blob: e93d756d028536b223f57b90cd1cc389c96a427c [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Proto represents preference graph.
message PreferenceGraphProto {
// Preference screens appear in the graph.
// Key: preference key of the PreferenceScreen. Value: PreferenceScreen.
map<string, PreferenceScreenProto> screens = 1;
// Roots of the graph.
// Each element is a preference key of the PreferenceScreen.
repeated string roots = 2;
// Activities appear in the graph.
// Key: activity class. Value: preference key of associated PreferenceScreen.
map<string, string> activity_screens = 3;
// Proto of PreferenceScreen.
message PreferenceScreenProto {
// Intent to show the PreferenceScreen.
optional IntentProto intent = 1;
// Root of the PreferenceScreen hierarchy.
optional PreferenceGroupProto root = 2;
// If the preference screen provides complete hierarchy by source code.
optional bool complete_hierarchy = 3;
// Proto of PreferenceGroup.
message PreferenceGroupProto {
// Self information of PreferenceGroup.
optional PreferenceProto preference = 1;
// A list of children.
repeated PreferenceOrGroupProto preferences = 2;
// Proto represents either PreferenceProto or PreferenceGroupProto.
message PreferenceOrGroupProto {
oneof kind {
// It is a Preference.
PreferenceProto preference = 1;
// It is a PreferenceGroup.
PreferenceGroupProto group = 2;
// Proto of Preference.
message PreferenceProto {
// Key of the preference.
optional string key = 1;
// Title of the preference.
optional TextProto title = 2;
// Summary of the preference.
optional TextProto summary = 3;
// Icon of the preference.
optional int32 icon = 4;
// Additional keywords for indexing.
optional int32 keywords = 5;
// Extras of the preference.
optional BundleProto extras = 6;
// Whether the preference is indexable.
optional bool indexable = 7;
// Whether the preference is enabled.
optional bool enabled = 8;
// Whether the preference is available/visible.
optional bool available = 9;
// Whether the preference is persistent.
optional bool persistent = 10;
// Whether the preference is restricted by managed configurations.
optional bool restricted = 11;
// Target of the preference action.
optional ActionTarget action_target = 12;
// Preference value (if present, it means `persistent` is true).
optional PreferenceValueProto value = 13;
// Target of an Intent
message ActionTarget {
oneof kind {
// Resolved key of the preference screen located in current app.
// This is resolved from android:fragment or activity of current app.
string key = 1;
// Unresolvable Intent that is either an unrecognized activity of current
// app or activity belongs to other app.
IntentProto intent = 2;
// Proto of string or string resource id.
message TextProto {
oneof text {
int32 resource_id = 1;
string string = 2;
// Proto of preference value.
message PreferenceValueProto {
oneof value {
bool boolean_value = 1;
// Proto of android.content.Intent
message IntentProto {
// The action of the Intent.
optional string action = 1;
// The data attribute of the Intent, expressed as a URI.
optional string data = 2;
// The package attribute of the Intent, which may be set to force the
// detection of a particular application package that can handle the event.
optional string pkg = 3;
// The component attribute of the Intent, which may be set to force the
// detection of a particular component (app). If present, this must be a
// package name followed by a '/' and then followed by the class name.
optional string component = 4;
// Flags controlling how intent is handled. The value must be bitwise OR of
// intent flag constants defined by Android.
optional int32 flags = 5;
// Extended data from the intent.
optional BundleProto extras = 6;
// The MIME type of the Intent (e.g. "text/plain").
// For more information, see
optional string mime_type = 7;
// Proto of android.os.Bundle
message BundleProto {
// Bundle data.
map<string, BundleValue> values = 1;
message BundleValue {
// Bundle data value for the associated key name.
// Can be extended to support other types of bundled data.
oneof value {
string string_value = 1;
bytes bytes_value = 2;
int32 int_value = 3;
int64 long_value = 4;
bool boolean_value = 5;
double double_value = 6;
BundleProto bundle_value = 7;