| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include <SkMatrix.h> |
| #include <SkPaint.h> |
| #include <SkPath.h> |
| #include <cutils/compiler.h> |
| |
| #include "DisplayList.h" |
| #include "DisplayListLogBuffer.h" |
| #include "OpenGLRenderer.h" |
| |
| namespace android { |
| namespace uirenderer { |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Defines |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| #define MIN_WRITER_SIZE 4096 |
| #define OP_MAY_BE_SKIPPED_MASK 0xff000000 |
| |
| // Debug |
| #define DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD(...) ALOGD(__VA_ARGS__) |
| #else |
| #define DISPLAY_LIST_LOGD(...) |
| #endif |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Display list |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| class DeferredDisplayList; |
| class DisplayListRenderer; |
| class DisplayListOp; |
| class DrawOp; |
| class StateOp; |
| |
| /** |
| * Records drawing commands in a display list for latter playback. |
| */ |
| class DisplayListRenderer: public OpenGLRenderer { |
| public: |
| ANDROID_API DisplayListRenderer(); |
| virtual ~DisplayListRenderer(); |
| |
| ANDROID_API DisplayList* getDisplayList(DisplayList* displayList); |
| |
| virtual bool isDeferred(); |
| |
| virtual void setViewport(int width, int height); |
| virtual status_t prepareDirty(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, bool opaque); |
| virtual void finish(); |
| |
| virtual status_t callDrawGLFunction(Functor *functor, Rect& dirty); |
| |
| virtual void interrupt(); |
| virtual void resume(); |
| |
| virtual int save(int flags); |
| virtual void restore(); |
| virtual void restoreToCount(int saveCount); |
| |
| virtual int saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, |
| int alpha, SkXfermode::Mode mode, int flags); |
| |
| virtual void translate(float dx, float dy); |
| virtual void rotate(float degrees); |
| virtual void scale(float sx, float sy); |
| virtual void skew(float sx, float sy); |
| |
| virtual void setMatrix(SkMatrix* matrix); |
| virtual void concatMatrix(SkMatrix* matrix); |
| |
| virtual bool clipRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkRegion::Op op); |
| virtual bool clipPath(SkPath* path, SkRegion::Op op); |
| virtual bool clipRegion(SkRegion* region, SkRegion::Op op); |
| |
| virtual status_t drawDisplayList(DisplayList* displayList, Rect& dirty, int32_t flags); |
| virtual status_t drawLayer(Layer* layer, float x, float y); |
| virtual status_t drawBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, float left, float top, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, SkMatrix* matrix, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap, float srcLeft, float srcTop, |
| float srcRight, float srcBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, |
| float dstRight, float dstBottom, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawBitmapData(SkBitmap* bitmap, float left, float top, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawBitmapMesh(SkBitmap* bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight, |
| float* vertices, int* colors, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawPatch(SkBitmap* bitmap, const int32_t* xDivs, const int32_t* yDivs, |
| const uint32_t* colors, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int8_t numColors, |
| float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawColor(int color, SkXfermode::Mode mode); |
| virtual status_t drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawRoundRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, |
| float rx, float ry, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawCircle(float x, float y, float radius, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawOval(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawArc(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, |
| float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawPath(SkPath* path, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawLines(float* points, int count, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawPoints(float* points, int count, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawTextOnPath(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count, SkPath* path, |
| float hOffset, float vOffset, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawPosText(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count, |
| const float* positions, SkPaint* paint); |
| virtual status_t drawText(const char* text, int bytesCount, int count, |
| float x, float y, const float* positions, SkPaint* paint, float length); |
| virtual status_t drawRects(const float* rects, int count, SkPaint* paint); |
| |
| virtual void resetShader(); |
| virtual void setupShader(SkiaShader* shader); |
| |
| virtual void resetColorFilter(); |
| virtual void setupColorFilter(SkiaColorFilter* filter); |
| |
| virtual void resetShadow(); |
| virtual void setupShadow(float radius, float dx, float dy, int color); |
| |
| virtual void resetPaintFilter(); |
| virtual void setupPaintFilter(int clearBits, int setBits); |
| |
| ANDROID_API void reset(); |
| |
| sp<DisplayListData> getDisplayListData() const { |
| return mDisplayListData; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkBitmap*>& getBitmapResources() const { |
| return mBitmapResources; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkBitmap*>& getOwnedBitmapResources() const { |
| return mOwnedBitmapResources; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkiaColorFilter*>& getFilterResources() const { |
| return mFilterResources; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkiaShader*>& getShaders() const { |
| return mShaders; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkPaint*>& getPaints() const { |
| return mPaints; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkPath*>& getPaths() const { |
| return mPaths; |
| } |
| |
| const SortedVector<SkPath*>& getSourcePaths() const { |
| return mSourcePaths; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkRegion*>& getRegions() const { |
| return mRegions; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<Layer*>& getLayers() const { |
| return mLayers; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<SkMatrix*>& getMatrices() const { |
| return mMatrices; |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t getFunctorCount() const { |
| return mFunctorCount; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| void insertRestoreToCount(); |
| void insertTranslate(); |
| |
| LinearAllocator& alloc() { return mDisplayListData->allocator; } |
| void addStateOp(StateOp* op); |
| void addDrawOp(DrawOp* op); |
| void addOpInternal(DisplayListOp* op) { |
| insertRestoreToCount(); |
| insertTranslate(); |
| mDisplayListData->displayListOps.add(op); |
| } |
| |
| template<class T> |
| inline T* refBuffer(const T* srcBuffer, int32_t count) { |
| if (srcBuffer == NULL) return NULL; |
| T* dstBuffer = (T*) mDisplayListData->allocator.alloc(count * sizeof(T)); |
| memcpy(dstBuffer, srcBuffer, count * sizeof(T)); |
| return dstBuffer; |
| } |
| |
| inline char* refText(const char* text, size_t byteLength) { |
| return (char*) refBuffer<uint8_t>((uint8_t*)text, byteLength); |
| } |
| |
| inline SkPath* refPath(SkPath* path) { |
| if (!path) return NULL; |
| |
| SkPath* pathCopy = mPathMap.valueFor(path); |
| if (pathCopy == NULL || pathCopy->getGenerationID() != path->getGenerationID()) { |
| pathCopy = new SkPath(*path); |
| pathCopy->setSourcePath(path); |
| // replaceValueFor() performs an add if the entry doesn't exist |
| mPathMap.replaceValueFor(path, pathCopy); |
| mPaths.add(pathCopy); |
| } |
| if (mSourcePaths.indexOf(path) < 0) { |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(path); |
| mSourcePaths.add(path); |
| } |
| return pathCopy; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkPaint* refPaint(SkPaint* paint) { |
| if (!paint) { |
| return paint; |
| } |
| |
| SkPaint* paintCopy = mPaintMap.valueFor(paint); |
| if (paintCopy == NULL || paintCopy->getGenerationID() != paint->getGenerationID()) { |
| paintCopy = new SkPaint(*paint); |
| // replaceValueFor() performs an add if the entry doesn't exist |
| mPaintMap.replaceValueFor(paint, paintCopy); |
| mPaints.add(paintCopy); |
| } |
| |
| return paintCopy; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkRegion* refRegion(SkRegion* region) { |
| if (!region) { |
| return region; |
| } |
| |
| SkRegion* regionCopy = mRegionMap.valueFor(region); |
| // TODO: Add generation ID to SkRegion |
| if (regionCopy == NULL) { |
| regionCopy = new SkRegion(*region); |
| // replaceValueFor() performs an add if the entry doesn't exist |
| mRegionMap.replaceValueFor(region, regionCopy); |
| mRegions.add(regionCopy); |
| } |
| |
| return regionCopy; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkMatrix* refMatrix(SkMatrix* matrix) { |
| // Copying the matrix is cheap and prevents against the user changing the original |
| // matrix before the operation that uses it |
| SkMatrix* copy = new SkMatrix(*matrix); |
| mMatrices.add(copy); |
| return copy; |
| } |
| |
| inline Layer* refLayer(Layer* layer) { |
| mLayers.add(layer); |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(layer); |
| return layer; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkBitmap* refBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap) { |
| // Note that this assumes the bitmap is immutable. There are cases this won't handle |
| // correctly, such as creating the bitmap from scratch, drawing with it, changing its |
| // contents, and drawing again. The only fix would be to always copy it the first time, |
| // which doesn't seem worth the extra cycles for this unlikely case. |
| mBitmapResources.add(bitmap); |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(bitmap); |
| return bitmap; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkBitmap* refBitmapData(SkBitmap* bitmap) { |
| mOwnedBitmapResources.add(bitmap); |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(bitmap); |
| return bitmap; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkiaShader* refShader(SkiaShader* shader) { |
| if (!shader) return NULL; |
| |
| SkiaShader* shaderCopy = mShaderMap.valueFor(shader); |
| // TODO: We also need to handle generation ID changes in compose shaders |
| if (shaderCopy == NULL || shaderCopy->getGenerationId() != shader->getGenerationId()) { |
| shaderCopy = shader->copy(); |
| // replaceValueFor() performs an add if the entry doesn't exist |
| mShaderMap.replaceValueFor(shader, shaderCopy); |
| mShaders.add(shaderCopy); |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(shaderCopy); |
| } |
| return shaderCopy; |
| } |
| |
| inline SkiaColorFilter* refColorFilter(SkiaColorFilter* colorFilter) { |
| mFilterResources.add(colorFilter); |
| mCaches.resourceCache.incrementRefcount(colorFilter); |
| return colorFilter; |
| } |
| |
| Vector<SkBitmap*> mBitmapResources; |
| Vector<SkBitmap*> mOwnedBitmapResources; |
| Vector<SkiaColorFilter*> mFilterResources; |
| |
| Vector<SkPaint*> mPaints; |
| DefaultKeyedVector<SkPaint*, SkPaint*> mPaintMap; |
| |
| Vector<SkPath*> mPaths; |
| DefaultKeyedVector<SkPath*, SkPath*> mPathMap; |
| |
| SortedVector<SkPath*> mSourcePaths; |
| |
| Vector<SkRegion*> mRegions; |
| DefaultKeyedVector<SkRegion*, SkRegion*> mRegionMap; |
| |
| Vector<SkiaShader*> mShaders; |
| DefaultKeyedVector<SkiaShader*, SkiaShader*> mShaderMap; |
| |
| Vector<SkMatrix*> mMatrices; |
| |
| Vector<Layer*> mLayers; |
| |
| int mRestoreSaveCount; |
| |
| Caches& mCaches; |
| sp<DisplayListData> mDisplayListData; |
| |
| float mTranslateX; |
| float mTranslateY; |
| bool mHasTranslate; |
| bool mHasDrawOps; |
| |
| uint32_t mFunctorCount; |
| |
| friend class DisplayList; |
| |
| }; // class DisplayListRenderer |
| |
| }; // namespace uirenderer |
| }; // namespace android |
| |