue("", "src"); |
| if (path != null) { |
| values.clear(); |
| if (addPlayListEntry(path, playListDirectory, uri, values, index)) { |
| index++; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| public void end() { |
| } |
| |
| ContentHandler getContentHandler() { |
| return handler; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void processWplPlayList(String path, String playListDirectory, Uri uri) { |
| FileInputStream fis = null; |
| try { |
| File f = new File(path); |
| if (f.exists()) { |
| fis = new FileInputStream(f); |
| |
| Xml.parse(fis, Xml.findEncodingByName("UTF-8"), new WplHandler(playListDirectory, uri).getContentHandler()); |
| } |
| } catch (SAXException e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| e.printStackTrace(); |
| } finally { |
| try { |
| if (fis != null) |
| fis.close(); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "IOException in MediaScanner.processWplPlayList()", e); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void processPlayList(FileCacheEntry entry) throws RemoteException { |
| String path = entry.mPath; |
| ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); |
| int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); |
| if (lastSlash < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad path " + path); |
| Uri uri, membersUri; |
| long rowId = entry.mRowId; |
| |
| // make sure we have a name |
| String name = values.getAsString(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.NAME); |
| if (name == null) { |
| name = values.getAsString(MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE); |
| if (name == null) { |
| // extract name from file name |
| int lastDot = path.lastIndexOf('.'); |
| name = (lastDot < 0 ? path.substring(lastSlash + 1) |
| : path.substring(lastSlash + 1, lastDot)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.NAME, name); |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATE_MODIFIED, entry.mLastModified); |
| |
| if (rowId == 0) { |
| values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATA, path); |
| uri = mMediaProvider.insert(mPlaylistsUri, values); |
| rowId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); |
| membersUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Playlists.Members.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); |
| } else { |
| uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(mPlaylistsUri, rowId); |
| mMediaProvider.update(uri, values, null, null); |
| |
| // delete members of existing playlist |
| membersUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Playlists.Members.CONTENT_DIRECTORY); |
| mMediaProvider.delete(membersUri, null, null); |
| } |
| |
| String playListDirectory = path.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); |
| MediaFile.MediaFileType mediaFileType = MediaFile.getFileType(path); |
| int fileType = (mediaFileType == null ? 0 : mediaFileType.fileType); |
| |
| if (fileType == MediaFile.FILE_TYPE_M3U) { |
| processM3uPlayList(path, playListDirectory, membersUri, values); |
| } else if (fileType == MediaFile.FILE_TYPE_PLS) { |
| processPlsPlayList(path, playListDirectory, membersUri, values); |
| } else if (fileType == MediaFile.FILE_TYPE_WPL) { |
| processWplPlayList(path, playListDirectory, membersUri); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private void processPlayLists() throws RemoteException { |
| Iterator<FileCacheEntry> iterator = mPlayLists.iterator(); |
| while (iterator.hasNext()) { |
| FileCacheEntry entry = iterator.next(); |
| // only process playlist files if they are new or have been modified since the last scan |
| if (entry.mLastModifiedChanged) { |
| processPlayList(entry); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private native void processDirectory(String path, MediaScannerClient client); |
| private native void processFile(String path, String mimeType, MediaScannerClient client); |
| public native void setLocale(String locale); |
| |
| public native byte[] extractAlbumArt(FileDescriptor fd); |
| |
| private static native final void native_init(); |
| private native final void native_setup(); |
| private native final void native_finalize(); |
| @Override |
| protected void finalize() { |
| mContext.getContentResolver().releaseProvider(mMediaProvider); |
| native_finalize(); |
| } |
| } |