blob: c156c46a5a9bf395349cf504f6254beb301bb590 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
flag {
name: "matrix_44"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "API for 4x4 matrix and related canvas functions"
bug: "280116960"
flag {
name: "limited_hdr"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "API to enable apps to restrict the amount of HDR headroom that is used"
bug: "234181960"
flag {
name: "high_contrast_text_luminance"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Use luminance to determine how to make text more high contrast, instead of RGB heuristic"
bug: "186567103"
flag {
name: "hdr_10bit_plus"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "Use 10101010 and FP16 formats for HDR-UI when available"
bug: "284159488"
flag {
name: "gainmap_animations"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "APIs to help enable animations involving gainmaps"
bug: "296482289"
flag {
name: "gainmap_constructor_with_metadata"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "APIs to create a new gainmap with a bitmap for metadata."
bug: "304478551"
flag {
name: "clip_surfaceviews"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "Clip z-above surfaceviews to global clip rect"
bug: "298621623"
flag {
name: "requested_formats_v"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "Enable r_8, r_16_uint, rg_1616_uint, and rgba_10101010 in the SDK"
bug: "292545615"
flag {
name: "animate_hdr_transitions"
namespace: "core_graphics"
description: "Automatically animate all changes in HDR headroom"
bug: "314810174"