blob: 438f24141f16f11d4ef5600c5f680cca8f5fec04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
// This string is used for error messages.
private const val externalName = "RenderScript Toolkit"
* A collection of high-performance graphic utility functions like blur and blend.
* This toolkit provides ten image manipulation functions: blend, blur, color matrix, convolve,
* histogram, histogramDot, lut, lut3d, resize, and YUV to RGB. These functions execute
* multithreaded on the CPU.
* Most of the functions have two variants: one that manipulates Bitmaps, the other ByteArrays.
* For ByteArrays, you need to specify the width and height of the data to be processed, as
* well as the number of bytes per pixel. For most use cases, this will be 4.
* The Toolkit creates a thread pool that's used for processing the functions. The threads live
* for the duration of the application. They can be destroyed by calling the method shutdown().
* This library is thread safe. You can call methods from different poolThreads. The functions will
* execute sequentially.
* A native C++ version of this Toolkit is available. Check the RenderScriptToolkit.h file in the
* cpp directory.
* This toolkit can be used as a replacement for most RenderScript Intrinsic functions. Compared
* to RenderScript, it's simpler to use and more than twice as fast on the CPU. However RenderScript
* Intrinsics allow more flexibility for the type of allocation supported. In particular, this
* toolkit does not support allocations of floats.
object Toolkit {
* Blends a source buffer with the destination buffer.
* Blends a source buffer and a destination buffer, placing the result in the destination
* buffer. The blending is done pairwise between two corresponding RGBA values found in
* each buffer. The mode parameter specifies one of fifteen supported blending operations.
* See {@link BlendingMode}.
* A variant of this method is also available to blend Bitmaps.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY.
* The source and destination buffer must have the same dimensions. Both arrays should have
* a size greater or equal to sizeX * sizeY * 4. The buffers have a row-major layout.
* @param mode The specific blending operation to do.
* @param sourceArray The RGBA input buffer.
* @param destArray The destination buffer. Used for input and output.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of RGBA values.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of RGBA values.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
fun blend(
mode: BlendingMode,
sourceArray: ByteArray,
destArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d? = null
) {
require(sourceArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * 4) {
"$externalName blend. sourceArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*4 < ${sourceArray.size}."
require(destArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * 4) {
"$externalName blend. sourceArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*4 < ${sourceArray.size}."
validateRestriction("blend", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
nativeBlend(nativeHandle, mode.value, sourceArray, destArray, sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
* Blends a source bitmap with the destination bitmap.
* Blends a source bitmap and a destination bitmap, placing the result in the destination
* bitmap. The blending is done pairwise between two corresponding RGBA values found in
* each bitmap. The mode parameter specify one of fifteen supported blending operations.
* See {@link BlendingMode}.
* A variant of this method is available to blend ByteArrays.
* The bitmaps should have identical width and height, and have a config of ARGB_8888.
* Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each bitmap. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* of the bitmap.
* @param mode The specific blending operation to do.
* @param sourceBitmap The RGBA input buffer.
* @param destBitmap The destination buffer. Used for input and output.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
fun blend(
mode: BlendingMode,
sourceBitmap: Bitmap,
destBitmap: Bitmap,
restriction: Range2d? = null
) {
validateBitmap("blend", sourceBitmap)
validateBitmap("blend", destBitmap)
sourceBitmap.width == destBitmap.width &&
sourceBitmap.height == destBitmap.height
) {
"$externalName blend. Source and destination bitmaps should be the same size. " +
"${sourceBitmap.width}x${sourceBitmap.height} and " +
"${destBitmap.width}x${destBitmap.height} provided."
require(sourceBitmap.config == destBitmap.config) {
"RenderScript Toolkit blend. Source and destination bitmaps should have the same " +
"config. ${sourceBitmap.config} and ${destBitmap.config} provided."
validateRestriction("blend", sourceBitmap.width, sourceBitmap.height, restriction)
nativeBlendBitmap(nativeHandle, mode.value, sourceBitmap, destBitmap, restriction)
* Blurs an image.
* Performs a Gaussian blur of an image and returns result in a ByteArray buffer. A variant of
* this method is available to blur Bitmaps.
* The radius determines which pixels are used to compute each blurred pixels. This Toolkit
* accepts values between 1 and 25. Larger values create a more blurred effect but also
* take longer to compute. When the radius extends past the edge, the edge pixel will
* be used as replacement for the pixel that's out off boundary.
* Each input pixel can either be represented by four bytes (RGBA format) or one byte
* for the less common blurring of alpha channel only image.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output buffer will still be full size, with the
* section that's not blurred all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* The source buffer should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * mVectorSize bytes. It has a
* row-major layout.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be blurred.
* @param vectorSize Either 1 or 4, the number of bytes in each cell, i.e. A vs. RGBA.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of 1 or 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of 1 or 4 byte cells.
* @param radius The radius of the pixels used to blur, a value from 1 to 25.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The blurred pixels, a ByteArray of size.
fun blur(
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
radius: Int = 5,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(vectorSize == 1 || vectorSize == 4) {
"$externalName blur. The vectorSize should be 1 or 4. $vectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize) {
"$externalName blur. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*$vectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
require(radius in 1..25) {
"$externalName blur. The radius should be between 1 and 25. $radius provided."
validateRestriction("blur", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(inputArray.size)
nativeHandle, inputArray, vectorSize, sizeX, sizeY, radius, outputArray, restriction
return outputArray
* Blurs an image.
* Performs a Gaussian blur of a Bitmap and returns result as a Bitmap. A variant of
* this method is available to blur ByteArrays.
* The radius determines which pixels are used to compute each blurred pixels. This Toolkit
* accepts values between 1 and 25. Larger values create a more blurred effect but also
* take longer to compute. When the radius extends past the edge, the edge pixel will
* be used as replacement for the pixel that's out off boundary.
* This method supports input Bitmap of config ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8. Bitmaps with a stride
* different than width * vectorSize are not currently supported. The returned Bitmap has the
* same config.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output Bitmap will still be full size, with the
* section that's not blurred all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* @param inputBitmap The buffer of the image to be blurred.
* @param radius The radius of the pixels used to blur, a value from 1 to 25. Default is 5.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The blurred Bitmap.
fun blur(inputBitmap: Bitmap, radius: Int = 5, restriction: Range2d? = null): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("blur", inputBitmap)
require(radius in 1..25) {
"$externalName blur. The radius should be between 1 and 25. $radius provided."
validateRestriction("blur", inputBitmap.width, inputBitmap.height, restriction)
val outputBitmap = createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap)
nativeBlurBitmap(nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputBitmap, radius, restriction)
return outputBitmap
* Identity matrix that can be passed to the {@link RenderScriptToolkit::colorMatrix} method.
* Using this matrix will result in no change to the pixel through multiplication although
* the pixel value can still be modified by the add vector, or transformed to a different
* format.
val identityMatrix: FloatArray
get() = floatArrayOf(
1f, 0f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 1f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 1f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 0f, 1f
* Matrix to turn color pixels to a grey scale.
* Use this matrix with the {@link RenderScriptToolkit::colorMatrix} method to convert an
* image from color to greyscale.
val greyScaleColorMatrix: FloatArray
get() = floatArrayOf(
0.299f, 0.299f, 0.299f, 0f,
0.587f, 0.587f, 0.587f, 0f,
0.114f, 0.114f, 0.114f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 0f, 1f
* Matrix to convert RGB to YUV.
* Use this matrix with the {@link RenderScriptToolkit::colorMatrix} method to convert the
* first three bytes of each pixel from RGB to YUV. This leaves the last byte (the alpha
* channel) untouched.
* This is a simplistic conversion. Most YUV buffers have more complicated format, not supported
* by this method.
val rgbToYuvMatrix: FloatArray
get() = floatArrayOf(
0.299f, -0.14713f, 0.615f, 0f,
0.587f, -0.28886f, -0.51499f, 0f,
0.114f, 0.436f, -0.10001f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 0f, 1f
* Matrix to convert YUV to RGB.
* Use this matrix with the {@link RenderScriptToolkit::colorMatrix} method to convert the
* first three bytes of each pixel from YUV to RGB. This leaves the last byte (the alpha
* channel) untouched.
* This is a simplistic conversion. Most YUV buffers have more complicated format, not supported
* by this method. Use {@link RenderScriptToolkit::yuvToRgb} to convert these buffers.
val yuvToRgbMatrix: FloatArray
get() = floatArrayOf(
1f, 1f, 1f, 0f,
0f, -0.39465f, 2.03211f, 0f,
1.13983f, -0.5806f, 0f, 0f,
0f, 0f, 0f, 1f
* Transform an image using a color matrix.
* Converts a 2D array of vectors of unsigned bytes, multiplying each vectors by a 4x4 matrix
* and adding an optional vector.
* Each input vector is composed of 1-4 unsigned bytes. If less than 4 bytes, it's extended to
* 4, padding with zeroes. The unsigned bytes are converted from 0-255 to 0.0-1.0 floats
* before the multiplication is done.
* The resulting value is normalized from 0.0-1.0 to a 0-255 value and stored in the output.
* If the output vector size is less than four, the unused channels are discarded.
* If addVector is not specified, a vector of zeroes is added, i.e. a noop.
* Like the RenderScript Intrinsics, vectorSize of size 3 are padded to occupy 4 bytes.
* Check identityMatrix, greyScaleColorMatrix, rgbToYuvMatrix, and yuvToRgbMatrix for sample
* matrices. The YUV conversion may not work for all color spaces.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be converted.
* @param inputVectorSize The number of bytes in each input cell, a value from 1 to 4.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param outputVectorSize The number of bytes in each output cell, a value from 1 to 4.
* @param matrix The 4x4 matrix to multiply, in row major format.
* @param addVector A vector of four floats that's added to the result of the multiplication.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The converted buffer.
fun colorMatrix(
inputArray: ByteArray,
inputVectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputVectorSize: Int,
matrix: FloatArray,
addVector: FloatArray = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(inputVectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. The inputVectorSize should be between 1 and 4. " +
"$inputVectorSize provided."
require(outputVectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. The outputVectorSize should be between 1 and 4. " +
"$outputVectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * inputVectorSize) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*$inputVectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
require(matrix.size == 16) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. matrix should have 16 entries. ${matrix.size} provided."
require(addVector.size == 4) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. addVector should have 4 entries. " +
"${addVector.size} provided."
validateRestriction("colorMatrix", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(sizeX * sizeY * paddedSize(outputVectorSize))
nativeHandle, inputArray, inputVectorSize, sizeX, sizeY, outputArray, outputVectorSize,
matrix, addVector, restriction
return outputArray
* Transform an image using a color matrix.
* Converts a bitmap, multiplying each RGBA value by a 4x4 matrix and adding an optional vector.
* Each byte of the RGBA is converted from 0-255 to 0.0-1.0 floats before the multiplication
* is done.
* Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* The resulting value is normalized from 0.0-1.0 to a 0-255 value and stored in the output.
* If addVector is not specified, a vector of zeroes is added, i.e. a noop.
* Check identityMatrix, greyScaleColorMatrix, rgbToYuvMatrix, and yuvToRgbMatrix for sample
* matrices. The YUV conversion may not work for all color spaces.
* @param inputBitmap The image to be converted.
* @param matrix The 4x4 matrix to multiply, in row major format.
* @param addVector A vector of four floats that's added to the result of the multiplication.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The converted buffer.
fun colorMatrix(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
matrix: FloatArray,
addVector: FloatArray = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f),
restriction: Range2d? = null
): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("colorMatrix", inputBitmap)
require(matrix.size == 16) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. matrix should have 16 entries. ${matrix.size} provided."
require(addVector.size == 4) {
"$externalName colorMatrix. addVector should have 4 entries."
validateRestriction("colorMatrix", inputBitmap.width, inputBitmap.height, restriction)
val outputBitmap = createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap)
return outputBitmap
* Convolve a ByteArray.
* Applies a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution to the input array using the provided coefficients.
* A variant of this method is available to convolve Bitmaps.
* For 3x3 convolutions, 9 coefficients must be provided. For 5x5, 25 coefficients are needed.
* The coefficients should be provided in row-major format.
* When the square extends past the edge, the edge values will be used as replacement for the
* values that's are off boundary.
* Each input cell can either be represented by one to four bytes. Each byte is multiplied
* and accumulated independently of the other bytes of the cell.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the convolve operation to a rectangular
* subset of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output buffer will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* The source array should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. It has a
* row-major layout. The output array will have the same dimensions.
* Like the RenderScript Intrinsics, vectorSize of size 3 are padded to occupy 4 bytes.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be blurred.
* @param vectorSize The number of bytes in each cell, a value from 1 to 4.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of 1 or 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of 1 or 4 byte cells.
* @param coefficients A FloatArray of size 9 or 25, containing the multipliers.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The convolved array.
fun convolve(
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(vectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName convolve. The vectorSize should be between 1 and 4. " +
"$vectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize) {
"$externalName convolve. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*$vectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
require(coefficients.size == 9 || coefficients.size == 25) {
"$externalName convolve. Only 3x3 or 5x5 convolutions are supported. " +
"${coefficients.size} coefficients provided."
validateRestriction("convolve", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(inputArray.size)
return outputArray
* Convolve a Bitmap.
* Applies a 3x3 or 5x5 convolution to the input Bitmap using the provided coefficients.
* A variant of this method is available to convolve ByteArrays. Bitmaps with a stride different
* than width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* For 3x3 convolutions, 9 coefficients must be provided. For 5x5, 25 coefficients are needed.
* The coefficients should be provided in row-major format.
* Each input cell can either be represented by one to four bytes. Each byte is multiplied
* and accumulated independently of the other bytes of the cell.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the convolve operation to a rectangular
* subset of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output Bitmap will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* @param inputBitmap The image to be blurred.
* @param coefficients A FloatArray of size 9 or 25, containing the multipliers.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The convolved Bitmap.
fun convolve(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("convolve", inputBitmap)
require(coefficients.size == 9 || coefficients.size == 25) {
"$externalName convolve. Only 3x3 or 5x5 convolutions are supported. " +
"${coefficients.size} coefficients provided."
validateRestriction("convolve", inputBitmap, restriction)
val outputBitmap = createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap)
nativeConvolveBitmap(nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputBitmap, coefficients, restriction)
return outputBitmap
* Compute the histogram of an image.
* Tallies how many times each of the 256 possible values of a byte is found in the input.
* A variant of this method is available to do the histogram of a Bitmap.
* An input cell can be represented by one to four bytes. The tally is done independently
* for each of the bytes of the cell. Correspondingly, the returned IntArray will have
* 256 * vectorSize entries. The counts for value 0 are consecutive, followed by those for
* value 1, etc.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY.
* The source buffer should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. It has a
* row-major layout.
* Like the RenderScript Intrinsics, vectorSize of size 3 are padded to occupy 4 bytes.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be analyzed.
* @param vectorSize The number of bytes in each cell, a value from 1 to 4.
* @param sizeX The width of the input buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of the input buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The resulting array of counts.
fun histogram(
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): IntArray {
require(vectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName histogram. The vectorSize should be between 1 and 4. " +
"$vectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize) {
"$externalName histogram. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*$vectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
validateRestriction("histogram", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = IntArray(256 * paddedSize(vectorSize))
return outputArray
* Compute the histogram of an image.
* Tallies how many times each of the 256 possible values of a byte is found in the bitmap.
* This method supports Bitmaps of config ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8.
* For ARGB_8888, the tally is done independently of the four bytes. Correspondingly, the
* returned IntArray will have 4 * 256 entries. The counts for value 0 are consecutive,
* followed by those for value 1, etc.
* For ALPHA_8, an IntArray of size 256 is returned.
* Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* A variant of this method is available to do the histogram of a ByteArray.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY.
* @param inputBitmap The bitmap to be analyzed.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The resulting array of counts.
fun histogram(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): IntArray {
validateBitmap("histogram", inputBitmap)
validateRestriction("histogram", inputBitmap, restriction)
val outputArray = IntArray(256 * vectorSize(inputBitmap))
nativeHistogramBitmap(nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputArray, restriction)
return outputArray
* Compute the histogram of the dot product of an image.
* This method supports cells of 1 to 4 bytes in length. For each cell of the array,
* the dot product of its bytes with the provided coefficients is computed. The resulting
* floating point value is converted to an unsigned byte and tallied in the histogram.
* If coefficients is null, the coefficients used for RGBA luminosity calculation will be used,
* i.e. the values [0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0.f].
* Each coefficients must be >= 0 and their sum must be 1.0 or less. There must be the same
* number of coefficients as vectorSize.
* A variant of this method is available to do the histogram of a Bitmap.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY.
* The source buffer should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. The returned
* array will have 256 ints.
* Like the RenderScript Intrinsics, vectorSize of size 3 are padded to occupy 4 bytes.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be analyzed.
* @param vectorSize The number of bytes in each cell, a value from 1 to 4.
* @param sizeX The width of the input buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of the input buffers, as a number of 1 to 4 byte cells.
* @param coefficients The dot product multipliers. Size should equal vectorSize. Can be null.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The resulting vector of counts.
fun histogramDot(
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
coefficients: FloatArray? = null,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): IntArray {
require(vectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName histogramDot. The vectorSize should be between 1 and 4. " +
"$vectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize) {
"$externalName histogramDot. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*$vectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
validateHistogramDotCoefficients(coefficients, vectorSize)
validateRestriction("histogramDot", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = IntArray(256)
val actualCoefficients = coefficients ?: floatArrayOf(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0f)
return outputArray
* Compute the histogram of the dot product of an image.
* This method supports Bitmaps of config ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8. For each pixel of the bitmap,
* the dot product of its bytes with the provided coefficients is computed. The resulting
* floating point value is converted to an unsigned byte and tallied in the histogram.
* If coefficients is null, the coefficients used for RGBA luminosity calculation will be used,
* i.e. the values [0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0.f].
* Each coefficients must be >= 0 and their sum must be 1.0 or less. For ARGB_8888, four values
* must be provided; for ALPHA_8, one.
* Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* A variant of this method is available to do the histogram of a ByteArray.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY.
* The returned array will have 256 ints.
* @param inputBitmap The bitmap to be analyzed.
* @param coefficients The one or four values used for the dot product. Can be null.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The resulting vector of counts.
fun histogramDot(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
coefficients: FloatArray? = null,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): IntArray {
validateBitmap("histogramDot", inputBitmap)
validateHistogramDotCoefficients(coefficients, vectorSize(inputBitmap))
validateRestriction("histogramDot", inputBitmap, restriction)
val outputArray = IntArray(256)
val actualCoefficients = coefficients ?: floatArrayOf(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f, 0f)
nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputArray, actualCoefficients, restriction
return outputArray
* Transform an image using a look up table
* Transforms an image by using a per-channel lookup table. Each channel of the input has an
* independent lookup table. The tables are 256 entries in size and can cover the full value
* range of a byte.
* The input array should be in RGBA format, where four consecutive bytes form an cell.
* A variant of this method is available to transform a Bitmap.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output Bitmap will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* The source array should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. The returned
* ray has the same dimensions as the input. The arrays have a row-major layout.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be transformed.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of 4 byte cells.
* @param table The four arrays of 256 values that's used to convert each channel.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The transformed image.
fun lut(
inputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
table: LookupTable,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * 4) {
"$externalName lut. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*4 < ${inputArray.size}."
validateRestriction("lut", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(inputArray.size)
return outputArray
* Transform an image using a look up table
* Transforms an image by using a per-channel lookup table. Each channel of the input has an
* independent lookup table. The tables are 256 entries in size and can cover the full value
* range of a byte.
* The input Bitmap should be in config ARGB_8888. A variant of this method is available to
* transform a ByteArray. Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not
* currently supported.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output Bitmap will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* @param inputBitmap The buffer of the image to be transformed.
* @param table The four arrays of 256 values that's used to convert each channel.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The transformed image.
fun lut(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
table: LookupTable,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("lut", inputBitmap)
validateRestriction("lut", inputBitmap, restriction)
val outputBitmap = createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap)
return outputBitmap
* Transform an image using a 3D look up table
* Transforms an image, converting RGB to RGBA by using a 3D lookup table. The incoming R, G,
* and B values are normalized to the dimensions of the provided 3D buffer. The eight nearest
* values in that 3D buffer are sampled and linearly interpolated. The resulting RGBA entry
* is returned in the output array.
* The input array should be in RGBA format, where four consecutive bytes form an cell.
* The fourth byte of each input cell is ignored. A variant of this method is also available
* to transform Bitmaps.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output array will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* The source array should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. The returned
* array will have the same dimensions. The arrays have a row-major layout.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be transformed.
* @param sizeX The width of both buffers, as a number of 4 byte cells.
* @param sizeY The height of both buffers, as a number of 4 byte cells.
* @param cube The translation cube.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The transformed image.
fun lut3d(
inputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
cube: Rgba3dArray,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(inputArray.size >= sizeX * sizeY * 4) {
"$externalName lut3d. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$sizeX*$sizeY*4 < ${inputArray.size}."
cube.sizeX >= 2 && cube.sizeY >= 2 && cube.sizeZ >= 2 &&
cube.sizeX <= 256 && cube.sizeY <= 256 && cube.sizeZ <= 256
) {
"$externalName lut3d. The dimensions of the cube should be between 2 and 256. " +
"(${cube.sizeX}, ${cube.sizeY}, ${cube.sizeZ}) provided."
validateRestriction("lut3d", sizeX, sizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(inputArray.size)
nativeHandle, inputArray, outputArray, sizeX, sizeY, cube.values, cube.sizeX,
cube.sizeY, cube.sizeZ, restriction
return outputArray
* Transform an image using a 3D look up table
* Transforms an image, converting RGB to RGBA by using a 3D lookup table. The incoming R, G,
* and B values are normalized to the dimensions of the provided 3D buffer. The eight nearest
* values in that 3D buffer are sampled and linearly interpolated. The resulting RGBA entry
* is returned in the output array.
* The input bitmap should be in RGBA_8888 format. The A channel is preserved. A variant of this
* method is also available to transform ByteArray. Bitmaps with a stride different than
* width * vectorSize are not currently supported.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of each buffer. If provided, the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions
* described by sizeX and sizeY. NOTE: The output array will still be full size, with the
* section that's not convolved all set to 0. This is to stay compatible with RenderScript.
* The source array should be large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes. The returned
* array will have the same dimensions. The arrays have a row-major layout.
* @param inputBitmap The image to be transformed.
* @param cube The translation cube.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return The transformed image.
fun lut3d(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
cube: Rgba3dArray,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("lut3d", inputBitmap)
validateRestriction("lut3d", inputBitmap, restriction)
val outputBitmap = createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap)
nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputBitmap, cube.values, cube.sizeX,
cube.sizeY, cube.sizeZ, restriction
return outputBitmap
* Resize an image.
* Resizes an image using bicubic interpolation.
* This method supports elements of 1 to 4 bytes in length. Each byte of the element is
* interpolated independently from the others.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of the output buffer. The corresponding scaled range of the input will be used. If provided,
* the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions described by outputSizeX and
* outputSizeY.
* The input and output arrays have a row-major layout. The input array should be
* large enough for sizeX * sizeY * vectorSize bytes.
* Like the RenderScript Intrinsics, vectorSize of size 3 are padded to occupy 4 bytes.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be resized.
* @param vectorSize The number of bytes in each element of both buffers. A value from 1 to 4.
* @param inputSizeX The width of the input buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param inputSizeY The height of the input buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param outputSizeX The width of the output buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param outputSizeY The height of the output buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return An array that contains the rescaled image.
fun resize(
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
inputSizeX: Int,
inputSizeY: Int,
outputSizeX: Int,
outputSizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): ByteArray {
require(vectorSize in 1..4) {
"$externalName resize. The vectorSize should be between 1 and 4. $vectorSize provided."
require(inputArray.size >= inputSizeX * inputSizeY * vectorSize) {
"$externalName resize. inputArray is too small for the given dimensions. " +
"$inputSizeX*$inputSizeY*$vectorSize < ${inputArray.size}."
validateRestriction("resize", outputSizeX, outputSizeY, restriction)
val outputArray = ByteArray(outputSizeX * outputSizeY * paddedSize(vectorSize))
return outputArray
* Resize an image.
* Resizes an image using bicubic interpolation.
* This method supports input Bitmap of config ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8. The returned Bitmap
* has the same config. Bitmaps with a stride different than width * vectorSize are not
* currently supported.
* An optional range parameter can be set to restrict the operation to a rectangular subset
* of the output buffer. The corresponding scaled range of the input will be used. If provided,
* the range must be wholly contained with the dimensions described by outputSizeX and
* outputSizeY.
* @param inputBitmap The Bitmap to be resized.
* @param outputSizeX The width of the output buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param outputSizeY The height of the output buffer, as a number of 1-4 byte elements.
* @param restriction When not null, restricts the operation to a 2D range of pixels.
* @return A Bitmap that contains the rescaled image.
fun resize(
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputSizeX: Int,
outputSizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d? = null
): Bitmap {
validateBitmap("resize", inputBitmap)
validateRestriction("resize", outputSizeX, outputSizeY, restriction)
val outputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(outputSizeX, outputSizeY, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
nativeResizeBitmap(nativeHandle, inputBitmap, outputBitmap, restriction)
return outputBitmap
* Convert an image from YUV to RGB.
* Converts a YUV buffer to RGB. The input array should be supplied in a supported YUV format.
* The output is RGBA; the alpha channel will be set to 255.
* Note that for YV12 and a sizeX that's not a multiple of 32, the RenderScript Intrinsic may
* not have converted the image correctly. This Toolkit method should.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be converted.
* @param sizeX The width in pixels of the image.
* @param sizeY The height in pixels of the image.
* @param format Either YV12 or NV21.
* @return The converted image as a byte array.
fun yuvToRgb(inputArray: ByteArray, sizeX: Int, sizeY: Int, format: YuvFormat): ByteArray {
require(sizeX % 2 == 0 && sizeY % 2 == 0) {
"$externalName yuvToRgb. Non-even dimensions are not supported. " +
"$sizeX and $sizeY were provided."
val outputArray = ByteArray(sizeX * sizeY * 4)
nativeYuvToRgb(nativeHandle, inputArray, outputArray, sizeX, sizeY, format.value)
return outputArray
* Convert an image from YUV to an RGB Bitmap.
* Converts a YUV buffer to an RGB Bitmap. The input array should be supplied in a supported
* YUV format. The output is RGBA; the alpha channel will be set to 255.
* Note that for YV12 and a sizeX that's not a multiple of 32, the RenderScript Intrinsic may
* not have converted the image correctly. This Toolkit method should.
* @param inputArray The buffer of the image to be converted.
* @param sizeX The width in pixels of the image.
* @param sizeY The height in pixels of the image.
* @param format Either YV12 or NV21.
* @return The converted image.
fun yuvToRgbBitmap(inputArray: ByteArray, sizeX: Int, sizeY: Int, format: YuvFormat): Bitmap {
require(sizeX % 2 == 0 && sizeY % 2 == 0) {
"$externalName yuvToRgbBitmap. Non-even dimensions are not supported. " +
"$sizeX and $sizeY were provided."
val outputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(sizeX, sizeY, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
nativeYuvToRgbBitmap(nativeHandle, inputArray, sizeX, sizeY, outputBitmap, format.value)
return outputBitmap
init {
nativeHandle = createNative()
* Shutdown the thread pool.
* Waits for the threads to complete their work and destroys them.
* An application should call this method only if it is sure that it won't call the
* toolkit again, as it is irreversible.
fun shutdown() {
nativeHandle = 0
private var nativeHandle: Long = 0
private external fun createNative(): Long
private external fun destroyNative(nativeHandle: Long)
private external fun nativeBlend(
nativeHandle: Long,
mode: Int,
sourceArray: ByteArray,
destArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeBlendBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
mode: Int,
sourceBitmap: Bitmap,
destBitmap: Bitmap,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeBlur(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
radius: Int,
outputArray: ByteArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeBlurBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
radius: Int,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeColorMatrix(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
inputVectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputArray: ByteArray,
outputVectorSize: Int,
matrix: FloatArray,
addVector: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeColorMatrixBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
matrix: FloatArray,
addVector: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeConvolve(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputArray: ByteArray,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeConvolveBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeHistogram(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputArray: IntArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeHistogramBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputArray: IntArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeHistogramDot(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputArray: IntArray,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeHistogramDotBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputArray: IntArray,
coefficients: FloatArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeLut(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
outputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
red: ByteArray,
green: ByteArray,
blue: ByteArray,
alpha: ByteArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeLutBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
red: ByteArray,
green: ByteArray,
blue: ByteArray,
alpha: ByteArray,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeLut3d(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
outputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
cube: ByteArray,
cubeSizeX: Int,
cubeSizeY: Int,
cubeSizeZ: Int,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeLut3dBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
cube: ByteArray,
cubeSizeX: Int,
cubeSizeY: Int,
cubeSizeZ: Int,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeResize(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
vectorSize: Int,
inputSizeX: Int,
inputSizeY: Int,
outputArray: ByteArray,
outputSizeX: Int,
outputSizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeResizeBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
restriction: Range2d?
private external fun nativeYuvToRgb(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
outputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
format: Int
private external fun nativeYuvToRgbBitmap(
nativeHandle: Long,
inputArray: ByteArray,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
outputBitmap: Bitmap,
value: Int
* Determines how a source buffer is blended into a destination buffer.
* See {@link RenderScriptToolkit::blend}.
* blend only works on 4 byte RGBA data. In the descriptions below, ".a" represents
* the alpha channel.
enum class BlendingMode(val value: Int) {
* dest = 0
* The destination is cleared, i.e. each pixel is set to (0, 0, 0, 0)
* dest = src
* Sets each pixel of the destination to the corresponding one in the source.
* dest = dest
* Leaves the destination untouched. This is a no-op.
* dest = src + dest * (1.0 - src.a)
* dest = dest + src * (1.0 - dest.a)
* dest = src * dest.a
* dest = dest * src.a
* dest = src * (1.0 - dest.a)
* dest = dest * (1.0 - src.a)
* dest.rgb = src.rgb * dest.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dest.rgb, dest.a = dest.a
* dest = dest.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dest.a) * src.rgb, dest.a = src.a
* dest = {src.r ^ dest.r, src.g ^ dest.g, src.b ^ dest.b, src.a ^ dest.a}
* Note: this is NOT the Porter/Duff XOR mode; this is a bitwise xor.
* dest = src * dest
* dest = min(src + dest, 1.0)
* dest = max(dest - src, 0.0)
* A translation table used by the lut method. For each potential red, green, blue, and alpha
* value, specifies it's replacement value.
* The fields are initialized to be a no-op operation, i.e. replace 1 by 1, 2 by 2, etc.
* You can modify just the values you're interested in having a translation.
class LookupTable {
var red = ByteArray(256) { it.toByte() }
var green = ByteArray(256) { it.toByte() }
var blue = ByteArray(256) { it.toByte() }
var alpha = ByteArray(256) { it.toByte() }
* The YUV formats supported by yuvToRgb.
enum class YuvFormat(val value: Int) {
* Define a range of data to process.
* This class is used to restrict a [Toolkit] operation to a rectangular subset of the input
* tensor.
* @property startX The index of the first value to be included on the X axis.
* @property endX The index after the last value to be included on the X axis.
* @property startY The index of the first value to be included on the Y axis.
* @property endY The index after the last value to be included on the Y axis.
data class Range2d(
val startX: Int,
val endX: Int,
val startY: Int,
val endY: Int
) {
constructor() : this(0, 0, 0, 0)
class Rgba3dArray(val values: ByteArray, val sizeX: Int, val sizeY: Int, val sizeZ: Int) {
init {
require(values.size >= sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ * 4)
operator fun get(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): ByteArray {
val index = indexOfVector(x, y, z)
return ByteArray(4) { values[index + it] }
operator fun set(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, value: ByteArray) {
require(value.size == 4)
val index = indexOfVector(x, y, z)
for (i in 0..3) {
values[index + i] = value[i]
private fun indexOfVector(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Int {
require(x in 0 until sizeX)
require(y in 0 until sizeY)
require(z in 0 until sizeZ)
return ((z * sizeY + y) * sizeX + x) * 4
internal fun validateBitmap(
function: String,
inputBitmap: Bitmap,
alphaAllowed: Boolean = true
) {
if (alphaAllowed) {
inputBitmap.config == Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 ||
inputBitmap.config == Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8
) {
"$externalName. $function supports only ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8 bitmaps. " +
"${inputBitmap.config} provided."
} else {
require(inputBitmap.config == Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) {
"$externalName. $function supports only ARGB_8888. " +
"${inputBitmap.config} provided."
require(inputBitmap.width * vectorSize(inputBitmap) == inputBitmap.rowBytes) {
"$externalName $function. Only bitmaps with rowSize equal to the width * vectorSize are " +
"currently supported. Provided were rowBytes=${inputBitmap.rowBytes}, " +
"width={${inputBitmap.width}, and vectorSize=${vectorSize(inputBitmap)}."
internal fun createCompatibleBitmap(inputBitmap: Bitmap) =
Bitmap.createBitmap(inputBitmap.width, inputBitmap.height, inputBitmap.config)
internal fun validateHistogramDotCoefficients(
coefficients: FloatArray?,
vectorSize: Int
) {
require(coefficients == null || coefficients.size == vectorSize) {
"$externalName histogramDot. The coefficients should be null or have $vectorSize values."
if (coefficients !== null) {
var sum = 0f
for (i in 0 until vectorSize) {
require(coefficients[i] >= 0.0f) {
"$externalName histogramDot. Coefficients should not be negative. " +
"Coefficient $i was ${coefficients[i]}."
sum += coefficients[i]
require(sum <= 1.0f) {
"$externalName histogramDot. Coefficients should add to 1 or less. Their sum is $sum."
internal fun validateRestriction(tag: String, bitmap: Bitmap, restriction: Range2d? = null) {
validateRestriction(tag, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, restriction)
internal fun validateRestriction(
tag: String,
sizeX: Int,
sizeY: Int,
restriction: Range2d? = null
) {
if (restriction == null) return
require(restriction.startX < sizeX && restriction.endX <= sizeX) {
"$externalName $tag. sizeX should be greater than restriction.startX and greater " +
"or equal to restriction.endX. $sizeX, ${restriction.startX}, " +
"and ${restriction.endX} were provided respectively."
require(restriction.startY < sizeY && restriction.endY <= sizeY) {
"$externalName $tag. sizeY should be greater than restriction.startY and greater " +
"or equal to restriction.endY. $sizeY, ${restriction.startY}, " +
"and ${restriction.endY} were provided respectively."
require(restriction.startX < restriction.endX) {
"$externalName $tag. Restriction startX should be less than endX. " +
"${restriction.startX} and ${restriction.endX} were provided respectively."
require(restriction.startY < restriction.endY) {
"$externalName $tag. Restriction startY should be less than endY. " +
"${restriction.startY} and ${restriction.endY} were provided respectively."
internal fun vectorSize(bitmap: Bitmap): Int {
return when (bitmap.config) {
Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 -> 4
Bitmap.Config.ALPHA_8 -> 1
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(
"$externalName. Only ARGB_8888 and ALPHA_8 Bitmap are supported."
internal fun paddedSize(vectorSize: Int) = if (vectorSize == 3) 4 else vectorSize