| page.title=Scheduling Repeating Alarms |
| parent.title=Using Wake Locks |
| parent.link=index.html |
| |
| trainingnavtop=true |
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| @jd:body |
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| <div id="tb-wrapper"> |
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| <!-- table of contents --> |
| <h2>This lesson teaches you to</h2> |
| <ol> |
| <li><a href="#tradeoffs">Understand the Trade-offs</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#set">Set a Repeating Alarm</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#cancel">Cancel an Alarm</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#boot">Start an Alarm When the Device Boots</a></li> |
| </ol> |
| |
| <h2>Try it out</h2> |
| |
| <div class="download-box"> |
| <a href="{@docRoot}shareables/training/Scheduler.zip" |
| class="button">Download the sample</a> |
| <p class="filename">Scheduler.zip</p> |
| </div> |
| |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <a class="notice-developers-video wide" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxW29JVXCqc"> |
| <div> |
| <h3>Video</h3> |
| <p>The App Clinic: Cricket</p> |
| </div> |
| </a> |
| |
| <a class="notice-developers-video wide" |
| href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc-VJS9WQlj9xM_ygPopZ-Qd"> |
| <div> |
| <h3>Video</h3> |
| <p>DevBytes: Efficient Data Transfers</p> |
| </div> |
| </a> |
| |
| <p>Alarms (based on the {@link android.app.AlarmManager} class) give you a way to perform |
| time-based operations outside the lifetime of your application. |
| For example, you could use an alarm to initiate a long-running operation, such |
| as starting a service once a day to download a weather forecast.</p> |
| |
| <p>Alarms have these characteristics:</p> |
| <ul> |
| |
| <li>They let you fire Intents at set times and/or intervals.</li> |
| |
| <li>You can use them in conjunction with broadcast receivers to start services and perform |
| other operations.</li> |
| |
| <li>They operate outside of your application, so you can use them to trigger events or |
| actions even when your app is not running, and even if the device itself is asleep.</li> |
| |
| <li>They help you to minimize your app's resource requirements. You can schedule operations |
| without relying on timers or continuously running background services.</li> |
| |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> For timing operations that are guaranteed to occur |
| <em>during</em> the lifetime of your application, |
| instead consider using the {@link android.os.Handler} class in conjunction with |
| {@link java.util.Timer} and {@link java.lang.Thread}. This approach gives Android better |
| control over system resources.</p> |
| |
| <h2 id="tradeoffs">Understand the Trade-offs</h2> |
| |
| <p>A repeating alarm is a relatively simple mechanism with limited flexibility. |
| It may |
| not be the best choice for your app, particularly if you need to trigger network |
| operations. A poorly designed alarm can cause battery drain and put a significant load on |
| servers.</p> |
| |
| <p>A common scenario for triggering an operation outside the lifetime of your app is |
| syncing data with a server. This is a case where you might be tempted to use a |
| repeating alarm. But if you own the server that is hosting your app's |
| data, using <a href="{@docRoot}google/gcm/index.html">Google Cloud Messaging</a> (GCM) |
| in conjunction with <a href="{@docRoot}training/sync-adapters/index.html">sync adapter</a> |
| is a better solution than {@link android.app.AlarmManager}. A sync adapter gives you all |
| the same scheduling options as {@link android.app.AlarmManager}, but it offers |
| you significantly more flexibility. For example, |
| a sync could be based on a "new data" message from the server/device (see |
| <a href="{@docRoot}training/sync-adapters/running-sync-adapter.html">Running a Sync |
| Adapter</a> for details), the user's activity (or inactivity), the time of day, and so on. |
| See the linked videos at the top of this page for a detailed discussion of when and how |
| to use GCM and sync adapter.</p> |
| |
| <h3>Best practices</h3> |
| |
| <p>Every choice you make in designing your repeating alarm can have consequences in how your |
| app uses (or abuses) system resources. For example, imagine a popular app that |
| syncs with a server. If the sync operation is based on clock time and every instance of the |
| app syncs at 11:00 p.m., the load on the server could result in high latency or even |
| "denial of service." Follow these best practices in using alarms:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Add randomness (jitter) to any network requests that |
| trigger as a result of a repeating alarm: |
| <ul> |
| <li>Do any local work when the alarm triggers. "Local work" means anything that doesn't |
| hit a server or require the data from the server.</li> |
| <li>At the same time, schedule the alarm that contains the network requests to fire at some |
| random period of time.</li> </ul></li> |
| |
| |
| <li>Keep your alarm frequency to a minimum.</li> |
| <li>Don't wake up the device unnecessarily (this behavior is determined by the alarm type, |
| as described in <a href="#type">Choose an alarm type</a>).</li> |
| <li>Don't make your alarm's trigger time any more precise than it has to be. |
| |
| |
| <p>Use {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating setInexactRepeating()} instead |
| of {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setRepeating setRepeating()}. |
| When you use {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating setInexactRepeating()}, |
| Android synchronizes repeating alarms from multiple apps and fires |
| them at the same time. This reduces the total number of times the system must wake the |
| device, thus reducing drain on the battery. As of Android 4.4 |
| (API Level 19), all repeating alarms are inexact. Note that while |
| {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating setInexactRepeating()} is an |
| improvement over {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setRepeating setRepeating()}, it can |
| still overwhelm a server if every instance of an app hits the server around the same time. |
| Therefore, for network requests, add some randomness to your alarms, as discussed above.</p> |
| </li> |
| |
| <li>Avoid basing your alarm on clock time if possible. |
| |
| <p>Repeating alarms that are based on a precise trigger time don't scale well. |
| Use {@link android.app.AlarmManager#ELAPSED_REALTIME} if you can. The different alarm |
| types are described in more detail in the following section.</p> |
| |
| </li> |
| |
| </ul> |
| |
| |
| <h2 id="set">Set a Repeating Alarm</h2> |
| |
| <p>As described above, repeating alarms are a good choice for scheduling regular events or |
| data lookups. A repeating alarm has the following characteristics:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>A alarm type. For more discussion, see <a href="#type">Choose an alarm type</a>.</li> |
| <li>A trigger time. If the trigger time you specify is in the past, the alarm triggers |
| immediately.</li> |
| <li>The alarm's interval. For example, once a day, every hour, every 5 seconds, and so on.</li> |
| <li>A pending intent that fires when the alarm is triggered. When you set a second alarm |
| that uses the same pending intent, it replaces the original alarm.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| |
| <h3 id="type">Choose an alarm type</h3> |
| |
| <p>One of the first considerations in using a repeating alarm is what its type should be.</p> |
| |
| |
| <p>There are two general clock types for alarms: "elapsed real time" and "real time clock" |
| (RTC). |
| Elapsed real time uses the "time since system boot" as a |
| reference, and real time clock uses UTC (wall clock) time. This means that |
| elapsed real time is suited to setting an alarm based on the passage of time (for |
| example, an alarm that fires every 30 seconds) since it isn't affected by |
| time zone/locale. The real time clock type is better suited for alarms that are dependent |
| on current locale.</p> |
| |
| <p>Both types have a "wakeup" version, which says to wake up the device's CPU if the |
| screen is off. This ensures that the alarm will fire at the scheduled time. This is useful |
| if your app has a time dependency—for example, if it has a limited window to perform a |
| particular operation. If you don't use the wakeup version of your alarm type, then |
| all the repeating alarms will fire when your device is next awake.</p> |
| |
| <p>If you simply need your alarm to fire at a particular interval (for example, every half |
| hour), use one of the elapsed real time types. In general, this is the better choice.</p> |
| |
| <p>If you need your alarm to fire at a particular time of day, |
| then choose one of the clock-based real time clock types. Note, however, that this approach can |
| have some drawbacks—the app may not translate well to other locales, and if the user |
| changes the device's time setting, it could cause unexpected behavior in your app. Using a |
| real time clock alarm type also does not scale well, as discussed above. We recommend |
| that you use a "elapsed real time" alarm if you can.</p> |
| |
| <p>Here is the list of types:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| |
| <li>{@link android.app.AlarmManager#ELAPSED_REALTIME}—Fires the pending intent based |
| on the amount of time since the device was booted, but doesn't wake up the device. The |
| elapsed time includes any time during which the device was asleep.</li> |
| |
| <li>{@link android.app.AlarmManager#ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP}—Wakes up the device and |
| fires the pending intent after the specified length of time has elapsed since device |
| boot.</li> |
| |
| <li>{@link android.app.AlarmManager#RTC}—Fires the pending intent |
| at the specified time but does not wake up the device.</li> |
| |
| <li>{@link android.app.AlarmManager#RTC_WAKEUP}—Wakes up the |
| device to fire the pending intent at the specified time.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <h4>ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP examples</h3> |
| |
| <p>Here are some examples of using {@link android.app.AlarmManager#ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP}. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>Wake up the device to fire the alarm in 30 minutes, and every 30 minutes |
| after that:</p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| // Hopefully your alarm will have a lower frequency than this! |
| alarmMgr.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, |
| AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_HOUR, |
| AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_HOUR, alarmIntent);</pre> |
| |
| <p>Wake up the device to fire a one-time (non-repeating) alarm in one minute:</p> |
| |
| <pre>private AlarmManager alarmMgr; |
| private PendingIntent alarmIntent; |
| ... |
| alarmMgr = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); |
| Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlarmReceiver.class); |
| alarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0); |
| |
| alarmMgr.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, |
| SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + |
| 60 * 1000, alarmIntent);</pre> |
| |
| |
| <h4>RTC examples</h3> |
| |
| <p>Here are some examples of using {@link android.app.AlarmManager#RTC_WAKEUP}.</p> |
| |
| <p>Wake up the device to fire the alarm at approximately 2:00 p.m., and repeat once a day |
| at the same time:</p> |
| |
| <pre>// Set the alarm to start at approximately 2:00 p.m. |
| Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); |
| calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); |
| calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 14); |
| |
| // With setInexactRepeating(), you have to use one of the AlarmManager interval |
| // constants--in this case, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY. |
| alarmMgr.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), |
| AlarmManager.INTERVAL_DAY, alarmIntent);</pre> |
| |
| <p>Wake up the device to fire the alarm at precisely 8:30 a.m., and every 20 minutes |
| thereafter:</p> |
| |
| <pre>private AlarmManager alarmMgr; |
| private PendingIntent alarmIntent; |
| ... |
| alarmMgr = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); |
| Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlarmReceiver.class); |
| alarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0); |
| |
| // Set the alarm to start at 8:30 a.m. |
| Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); |
| calendar.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); |
| calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 8); |
| calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30); |
| |
| // setRepeating() lets you specify a precise custom interval--in this case, |
| // 20 minutes. |
| alarmMgr.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), |
| 1000 * 60 * 20, alarmIntent);</pre> |
| |
| <h3>Decide how precise your alarm needs to be</h3> |
| |
| <p>As described above, choosing the alarm type is often the first step in creating an alarm. |
| A further distinction is how precise you need your alarm to be. For most apps, |
| {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating setInexactRepeating()} is the right |
| choice. |
| When you use this method, Android synchronizes multiple inexact repeating alarms and fires |
| them at the same time. This reduces the drain on the battery.</p> |
| |
| <p>For the rare app that has rigid time requirements—for example, the alarm needs to |
| fire precisely at 8:30 a.m., and every hour on the hour |
| thereafter—use {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setRepeating setRepeating()}. But you |
| should avoid using exact alarms if possible.</p> |
| |
| <p>With {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setInexactRepeating setInexactRepeating()}, |
| you can't specify a custom interval the way you can with |
| {@link android.app.AlarmManager#setRepeating setRepeating()}. You have to use one of the |
| interval constants, such as {@link android.app.AlarmManager#INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES}, |
| {@link android.app.AlarmManager#INTERVAL_DAY}, and so on. See {@link android.app.AlarmManager} |
| for the complete list. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id="cancel">Cancel an Alarm</h2> |
| |
| <p>Depending on your app, you may want to include the ability to cancel the alarm. |
| To cancel an alarm, call {@link android.app.AlarmManager#cancel cancel()} on the Alarm |
| Manager, passing in the {@link android.app.PendingIntent} you no longer want to fire. For |
| example:</p> |
| |
| <pre>// If the alarm has been set, cancel it. |
| if (alarmMgr!= null) { |
| alarmMgr.cancel(alarmIntent); |
| }</pre> |
| |
| <h2 id="boot">Start an Alarm When the Device Boots</h2> |
| |
| <p>By default, all alarms are canceled when a device shuts down. |
| To prevent this from happening, you can design your application |
| to automatically restart a repeating alarm if the user reboots the device. This ensures |
| that the {@link android.app.AlarmManager} will continue doing its task without the user |
| needing to manually restart the alarm.</p> |
| |
| |
| <p>Here are the steps:</p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>Set the <a href="{@docRoot}reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"> |
| {@code RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED}</a> permission in your application's manifest. This allows |
| your app to receive the |
| {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED} that is broadcast after the system |
| finishes booting (this only works if the app has already been launched by the user at least once): |
| <pre> |
| <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/></pre> |
| </li> |
| |
| <li>Implement a {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver} to receive the broadcast: |
| <pre>public class SampleBootReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { |
| |
| @Override |
| public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { |
| if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED")) { |
| // Set the alarm here. |
| } |
| } |
| }</pre></li> |
| |
| <li>Add the receiver to your app's manifest file with an intent filter that filters on |
| the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED} action: |
| |
| <pre><receiver android:name=".SampleBootReceiver" |
| android:enabled="false"> |
| <intent-filter> |
| <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"></action> |
| </intent-filter> |
| </receiver></pre> |
| |
| |
| <p>Notice that in the manifest, the boot receiver is set to |
| <code>android:enabled="false"</code>. This means that the receiver will not be called |
| unless the application explicitly enables it. This prevents the boot receiver from being |
| called unnecessarily. You can enable a receiver (for example, if the user sets an alarm) |
| as follows:</p> |
| |
| <pre>ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName(context, SampleBootReceiver.class); |
| PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); |
| |
| pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(receiver, |
| PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Once you enable the receiver this way, it will stay enabled, even if the user reboots |
| the device. In other words, programmatically enabling the receiver overrides the |
| manifest setting, even across reboots. The receiver will stay enabled until your app disables it. |
| You can disable a receiver (for example, if the user cancels an alarm) as follows:</p> |
| |
| <pre>ComponentName receiver = new ComponentName(context, SampleBootReceiver.class); |
| PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); |
| |
| pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(receiver, |
| PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);</pre> |
| |
| </li> |
| </ol> |