blob: 9d399d4ee933e3366e184afbfbbf6cba9f333eca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Generator.h"
#include "Specification.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
using namespace std;
struct DetailedFunctionEntry {
VersionInfo info;
string htmlDeclaration;
static const char OVERVIEW_HTML_FILE_NAME[] = "overview.html";
static const char OVERVIEW_JD_FILE_NAME[] = "overview.jd";
static const char INDEX_HTML_FILE_NAME[] = "index.html";
static const char INDEX_JD_FILE_NAME[] = "index.jd";
static void writeHeader(GeneratedFile* file, bool forVerification, const string& title) {
if (forVerification) {
*file << "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
*file << "<!-- " << AUTO_GENERATED_WARNING << "-->\n";
*file << "<html><head>\n"
"<title>RenderScript Reference</title>\n"
"<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>\n"
"<link rel='stylesheet' "
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='"
"css?family=Roboto:light,regular,medium,thin,italic,mediumitalic,bold' "
"<link href='default.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>\n"
"<link href='fullscreen.css' rel='stylesheet' class='fullscreen' "
"<body class='gc-documentation develop reference'>\n\n";
*file << "<h1>" << title << "</h1>\n";
} else {
*file << "page.title=RenderScript " << title << "\n\n";
*file << "@jd:body\n\n";
*file << "<div class='renderscript'>\n";
static void writeFooter(GeneratedFile* file, bool forVerification) {
*file << "</div>\n";
if (forVerification) {
*file << "</body></html>\n";
// If prefix starts input, copy it to stream and remove it from input.
static void skipPrefix(ostringstream* stream, string* input, const string& prefix) {
size_t size = prefix.size();
if (input->compare(0, size, prefix) != 0) {
input->erase(0, size);
*stream << prefix;
// Merge b into a. Returns true if successful
static bool mergeVersionInfo(VersionInfo* a, const VersionInfo& b) {
if (a->intSize != b.intSize) {
cerr << "Error. We don't currently support versions that differ based on int size\n";
return false;
if (b.minVersion != 0 && a->maxVersion == b.minVersion - 1) {
a->maxVersion = b.maxVersion;
} else if (b.maxVersion != 0 && a->minVersion == b.maxVersion + 1) {
a->minVersion = b.minVersion;
} else {
cerr << "Error. This code currently assume that all versions are contiguous. Don't know "
"how to merge versions (" << a->minVersion << " - " << a->maxVersion << ") and ("
<< b.minVersion << " - " << b.maxVersion << ")\n";
return false;
return true;
static string getHtmlStringForType(const ParameterDefinition& parameter) {
string s = parameter.rsType;
ostringstream stream;
skipPrefix(&stream, &s, "const ");
skipPrefix(&stream, &s, "volatile ");
bool endsWithAsterisk = s.size() > 0 && s[s.size() - 1] == '*';
if (endsWithAsterisk) {
s.erase(s.size() - 1, 1);
string anchor = systemSpecification.getHtmlAnchor(s);
if (anchor.empty()) {
// Not a RenderScript specific type.
return parameter.rsType;
} else {
stream << anchor;
if (endsWithAsterisk) {
stream << "*";
return stream.str();
static string getDetailedHtmlDeclaration(const FunctionPermutation& permutation) {
ostringstream stream;
auto ret = permutation.getReturn();
if (ret) {
stream << getHtmlStringForType(*ret);
} else {
stream << "void";
stream << " " << permutation.getName() << "(";
bool needComma = false;
for (auto p : permutation.getParams()) {
if (needComma) {
stream << ", ";
stream << getHtmlStringForType(*p);
if (p->isOutParameter) {
stream << "*";
if (!p->specName.empty()) {
stream << " " << p->specName;
needComma = true;
stream << ");\n";
return stream.str();
/* Some functions (like max) have changed implementations but not their
* declaration. We need to unify these so that we don't end up with entries
* like:
* char max(char a, char b); Removed from API level 20
* char max(char a, char b); Added to API level 20
static bool getUnifiedFunctionPrototypes(Function* function,
map<string, DetailedFunctionEntry>* entries) {
for (auto f : function->getSpecifications()) {
DetailedFunctionEntry entry; = f->getVersionInfo();
for (auto p : f->getPermutations()) {
entry.htmlDeclaration = getDetailedHtmlDeclaration(*p);
const string s = stripHtml(entry.htmlDeclaration);
auto i = entries->find(s);
if (i == entries->end()) {
entries->insert(pair<string, DetailedFunctionEntry>(s, entry));
} else {
if (!mergeVersionInfo(&i->, {
return false;
return true;
// Convert words starting with @ into HTML references. Returns false if error.
static bool convertDocumentationRefences(string* s) {
bool success = true;
size_t end = 0;
for (;;) {
size_t start = s->find('@', end);
if (start == string::npos) {
// Find the end of the identifier
end = start;
char c;
do {
c = (*s)[++end];
} while (isalnum(c) || c == '_');
const string id = s->substr(start + 1, end - start - 1);
string anchor = systemSpecification.getHtmlAnchor(id);
if (anchor.empty()) {
cerr << "Error: Can't convert the documentation reference @" << id << "\n";
success = false;
s->replace(start, end - start, anchor);
return success;
static bool generateHtmlParagraphs(GeneratedFile* file, const vector<string>& description) {
bool inParagraph = false;
for (auto s : description) {
// Empty lines in the .spec marks paragraphs.
if (s.empty()) {
if (inParagraph) {
*file << "</p>\n";
inParagraph = false;
} else {
if (!inParagraph) {
*file << "<p> ";
inParagraph = true;
if (!convertDocumentationRefences(&s)) {
return false;
*file << s << "\n";
if (inParagraph) {
*file << "</p>\n";
return true;
static void writeSummaryTableStart(GeneratedFile* file, const string& label, bool labelIsHeading) {
if (labelIsHeading) {
*file << "<h2 style='margin-bottom: 0px;'>" << label << "</h2>\n";
*file << "<table class='jd-sumtable'><tbody>\n";
if (!labelIsHeading) {
*file << " <tr><th colspan='2'>" << label << "</th></tr>\n";
static void writeSummaryTableEnd(GeneratedFile* file) {
*file << "</tbody></table>\n";
enum DeprecatedSelector {
static void writeSummaryTableEntry(ostream* stream, Definition* definition,
DeprecatedSelector deprecatedSelector) {
if (definition->hidden()) {
const bool deprecated = definition->deprecated();
if ((deprecatedSelector == DEPRECATED_ONLY && !deprecated) ||
(deprecatedSelector == NON_DEPRECATED_ONLY && deprecated)) {
*stream << " <tr class='alt-color api apilevel-1'>\n";
*stream << " <td class='jd-linkcol'>\n";
*stream << " <a href='" << definition->getUrl() << "'>" << definition->getName()
<< "</a>\n";
*stream << " </td>\n";
*stream << " <td class='jd-descrcol' width='100%'>\n";
*stream << " ";
if (deprecated) {
*stream << "<b>Deprecated</b>. ";
*stream << definition->getSummary() << "\n";
*stream << " </td>\n";
*stream << " </tr>\n";
static void writeSummaryTable(GeneratedFile* file, const ostringstream* entries, const char* name,
DeprecatedSelector deprecatedSelector, bool labelAsHeader) {
string s = entries->str();
if (!s.empty()) {
string prefix;
if (deprecatedSelector == DEPRECATED_ONLY) {
prefix = "Deprecated ";
writeSummaryTableStart(file, prefix + name, labelAsHeader);
*file << s;
static void writeSummaryTables(GeneratedFile* file, const map<string, Constant*>& constants,
const map<string, Type*>& types,
const map<string, Function*>& functions,
DeprecatedSelector deprecatedSelector, bool labelAsHeader) {
ostringstream constantStream;
for (auto e : constants) {
writeSummaryTableEntry(&constantStream, e.second, deprecatedSelector);
writeSummaryTable(file, &constantStream, "Constants", deprecatedSelector, labelAsHeader);
ostringstream typeStream;
for (auto e : types) {
writeSummaryTableEntry(&typeStream, e.second, deprecatedSelector);
writeSummaryTable(file, &typeStream, "Types", deprecatedSelector, labelAsHeader);
ostringstream functionStream;
for (auto e : functions) {
writeSummaryTableEntry(&functionStream, e.second, deprecatedSelector);
writeSummaryTable(file, &functionStream, "Functions", deprecatedSelector, labelAsHeader);
static void writeHtmlVersionTag(GeneratedFile* file, VersionInfo info) {
ostringstream stream;
if (info.intSize == 32) {
stream << "When compiling for 32 bits. ";
} else if (info.intSize == 64) {
stream << "When compiling for 64 bits. ";
if (info.minVersion > 1 || info.maxVersion) {
const char* mid =
"<a "
"uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels'>API level ";
if (info.minVersion <= 1) {
// No minimum
if (info.maxVersion > 0) {
stream << "Removed from " << mid << info.maxVersion + 1 << " and higher";
} else {
if (info.maxVersion == 0) {
// No maximum
stream << "Added in " << mid << info.minVersion;
} else {
stream << mid << info.minVersion << " - " << info.maxVersion;
stream << "</a>";
const string s = stream.str();
if (!s.empty()) {
*file << " " << s << "\n";
static void writeDetailedTypeSpecification(GeneratedFile* file, const TypeSpecification* spec) {
switch (spec->getKind()) {
case SIMPLE: {
Type* type = spec->getType();
*file << "<p>A typedef of: " << spec->getSimpleType()
<< makeAttributeTag(spec->getAttribute(), "", type->deprecated(),
<< "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
writeHtmlVersionTag(file, spec->getVersionInfo());
*file << "</p>\n";
case ENUM: {
*file << "<p>An enum with the following values:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
writeHtmlVersionTag(file, spec->getVersionInfo());
*file << "</p>\n";
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
const vector<string>& values = spec->getValues();
const vector<string>& valueComments = spec->getValueComments();
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
*file << " <tr><th>" << values[i] << "</th><td>";
if (valueComments.size() > i) {
*file << valueComments[i];
*file << "</td></tr>\n";
*file << " </tbody></table><br/>\n";
case STRUCT: {
*file << "<p>A structure with the following fields:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
writeHtmlVersionTag(file, spec->getVersionInfo());
*file << "</p>\n";
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
const vector<string>& fields = spec->getFields();
const vector<string>& fieldComments = spec->getFieldComments();
for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
*file << " <tr><th>" << fields[i] << "</th><td>";
if (fieldComments.size() > i && !fieldComments[i].empty()) {
*file << fieldComments[i];
*file << "</td></tr>\n";
*file << " </tbody></table><br/>\n";
static void writeDetailedConstantSpecification(GeneratedFile* file, ConstantSpecification* c) {
*file << " <tr><td>";
*file << "Value: " << c->getValue() << "\n";
writeHtmlVersionTag(file, c->getVersionInfo());
*file << " </td></tr>\n";
*file << "<br/>\n";
static bool writeOverviewForFile(GeneratedFile* file, const SpecFile& specFile) {
bool success = true;
*file << "<h2>" << specFile.getBriefDescription() << "</h2>\n";
if (!generateHtmlParagraphs(file, specFile.getFullDescription())) {
success = false;
// Write the summary tables.
// file << "<h2>Summary</h2>\n";
writeSummaryTables(file, specFile.getDocumentedConstants(), specFile.getDocumentedTypes(),
specFile.getDocumentedFunctions(), NON_DEPRECATED_ONLY, false);
return success;
static bool generateOverview(const string& directory, bool forVerification) {
GeneratedFile file;
if (!file.start(directory, forVerification ? OVERVIEW_HTML_FILE_NAME : OVERVIEW_JD_FILE_NAME)) {
return false;
bool success = true;
writeHeader(&file, forVerification, "Runtime API Reference");
for (auto specFile : systemSpecification.getSpecFiles()) {
if (!writeOverviewForFile(&file, *specFile)) {
success = false;
writeFooter(&file, forVerification);
return success;
static bool generateAlphabeticalIndex(const string& directory, bool forVerification) {
GeneratedFile file;
if (!file.start(directory, forVerification ? INDEX_HTML_FILE_NAME : INDEX_JD_FILE_NAME)) {
return false;
writeHeader(&file, forVerification, "Index");
writeSummaryTables(&file, systemSpecification.getConstants(), systemSpecification.getTypes(),
systemSpecification.getFunctions(), NON_DEPRECATED_ONLY, true);
writeSummaryTables(&file, systemSpecification.getConstants(), systemSpecification.getTypes(),
systemSpecification.getFunctions(), DEPRECATED_ONLY, true);
writeFooter(&file, forVerification);
return true;
static void writeDeprecatedWarning(GeneratedFile* file, Definition* definition) {
if (definition->deprecated()) {
*file << " <p><b>Deprecated.</b> ";
string s = definition->getDeprecatedMessage();
if (!s.empty()) {
*file << s;
} else {
*file << "Do not use.";
*file << "</p>\n";
static bool writeDetailedConstant(GeneratedFile* file, Constant* constant) {
if (constant->hidden()) {
return true;
const string& name = constant->getName();
*file << "<a name='android_rs:" << name << "'></a>\n";
*file << "<div class='jd-details'>\n";
*file << " <h4 class='jd-details-title'>\n";
*file << " <span class='sympad'>" << name << "</span>\n";
*file << " <span class='normal'>: " << constant->getSummary() << "</span>\n";
*file << " </h4>\n";
*file << " <div class='jd-details-descr'>\n";
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
auto specifications = constant->getSpecifications();
bool addSeparator = specifications.size() > 1;
for (auto spec : specifications) {
if (addSeparator) {
*file << " <h5 class='jd-tagtitle'>Variant:</h5>\n";
writeDetailedConstantSpecification(file, spec);
*file << " </tbody></table>\n";
*file << " </div>\n";
*file << " <div class='jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr'>\n";
writeDeprecatedWarning(file, constant);
if (!generateHtmlParagraphs(file, constant->getDescription())) {
return false;
*file << " </div>\n";
*file << "</div>\n";
*file << "\n";
return true;
static bool writeDetailedType(GeneratedFile* file, Type* type) {
if (type->hidden()) {
return true;
const string& name = type->getName();
*file << "<a name='android_rs:" << name << "'></a>\n";
*file << "<div class='jd-details'>\n";
*file << " <h4 class='jd-details-title'>\n";
*file << " <span class='sympad'>" << name << "</span>\n";
*file << " <span class='normal'>: " << type->getSummary() << "</span>\n";
*file << " </h4>\n";
*file << " <div class='jd-details-descr'>\n";
for (auto spec : type->getSpecifications()) {
writeDetailedTypeSpecification(file, spec);
writeDeprecatedWarning(file, type);
if (!generateHtmlParagraphs(file, type->getDescription())) {
return false;
*file << " </div>\n";
*file << "</div>\n";
*file << "\n";
return true;
static bool writeDetailedFunction(GeneratedFile* file, Function* function) {
if (function->hidden()) {
return true;
const string& name = function->getName();
*file << "<a name='android_rs:" << name << "'></a>\n";
*file << "<div class='jd-details'>\n";
*file << " <h4 class='jd-details-title'>\n";
*file << " <span class='sympad'>" << name << "</span>\n";
*file << " <span class='normal'>: " << function->getSummary() << "</span>\n";
*file << " </h4>\n";
*file << " <div class='jd-details-descr'>\n";
map<string, DetailedFunctionEntry> entries;
if (!getUnifiedFunctionPrototypes(function, &entries)) {
return false;
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
for (auto i : entries) {
*file << " <tr>\n";
*file << " <td>" << i.second.htmlDeclaration << "</td>\n";
*file << " <td>";
*file << " </td>\n";
*file << " </tr>\n";
*file << " </tbody></table>\n";
*file << " </div>\n";
if (function->someParametersAreDocumented()) {
*file << " <div class='jd-tagdata'>";
*file << " <h5 class='jd-tagtitle'>Parameters</h5>\n";
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
for (ParameterEntry* p : function->getParameters()) {
*file << " <tr><th>" << p->name << "</th><td>" << p->documentation << "</td></tr>\n";
*file << " </tbody></table>\n";
*file << " </div>\n";
string ret = function->getReturnDocumentation();
if (!ret.empty()) {
*file << " <div class='jd-tagdata'>";
*file << " <h5 class='jd-tagtitle'>Returns</h5>\n";
*file << " <table class='jd-tagtable'><tbody>\n";
*file << " <tr><td>" << ret << "</td></tr>\n";
*file << " </tbody></table>\n";
*file << " </div>\n";
*file << " <div class='jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr'>\n";
writeDeprecatedWarning(file, function);
if (!generateHtmlParagraphs(file, function->getDescription())) {
return false;
*file << " </div>\n";
*file << "</div>\n";
*file << "\n";
return true;
static bool writeDetailedDocumentationFile(const string& directory, const SpecFile& specFile,
bool forVerification) {
if (!specFile.hasSpecifications()) {
// This is true for rs_core.spec
return true;
GeneratedFile file;
const string fileName = stringReplace(specFile.getSpecFileName(), ".spec",
forVerification ? ".html" : ".jd");
if (!file.start(directory, fileName)) {
return false;
bool success = true;
string title = specFile.getBriefDescription();
writeHeader(&file, forVerification, title);
file << "<h2>Overview</h2>\n";
if (!generateHtmlParagraphs(&file, specFile.getFullDescription())) {
success = false;
// Write the summary tables.
file << "<h2>Summary</h2>\n";
const auto& constants = specFile.getDocumentedConstants();
const auto& types = specFile.getDocumentedTypes();
const auto& functions = specFile.getDocumentedFunctions();
writeSummaryTables(&file, constants, types, functions, NON_DEPRECATED_ONLY, false);
writeSummaryTables(&file, constants, types, functions, DEPRECATED_ONLY, false);
// Write the full details of each constant, type, and function.
if (!constants.empty()) {
file << "<h2>Constants</h2>\n";
for (auto i : constants) {
if (!writeDetailedConstant(&file, i.second)) {
success = false;
if (!types.empty()) {
file << "<h2>Types</h2>\n";
for (auto i : types) {
if (!writeDetailedType(&file, i.second)) {
success = false;
if (!functions.empty()) {
file << "<h2>Functions</h2>\n";
for (auto i : functions) {
if (!writeDetailedFunction(&file, i.second)) {
success = false;
writeFooter(&file, forVerification);
if (!success) {
// If in error, write a final message to make it easier to figure out which file failed.
cerr << fileName << ": Failed due to errors.\n";
return success;
static void generateSnippet(GeneratedFile* file, const string& fileName, const string& title) {
const char offset[] = " ";
*file << offset << "<li><a href=\"<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/topics/renderscript/reference/"
<< fileName << "\">\n";
*file << offset << " <span class=\"en\">" << title << "</span>\n";
*file << offset << "</a></li>\n";
/* Generate a partial file of links that should be cut & pasted into the proper section of the
* guide_toc.cs file.
static bool generateAndroidTableOfContentSnippet(const string& directory) {
GeneratedFile file;
if (!file.start(directory, "guide_toc.cs")) {
return false;
file << "<!-- Copy and paste the following lines into the RenderScript section of\n";
file << " platform/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/guide_toc.cs\n\n";
const char offset[] = " ";
file << offset << "<li class=\"nav-section\">\n";
file << offset << " <div class=\"nav-section-header\">\n";
file << offset << " <a href=\"<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/topics/renderscript/reference/" <<
file << offset << " <span class=\"en\">Runtime API Reference</span>\n";
file << offset << " </a></div>\n";
file << offset << " <ul>\n";
for (auto specFile : systemSpecification.getSpecFiles()) {
if (specFile->hasSpecifications()) {
const string fileName = stringReplace(specFile->getSpecFileName(), ".spec", ".html");
generateSnippet(&file, fileName, specFile->getBriefDescription());
generateSnippet(&file, INDEX_HTML_FILE_NAME, "Index");
file << offset << " </ul>\n";
file << offset << "</li>\n";
return true;
bool generateDocumentation(const string& directory, bool forVerification) {
bool success = generateOverview(directory, forVerification) &&
generateAlphabeticalIndex(directory, forVerification) &&
for (auto specFile : systemSpecification.getSpecFiles()) {
if (!writeDetailedDocumentationFile(directory, *specFile, forVerification)) {
success = false;
return success;