blob: 8381fa0094675803d8658e1efa8cec32fa467bb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package aapt.pb;
// A configuration description that wraps the binary form of the C++ class
// aapt::ConfigDescription, with an added product definition.
message ConfigDescription {
optional bytes data = 1;
optional string product = 2;
// A string pool that wraps the binary form of the C++ class android::ResStringPool.
message StringPool {
optional bytes data = 1;
// Developer friendly source file information for an entity in the resource table.
message Source {
// The index of the string path within the source string pool of a ResourceTable.
optional uint32 path_idx = 1;
optional uint32 line_no = 2;
optional uint32 col_no = 3;
// The top level message representing an external resource file (layout XML, PNG, etc).
message CompiledFile {
message Symbol {
// The name of the symbol (in the form package:type/name).
optional string resource_name = 1;
// Line number in the file at which this symbol is defined. For debug use.
optional uint32 line_no = 2;
// The name of the resource (in the form package:type/name).
optional string resource_name = 1;
// The configuration for which the resource is defined.
optional ConfigDescription config = 2;
// The filesystem path to where the source file originated.
// Mainly used to display helpful error messages.
optional string source_path = 3;
// Any symbols this file auto-generates/exports (eg. @+id/foo in an XML file).
repeated Symbol exported_symbols = 4;
// Top level message representing a resource table.
message ResourceTable {
// The string pool containing string values (strings that actually end up in the binary ARSC
// file) referenced throughout the resource table.
optional StringPool string_pool = 1;
// The string pool containing source paths referenced throughout the resource table. This does
// not end up in the final binary ARSC file.
optional StringPool source_pool = 2;
// The string pool containing the names of unresolved symbols. This does not end up in the final
// binary ARSC file. Unresolved symbols are just resource names that haven't had a resource ID
// assigned to them, therefore can't be referenced by resource ID.
optional StringPool symbol_pool = 3;
// Resource definitions corresponding to an Android package.
repeated Package packages = 4;
// Defines resources for an Android package.
message Package {
// The package ID of this package, in the range [0x00, 0xff].
// The ID 0x00 is reserved for shared libraries, or when the ID is assigned at run-time.
// The ID 0x01 is reserved for the 'android' package (framework).
// The ID range [0x02, 0x7f) is reserved for auto-assignment to shared libraries at run-time.
// The ID 0x7f is reserved for the application package.
// IDs > 0x7f are reserved for the application as well and are treated as feature splits.
optional uint32 package_id = 1;
// The Java compatible Android package name of the app.
optional string package_name = 2;
// The series of types defined by the package.
repeated Type types = 3;
// A set of resources grouped under a common type. Such types include string, layout, xml, dimen,
// attr, etc. This maps to the second part of a resource identifier in Java (R.type.entry).
message Type {
// The ID of the type. This may be 0, which indicates no ID is set.
optional uint32 id = 1;
// The name of the type. This corresponds to the 'type' part of a full resource name of the form
// package:type/entry. The set of legal type names is listed in Resource.cpp.
optional string name = 2;
// The entries defined for this type.
repeated Entry entries = 3;
// The status of a symbol/entry. This contains information like visibility (public/private),
// comments, and whether the entry can be overridden.
message SymbolStatus {
// The visibility of the resource outside of its package.
enum Visibility {
// No visibility was explicitly specified. This is typically treated as private.
// The distinction is important when two separate files are generated: a public and
// private one. An unknown visibility, in this case, would cause the resource to be omitted
// from either
Unknown = 0;
// A resource was explicitly marked as private. This means the resource can not be accessed
// outside of its package unless the @*package:type/entry notation is used (the asterisk being
// the private accessor). If two files are generated (private + public), the resource
// will only be emitted to the private file.
Private = 1;
// A resource was explicitly marked as public. This means the resource can be accessed
// from any package, and is emitted into all files, public and private.
Public = 2;
optional Visibility visibility = 1;
// The path at which this entry's visibility was defined (eg. public.xml).
optional Source source = 2;
// The comment associated with the <public> tag.
optional string comment = 3;
// Whether the symbol can be merged into another resource table without there being an existing
// definition to override. Used for overlays and set to true when <add-resource> is specified.
optional bool allow_new = 4;
// An entry declaration. An entry has a full resource ID that is the combination of package ID,
// type ID, and its own entry ID. An entry on its own has no value, but values are defined for
// various configurations/variants.
message Entry {
// The ID of this entry. Together with the package ID and type ID, this forms a full resource ID
// of the form 0xPPTTEEEE, where PP is the package ID, TT is the type ID, and EEEE is the entry
// ID.
optional uint32 id = 1;
// The name of this entry. This corresponds to the 'entry' part of a full resource name of the
// form package:type/entry.
optional string name = 2;
// The symbol status of this entry, which includes visibility information.
optional SymbolStatus symbol_status = 3;
// The set of values defined for this entry, each corresponding to a different
// configuration/variant.
repeated ConfigValue config_values = 4;
// A Configuration/Value pair.
message ConfigValue {
optional ConfigDescription config = 1;
optional Value value = 2;
// The generic meta-data for every value in a resource table.
message Value {
// Where the value was defined.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comment associated with the value.
optional string comment = 2;
// Whether the value can be overridden.
optional bool weak = 3;
// If the value is an Item, this is set.
optional Item item = 4;
// If the value is a CompoundValue, this is set.
optional CompoundValue compound_value = 5;
// An Item is an abstract type. It represents a value that can appear inline in many places, such
// as XML attribute values or on the right hand side of style attribute definitions. The concrete
// type is one of the types below. Only one can be set.
message Item {
optional Reference ref = 1;
optional String str = 2;
optional RawString raw_str = 3;
optional FileReference file = 4;
optional Id id = 5;
optional Primitive prim = 6;
// A CompoundValue is an abstract type. It represents a value that is a made of other values.
// These can only usually appear as top-level resources. The concrete type is one of the types
// below. Only one can be set.
message CompoundValue {
optional Attribute attr = 1;
optional Style style = 2;
optional Styleable styleable = 3;
optional Array array = 4;
optional Plural plural = 5;
// A value that is a reference to another resource. This reference can be by name or resource ID.
message Reference {
enum Type {
// A plain reference (@package:type/entry).
Ref = 0;
// A reference to a theme attribute (?package:type/entry).
Attr = 1;
optional Type type = 1;
// The resource ID (0xPPTTEEEE) of the resource being referred.
optional uint32 id = 2;
// If the resource ID is not resolved, the index into the symbol string pool where the name of
// the reference is stored. The symbol string pool is located at the top level ResourceTable
// message.
optional uint32 symbol_idx = 3;
// Whether this reference is referencing a private resource (@*package:type/entry).
optional bool private = 4;
// A value that represents an ID. This is just a placeholder, as ID values are used to occupy a
// resource ID (0xPPTTEEEE) as a unique identifier. Their value is unimportant.
message Id {
// A value that is a string.
message String {
// The index into the values string pool, located at the top level ResourceTable message.
optional uint32 idx = 1;
// A value that is a raw string, which is unescaped/uninterpreted. This is typically used to
// represent the value of a style attribute before the attribute is compiled and the set of
// allowed values is known.
message RawString {
// The index into the values string pool, located at the top level ResourceTable message.
optional uint32 idx = 1;
// A value that is a reference to an external entity, like an XML file or a PNG.
message FileReference {
// The index into the values string pool, located at the top level ResourceTable message. This
// represents the path to the file within an APK (typically res/type-config/entry.ext).
optional uint32 path_idx = 1;
// A value that represents a primitive data type (float, int, boolean, etc.).
// Corresponds to the fields (type/data) of the C struct android::Res_value.
message Primitive {
optional uint32 type = 1;
optional uint32 data = 2;
// A value that represents an XML attribute and what values it accepts.
message Attribute {
// A Symbol used to represent an enum or a flag.
message Symbol {
// Where the enum/flag item was defined.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comments associated with the enum or flag.
optional string comment = 2;
// The name of the enum/flag as a reference. Enums/flag items are generated as ID resource
// values.
optional Reference name = 3;
// The value of the enum/flag.
optional uint32 value = 4;
// A bitmask of types that this XML attribute accepts. Corresponds to the flags in the C struct
// android::ResTable_map.
optional uint32 format_flags = 1;
// The smallest integer allowed for this XML attribute. Only makes sense if the format includes
optional int32 min_int = 2;
// The largest integer allowed for this XML attribute. Only makes sense if the format includes
optional int32 max_int = 3;
// The set of enums/flags defined in this attribute. Only makes sense if the format includes
// either TYPE_ENUM or TYPE_FLAGS. Having both is an error.
repeated Symbol symbols = 4;
// A value that represents a style.
message Style {
// An XML attribute/value pair defined in the style.
message Entry {
// Where the entry was defined.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comments associated with the entry.
optional string comment = 2;
// A reference to the XML attribute.
optional Reference key = 3;
// The Item defined for this XML attribute.
optional Item item = 4;
// The optinal style from which this style inherits attributes.
optional Reference parent = 1;
// The source file information of the parent inheritance declaration.
optional Source parent_source = 2;
// The set of XML attribute/value pairs for this style.
repeated Entry entries = 3;
// A value that represents a <declare-styleable> XML resource. These are not real resources and
// only end up as Java fields in the generated They do not end up in the binary ARSC file.
message Styleable {
// An attribute defined for this styleable.
message Entry {
// Where the attribute was defined within the <declare-styleable> block.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comments associated with the declaration.
optional string comment = 2;
// The reference to the attribute.
optional Reference attr = 3;
// The set of attribute declarations.
repeated Entry entries = 1;
// A value that represents an array of resource values.
message Array {
// A single element of the array.
message Entry {
// Where the element was defined.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comments associated with the element.
optional string comment = 2;
// The value assigned to this element.
optional Item item = 3;
// The list of array elements.
repeated Entry entries = 1;
// A value that represents a string and its many variations based on plurality.
message Plural {
// The arity of the plural.
enum Arity {
Zero = 0;
One = 1;
Two = 2;
Few = 3;
Many = 4;
Other = 5;
// The plural value for a given arity.
message Entry {
// Where the plural was defined.
optional Source source = 1;
// Any comments associated with the plural.
optional string comment = 2;
// The arity of the plural.
optional Arity arity = 3;
// The value assigned to this plural.
optional Item item = 4;
// The set of arity/plural mappings.
repeated Entry entries = 1;