blob: 4d91cf61181fe7ca1e6a686f9448d96f65e352e9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.example.testapp
import android.renderscript.toolkit.YuvFormat
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* Reference implementation of a YUV to RGB operation.
fun referenceYuvToRgb(inputSignedArray: ByteArray, sizeX: Int, sizeY: Int, format: YuvFormat): ByteArray {
require(sizeX % 2 == 0) { "The width of the input should be even."}
val inputArray = inputSignedArray.asUByteArray()
val outputArray = ByteArray(sizeX * sizeY * 4)
val output = Vector2dArray(outputArray.asUByteArray(), 4, sizeX, sizeY)
when (format) {
YuvFormat.NV21 -> {
val startY = 0
val startU = sizeX * sizeY + 1
val startV = sizeX * sizeY
for (y in 0 until sizeY) {
for (x in 0 until sizeX) {
val offsetY = y * sizeX + x
val offsetU = ((y shr 1) * sizeX + (x shr 1) * 2)
val offsetV = ((y shr 1) * sizeX + (x shr 1) * 2)
output[x, y] = yuvToRGBA4(
inputArray[startY + offsetY],
inputArray[startU + offsetU],
inputArray[startV + offsetV]
YuvFormat.YV12 -> {
/* According to,
* strideX and strideUV should be aligned to 16 byte boundaries. If we do this, we
* won't get the same results as RenderScript.
* We may want to test & require that sizeX is a multiple of 16/32.
val strideX = roundUpTo16(sizeX) // sizeX //
val strideUV = roundUpTo16(strideX / 2) // strideX / 2 //
val startY = 0
val startU = strideX * sizeY
val startV = startU + strideUV * sizeY / 2
for (y in 0 until sizeY) {
for (x in 0 until sizeX) {
val offsetY = y * sizeX + x
val offsetUV = (y shr 1) * strideUV + (x shr 1)
output[x, y] = yuvToRGBA4(
inputArray[startY + offsetY],
inputArray[startU + offsetUV],
inputArray[startV + offsetUV],
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown YUV format $format")
return outputArray
private fun yuvToRGBA4(y: UByte, u: UByte, v: UByte): UByteArray {
val intY = y.toInt() - 16
val intU = u.toInt() - 128
val intV = v.toInt() - 128
val p = intArrayOf(
intY * 298 + intV * 409 + 128 shr 8,
intY * 298 - intU * 100 - intV * 208 + 128 shr 8,
intY * 298 + intU * 516 + 128 shr 8,
return UByteArray(4) { p[it].clampToUByte() }
/* To be used if we support Float
private fun yuvToRGBA_f4(y: UByte, u: UByte, v: UByte): UByteArray {
val yuv_U_values = floatArrayOf(0f, -0.392f * 0.003921569f, 2.02f * 0.003921569f, 0f)
val yuv_V_values = floatArrayOf(1.603f * 0.003921569f, -0.815f * 0.003921569f, 0f, 0f)
var color = FloatArray(4) {y.toFloat() * 0.003921569f}
val fU = FloatArray(4) {u.toFloat() - 128f}
val fV = FloatArray(4) {v.toFloat() - 128f}
color += fU * yuv_U_values;
color += fV * yuv_V_values;
//color = clamp(color, 0.f, 1.f);
return UByteArray(4) { unitFloatClampedToUByte(color[it]) }