blob: 6f7b214334f40798eeef0c6d4a0524b4f7d9c102 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Provides information about a given media codec available on the device. You can
* iterate through all codecs available by querying {@link MediaCodecList}. For example,
* here's how to find an encoder that supports a given MIME type:
* <pre>
* private static MediaCodecInfo selectCodec(String mimeType) {
* int numCodecs = MediaCodecList.getCodecCount();
* for (int i = 0; i &lt; numCodecs; i++) {
* MediaCodecInfo codecInfo = MediaCodecList.getCodecInfoAt(i);
* if (!codecInfo.isEncoder()) {
* continue;
* }
* String[] types = codecInfo.getSupportedTypes();
* for (int j = 0; j &lt; types.length; j++) {
* if (types[j].equalsIgnoreCase(mimeType)) {
* return codecInfo;
* }
* }
* }
* return null;
* }</pre>
public final class MediaCodecInfo {
private boolean mIsEncoder;
private String mName;
private Map<String, CodecCapabilities> mCaps;
/* package private */ MediaCodecInfo(
String name, boolean isEncoder, CodecCapabilities[] caps) {
mName = name;
mIsEncoder = isEncoder;
mCaps = new HashMap<String, CodecCapabilities>();
for (CodecCapabilities c: caps) {
mCaps.put(c.getMimeType(), c);
* Retrieve the codec name.
public final String getName() {
return mName;
* Query if the codec is an encoder.
public final boolean isEncoder() {
return mIsEncoder;
* Query the media types supported by the codec.
public final String[] getSupportedTypes() {
Set<String> typeSet = mCaps.keySet();
String[] types = typeSet.toArray(new String[typeSet.size()]);
return types;
private static int checkPowerOfTwo(int value, String message) {
if ((value & (value - 1)) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return value;
private static class Feature {
public String mName;
public int mValue;
public boolean mDefault;
public Feature(String name, int value, boolean def) {
mName = name;
mValue = value;
mDefault = def;
private static final Range<Integer> POSITIVE_INTEGERS =
Range.create(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private static final Range<Long> POSITIVE_LONGS =
Range.create(1l, Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final Range<Rational> POSITIVE_RATIONALS =
Range.create(new Rational(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE),
new Rational(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1));
private static final Range<Integer> SIZE_RANGE = Range.create(1, 32768);
private static final Range<Integer> FRAME_RATE_RANGE = Range.create(0, 960);
// found stuff that is not supported by framework (=> this should not happen)
private static final int ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED = (1 << 0);
// found profile/level for which we don't have capability estimates
private static final int ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = (1 << 1);
// have not found any profile/level for which we don't have capability estimate
private static final int ERROR_NONE_SUPPORTED = (1 << 2);
* Encapsulates the capabilities of a given codec component.
* For example, what profile/level combinations it supports and what colorspaces
* it is capable of providing the decoded data in, as well as some
* codec-type specific capability flags.
* <p>You can get an instance for a given {@link MediaCodecInfo} object with
* {@link MediaCodecInfo#getCapabilitiesForType getCapabilitiesForType()}, passing a MIME type.
public static final class CodecCapabilities {
public CodecCapabilities() {
private String mMime;
// Enumerates supported profile/level combinations as defined
// by the type of encoded data. These combinations impose restrictions
// on video resolution, bitrate... and limit the available encoder tools
// such as B-frame support, arithmetic coding...
public CodecProfileLevel[] profileLevels; // NOTE this array is modifiable by user
public static final int COLOR_FormatMonochrome = 1;
public static final int COLOR_Format8bitRGB332 = 2;
public static final int COLOR_Format12bitRGB444 = 3;
public static final int COLOR_Format16bitARGB4444 = 4;
public static final int COLOR_Format16bitARGB1555 = 5;
public static final int COLOR_Format16bitRGB565 = 6;
public static final int COLOR_Format16bitBGR565 = 7;
public static final int COLOR_Format18bitRGB666 = 8;
public static final int COLOR_Format18bitARGB1665 = 9;
public static final int COLOR_Format19bitARGB1666 = 10;
public static final int COLOR_Format24bitRGB888 = 11;
public static final int COLOR_Format24bitBGR888 = 12;
public static final int COLOR_Format24bitARGB1887 = 13;
public static final int COLOR_Format25bitARGB1888 = 14;
public static final int COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888 = 15;
public static final int COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888 = 16;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV411Planar = 17;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV411PackedPlanar = 18;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar = 19;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar = 20;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar = 21;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV422Planar = 22;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedPlanar = 23;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV422SemiPlanar = 24;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYCbYCr = 25;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYCrYCb = 26;
public static final int COLOR_FormatCbYCrY = 27;
public static final int COLOR_FormatCrYCbY = 28;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV444Interleaved = 29;
public static final int COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bit = 30;
public static final int COLOR_FormatRawBayer10bit = 31;
public static final int COLOR_FormatRawBayer8bitcompressed = 32;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL2 = 33;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL4 = 34;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL8 = 35;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL16 = 36;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL24 = 37;
public static final int COLOR_FormatL32 = 38;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar = 39;
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV422PackedSemiPlanar = 40;
public static final int COLOR_Format18BitBGR666 = 41;
public static final int COLOR_Format24BitARGB6666 = 42;
public static final int COLOR_Format24BitABGR6666 = 43;
public static final int COLOR_TI_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar = 0x7f000100;
// COLOR_FormatSurface indicates that the data will be a GraphicBuffer metadata reference.
// In OMX this is called OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque.
public static final int COLOR_FormatSurface = 0x7F000789;
public static final int COLOR_Format32BitRGBA8888 = 0x7F00A000;
// This corresponds to YUV_420_888 format
public static final int COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible = 0x7F420888;
public static final int COLOR_QCOM_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar = 0x7fa30c00;
* Defined in the OpenMAX IL specs, color format values are drawn from
public int[] colorFormats; // NOTE this array is modifiable by user
private int mFlagsSupported;
private int mFlagsRequired;
private int mFlagsVerified;
* <b>video decoder only</b>: codec supports seamless resolution changes.
public static final String FEATURE_AdaptivePlayback = "adaptive-playback";
* <b>video decoder only</b>: codec supports secure decryption.
public static final String FEATURE_SecurePlayback = "secure-playback";
* <b>video or audio decoder only</b>: codec supports tunneled playback.
public static final String FEATURE_TunneledPlayback = "tunneled-playback";
* Query codec feature capabilities.
* <p>
* These features are supported to be used by the codec. These
* include optional features that can be turned on, as well as
* features that are always on.
public final boolean isFeatureSupported(String name) {
return checkFeature(name, mFlagsSupported);
* Query codec feature requirements.
* <p>
* These features are required to be used by the codec, and as such,
* they are always turned on.
public final boolean isFeatureRequired(String name) {
return checkFeature(name, mFlagsRequired);
private static final Feature[] decoderFeatures = {
new Feature(FEATURE_AdaptivePlayback, (1 << 0), true),
new Feature(FEATURE_SecurePlayback, (1 << 1), false),
new Feature(FEATURE_TunneledPlayback, (1 << 2), false),
/** @hide */
public String[] validFeatures() {
Feature[] features = getValidFeatures();
String[] res = new String[features.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
res[i] = features[i].mName;
return res;
private Feature[] getValidFeatures() {
if (!isEncoder()) {
return decoderFeatures;
return new Feature[] {};
private boolean checkFeature(String name, int flags) {
for (Feature feat: getValidFeatures()) {
if (feat.mName.equals(name)) {
return (flags & feat.mValue) != 0;
return false;
/** @hide */
public boolean isRegular() {
// regular codecs only require default features
for (Feature feat: getValidFeatures()) {
if (!feat.mDefault && isFeatureRequired(feat.mName)) {
return false;
return true;
* Query whether codec supports a given {@link MediaFormat}.
* @param format media format with optional feature directives.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if format is not a valid media format.
* @return whether the codec capabilities support the given format
* and feature requests.
public final boolean isFormatSupported(MediaFormat format) {
final Map<String, Object> map = format.getMap();
final String mime = (String)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
// mime must match if present
if (mime != null && !mMime.equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) {
return false;
// check feature support
for (Feature feat: getValidFeatures()) {
Integer yesNo = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_FEATURE_ + feat.mName);
if (yesNo == null) {
if ((yesNo == 1 && !isFeatureSupported(feat.mName)) ||
(yesNo == 0 && isFeatureRequired(feat.mName))) {
return false;
if (mAudioCaps != null && !mAudioCaps.supportsFormat(format)) {
return false;
if (mVideoCaps != null && !mVideoCaps.supportsFormat(format)) {
return false;
if (mEncoderCaps != null && !mEncoderCaps.supportsFormat(format)) {
return false;
return true;
// errors while reading profile levels - accessed from sister capabilities
int mError;
private static final String TAG = "CodecCapabilities";
private AudioCapabilities mAudioCaps;
private VideoCapabilities mVideoCaps;
private EncoderCapabilities mEncoderCaps;
private MediaFormat mDefaultFormat;
* Returns a MediaFormat object with default values for configurations that have
* defaults.
public MediaFormat getDefaultFormat() {
return mDefaultFormat;
* Returns the mime type for which this codec-capability object was created.
public String getMimeType() {
return mMime;
private boolean isAudio() {
return mAudioCaps != null;
* Returns the audio capabilities or {@code null} if this is not an audio codec.
public AudioCapabilities getAudioCapabilities() {
return mAudioCaps;
private boolean isEncoder() {
return mEncoderCaps != null;
* Returns the encoding capabilities or {@code null} if this is not an encoder.
public EncoderCapabilities getEncoderCapabilities() {
return mEncoderCaps;
private boolean isVideo() {
return mVideoCaps != null;
* Returns the video capabilities or {@code null} if this is not a video codec.
public VideoCapabilities getVideoCapabilities() {
return mVideoCaps;
/** @hide */
public CodecCapabilities dup() {
return new CodecCapabilities(
// clone writable arrays
Arrays.copyOf(profileLevels, profileLevels.length),
Arrays.copyOf(colorFormats, colorFormats.length),
* Retrieve the codec capabilities for a certain {@code mime type}, {@code
* profile} and {@code level}. If the type, or profile-level combination
* is not understood by the framework, it returns null.
public static CodecCapabilities createFromProfileLevel(
String mime, int profile, int level) {
CodecProfileLevel pl = new CodecProfileLevel();
pl.profile = profile;
pl.level = level;
MediaFormat defaultFormat = new MediaFormat();
defaultFormat.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME, mime);
CodecCapabilities ret = new CodecCapabilities(
new CodecProfileLevel[] { pl }, new int[0], true /* encoder */,
0 /* flags */, defaultFormat, new MediaFormat() /* info */);
if (ret.mError != 0) {
return null;
return ret;
/* package private */ CodecCapabilities(
CodecProfileLevel[] profLevs, int[] colFmts,
boolean encoder, int flags,
Map<String, Object>defaultFormatMap,
Map<String, Object>capabilitiesMap) {
this(profLevs, colFmts, encoder, flags,
new MediaFormat(defaultFormatMap),
new MediaFormat(capabilitiesMap));
private MediaFormat mCapabilitiesInfo;
/* package private */ CodecCapabilities(
CodecProfileLevel[] profLevs, int[] colFmts, boolean encoder, int flags,
MediaFormat defaultFormat, MediaFormat info) {
final Map<String, Object> map = info.getMap();
profileLevels = profLevs;
colorFormats = colFmts;
mFlagsVerified = flags;
mDefaultFormat = defaultFormat;
mCapabilitiesInfo = info;
mMime = mDefaultFormat.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
if (mMime.toLowerCase().startsWith("audio/")) {
mAudioCaps = AudioCapabilities.create(info, this);
} else if (mMime.toLowerCase().startsWith("video/")) {
mVideoCaps = VideoCapabilities.create(info, this);
if (encoder) {
mEncoderCaps = EncoderCapabilities.create(info, this);
for (Feature feat: getValidFeatures()) {
String key = MediaFormat.KEY_FEATURE_ + feat.mName;
Integer yesNo = (Integer)map.get(key);
if (yesNo == null) {
if (yesNo > 0) {
mFlagsRequired |= feat.mValue;
mFlagsSupported |= feat.mValue;
mDefaultFormat.setInteger(key, 1);
// TODO restrict features by mFlagsVerified once all codecs reliably verify them
* A class that supports querying the audio capabilities of a codec.
public static final class AudioCapabilities {
private static final String TAG = "AudioCapabilities";
private CodecCapabilities mParent;
private Range<Integer> mBitrateRange;
private int[] mSampleRates;
private Range<Integer>[] mSampleRateRanges;
private int mMaxInputChannelCount;
private static final int MAX_INPUT_CHANNEL_COUNT = 30;
* Returns the range of supported bitrates in bits/second.
public Range<Integer> getBitrateRange() {
return mBitrateRange;
* Returns the array of supported sample rates if the codec
* supports only discrete values. Otherwise, it returns
* {@code null}. The array is sorted in ascending order.
public int[] getSupportedSampleRates() {
return Arrays.copyOf(mSampleRates, mSampleRates.length);
* Returns the array of supported sample rate ranges. The
* array is sorted in ascending order, and the ranges are
* distinct.
public Range<Integer>[] getSupportedSampleRateRanges() {
return Arrays.copyOf(mSampleRateRanges, mSampleRateRanges.length);
* Returns the maximum number of input channels supported. The codec
* supports any number of channels between 1 and this maximum value.
public int getMaxInputChannelCount() {
return mMaxInputChannelCount;
/* no public constructor */
private AudioCapabilities() { }
/** @hide */
public static AudioCapabilities create(
MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
AudioCapabilities caps = new AudioCapabilities();
caps.init(info, parent);
return caps;
/** @hide */
public void init(MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
mParent = parent;
private void initWithPlatformLimits() {
mBitrateRange = Range.create(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
mMaxInputChannelCount = MAX_INPUT_CHANNEL_COUNT;
// mBitrateRange = Range.create(1, 320000);
mSampleRateRanges = new Range[] { Range.create(8000, 96000) };
mSampleRates = null;
private boolean supports(Integer sampleRate, Integer inputChannels) {
// channels and sample rates are checked orthogonally
if (inputChannels != null &&
(inputChannels < 1 || inputChannels > mMaxInputChannelCount)) {
return false;
if (sampleRate != null) {
int ix = Utils.binarySearchDistinctRanges(
mSampleRateRanges, sampleRate);
if (ix < 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Query whether the sample rate is supported by the codec.
public boolean isSampleRateSupported(int sampleRate) {
return supports(sampleRate, null);
/** modifies rates */
private void limitSampleRates(int[] rates) {
ArrayList<Range<Integer>> ranges = new ArrayList<Range<Integer>>();
for (int rate: rates) {
if (supports(rate, null /* channels */)) {
ranges.add(Range.create(rate, rate));
mSampleRateRanges = ranges.toArray(new Range[ranges.size()]);
private void createDiscreteSampleRates() {
mSampleRates = new int[mSampleRateRanges.length];
for (int i = 0; i < mSampleRateRanges.length; i++) {
mSampleRates[i] = mSampleRateRanges[i].getLower();
/** modifies rateRanges */
private void limitSampleRates(Range<Integer>[] rateRanges) {
mSampleRateRanges = intersectSortedDistinctRanges(mSampleRateRanges, rateRanges);
// check if all values are discrete
for (Range<Integer> range: mSampleRateRanges) {
if (!range.getLower().equals(range.getUpper())) {
mSampleRates = null;
private void applyLevelLimits() {
int[] sampleRates = null;
Range<Integer> sampleRateRange = null, bitRates = null;
int maxChannels = 0;
String mime = mParent.getMimeType();
if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG)) {
sampleRates = new int[] {
8000, 11025, 12000,
16000, 22050, 24000,
32000, 44100, 48000 };
bitRates = Range.create(8000, 320000);
maxChannels = 2;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB)) {
sampleRates = new int[] { 8000 };
bitRates = Range.create(4750, 12200);
maxChannels = 1;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB)) {
sampleRates = new int[] { 16000 };
bitRates = Range.create(6600, 23850);
maxChannels = 1;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC)) {
sampleRates = new int[] {
7350, 8000,
11025, 12000, 16000,
22050, 24000, 32000,
44100, 48000, 64000,
88200, 96000 };
bitRates = Range.create(8000, 510000);
maxChannels = 48;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS)) {
bitRates = Range.create(32000, 500000);
sampleRates = new int[] { 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 48000, 192000 };
maxChannels = 255;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_OPUS)) {
bitRates = Range.create(6000, 510000);
sampleRates = new int[] { 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 48000 };
maxChannels = 255;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW)) {
sampleRateRange = Range.create(1, 96000);
bitRates = Range.create(1, 10000000);
maxChannels = 8;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC)) {
sampleRateRange = Range.create(1, 655350);
// lossless codec, so bitrate is ignored
maxChannels = 255;
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_ALAW)
|| mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_MLAW)) {
sampleRates = new int[] { 8000 };
bitRates = Range.create(64000, 64000);
// platform allows multiple channels for this format
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MSGSM)) {
sampleRates = new int[] { 8000 };
bitRates = Range.create(13000, 13000);
maxChannels = 1;
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported mime " + mime);
mParent.mError |= ERROR_UNSUPPORTED;
// restrict ranges
if (sampleRates != null) {
} else if (sampleRateRange != null) {
limitSampleRates(new Range[] { sampleRateRange });
applyLimits(maxChannels, bitRates);
private void applyLimits(int maxInputChannels, Range<Integer> bitRates) {
mMaxInputChannelCount = Range.create(1, mMaxInputChannelCount)
if (bitRates != null) {
mBitrateRange = mBitrateRange.intersect(bitRates);
private void parseFromInfo(MediaFormat info) {
int maxInputChannels = MAX_INPUT_CHANNEL_COUNT;
Range<Integer> bitRates = POSITIVE_INTEGERS;
if (info.containsKey("sample-rate-ranges")) {
String[] rateStrings = info.getString("sample-rate-ranges").split(",");
Range<Integer>[] rateRanges = new Range[rateStrings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < rateStrings.length; i++) {
rateRanges[i] = Utils.parseIntRange(rateStrings[i], null);
if (info.containsKey("max-channel-count")) {
maxInputChannels = Utils.parseIntSafely(
info.getString("max-channel-count"), maxInputChannels);
if (info.containsKey("bitrate-range")) {
bitRates = bitRates.intersect(
Utils.parseIntRange(info.getString("bitrate"), bitRates));
applyLimits(maxInputChannels, bitRates);
/** @hide */
public void setDefaultFormat(MediaFormat format) {
// report settings that have only a single choice
if (mBitrateRange.getLower().equals(mBitrateRange.getUpper())) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BIT_RATE, mBitrateRange.getLower());
if (mMaxInputChannelCount == 1) {
// mono-only format
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT, 1);
if (mSampleRates != null && mSampleRates.length == 1) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE, mSampleRates[0]);
/** @hide */
public boolean supportsFormat(MediaFormat format) {
Map<String, Object> map = format.getMap();
Integer sampleRate = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE);
Integer channels = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT);
if (!supports(sampleRate, channels)) {
return false;
// nothing to do for:
// KEY_CHANNEL_MASK: codecs don't get this
// KEY_IS_ADTS: required feature for all AAC decoders
return true;
* A class that supports querying the video capabilities of a codec.
public static final class VideoCapabilities {
private static final String TAG = "VideoCapabilities";
private CodecCapabilities mParent;
private Range<Integer> mBitrateRange;
private Range<Integer> mHeightRange;
private Range<Integer> mWidthRange;
private Range<Integer> mBlockCountRange;
private Range<Integer> mHorizontalBlockRange;
private Range<Integer> mVerticalBlockRange;
private Range<Rational> mAspectRatioRange;
private Range<Rational> mBlockAspectRatioRange;
private Range<Long> mBlocksPerSecondRange;
private Range<Integer> mFrameRateRange;
private int mBlockWidth;
private int mBlockHeight;
private int mWidthAlignment;
private int mHeightAlignment;
private int mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit;
* Returns the range of supported bitrates in bits/second.
public Range<Integer> getBitrateRange() {
return mBitrateRange;
* Returns the range of supported video widths.
public Range<Integer> getSupportedWidths() {
return mWidthRange;
* Returns the range of supported video heights.
public Range<Integer> getSupportedHeights() {
return mHeightRange;
* Returns the alignment requirement for video width (in pixels).
* This is a power-of-2 value that video width must be a
* multiple of.
public int getWidthAlignment() {
return mWidthAlignment;
* Returns the alignment requirement for video height (in pixels).
* This is a power-of-2 value that video height must be a
* multiple of.
public int getHeightAlignment() {
return mHeightAlignment;
* Return the upper limit on the smaller dimension of width or height.
* <p></p>
* Some codecs have a limit on the smaller dimension, whether it be
* the width or the height. E.g. a codec may only be able to handle
* up to 1920x1080 both in landscape and portrait mode (1080x1920).
* In this case the maximum width and height are both 1920, but the
* smaller dimension limit will be 1080. For other codecs, this is
* {@code Math.min(getSupportedWidths().getUpper(),
* getSupportedHeights().getUpper())}.
* @hide
public int getSmallerDimensionUpperLimit() {
return mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit;
* Returns the range of supported frame rates.
* <p>
* This is not a performance indicator. Rather, it expresses the
* limits specified in the coding standard, based on the complexities
* of encoding material for later playback at a certain frame rate,
* or the decoding of such material in non-realtime.
public Range<Integer> getSupportedFrameRates() {
return mFrameRateRange;
* Returns the range of supported video widths for a video height.
* @param height the height of the video
public Range<Integer> getSupportedWidthsFor(int height) {
try {
Range<Integer> range = mWidthRange;
if (!mHeightRange.contains(height)
|| (height % mHeightAlignment) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported height");
final int heightInBlocks = Utils.divUp(height, mBlockHeight);
// constrain by block count and by block aspect ratio
final int minWidthInBlocks = Math.max(
Utils.divUp(mBlockCountRange.getLower(), heightInBlocks),
* heightInBlocks));
final int maxWidthInBlocks = Math.min(
mBlockCountRange.getUpper() / heightInBlocks,
* heightInBlocks));
range = range.intersect(
(minWidthInBlocks - 1) * mBlockWidth + mWidthAlignment,
maxWidthInBlocks * mBlockWidth);
// constrain by smaller dimension limit
if (height > mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit) {
range = range.intersect(1, mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit);
// constrain by aspect ratio
range = range.intersect(
* height),
(int)(mAspectRatioRange.getUpper().doubleValue() * height));
return range;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// should not be here
Log.w(TAG, "could not get supported widths for " + height , e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported height");
* Returns the range of supported video heights for a video width
* @param width the width of the video
public Range<Integer> getSupportedHeightsFor(int width) {
try {
Range<Integer> range = mHeightRange;
if (!mWidthRange.contains(width)
|| (width % mWidthAlignment) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported width");
final int widthInBlocks = Utils.divUp(width, mBlockWidth);
// constrain by block count and by block aspect ratio
final int minHeightInBlocks = Math.max(
Utils.divUp(mBlockCountRange.getLower(), widthInBlocks),
(int)Math.ceil(widthInBlocks /
final int maxHeightInBlocks = Math.min(
mBlockCountRange.getUpper() / widthInBlocks,
(int)(widthInBlocks /
range = range.intersect(
(minHeightInBlocks - 1) * mBlockHeight + mHeightAlignment,
maxHeightInBlocks * mBlockHeight);
// constrain by smaller dimension limit
if (width > mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit) {
range = range.intersect(1, mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit);
// constrain by aspect ratio
range = range.intersect(
(int)Math.ceil(width /
(int)(width / mAspectRatioRange.getLower().doubleValue()));
return range;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// should not be here
Log.w(TAG, "could not get supported heights for " + width , e);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported width");
* Returns the range of supported video frame rates for a video size.
* <p>
* This is not a performance indicator. Rather, it expresses the limits specified in
* the coding standard, based on the complexities of encoding material of a given
* size for later playback at a certain frame rate, or the decoding of such material
* in non-realtime.
* @param width the width of the video
* @param height the height of the video
public Range<Double> getSupportedFrameRatesFor(int width, int height) {
Range<Integer> range = mHeightRange;
if (!supports(width, height, null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported size");
final int blockCount =
Utils.divUp(width, mBlockWidth) * Utils.divUp(height, mBlockHeight);
return Range.create(
Math.max(mBlocksPerSecondRange.getLower() / (double) blockCount,
(double) mFrameRateRange.getLower()),
Math.min(mBlocksPerSecondRange.getUpper() / (double) blockCount,
(double) mFrameRateRange.getUpper()));
* Returns whether a given video size ({@code width} and
* {@code height}) and {@code frameRate} combination is supported.
public boolean areSizeAndRateSupported(
int width, int height, double frameRate) {
return supports(width, height, frameRate);
* Returns whether a given video size ({@code width} and
* {@code height}) is supported.
public boolean isSizeSupported(int width, int height) {
return supports(width, height, null);
private boolean supports(
Integer width, Integer height, Number rate) {
boolean ok = true;
if (ok && width != null) {
ok = mWidthRange.contains(width)
&& (width % mWidthAlignment == 0);
if (ok && height != null) {
ok = mHeightRange.contains(height)
&& (height % mHeightAlignment == 0);
if (ok && rate != null) {
ok = mFrameRateRange.contains(Utils.intRangeFor(rate.doubleValue()));
if (ok && height != null && width != null) {
ok = Math.min(height, width) <= mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit;
final int widthInBlocks = Utils.divUp(width, mBlockWidth);
final int heightInBlocks = Utils.divUp(height, mBlockHeight);
final int blockCount = widthInBlocks * heightInBlocks;
ok = ok && mBlockCountRange.contains(blockCount)
&& mBlockAspectRatioRange.contains(
new Rational(widthInBlocks, heightInBlocks))
&& mAspectRatioRange.contains(new Rational(width, height));
if (ok && rate != null) {
double blocksPerSec = blockCount * rate.doubleValue();
ok = mBlocksPerSecondRange.contains(
return ok;
* @hide
* @throws java.lang.ClassCastException */
public boolean supportsFormat(MediaFormat format) {
final Map<String, Object> map = format.getMap();
Integer width = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
Integer height = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
Number rate = (Number)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE);
// we ignore color-format for now as it is not reliably reported by codec
return supports(width, height, rate);
/* no public constructor */
private VideoCapabilities() { }
/** @hide */
public static VideoCapabilities create(
MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
VideoCapabilities caps = new VideoCapabilities();
caps.init(info, parent);
return caps;
/** @hide */
public void init(MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
mParent = parent;
/** @hide */
public Size getBlockSize() {
return new Size(mBlockWidth, mBlockHeight);
/** @hide */
public Range<Integer> getBlockCountRange() {
return mBlockCountRange;
/** @hide */
public Range<Long> getBlocksPerSecondRange() {
return mBlocksPerSecondRange;
/** @hide */
public Range<Rational> getAspectRatioRange(boolean blocks) {
return blocks ? mBlockAspectRatioRange : mAspectRatioRange;
private void initWithPlatformLimits() {
mBitrateRange = Range.create(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
mWidthRange = SIZE_RANGE;
mHeightRange = SIZE_RANGE;
mFrameRateRange = FRAME_RATE_RANGE;
mHorizontalBlockRange = SIZE_RANGE;
mVerticalBlockRange = SIZE_RANGE;
// full positive ranges are supported as these get calculated
mBlocksPerSecondRange = POSITIVE_LONGS;
mBlockAspectRatioRange = POSITIVE_RATIONALS;
// YUV 4:2:0 requires 2:2 alignment
mWidthAlignment = 2;
mHeightAlignment = 2;
mBlockWidth = 2;
mBlockHeight = 2;
mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit = SIZE_RANGE.getUpper();
private void parseFromInfo(MediaFormat info) {
final Map<String, Object> map = info.getMap();
Size blockSize = new Size(mBlockWidth, mBlockHeight);
Size alignment = new Size(mWidthAlignment, mHeightAlignment);
Range<Integer> counts = null, widths = null, heights = null;
Range<Integer> frameRates = null;
Range<Long> blockRates = null;
Range<Rational> ratios = null, blockRatios = null;
blockSize = Utils.parseSize(map.get("block-size"), blockSize);
alignment = Utils.parseSize(map.get("alignment"), alignment);
counts = Utils.parseIntRange(map.get("block-count-range"), null);
blockRates =
Utils.parseLongRange(map.get("blocks-per-second-range"), null);
Object o = map.get("size-range");
Pair<Size, Size> sizeRange = Utils.parseSizeRange(o);
if (sizeRange != null) {
try {
widths = Range.create(
heights = Range.create(
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "could not parse size range '" + o + "'");
widths = null;
heights = null;
// for now this just means using the smaller max size as 2nd
// upper limit.
// for now we are keeping the profile specific "width/height
// in macroblocks" limits.
if (Integer.valueOf(1).equals(map.get("feature-can-swap-width-height"))) {
if (widths != null) {
mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit =
Math.min(widths.getUpper(), heights.getUpper());
widths = heights = widths.extend(heights);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "feature can-swap-width-height is best used with size-range");
mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit =
Math.min(mWidthRange.getUpper(), mHeightRange.getUpper());
mWidthRange = mHeightRange = mWidthRange.extend(mHeightRange);
ratios = Utils.parseRationalRange(
map.get("block-aspect-ratio-range"), null);
blockRatios = Utils.parseRationalRange(
map.get("pixel-aspect-ratio-range"), null);
frameRates = Utils.parseIntRange(map.get("frame-rate-range"), null);
if (frameRates != null) {
try {
frameRates = frameRates.intersect(FRAME_RATE_RANGE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "frame rate range (" + frameRates
+ ") is out of limits: " + FRAME_RATE_RANGE);
frameRates = null;
blockSize.getWidth(), "block-size width must be power of two");
blockSize.getHeight(), "block-size height must be power of two");
alignment.getWidth(), "alignment width must be power of two");
alignment.getHeight(), "alignment height must be power of two");
// update block-size and alignment
Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
Long.MAX_VALUE, blockSize.getWidth(), blockSize.getHeight(),
alignment.getWidth(), alignment.getHeight());
if ((mParent.mError & ERROR_UNSUPPORTED) != 0) {
// codec supports profiles that we don't know.
// Use supplied values clipped to platform limits
if (widths != null) {
mWidthRange = SIZE_RANGE.intersect(widths);
if (heights != null) {
mHeightRange = SIZE_RANGE.intersect(heights);
if (counts != null) {
mBlockCountRange = POSITIVE_INTEGERS.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(counts, mBlockWidth * mBlockHeight
/ blockSize.getWidth() / blockSize.getHeight()));
if (blockRates != null) {
mBlocksPerSecondRange = POSITIVE_LONGS.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(blockRates, mBlockWidth * mBlockHeight
/ blockSize.getWidth() / blockSize.getHeight()));
if (blockRatios != null) {
mBlockAspectRatioRange = POSITIVE_RATIONALS.intersect(
mBlockHeight / blockSize.getHeight(),
mBlockWidth / blockSize.getWidth()));
if (ratios != null) {
mAspectRatioRange = POSITIVE_RATIONALS.intersect(ratios);
if (frameRates != null) {
mFrameRateRange = FRAME_RATE_RANGE.intersect(frameRates);
} else {
// no unsupported profile/levels, so restrict values to known limits
if (widths != null) {
mWidthRange = mWidthRange.intersect(widths);
if (heights != null) {
mHeightRange = mHeightRange.intersect(heights);
if (counts != null) {
mBlockCountRange = mBlockCountRange.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(counts, mBlockWidth * mBlockHeight
/ blockSize.getWidth() / blockSize.getHeight()));
if (blockRates != null) {
mBlocksPerSecondRange = mBlocksPerSecondRange.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(blockRates, mBlockWidth * mBlockHeight
/ blockSize.getWidth() / blockSize.getHeight()));
if (blockRatios != null) {
mBlockAspectRatioRange = mBlockAspectRatioRange.intersect(
mBlockHeight / blockSize.getHeight(),
mBlockWidth / blockSize.getWidth()));
if (ratios != null) {
mAspectRatioRange = mAspectRatioRange.intersect(ratios);
if (frameRates != null) {
mFrameRateRange = mFrameRateRange.intersect(frameRates);
private void applyBlockLimits(
int blockWidth, int blockHeight,
Range<Integer> counts, Range<Long> rates, Range<Rational> ratios) {
checkPowerOfTwo(blockWidth, "blockWidth must be a power of two");
checkPowerOfTwo(blockHeight, "blockHeight must be a power of two");
final int newBlockWidth = Math.max(blockWidth, mBlockWidth);
final int newBlockHeight = Math.max(blockHeight, mBlockHeight);
// factor will always be a power-of-2
int factor =
newBlockWidth * newBlockHeight / mBlockWidth / mBlockHeight;
if (factor != 1) {
mBlockCountRange = Utils.factorRange(mBlockCountRange, factor);
mBlocksPerSecondRange = Utils.factorRange(
mBlocksPerSecondRange, factor);
mBlockAspectRatioRange = Utils.scaleRange(
newBlockHeight / mBlockHeight,
newBlockWidth / mBlockWidth);
mHorizontalBlockRange = Utils.factorRange(
mHorizontalBlockRange, newBlockWidth / mBlockWidth);
mVerticalBlockRange = Utils.factorRange(
mVerticalBlockRange, newBlockHeight / mBlockHeight);
factor = newBlockWidth * newBlockHeight / blockWidth / blockHeight;
if (factor != 1) {
counts = Utils.factorRange(counts, factor);
rates = Utils.factorRange(rates, factor);
ratios = Utils.scaleRange(
ratios, newBlockHeight / blockHeight,
newBlockWidth / blockWidth);
mBlockCountRange = mBlockCountRange.intersect(counts);
mBlocksPerSecondRange = mBlocksPerSecondRange.intersect(rates);
mBlockAspectRatioRange = mBlockAspectRatioRange.intersect(ratios);
mBlockWidth = newBlockWidth;
mBlockHeight = newBlockHeight;
private void applyAlignment(int widthAlignment, int heightAlignment) {
checkPowerOfTwo(widthAlignment, "widthAlignment must be a power of two");
checkPowerOfTwo(heightAlignment, "heightAlignment must be a power of two");
if (widthAlignment > mBlockWidth || heightAlignment > mBlockHeight) {
// maintain assumption that 0 < alignment <= block-size
Math.max(widthAlignment, mBlockWidth),
Math.max(heightAlignment, mBlockHeight),
mWidthAlignment = Math.max(widthAlignment, mWidthAlignment);
mHeightAlignment = Math.max(heightAlignment, mHeightAlignment);
mWidthRange = Utils.alignRange(mWidthRange, mWidthAlignment);
mHeightRange = Utils.alignRange(mHeightRange, mHeightAlignment);
private void updateLimits() {
// pixels -> blocks <- counts
mHorizontalBlockRange = mHorizontalBlockRange.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(mWidthRange, mBlockWidth));
mHorizontalBlockRange = mHorizontalBlockRange.intersect(
mBlockCountRange.getLower() / mVerticalBlockRange.getUpper(),
mBlockCountRange.getUpper() / mVerticalBlockRange.getLower()));
mVerticalBlockRange = mVerticalBlockRange.intersect(
Utils.factorRange(mHeightRange, mBlockHeight));
mVerticalBlockRange = mVerticalBlockRange.intersect(
mBlockCountRange.getLower() / mHorizontalBlockRange.getUpper(),
mBlockCountRange.getUpper() / mHorizontalBlockRange.getLower()));
mBlockCountRange = mBlockCountRange.intersect(
* mVerticalBlockRange.getLower(),
* mVerticalBlockRange.getUpper()));
mBlockAspectRatioRange = mBlockAspectRatioRange.intersect(
new Rational(
mHorizontalBlockRange.getLower(), mVerticalBlockRange.getUpper()),
new Rational(
mHorizontalBlockRange.getUpper(), mVerticalBlockRange.getLower()));
// blocks -> pixels
mWidthRange = mWidthRange.intersect(
(mHorizontalBlockRange.getLower() - 1) * mBlockWidth + mWidthAlignment,
mHorizontalBlockRange.getUpper() * mBlockWidth);
mHeightRange = mHeightRange.intersect(
(mVerticalBlockRange.getLower() - 1) * mBlockHeight + mHeightAlignment,
mVerticalBlockRange.getUpper() * mBlockHeight);
mAspectRatioRange = mAspectRatioRange.intersect(
new Rational(mWidthRange.getLower(), mHeightRange.getUpper()),
new Rational(mWidthRange.getUpper(), mHeightRange.getLower()));
mSmallerDimensionUpperLimit = Math.min(
Math.min(mWidthRange.getUpper(), mHeightRange.getUpper()));
// blocks -> rate
mBlocksPerSecondRange = mBlocksPerSecondRange.intersect(
mBlockCountRange.getLower() * (long)mFrameRateRange.getLower(),
mBlockCountRange.getUpper() * (long)mFrameRateRange.getUpper());
mFrameRateRange = mFrameRateRange.intersect(
/ mBlockCountRange.getUpper()),
/ (double)mBlockCountRange.getLower()));
private void applyMacroBlockLimits(
int maxHorizontalBlocks, int maxVerticalBlocks,
int maxBlocks, long maxBlocksPerSecond,
int blockWidth, int blockHeight,
int widthAlignment, int heightAlignment) {
applyAlignment(widthAlignment, heightAlignment);
blockWidth, blockHeight, Range.create(1, maxBlocks),
Range.create(1L, maxBlocksPerSecond),
new Rational(1, maxVerticalBlocks),
new Rational(maxHorizontalBlocks, 1)));
mHorizontalBlockRange =
1, maxHorizontalBlocks / (mBlockWidth / blockWidth));
mVerticalBlockRange =
1, maxVerticalBlocks / (mBlockHeight / blockHeight));
private void applyLevelLimits() {
int maxBlocksPerSecond = 0;
int maxBlocks = 0;
int maxBps = 0;
int maxDPBBlocks = 0;
CodecProfileLevel[] profileLevels = mParent.profileLevels;
String mime = mParent.getMimeType();
if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC)) {
maxBlocks = 99;
maxBlocksPerSecond = 1485;
maxBps = 64000;
maxDPBBlocks = 396;
for (CodecProfileLevel profileLevel: profileLevels) {
int MBPS = 0, FS = 0, BR = 0, DPB = 0;
boolean supported = true;
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel1:
MBPS = 1485; FS = 99; BR = 64; DPB = 396; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel1b:
MBPS = 1485; FS = 99; BR = 128; DPB = 396; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel11:
MBPS = 3000; FS = 396; BR = 192; DPB = 900; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel12:
MBPS = 6000; FS = 396; BR = 384; DPB = 2376; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel13:
MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 768; DPB = 2376; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel2:
MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 2000; DPB = 2376; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel21:
MBPS = 19800; FS = 792; BR = 4000; DPB = 4752; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel22:
MBPS = 20250; FS = 1620; BR = 4000; DPB = 8100; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel3:
MBPS = 40500; FS = 1620; BR = 10000; DPB = 8100; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel31:
MBPS = 108000; FS = 3600; BR = 14000; DPB = 18000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel32:
MBPS = 216000; FS = 5120; BR = 20000; DPB = 20480; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel4:
MBPS = 245760; FS = 8192; BR = 20000; DPB = 32768; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel41:
MBPS = 245760; FS = 8192; BR = 50000; DPB = 32768; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel42:
MBPS = 522240; FS = 8704; BR = 50000; DPB = 34816; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel5:
MBPS = 589824; FS = 22080; BR = 135000; DPB = 110400; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel51:
MBPS = 983040; FS = 36864; BR = 240000; DPB = 184320; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel52:
MBPS = 2073600; FS = 36864; BR = 240000; DPB = 184320; break;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized level "
+ profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
switch (profileLevel.profile) {
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh:
BR *= 1250; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh10:
BR *= 3000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileExtended:
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh422:
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileHigh444:
Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
supported = false;
// fall through - treat as base profile
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileBaseline:
case CodecProfileLevel.AVCProfileMain:
BR *= 1000; break;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
BR *= 1000;
if (supported) {
maxBlocksPerSecond = Math.max(MBPS, maxBlocksPerSecond);
maxBlocks = Math.max(FS, maxBlocks);
maxBps = Math.max(BR, maxBps);
maxDPBBlocks = Math.max(maxDPBBlocks, DPB);
int maxLengthInBlocks = (int)(Math.sqrt(maxBlocks * 8));
maxLengthInBlocks, maxLengthInBlocks,
maxBlocks, maxBlocksPerSecond,
16 /* blockWidth */, 16 /* blockHeight */,
1 /* widthAlignment */, 1 /* heightAlignment */);
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4)) {
int maxWidth = 11, maxHeight = 9, maxRate = 15;
maxBlocks = 99;
maxBlocksPerSecond = 1485;
maxBps = 64000;
for (CodecProfileLevel profileLevel: profileLevels) {
int MBPS = 0, FS = 0, BR = 0, FR = 0, W = 0, H = 0;
boolean supported = true;
switch (profileLevel.profile) {
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileSimple:
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level0:
FR = 15; W = 11; H = 9; MBPS = 1485; FS = 99; BR = 64; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level1:
FR = 30; W = 11; H = 9; MBPS = 1485; FS = 99; BR = 64; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level0b:
FR = 30; W = 11; H = 9; MBPS = 1485; FS = 99; BR = 128; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level2:
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; MBPS = 5940; FS = 396; BR = 128; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level3:
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 384; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level4:
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level4a:
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level5:
// While MPEG4 SP does not have level 4 or 5, some vendors
// report it. Use the same limits as level 3, but mark as
// unsupported.
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 384;
supported = false;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile/level "
+ profileLevel.profile + "/"
+ profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple:
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level0:
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level1:
FR = 30; W = 11; H = 9; MBPS = 2970; FS = 99; BR = 128; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level2:
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; MBPS = 5940; FS = 396; BR = 384; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level3:
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 768; break;
// case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level3b:
// TODO: MPEG4 level 3b is not defined in OMX
// MBPS = 11880; FS = 396; BR = 1500; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level4:
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level4a:
// TODO: MPEG4 level 4a is not defined in spec
FR = 30; W = 44; H = 36; MBPS = 23760; FS = 792; BR = 3000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4Level5:
FR = 30; W = 45; H = 36; MBPS = 48600; FS = 1620; BR = 8000; break;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile/level "
+ profileLevel.profile + "/"
+ profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileMain: // 2-4
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileNbit: // 2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileAdvancedRealTime: // 1-4
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileCoreScalable: // 1-3
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCoding: // 1-4
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileCore: // 1-2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCore: // 1-4
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileSimpleScalable: // 0-2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileAdvancedScalable: // 1-3
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileHybrid: // 1-2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileBasicAnimated: // 1-2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileScalableTexture: // 1
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileSimpleFace: // 1-2
case CodecProfileLevel.MPEG4ProfileSimpleFBA: // 1-2
Log.i(TAG, "Unsupported profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
supported = false;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
if (supported) {
maxBlocksPerSecond = Math.max(MBPS, maxBlocksPerSecond);
maxBlocks = Math.max(FS, maxBlocks);
maxBps = Math.max(BR * 1000, maxBps);
maxWidth = Math.max(W, maxWidth);
maxHeight = Math.max(H, maxHeight);
maxRate = Math.max(FR, maxRate);
applyMacroBlockLimits(maxWidth, maxHeight,
maxBlocks, maxBlocksPerSecond,
16 /* blockWidth */, 16 /* blockHeight */,
1 /* widthAlignment */, 1 /* heightAlignment */);
mFrameRateRange = mFrameRateRange.intersect(12, maxRate);
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_H263)) {
int maxWidth = 11, maxHeight = 9, maxRate = 15;
maxBlocks = 99;
maxBlocksPerSecond = 1485;
maxBps = 64000;
for (CodecProfileLevel profileLevel: profileLevels) {
int MBPS = 0, BR = 0, FR = 0, W = 0, H = 0;
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level10:
FR = 15; W = 11; H = 9; BR = 1; MBPS = W * H * FR; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level20:
// only supports CIF, 0..QCIF
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; BR = 2; MBPS = W * H * FR; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level30:
// only supports CIF, 0..QCIF
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; BR = 6; MBPS = W * H * FR; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level40:
// only supports CIF, 0..QCIF
FR = 30; W = 22; H = 18; BR = 32; MBPS = W * H * FR; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level45:
// only implies level 10 support
FR = 30; W = 11; H = 9; BR = 2; MBPS = W * H * FR; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level50:
// only supports 50fps for H > 15
FR = 60; W = 22; H = 18; BR = 64; MBPS = W * H * 50; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level60:
// only supports 50fps for H > 15
FR = 60; W = 45; H = 18; BR = 128; MBPS = W * H * 50; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.H263Level70:
// only supports 50fps for H > 30
FR = 60; W = 45; H = 36; BR = 256; MBPS = W * H * 50; break;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile/level " + profileLevel.profile
+ "/" + profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
switch (profileLevel.profile) {
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileBackwardCompatible:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileBaseline:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileH320Coding:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileHighCompression:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileHighLatency:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileInterlace:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileInternet:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileISWV2:
case CodecProfileLevel.H263ProfileISWV3:
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
maxBlocksPerSecond = Math.max(MBPS, maxBlocksPerSecond);
maxBlocks = Math.max(W * H, maxBlocks);
maxBps = Math.max(BR * 64000, maxBps);
maxWidth = Math.max(W, maxWidth);
maxHeight = Math.max(H, maxHeight);
maxRate = Math.max(FR, maxRate);
applyMacroBlockLimits(maxWidth, maxHeight,
maxBlocks, maxBlocksPerSecond,
16 /* blockWidth */, 16 /* blockHeight */,
1 /* widthAlignment */, 1 /* heightAlignment */);
mFrameRateRange = Range.create(1, maxRate);
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8) ||
mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP9)) {
maxBlocks = maxBlocksPerSecond = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// TODO: set to 100Mbps for now, need a number for VPX
maxBps = 100000000;
// profile levels are not indicative for VPx, but verify
// them nonetheless
for (CodecProfileLevel profileLevel: profileLevels) {
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.VP8Level_Version0:
case CodecProfileLevel.VP8Level_Version1:
case CodecProfileLevel.VP8Level_Version2:
case CodecProfileLevel.VP8Level_Version3:
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized level "
+ profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
switch (profileLevel.profile) {
case CodecProfileLevel.VP8ProfileMain:
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
final int blockSize =
mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8) ? 16 : 8;
applyMacroBlockLimits(Short.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE,
maxBlocks, maxBlocksPerSecond, blockSize, blockSize,
1 /* widthAlignment */, 1 /* heightAlignment */);
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC)) {
maxBlocks = 36864;
maxBlocksPerSecond = maxBlocks * 15;
maxBps = 128000;
for (CodecProfileLevel profileLevel: profileLevels) {
double FR = 0;
int FS = 0;
int BR = 0;
switch (profileLevel.level) {
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel1:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel1:
FR = 15; FS = 36864; BR = 128; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel2:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel2:
FR = 30; FS = 122880; BR = 1500; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel21:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel21:
FR = 30; FS = 245760; BR = 3000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel3:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel3:
FR = 30; FS = 552960; BR = 6000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel31:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel31:
FR = 33.75; FS = 983040; BR = 10000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel4:
FR = 30; FS = 2228224; BR = 12000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel4:
FR = 30; FS = 2228224; BR = 30000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel41:
FR = 60; FS = 2228224; BR = 20000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel41:
FR = 60; FS = 2228224; BR = 50000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel5:
FR = 30; FS = 8912896; BR = 25000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel5:
FR = 30; FS = 8912896; BR = 100000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel51:
FR = 60; FS = 8912896; BR = 40000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel51:
FR = 60; FS = 8912896; BR = 160000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel52:
FR = 120; FS = 8912896; BR = 60000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel52:
FR = 120; FS = 8912896; BR = 240000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel6:
FR = 30; FS = 35651584; BR = 60000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel6:
FR = 30; FS = 35651584; BR = 240000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel61:
FR = 60; FS = 35651584; BR = 120000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel61:
FR = 60; FS = 35651584; BR = 480000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCMainTierLevel62:
FR = 120; FS = 35651584; BR = 240000; break;
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCHighTierLevel62:
FR = 120; FS = 35651584; BR = 800000; break;
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized level "
+ profileLevel.level + " for " + mime);
switch (profileLevel.profile) {
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCProfileMain:
case CodecProfileLevel.HEVCProfileMain10:
Log.w(TAG, "Unrecognized profile "
+ profileLevel.profile + " for " + mime);
/* DPB logic:
if (width * height <= FS / 4) DPB = 16;
else if (width * height <= FS / 2) DPB = 12;
else if (width * height <= FS * 0.75) DPB = 8;
else DPB = 6;
maxBlocksPerSecond = Math.max((int)(FR * FS), maxBlocksPerSecond);
maxBlocks = Math.max(FS, maxBlocks);
maxBps = Math.max(BR * 1000, maxBps);
int maxLengthInBlocks = (int)(Math.sqrt(maxBlocks * 8));
// CTBs are at least 8x8
maxBlocks = Utils.divUp(maxBlocks, 8 * 8);
maxBlocksPerSecond = Utils.divUp(maxBlocksPerSecond, 8 * 8);
maxLengthInBlocks = Utils.divUp(maxLengthInBlocks, 8);
maxLengthInBlocks, maxLengthInBlocks,
maxBlocks, maxBlocksPerSecond,
8 /* blockWidth */, 8 /* blockHeight */,
1 /* widthAlignment */, 1 /* heightAlignment */);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported mime " + mime);
// using minimal bitrate here. should be overriden by
// info from media_codecs.xml
maxBps = 64000;
mBitrateRange = Range.create(1, maxBps);
mParent.mError |= errors;
* A class that supports querying the encoding capabilities of a codec.
public static final class EncoderCapabilities {
* Returns the supported range of quality values.
* @hide
public Range<Integer> getQualityRange() {
return mQualityRange;
* Returns the supported range of encoder complexity values.
* <p>
* Some codecs may support multiple complexity levels, where higher
* complexity values use more encoder tools (e.g. perform more
* intensive calculations) to improve the quality or the compression
* ratio. Use a lower value to save power and/or time.
public Range<Integer> getComplexityRange() {
return mComplexityRange;
/** Constant quality mode */
public static final int BITRATE_MODE_CQ = 0;
/** Variable bitrate mode */
public static final int BITRATE_MODE_VBR = 1;
/** Constant bitrate mode */
public static final int BITRATE_MODE_CBR = 2;
private static final Feature[] bitrates = new Feature[] {
new Feature("VBR", BITRATE_MODE_VBR, true),
new Feature("CBR", BITRATE_MODE_CBR, false),
new Feature("CQ", BITRATE_MODE_CQ, false)
private static int parseBitrateMode(String mode) {
for (Feature feat: bitrates) {
if (feat.mName.equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) {
return feat.mValue;
return 0;
* Query whether a bitrate mode is supported.
public boolean isBitrateModeSupported(int mode) {
for (Feature feat: bitrates) {
if (mode == feat.mValue) {
return (mBitControl & (1 << mode)) != 0;
return false;
private Range<Integer> mQualityRange;
private Range<Integer> mComplexityRange;
private CodecCapabilities mParent;
/* no public constructor */
private EncoderCapabilities() { }
/** @hide */
public static EncoderCapabilities create(
MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
EncoderCapabilities caps = new EncoderCapabilities();
caps.init(info, parent);
return caps;
/** @hide */
public void init(MediaFormat info, CodecCapabilities parent) {
// no support for complexity or quality yet
mParent = parent;
mComplexityRange = Range.create(0, 0);
mQualityRange = Range.create(0, 0);
mBitControl = (1 << BITRATE_MODE_VBR);
private void applyLevelLimits() {
String mime = mParent.getMimeType();
if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC)) {
mComplexityRange = Range.create(0, 8);
mBitControl = (1 << BITRATE_MODE_CQ);
} else if (mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB)
|| mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB)
|| mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_ALAW)
|| mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_G711_MLAW)
|| mime.equalsIgnoreCase(MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MSGSM)) {
mBitControl = (1 << BITRATE_MODE_CBR);
private int mBitControl;
private Integer mDefaultComplexity;
private Integer mDefaultQuality;
private String mQualityScale;
private void parseFromInfo(MediaFormat info) {
Map<String, Object> map = info.getMap();
if (info.containsKey("complexity-range")) {
mComplexityRange = Utils
.parseIntRange(info.getString("complexity-range"), mComplexityRange);
// TODO should we limit this to level limits?
if (info.containsKey("quality-range")) {
mQualityRange = Utils
.parseIntRange(info.getString("quality-range"), mQualityRange);
if (info.containsKey("feature-bitrate-control")) {
for (String mode: info.getString("feature-bitrate-control").split(",")) {
mBitControl |= parseBitrateMode(mode);
try {
mDefaultComplexity = Integer.parseInt((String)map.get("complexity-default"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
try {
mDefaultQuality = Integer.parseInt((String)map.get("quality-default"));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
mQualityScale = (String)map.get("quality-scale");
private boolean supports(
Integer complexity, Integer quality, Integer profile) {
boolean ok = true;
if (ok && complexity != null) {
ok = mComplexityRange.contains(complexity);
if (ok && quality != null) {
ok = mQualityRange.contains(quality);
if (ok && profile != null) {
for (CodecProfileLevel pl: mParent.profileLevels) {
if (pl.profile == profile) {
profile = null;
ok = profile == null;
return ok;
/** @hide */
public void setDefaultFormat(MediaFormat format) {
// don't list trivial quality/complexity as default for now
if (!mQualityRange.getUpper().equals(mQualityRange.getLower())
&& mDefaultQuality != null) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_QUALITY, mDefaultQuality);
if (!mComplexityRange.getUpper().equals(mComplexityRange.getLower())
&& mDefaultComplexity != null) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_COMPLEXITY, mDefaultComplexity);
// bitrates are listed in order of preference
for (Feature feat: bitrates) {
if ((mBitControl & (1 << feat.mValue)) != 0) {
format.setInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE, feat.mValue);
/** @hide */
public boolean supportsFormat(MediaFormat format) {
final Map<String, Object> map = format.getMap();
final String mime = mParent.getMimeType();
Integer mode = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_BITRATE_MODE);
if (mode != null && !isBitrateModeSupported(mode)) {
return false;
Integer complexity = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_COMPLEXITY);
if (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC.equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) {
Integer flacComplexity =
if (complexity == null) {
complexity = flacComplexity;
} else if (flacComplexity != null && complexity != flacComplexity) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"conflicting values for complexity and " +
// other audio parameters
Integer profile = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_PROFILE);
if (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC.equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) {
Integer aacProfile = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_AAC_PROFILE);
if (profile == null) {
profile = aacProfile;
} else if (aacProfile != null && aacProfile != profile) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"conflicting values for profile and aac-profile");
Integer quality = (Integer)map.get(MediaFormat.KEY_QUALITY);
return supports(complexity, quality, profile);
* Encapsulates the profiles available for a codec component.
* <p>You can get a set of {@link MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel} objects for a given
* {@link MediaCodecInfo} object from the
* {@link MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities#profileLevels} field.
public static final class CodecProfileLevel {
public static final int AVCProfileBaseline = 0x01;
public static final int AVCProfileMain = 0x02;
public static final int AVCProfileExtended = 0x04;
public static final int AVCProfileHigh = 0x08;
public static final int AVCProfileHigh10 = 0x10;
public static final int AVCProfileHigh422 = 0x20;
public static final int AVCProfileHigh444 = 0x40;
public static final int AVCLevel1 = 0x01;
public static final int AVCLevel1b = 0x02;
public static final int AVCLevel11 = 0x04;
public static final int AVCLevel12 = 0x08;
public static final int AVCLevel13 = 0x10;
public static final int AVCLevel2 = 0x20;
public static final int AVCLevel21 = 0x40;
public static final int AVCLevel22 = 0x80;
public static final int AVCLevel3 = 0x100;
public static final int AVCLevel31 = 0x200;
public static final int AVCLevel32 = 0x400;
public static final int AVCLevel4 = 0x800;
public static final int AVCLevel41 = 0x1000;
public static final int AVCLevel42 = 0x2000;
public static final int AVCLevel5 = 0x4000;
public static final int AVCLevel51 = 0x8000;
public static final int AVCLevel52 = 0x10000;
public static final int H263ProfileBaseline = 0x01;
public static final int H263ProfileH320Coding = 0x02;
public static final int H263ProfileBackwardCompatible = 0x04;
public static final int H263ProfileISWV2 = 0x08;
public static final int H263ProfileISWV3 = 0x10;
public static final int H263ProfileHighCompression = 0x20;
public static final int H263ProfileInternet = 0x40;
public static final int H263ProfileInterlace = 0x80;
public static final int H263ProfileHighLatency = 0x100;
public static final int H263Level10 = 0x01;
public static final int H263Level20 = 0x02;
public static final int H263Level30 = 0x04;
public static final int H263Level40 = 0x08;
public static final int H263Level45 = 0x10;
public static final int H263Level50 = 0x20;
public static final int H263Level60 = 0x40;
public static final int H263Level70 = 0x80;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileSimple = 0x01;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileSimpleScalable = 0x02;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileCore = 0x04;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileMain = 0x08;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileNbit = 0x10;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileScalableTexture = 0x20;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileSimpleFace = 0x40;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileSimpleFBA = 0x80;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileBasicAnimated = 0x100;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileHybrid = 0x200;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileAdvancedRealTime = 0x400;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileCoreScalable = 0x800;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCoding = 0x1000;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileAdvancedCore = 0x2000;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileAdvancedScalable = 0x4000;
public static final int MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple = 0x8000;
public static final int MPEG4Level0 = 0x01;
public static final int MPEG4Level0b = 0x02;
public static final int MPEG4Level1 = 0x04;
public static final int MPEG4Level2 = 0x08;
public static final int MPEG4Level3 = 0x10;
public static final int MPEG4Level4 = 0x20;
public static final int MPEG4Level4a = 0x40;
public static final int MPEG4Level5 = 0x80;
public static final int AACObjectMain = 1;
public static final int AACObjectLC = 2;
public static final int AACObjectSSR = 3;
public static final int AACObjectLTP = 4;
public static final int AACObjectHE = 5;
public static final int AACObjectScalable = 6;
public static final int AACObjectERLC = 17;
public static final int AACObjectLD = 23;
public static final int AACObjectHE_PS = 29;
public static final int AACObjectELD = 39;
public static final int VP8Level_Version0 = 0x01;
public static final int VP8Level_Version1 = 0x02;
public static final int VP8Level_Version2 = 0x04;
public static final int VP8Level_Version3 = 0x08;
public static final int VP8ProfileMain = 0x01;
public static final int HEVCProfileMain = 0x01;
public static final int HEVCProfileMain10 = 0x02;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel1 = 0x1;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel1 = 0x2;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel2 = 0x4;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel2 = 0x8;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel21 = 0x10;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel21 = 0x20;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel3 = 0x40;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel3 = 0x80;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel31 = 0x100;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel31 = 0x200;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel4 = 0x400;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel4 = 0x800;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel41 = 0x1000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel41 = 0x2000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel5 = 0x4000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel5 = 0x8000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel51 = 0x10000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel51 = 0x20000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel52 = 0x40000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel52 = 0x80000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel6 = 0x100000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel6 = 0x200000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel61 = 0x400000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel61 = 0x800000;
public static final int HEVCMainTierLevel62 = 0x1000000;
public static final int HEVCHighTierLevel62 = 0x2000000;
* Defined in the OpenMAX IL specs, depending on the type of media
public int profile;
* Defined in the OpenMAX IL specs, depending on the type of media
public int level;
* Enumerates the capabilities of the codec component. Since a single
* component can support data of a variety of types, the type has to be
* specified to yield a meaningful result.
* @param type The MIME type to query
public final CodecCapabilities getCapabilitiesForType(
String type) {
CodecCapabilities caps = mCaps.get(type);
if (caps == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("codec does not support type");
// clone writable object
return caps.dup();
/** @hide */
public MediaCodecInfo makeRegular() {
ArrayList<CodecCapabilities> caps = new ArrayList<CodecCapabilities>();
for (CodecCapabilities c: mCaps.values()) {
if (c.isRegular()) {
if (caps.size() == 0) {
return null;
} else if (caps.size() == mCaps.size()) {
return this;
return new MediaCodecInfo(
mName, mIsEncoder,
caps.toArray(new CodecCapabilities[caps.size()]));