blob: c1510d96461fa413a721eeb0d763acea08f75981 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
* This file contains the list of system properties used to configure libhwui.
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Compile-time properties
// Textures used by layers must have dimensions multiples of this number
#define LAYER_SIZE 64
// Defines the size in bits of the stencil buffer for the framebuffer
// Note: Only 1 bit is required for clipping but more bits are required
// to properly implement overdraw debugging
// Debug properties
* Debug level for app developers. The value is a numeric value defined
* by the DebugLevel enum below.
#define PROPERTY_DEBUG "debug.hwui.level"
* Debug levels. Debug levels are used as flags.
enum DebugLevel {
kDebugDisabled = 0,
kDebugMemory = 1,
kDebugCaches = 2,
kDebugMoreCaches = kDebugMemory | kDebugCaches
* Used to enable/disable layers update debugging. The accepted values are
* "true" and "false". The default value is "false".
#define PROPERTY_DEBUG_LAYERS_UPDATES "debug.hwui.show_layers_updates"
* Used to enable/disable overdraw debugging.
* The accepted values are
* "show", to show overdraw
* "show_deuteranomaly", to show overdraw if you suffer from Deuteranomaly
* "count", to show an overdraw counter
* "false", to disable overdraw debugging
* The default value is "false".
#define PROPERTY_DEBUG_OVERDRAW "debug.hwui.overdraw"
* System property used to enable or disable hardware rendering profiling.
* The default value of this property is assumed to be false.
* When profiling is enabled, the adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo command will
* output extra information about the time taken to execute by the last
* frames.
* Possible values:
* "true", to enable profiling
* "visual_bars", to enable profiling and visualize the results on screen
* "false", to disable profiling
#define PROPERTY_PROFILE "debug.hwui.profile"
* Turn on to draw dirty regions every other frame.
* Possible values:
* "true", to enable dirty regions debugging
* "false", to disable dirty regions debugging
#define PROPERTY_DEBUG_SHOW_DIRTY_REGIONS "debug.hwui.show_dirty_regions"
* Setting this property will enable or disable the dropping of frames with
* empty damage. Default is "true".
#define PROPERTY_SKIP_EMPTY_DAMAGE "debug.hwui.skip_empty_damage"
* Controls whether or not HWUI will use the EGL_EXT_buffer_age extension
* to do partial invalidates. Setting this to "false" will fall back to
* using BUFFER_PRESERVED instead
* Default is "true"
#define PROPERTY_USE_BUFFER_AGE "debug.hwui.use_buffer_age"
* Setting this to "false" will force HWUI to always do full-redraws of the surface.
* This will disable the use of EGL_EXT_buffer_age and BUFFER_PRESERVED.
* Default is "true"
#define PROPERTY_ENABLE_PARTIAL_UPDATES "debug.hwui.use_partial_updates"
#define PROPERTY_FILTER_TEST_OVERHEAD "debug.hwui.filter_test_overhead"
* Indicates whether PBOs can be used to back pixel buffers.
* Accepted values are "true" and "false". Default is true.
#define PROPERTY_ENABLE_GPU_PIXEL_BUFFERS "debug.hwui.use_gpu_pixel_buffers"
* Allows to set rendering pipeline mode to OpenGL (default), Skia OpenGL
* or Vulkan.
#define PROPERTY_RENDERER "debug.hwui.renderer"
* Allows to collect a recording of Skia drawing commands.
#define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_ENABLED "debug.hwui.capture_skp_enabled"
* Might split Skia's GPU resource utilization into separate tracing tracks (slow).
* Aggregate total and purgeable numbers will still be reported under a "misc" track when this is
* disabled, they just won't be split into distinct categories. Results may vary depending on GPU
* backend/API, and the category mappings defined in ATraceMemoryDump's hardcoded sResourceMap.
#define PROPERTY_TRACE_GPU_RESOURCES "debug.hwui.trace_gpu_resources"
* Allows broad recording of Skia drawing commands.
* If disabled, a very minimal set of trace events *may* be recorded.
* If enabled, a much broader set of trace events *may* be recorded.
* In either case, trace events are only recorded if an appropriately configured tracing session is
* active.
* Use debug.hwui.skia_use_perfetto_track_events to determine if ATrace (default) or Perfetto is
* used as the tracing backend.
#define PROPERTY_SKIA_TRACING_ENABLED "debug.hwui.skia_tracing_enabled"
* Switches Skia's tracing to use Perfetto's Track Event system instead of ATrace.
* If disabled, ATrace will be used by default, which will record trace events from any of Skia's
* tracing categories if overall system tracing is active and the "gfx" and "view" ATrace categories
* are enabled.
* If enabled, then Perfetto's Track Event system will be used instead, which will only record if an
* active Perfetto tracing session is targeting the correct apps and Skia tracing categories with
* the Track Event data source enabled. This approach may be used to selectively filter out
* undesired Skia tracing categories, and events will contain more data fields.
#define PROPERTY_SKIA_USE_PERFETTO_TRACK_EVENTS "debug.hwui.skia_use_perfetto_track_events"
* Defines how many frames in a sequence to capture.
#define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_FRAMES "debug.hwui.capture_skp_frames"
* File name and location, where a SKP recording will be saved.
#define PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_FILENAME "debug.hwui.skp_filename"
* Controls whether HWUI will send timing hints to HintManager for
* better CPU scheduling. Accepted values are "true" and "false".
#define PROPERTY_USE_HINT_MANAGER "debug.hwui.use_hint_manager"
* Percentage of frame time that's used for CPU work. The rest is
* reserved for GPU work. This is used with use_hint_manager to
* provide timing hints to HintManager. Accepted values are
* integer from 1-100.
#define PROPERTY_TARGET_CPU_TIME_PERCENTAGE "debug.hwui.target_cpu_time_percent"
* Property for whether this is running in the emulator.
#define PROPERTY_IS_EMULATOR "ro.boot.qemu"
* Turns on the Skia GPU option "reduceOpsTaskSplitting" which improves GPU
* efficiency but may increase VRAM consumption. Default is "true".
#define PROPERTY_REDUCE_OPS_TASK_SPLITTING "renderthread.skia.reduceopstasksplitting"
* Enable WebView Overlays feature.
#define PROPERTY_WEBVIEW_OVERLAYS_ENABLED "debug.hwui.webview_overlays_enabled"
* Property for globally GL drawing state. Can be overridden per process with
* setDrawingEnabled.
#define PROPERTY_DRAWING_ENABLED "debug.hwui.drawing_enabled"
#define PROPERTY_MEMORY_POLICY "debug.hwui.app_memory_policy"
#define PROPERTY_8BIT_HDR_HEADROOM "debug.hwui.8bit_hdr_headroom"
// Misc
// Converts a number of mega-bytes into bytes
#define MB(s) ((s)*1024 * 1024)
// Converts a number of kilo-bytes into bytes
#define KB(s) ((s)*1024)
enum class ProfileType { None, Console, Bars };
enum class OverdrawColorSet { Default = 0, Deuteranomaly };
enum class RenderPipelineType { SkiaGL, SkiaVulkan, SkiaCpu, NotInitialized = 128 };
enum class StretchEffectBehavior {
ShaderHWUI, // Stretch shader in HWUI only, matrix scale in SF
Shader, // Stretch shader in both HWUI and SF
UniformScale // Uniform scale stretch everywhere
enum class DrawingEnabled { NotInitialized, On, Off };
* Renderthread-only singleton which manages several static rendering properties. Most of these
* are driven by system properties which are queried once at initialization, and again if init()
* is called.
class Properties {
static bool load();
static bool debugLayersUpdates;
static bool debugOverdraw;
static bool debugTraceGpuResourceCategories;
static bool showDirtyRegions;
// TODO: Remove after stabilization period
static bool skipEmptyFrames;
static bool useBufferAge;
static bool enablePartialUpdates;
static bool enableRenderEffectCache;
// TODO: Move somewhere else?
static constexpr float textGamma = 1.45f;
static DebugLevel debugLevel;
static OverdrawColorSet overdrawColorSet;
// Override the value for a subset of properties in this class
static void overrideProperty(const char* name, const char* value);
static float overrideLightRadius;
static float overrideLightPosY;
static float overrideLightPosZ;
static float overrideAmbientRatio;
static int overrideAmbientShadowStrength;
static int overrideSpotShadowStrength;
static ProfileType getProfileType();
static RenderPipelineType peekRenderPipelineType();
static RenderPipelineType getRenderPipelineType();
static bool enableHighContrastText;
// Should be used only by test apps
static bool waitForGpuCompletion;
static bool forceDrawFrame;
// Should only be set by automated tests to try and filter out
// any overhead they add
static bool filterOutTestOverhead;
// Workaround a device lockup in edge cases by switching to async mode
// instead of the default vsync (b/38372997). Only system_server should hit this.
// Any existing RenderProxy & Surface combination will be unaffected, only things
// created after changing this.
static bool disableVsync;
static bool skpCaptureEnabled;
// For experimentation b/68769804
static bool enableRTAnimations;
// Used for testing only to change the render pipeline.
static void overrideRenderPipelineType(RenderPipelineType);
static bool runningInEmulator;
static bool debuggingEnabled;
static bool isolatedProcess;
static int contextPriority;
static float defaultSdrWhitePoint;
static bool useHintManager;
static int targetCpuTimePercentage;
static bool enableWebViewOverlays;
static bool isHighEndGfx;
static bool isLowRam;
static bool isSystemOrPersistent;
static float maxHdrHeadroomOn8bit;
static bool clipSurfaceViews;
static bool hdr10bitPlus;
static StretchEffectBehavior getStretchEffectBehavior() {
return stretchEffectBehavior;
static void setIsHighEndGfx(bool isHighEndGfx) {
Properties::isHighEndGfx = isHighEndGfx;
stretchEffectBehavior = isHighEndGfx ?
StretchEffectBehavior::ShaderHWUI :
static void setIsLowRam(bool isLowRam) { Properties::isLowRam = isLowRam; }
static void setIsSystemOrPersistent(bool isSystemOrPersistent) {
Properties::isSystemOrPersistent = isSystemOrPersistent;
* Used for testing. Typical configuration of stretch behavior is done
* through setIsHighEndGfx
static void setStretchEffectBehavior(StretchEffectBehavior behavior) {
stretchEffectBehavior = behavior;
// Represents if drawing is enabled. Should only be Off in headless testing environments
static DrawingEnabled drawingEnabled;
static bool isDrawingEnabled();
static void setDrawingEnabled(bool enable);
static StretchEffectBehavior stretchEffectBehavior;
static ProfileType sProfileType;
static bool sDisableProfileBars;
static RenderPipelineType sRenderPipelineType;
}; // class Caches
} // namespace uirenderer
} // namespace android