| package: "com.android.systemui" |
| container: "system" |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "example_flag" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "An Example Flag" |
| bug: "292511372" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "sysui_teamfood" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables all the sysui classic flags that are marked as being in teamfood" |
| bug: "302578396" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "udfps_view_performance" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decrease screen off blocking calls by waiting until the device is finished going to sleep before adding the udfps view." |
| bug: "225183106" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "refactor_keyguard_dismiss_intent" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Update how keyguard dismiss intents are stored." |
| bug: "275069969" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| |
| name: "notification_heads_up_cycling" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Heads-up notification cycling animation for the Notification Avalanche feature." |
| bug: "316404716" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_minimalism_prototype" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Prototype of notification minimalism; the new 'Intermediate' lockscreen customization proposal." |
| bug: "330387368" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_view_flipper_pausing" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Pause ViewFlippers inside Notification custom layouts when the shade is closed." |
| bug: "309146176" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_async_group_header_inflation" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Inflates the notification group summary header views from the background thread." |
| bug: "217799515" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_async_hybrid_view_inflation" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Inflates hybrid (single-line) notification views from the background thread." |
| bug: "217799515" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_color_update_logger" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enabled debug logging and dumping of notification color updates." |
| bug: "294347738" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_footer_view_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the refactored version of the footer view in the notification shade " |
| "(containing the \"Clear all\" button). Should not bring any behavior changes" |
| bug: "293167744" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_icon_container_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the refactored version of the notification icon container in StatusBar, " |
| "AOD, and the notification shelf. Should not bring any behavioral changes." |
| bug: "278765923" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_hide_on_display_switch" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Temporary hides notifications when folding/unfolding to reduce unfold latency" |
| bug: "293824309" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_improved_hun_animation" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Adds a translateY animation, and other improvements to match the motion specs of the HUN Intro + Outro animations." |
| bug: "243302608" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_content_alpha_optimization" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Only reset alpha values of needed content views" |
| bug: "292024656" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_live_data_store_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Replaces NotifLiveDataStore with ActiveNotificationListRepository, and updates consumers. " |
| "Should not bring any behavior changes." |
| bug: "308623704" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_heads_up_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use HeadsUpInteractor to feed HUN updates to the NSSL." |
| bug: "325936094" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "pss_app_selector_abrupt_exit_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Fixes the app selector abruptly disappearing without an animation, when the" |
| "selected task is the foreground task." |
| bug: "314385883" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "pss_app_selector_recents_split_screen" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Allows recent apps selected for partial screenshare to be launched in split screen mode" |
| bug: "320449039" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notifications_background_icons" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Moves part of the notification icon updates to the background." |
| bug: "315143361" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "nssl_falsing_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Minor touch changes to prevent falsing errors in NSSL" |
| bug: "316551193" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "refactor_get_current_user" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser() was providing outdated results." |
| bug: "305984787" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_throttle_hun" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "During notification avalanche, throttle HUNs showing in fast succession." |
| bug: "307288824" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_avalanche_suppression" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "After notification avalanche floodgate event, suppress HUNs completely." |
| bug: "321089634" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_background_tint_optimization" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Re-enable the codepath that removed tinting of notifications when the" |
| " standard background color is desired. This was the behavior before we discovered" |
| " a resources threading issue, which we worked around by tinting the notification" |
| " backgrounds and footer buttons." |
| bug: "294830092" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "scene_container" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the scene container framework go/flexiglass." |
| bug: "283121968" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "keyguard_bottom_area_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Bottom area of keyguard refactor move into KeyguardRootView. Includes " |
| "lock icon and others." |
| bug: "290652751" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "device_entry_udfps_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Refactoring device entry UDFPS icon to use modern architecture and " |
| "consolidating it with the lock/unlock icon to create a combined DeviceEntryIconView" |
| bug: "279440316" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "visual_interruptions_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the refactored version of the code to decide when notifications " |
| "HUN, bubble, pulse, or FSI." |
| bug: "261728888" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "haptic_brightness_slider" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Adds haptic feedback to the brightness slider." |
| bug: "296467915" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "unfold_animation_background_progress" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Moves unfold animation progress calculation to a background thread" |
| bug: "277879146" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "enable_background_keyguard_ondrawn_callback" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Calls the onDrawn keyguard in the background, without being blocked by main" |
| "thread work. This results in the screen to turn on earlier when the main thread is stuck. " |
| "Note that, even after this callback is called, we're waiting for all windows to finish " |
| " drawing." |
| bug: "295873557" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "qs_new_pipeline" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use the new pipeline for Quick Settings. Should have no behavior changes." |
| bug: "241772429" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "qs_new_tiles" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use the new tiles in the Quick Settings. Should have no behavior changes." |
| bug: "311147395" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "qs_new_tiles_future" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use the new tiles in the Quick Settings that are still under development. This flag will not be used to gate release but to prevent tiles under development from reaching teamfood." |
| bug: "311147395" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "coroutine_tracing" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Adds thread-local data to System UI's global coroutine scopes to " |
| "allow for tracing of coroutine continuations using System UI's tracinglib" |
| bug: "289353932" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "edge_back_gesture_handler_thread" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Moves the EdgeBackGestureHandler window, which is used for rendering the back " |
| "arrow, to a separate thread. Previously, the EdgeBackGestureHandler window would share " |
| "the main thread with the rest of System UI." |
| bug: "304583132" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "new_aod_transition" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "New LOCKSCREEN <=> AOD transition" |
| bug: "301915812" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "light_reveal_migration" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Move LightRevealScrim to recommended architecture" |
| bug: "281655028" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "theme_overlay_controller_wakefulness_deprecation" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Replacing WakefulnessLifecycle by KeyguardTransitionInteractor in " |
| "ThemOverlayController to mitigate flickering when locking the device" |
| bug: "308676488" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "truncated_status_bar_icons_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Fixes the status bar icons being trunacted due to the status bar window height " |
| "not being updated after certain rotations" |
| bug: "323299264" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "status_bar_monochrome_icons_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Fixes the status bar icon size when drawing InsetDrawables (ie. monochrome icons)" |
| bug: "329091967" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "compose_bouncer" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use the new compose bouncer in SystemUI" |
| bug: "310005730" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "media_in_scene_container" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enable media in the scene container framework" |
| bug: "296122467" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "pss_task_switcher" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enable the task switcher feature for partial screen sharing" |
| bug: "317208379" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "revamped_bouncer_messages" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Change the bouncer message to be a 2-line more descriptive message" |
| bug: "236891644" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "rest_to_unlock" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Require prolonged touch for fingerprint authentication" |
| bug: "303672286" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "record_issue_qs_tile" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Replace Record Trace QS Tile with expanded Record Issue QS Tile" |
| bug: "305049544" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "migrate_clocks_to_blueprint" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Move clock related views from KeyguardStatusView to KeyguardRootView, " |
| "and use modern architecture for lockscreen clocks" |
| bug: "301502635" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "fast_unlock_transition" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Faster wallpaper unlock transition" |
| bug: "298186160" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "activity_transition_use_largest_window" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Target largest opening window during activity transitions." |
| bug: "323294573" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "centralized_status_bar_height_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Refactors shade header and keyguard status bar to read status bar dimens from a" |
| " central place, instead of reading resources directly. This is to take into account display" |
| " cutouts and other special cases. " |
| bug: "317016114" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "enable_layout_tracing" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables detailed traversal slices during measure and layout in perfetto traces" |
| bug: "315274804" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "quick_settings_visual_haptics_longpress" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enable special visual and haptic effects for quick settings tiles with long-press actions" |
| bug: "229856884" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "switch_user_on_bg" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Does user switching on a background thread" |
| bug: "284095720" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "status_bar_static_inout_indicators" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "(Upstream request) Always show the network activity inout indicators and " |
| "prefer using alpha to distinguish network activity." |
| bug: "310715220" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "haptic_volume_slider" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Adds haptic feedback to the volume slider." |
| bug: "316953430" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "new_volume_panel" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Switches to the new volume panel (without Slices)." |
| bug: "202262476" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "screenshot_action_dismiss_system_windows" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Dismiss existing system windows when starting action from screenshot UI" |
| bug: "309933761" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "screenshot_private_profile_behavior_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Private profile support for screenshots" |
| bug: "327613051" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "screenshot_shelf_ui" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Use new shelf UI flow for screenshots" |
| bug: "329659738" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "run_fingerprint_detect_on_dismissible_keyguard" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Run fingerprint detect instead of authenticate if the keyguard is dismissible." |
| bug: "311145851" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "smartspace_relocate_to_bottom" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Relocate Smartspace to bottom of the Lock Screen" |
| bug: "316212788" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "smartspace_remoteviews_rendering" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Indicate Smartspace RemoteViews rendering" |
| bug: "326292691" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "pin_input_field_styled_focus_state" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables styled focus states on pin input field if keyboard is connected" |
| bug: "316106516" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "keyguard_wm_state_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables refactored logic for SysUI+WM unlock/occlusion code paths" |
| bug: "278086361" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "compose_lockscreen" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the compose version of lockscreen that runs standalone, outside of Flexiglass." |
| bug: "301968149" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "enable_contextual_tip_for_power_off" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables on-screen contextual tip about how to power off or restart phone" |
| bug: "322891421" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "enable_contextual_tip_for_take_screenshot" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables on-screen contextual tip about how to take screenshot." |
| bug: "322891421" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "disable_contextual_tips_frequency_check" |
| description: "Disables frequency capping check for contextual tips." |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| bug: "322891421" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "disable_contextual_tips_ios_switcher_check" |
| description: "Disables iOS switcher check which guard the tips designed only for iOS switchers." |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| bug: "322891421" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "enable_contextual_tips" |
| description: "Enables showing contextual tips." |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| bug: "322891421" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "shaderlib_loading_effect_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Extend shader library to provide the common loading effects." |
| bug: "282007590" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "hearing_aids_qs_tile_dialog" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Show a dialog when clicking on hearing aids quick settings tile." |
| bug: "291423171" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notification_row_user_context" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Create a user-specific Context for the ImageResolver in ExpandableNotificationRow" |
| " (based on the NotificationEntry's user)." |
| bug: "317503801" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "get_connected_device_name_unsynchronized" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether to fetch the connected bluetooth device name outside a synchronized block." |
| bug: "323995015" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "slice_manager_binder_call_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Move the ISliceManager#getPinnedSpecs binder call to the background thread." |
| bug: "322745650" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "register_new_wallet_card_in_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether the call to registerNewWalletCards method should be issued on background thread." |
| bug: "322506838" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "update_user_switcher_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether to update user switcher in background thread." |
| bug: "322745650" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "register_zen_mode_content_observer_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether to register zen mode content observers in the background thread." |
| bug: "324515627" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "clipboard_noninteractive_on_lockscreen" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Prevents the interactive clipboard UI from appearing when device is locked" |
| bug: "317048495" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "trim_resources_with_background_trim_at_lock" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Trim fonts and other caches when the device locks to lower memory consumption." |
| bug: "322143614" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "dedicated_notif_inflation_thread" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Create a separate background thread for inflating notifications" |
| bug: "308967184" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "bind_keyguard_media_visibility" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Binds Keyguard Media Controller Visibility to MediaContainerView" |
| bug: "298213983" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "delayed_wakelock_release_on_background_thread" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Released delayed wakelocks on background threads to avoid janking screen transitions." |
| bug: "316128516" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "notify_power_manager_user_activity_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether to notify the user activity to power manager in the background thread." |
| bug: "325203885" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "media_controls_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Refactors media code to follow the recommended architecture" |
| bug: "326408371" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "qs_tile_focus_state" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "enables new focus outline for qs tiles when focused on with physical keyboard" |
| bug: "312899524" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "edgeback_gesture_handler_get_running_tasks_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Decide whether to get the running tasks from activity manager in EdgebackGestureHandler" |
| " class on the background thread." |
| bug: "325041960" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "screenshare_notification_hiding_bug_fix" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Various bug fixes for notification redaction while screensharing" |
| bug: "312784809" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "qs_ui_refactor" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Enables the new QS UI pipeline that follows recommended architecture and uses" |
| " Compose for the UI." |
| bug: "325099249" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "remove_dream_overlay_hide_on_touch" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Removes logic to hide the dream overlay on user interaction, as it conflicts with various transitions" |
| bug: "329091030" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "keyboard_docking_indicator" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Glow bar indicator reveals upon keyboard docking." |
| bug: "324600132" |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "dream_overlay_bouncer_swipe_direction_filtering" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "do not initiate bouncer swipe when the direction is opposite of the expansion" |
| bug: "333632464" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "dream_input_session_pilfer_once" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Pilfer at most once per input session" |
| bug: "324600132" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |
| |
| flag { |
| name: "slice_broadcast_relay_in_background" |
| namespace: "systemui" |
| description: "Move handling of slice broadcast relay broadcasts to background threads" |
| bug: "334767208" |
| metadata { |
| purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX |
| } |
| } |