blob: 8ab2e0fa63792990c49bc77332a5ed9d48b95fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: "system"
# NOTE: Keep alphabetized to help limit merge conflicts from multiple simultaneous editors.
flag {
name: "add_window_token_without_lock"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Calls WMS.addWindowToken without holding A11yManagerService#mLock"
bug: "297972548"
flag {
name: "resettable_dynamic_properties"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Maintains initial copies of a11yServiceInfo dynamic properties so they can reset on disconnect."
bug: "312386990"
flag {
name: "cleanup_a11y_overlays"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Removes all attached accessibility overlays when a service is removed."
bug: "271490102"
flag {
name: "compute_window_changes_on_a11y_v2"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Computes accessibility window changes in accessibility instead of wm package."
bug: "322444245"
metadata {
flag {
name: "deprecate_package_list_observer"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Stops using the deprecated PackageListObserver."
bug: "304561459"
flag {
name: "disable_continuous_shortcut_on_force_stop"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "When a package is force stopped, remove the button shortcuts of any continuously-running shortcuts."
bug: "198018180"
flag {
name: "enable_a11y_checker_logging"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Whether to identify and log app a11y issues."
bug: "325420273"
flag {
name: "enable_hardware_shortcut_disables_warning"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "When the user purposely enables the hardware shortcut, preemptively disables the first-time warning message."
bug: "287065325"
flag {
name: "enable_magnification_joystick"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Whether to enable joystick controls for magnification"
bug: "297211257"
flag {
name: "enable_magnification_multiple_finger_multiple_tap_gesture"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Whether to enable multi-finger-multi-tap gesture for magnification"
bug: "257274411"
flag {
name: "enable_magnification_one_finger_panning_gesture"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Whether to allow easy-mode (one finger panning gesture) for magnification"
bug: "282039824"
flag {
name: "fix_drag_pointer_when_ending_drag"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Send the correct pointer id when transitioning from dragging to delegating states."
bug: "300002193"
flag {
name: "fullscreen_fling_gesture"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "When true, adds a fling gesture animation for fullscreen magnification"
bug: "319175022"
flag {
name: "handle_multi_device_input"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Select a single active device when a multi-device stream is received by AccessibilityInputFilter"
bug: "310014874"
metadata {
flag {
name: "pinch_zoom_zero_min_span"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Whether to set min span of ScaleGestureDetector to zero."
bug: "295327792"
flag {
name: "proxy_use_apps_on_virtual_device_listener"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Fixes race condition described in b/286587811"
bug: "286587811"
flag {
name: "reset_hover_event_timer_on_action_up"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Reset the timer for sending hover events on receiving ACTION_UP to guarantee the correct amount of time is available between taps."
bug: "326260351"
metadata {
flag {
name: "scan_packages_without_lock"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Scans packages for accessibility service/activity info without holding the A11yMS lock"
bug: "295969873"
flag {
name: "send_a11y_events_based_on_state"
namespace: "accessibility"
description: "Sends accessibility events in TouchExplorer#onAccessibilityEvent based on internal state to keep it consistent. This reduces test flakiness."
bug: "295575684"