blob: d20773844df30dad212539f4a77243f02b932d01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file hosts all the genrule and module definitions for all Android specific
// code that needs further post-processing by hoststubgen to support Ravenwood.
// framework-minus-apex
// Process framework-minus-apex with hoststubgen for Ravenwood.
// This step takes several tens of seconds, so we manually shard it to multiple modules.
// All the copies have to be kept in sync.
// TODO: Do the sharding better, either by making hostsubgen support sharding natively, or
// making a better build rule.
genrule_defaults {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults",
tools: ["hoststubgen"],
srcs: [
out: [
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
framework_minus_apex_cmd = "$(location hoststubgen) " +
"@$(location :ravenwood-standard-options) " +
"--debug-log $(location hoststubgen_framework-minus-apex.log) " +
"--out-jar $(location ravenwood.jar) " +
"--in-jar $(location :framework-minus-apex-for-host) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-common-policies) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-framework-policies) " +
"--annotation-allowed-classes-file $(location :ravenwood-annotation-allowed-classes) "
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X0",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 0",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X1",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 1",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X2",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 2",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X3",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 3",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X4",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 4",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X5",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 5",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X6",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 6",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X7",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 7",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X8",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 8",
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_X9",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd + " --num-shards 10 --shard-index 9",
// Build framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base without sharding.
// We extract the various dump files from this one, rather than the sharded ones, because
// some dumps use the output from other classes (e.g. base classes) which may not be in the
// same shard. Also some of the dump files ("apis") may be slow even when sharded, because
// the output contains the information from all the input classes, rather than the output classes.
// Not using sharding is fine for this module because it's only used for collecting the
// dump / stats files, which don't have to happen regularly.
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_all",
defaults: ["framework-minus-apex.ravenwood-base_defaults"],
cmd: framework_minus_apex_cmd +
"--stats-file $(location hoststubgen_framework-minus-apex_stats.csv) " +
"--supported-api-list-file $(location hoststubgen_framework-minus-apex_apis.csv) " +
"--gen-keep-all-file $(location hoststubgen_framework-minus-apex_keep_all.txt) " +
"--gen-input-dump-file $(location hoststubgen_framework-minus-apex_dump.txt) ",
out: [
// Marge all the sharded jars
java_genrule {
name: "framework-minus-apex.ravenwood",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-java"],
cmd: "$(location merge_zips) $(out) $(in)",
tools: ["merge_zips"],
srcs: [
out: [
// services.core
java_library {
name: "services.core-for-host",
installable: false, // host only jar.
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "core_platform",
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_genrule {
name: "services.core.ravenwood-base",
tools: ["hoststubgen"],
cmd: "$(location hoststubgen) " +
"@$(location :ravenwood-standard-options) " +
"--debug-log $(location hoststubgen_services.core.log) " +
"--stats-file $(location hoststubgen_services.core_stats.csv) " +
"--supported-api-list-file $(location hoststubgen_services.core_apis.csv) " +
"--gen-keep-all-file $(location hoststubgen_services.core_keep_all.txt) " +
"--gen-input-dump-file $(location hoststubgen_services.core_dump.txt) " +
"--out-jar $(location ravenwood.jar) " +
"--in-jar $(location :services.core-for-host) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-common-policies) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-services-policies) " +
"--annotation-allowed-classes-file $(location :ravenwood-annotation-allowed-classes) ",
srcs: [
out: [
// Following files are created just as FYI.
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_genrule {
name: "services.core.ravenwood",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-genrule"],
cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)",
srcs: [
out: [
// TODO(b/313930116) This jarjar is a bit slow. We should use hoststubgen for renaming,
// but services.core.ravenwood has complex dependencies, so it'll take more than
// just using hoststubgen "rename"s.
java_library {
name: "services.core.ravenwood-jarjar",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-java"],
installable: false,
static_libs: [
jarjar_rules: ":ravenwood-services-jarjar-rules",
// core-icu4j
java_genrule {
name: "core-icu4j-for-host.ravenwood-base",
tools: ["hoststubgen"],
cmd: "$(location hoststubgen) " +
"@$(location :ravenwood-standard-options) " +
"--debug-log $(location hoststubgen_core-icu4j-for-host.log) " +
"--stats-file $(location hoststubgen_core-icu4j-for-host_stats.csv) " +
"--supported-api-list-file $(location hoststubgen_core-icu4j-for-host_apis.csv) " +
"--gen-keep-all-file $(location hoststubgen_core-icu4j-for-host_keep_all.txt) " +
"--gen-input-dump-file $(location hoststubgen_core-icu4j-for-host_dump.txt) " +
"--out-jar $(location ravenwood.jar) " +
"--in-jar $(location :core-icu4j-for-host) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-common-policies) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :icu-ravenwood-policies) ",
srcs: [
out: [
// Following files are created just as FYI.
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_genrule {
name: "core-icu4j-for-host.ravenwood",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-genrule"],
cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)",
srcs: [
out: [
// framework-configinfrastructure
java_genrule {
name: "framework-configinfrastructure.ravenwood-base",
tools: ["hoststubgen"],
cmd: "$(location hoststubgen) " +
"@$(location :ravenwood-standard-options) " +
"--debug-log $(location framework-configinfrastructure.log) " +
"--stats-file $(location framework-configinfrastructure_stats.csv) " +
"--supported-api-list-file $(location framework-configinfrastructure_apis.csv) " +
"--gen-keep-all-file $(location framework-configinfrastructure_keep_all.txt) " +
"--gen-input-dump-file $(location framework-configinfrastructure_dump.txt) " +
"--out-impl-jar $(location ravenwood.jar) " +
"--in-jar $(location :framework-configinfrastructure.impl{.jar}) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-common-policies) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :framework-configinfrastructure-ravenwood-policies) ",
srcs: [
out: [
// Following files are created just as FYI.
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_genrule {
name: "framework-configinfrastructure.ravenwood",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-genrule"],
cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)",
srcs: [
out: [
// framework-statsd
java_genrule {
name: "framework-statsd.ravenwood-base",
tools: ["hoststubgen"],
cmd: "$(location hoststubgen) " +
"@$(location :ravenwood-standard-options) " +
"--debug-log $(location framework-statsd.log) " +
"--stats-file $(location framework-statsd_stats.csv) " +
"--supported-api-list-file $(location framework-statsd_apis.csv) " +
"--gen-keep-all-file $(location framework-statsd_keep_all.txt) " +
"--gen-input-dump-file $(location framework-statsd_dump.txt) " +
"--out-impl-jar $(location ravenwood.jar) " +
"--in-jar $(location :framework-statsd.impl{.jar}) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :ravenwood-common-policies) " +
"--policy-override-file $(location :framework-statsd-ravenwood-policies) ",
srcs: [
out: [
// Following files are created just as FYI.
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_genrule {
name: "framework-statsd.ravenwood",
defaults: ["ravenwood-internal-only-visibility-genrule"],
cmd: "cp $(in) $(out)",
srcs: [
out: [