| LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) |
| include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
| |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-non-virtual-dtor |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-parentheses |
| LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -Wno-conversion-null |
| |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH), arm) |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DPACKED="__attribute__ ((packed))" |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(ENABLE_CPUSETS),) |
| endif |
| |
| # TODO: Linear blending should be enabled by default, but we are |
| # TODO: making it an opt-in while it's a work in progress |
| # TODO: The final test should be: |
| endif |
| |
| |
| |
| AndroidRuntime.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_content_NativeLibraryHelper.cpp \ |
| com_google_android_gles_jni_EGLImpl.cpp \ |
| com_google_android_gles_jni_GLImpl.cpp.arm \ |
| android_app_Activity.cpp \ |
| android_app_ApplicationLoaders.cpp \ |
| android_app_NativeActivity.cpp \ |
| android_app_admin_SecurityLog.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_EGL14.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_EGLExt.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES10.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES10Ext.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES11.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES11Ext.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES20.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES30.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES31.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES31Ext.cpp \ |
| android_opengl_GLES32.cpp \ |
| android_database_CursorWindow.cpp \ |
| android_database_SQLiteCommon.cpp \ |
| android_database_SQLiteConnection.cpp \ |
| android_database_SQLiteGlobal.cpp \ |
| android_database_SQLiteDebug.cpp \ |
| android_graphics_drawable_AnimatedVectorDrawable.cpp \ |
| android_graphics_drawable_VectorDrawable.cpp \ |
| android_view_DisplayEventReceiver.cpp \ |
| android_view_DisplayListCanvas.cpp \ |
| android_view_HardwareLayer.cpp \ |
| android_view_InputChannel.cpp \ |
| android_view_InputDevice.cpp \ |
| android_view_InputEventReceiver.cpp \ |
| android_view_InputEventSender.cpp \ |
| android_view_InputQueue.cpp \ |
| android_view_KeyCharacterMap.cpp \ |
| android_view_KeyEvent.cpp \ |
| android_view_MotionEvent.cpp \ |
| android_view_PointerIcon.cpp \ |
| android_view_RenderNode.cpp \ |
| android_view_RenderNodeAnimator.cpp \ |
| android_view_Surface.cpp \ |
| android_view_SurfaceControl.cpp \ |
| android_view_SurfaceSession.cpp \ |
| android_view_TextureView.cpp \ |
| android_view_ThreadedRenderer.cpp \ |
| android_view_VelocityTracker.cpp \ |
| android_text_AndroidCharacter.cpp \ |
| android_text_AndroidBidi.cpp \ |
| android_text_StaticLayout.cpp \ |
| android_os_Debug.cpp \ |
| android_os_GraphicsEnvironment.cpp \ |
| android_os_HwBinder.cpp \ |
| android_os_HwBlob.cpp \ |
| android_os_HwParcel.cpp \ |
| android_os_HwRemoteBinder.cpp \ |
| android_os_MemoryFile.cpp \ |
| android_os_MessageQueue.cpp \ |
| android_os_Parcel.cpp \ |
| android_os_SELinux.cpp \ |
| android_os_SystemClock.cpp \ |
| android_os_SystemProperties.cpp \ |
| android_os_Trace.cpp \ |
| android_os_UEventObserver.cpp \ |
| android_net_LocalSocketImpl.cpp \ |
| android_net_NetUtils.cpp \ |
| android_net_TrafficStats.cpp \ |
| android_nio_utils.cpp \ |
| android_util_AssetManager.cpp \ |
| android_util_Binder.cpp \ |
| android_util_EventLog.cpp \ |
| android_util_MemoryIntArray.cpp \ |
| android_util_Log.cpp \ |
| android_util_PathParser.cpp \ |
| android_util_Process.cpp \ |
| android_util_StringBlock.cpp \ |
| android_util_XmlBlock.cpp \ |
| android_util_jar_StrictJarFile.cpp \ |
| android_graphics_Canvas.cpp \ |
| android_graphics_Picture.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Bitmap.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/BitmapFactory.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Camera.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/CanvasProperty.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/ColorFilter.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/DrawFilter.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/FontFamily.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/FontUtils.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/CreateJavaOutputStreamAdaptor.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/GIFMovie.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/GraphicBuffer.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Graphics.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/HarfBuzzNGFaceSkia.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Interpolator.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/MaskFilter.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Matrix.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Movie.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/MovieImpl.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/NinePatch.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/NinePatchPeeker.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Paint.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Path.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/PathMeasure.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/PathEffect.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Picture.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/BitmapRegionDecoder.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Region.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Shader.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/SurfaceTexture.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Typeface.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/Utils.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/YuvToJpegEncoder.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/pdf/PdfDocument.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/pdf/PdfEditor.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/pdf/PdfRenderer.cpp \ |
| android/graphics/pdf/PdfUtils.cpp \ |
| android_media_AudioRecord.cpp \ |
| android_media_AudioSystem.cpp \ |
| android_media_AudioTrack.cpp \ |
| android_media_DeviceCallback.cpp \ |
| android_media_JetPlayer.cpp \ |
| android_media_RemoteDisplay.cpp \ |
| android_media_ToneGenerator.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_Camera.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_camera2_CameraMetadata.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_camera2_legacy_LegacyCameraDevice.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_camera2_legacy_PerfMeasurement.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_camera2_DngCreator.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_HardwareBuffer.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_Radio.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_SensorManager.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_SerialPort.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_SoundTrigger.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_UsbDevice.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_UsbDeviceConnection.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_UsbRequest.cpp \ |
| android_hardware_location_ActivityRecognitionHardware.cpp \ |
| android_util_FileObserver.cpp \ |
| android/opengl/poly_clip.cpp.arm \ |
| android/opengl/util.cpp \ |
| android_server_NetworkManagementSocketTagger.cpp \ |
| android_server_Watchdog.cpp \ |
| android_ddm_DdmHandleNativeHeap.cpp \ |
| android_backup_BackupDataInput.cpp \ |
| android_backup_BackupDataOutput.cpp \ |
| android_backup_FileBackupHelperBase.cpp \ |
| android_backup_BackupHelperDispatcher.cpp \ |
| android_app_backup_FullBackup.cpp \ |
| android_content_res_ObbScanner.cpp \ |
| android_content_res_Configuration.cpp \ |
| android_animation_PropertyValuesHolder.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_net_NetworkStatsFactory.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_os_FuseAppLoop.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_os_PathClassLoaderFactory.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_util_VirtualRefBasePtr.cpp \ |
| com_android_internal_view_animation_NativeInterpolatorFactoryHelper.cpp \ |
| hwbinder/EphemeralStorage.cpp \ |
| fd_utils.cpp \ |
| |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/include \ |
| $(JNI_H_INCLUDE) \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/android/graphics \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../libs/hwui \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../native/opengl/libs \ |
| $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../native/vulkan/include \ |
| $(call include-path-for, bluedroid) \ |
| $(call include-path-for, libhardware)/hardware \ |
| $(call include-path-for, libhardware_legacy)/hardware_legacy \ |
| $(TOP)/frameworks/base/media/jni \ |
| $(TOP)/system/core/base/include \ |
| $(TOP)/system/core/include \ |
| $(TOP)/system/core/libappfuse/include \ |
| $(TOP)/system/media/camera/include \ |
| $(TOP)/system/netd/include \ |
| external/giflib \ |
| external/pdfium/core/include/fpdfapi \ |
| external/pdfium/fpdfsdk/include \ |
| external/pdfium/public \ |
| external/pdfium \ |
| external/skia/include/private \ |
| external/skia/src/core \ |
| external/skia/src/effects \ |
| external/skia/src/image \ |
| external/skia/src/images \ |
| external/skia/src/utils \ |
| external/sqlite/dist \ |
| external/sqlite/android \ |
| external/tremor/Tremor \ |
| external/harfbuzz_ng/src \ |
| libcore/include \ |
| $(call include-path-for, audio-utils) \ |
| frameworks/minikin/include \ |
| external/freetype/include |
| # TODO: clean up Minikin so it doesn't need the freetype include |
| |
| libgif \ |
| |
| libmemtrack \ |
| libandroidfw \ |
| libappfuse \ |
| libbase \ |
| libnativehelper \ |
| liblog \ |
| libcutils \ |
| libdebuggerd_client \ |
| libutils \ |
| libbinder \ |
| libui \ |
| libgui \ |
| libinput \ |
| libcamera_client \ |
| libcamera_metadata \ |
| libskia \ |
| libsqlite \ |
| libEGL \ |
| libGLESv1_CM \ |
| libGLESv2 \ |
| libvulkan \ |
| libziparchive \ |
| libETC1 \ |
| libhardware \ |
| libhardware_legacy \ |
| libselinux \ |
| libicuuc \ |
| libmedia \ |
| libaudioclient \ |
| libjpeg \ |
| libusbhost \ |
| libharfbuzz_ng \ |
| libz \ |
| libpdfium \ |
| libimg_utils \ |
| libnetd_client \ |
| libradio \ |
| libsoundtrigger \ |
| libminikin \ |
| libprocessgroup \ |
| libnativebridge \ |
| libradio_metadata \ |
| libnativeloader \ |
| libmemunreachable \ |
| libhidlbase \ |
| libhidltransport \ |
| libhwbinder \ |
| |
| libhwui \ |
| libdl \ |
| |
| # we need to access the private Bionic header |
| # <bionic_tls.h> in com_google_android_gles_jni_GLImpl.cpp |
| LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += bionic/libc/private |
| |
| |
| # AndroidRuntime.h depends on nativehelper/jni.h |
| LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS += libnativehelper/include |
| |
| LOCAL_MODULE:= libandroid_runtime |
| |
| # -Wno-unknown-pragmas: necessary for Clang as the GL bindings need to turn |
| # off a GCC warning that Clang doesn't know. |
| LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wunused -Wunreachable-code \ |
| -Wno-unknown-pragmas |
| |
| # -Wno-c++11-extensions: Clang warns about Skia using the C++11 override keyword, but this project |
| # is not being compiled with that level. Remove once this has changed. |
| LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-c++11-extensions |
| |
| |
| include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH)) |