blob: be011aa07a18d0bcd4764b5fce4711ef5455e2c6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "rsCppUtils.h"
#ifndef RS_SERVER
#include "utils/RefBase.h"
#include "RefBase.h"
// Every row in an RS allocation is guaranteed to be aligned by this amount
// Every row in a user-backed allocation must be aligned by this amount
namespace android {
namespace RSC {
typedef void (*ErrorHandlerFunc_t)(uint32_t errorNum, const char *errorText);
typedef void (*MessageHandlerFunc_t)(uint32_t msgNum, const void *msgData, size_t msgLen);
class RS;
class BaseObj;
class Element;
class Type;
class Allocation;
class Script;
class ScriptC;
class RS : public android::LightRefBase<RS> {
virtual ~RS();
bool init(bool forceCpu = false, bool synchronous = false);
void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerFunc_t func);
ErrorHandlerFunc_t getErrorHandler() { return mErrorFunc; }
void setMessageHandler(MessageHandlerFunc_t func);
MessageHandlerFunc_t getMessageHandler() { return mMessageFunc; }
void throwError(const char *err) const;
RsContext getContext() { return mContext; }
void finish();
bool init(int targetApi, bool forceCpu, bool synchronous);
static void * threadProc(void *);
static bool gInitialized;
static pthread_mutex_t gInitMutex;
pthread_t mMessageThreadId;
pid_t mNativeMessageThreadId;
bool mMessageRun;
RsDevice mDev;
RsContext mContext;
ErrorHandlerFunc_t mErrorFunc;
MessageHandlerFunc_t mMessageFunc;
struct {
Element *U8;
Element *I8;
Element *U16;
Element *I16;
Element *U32;
Element *I32;
Element *U64;
Element *I64;
Element *F32;
Element *F64;
Element *BOOLEAN;
Element *ELEMENT;
Element *TYPE;
Element *SAMPLER;
Element *SCRIPT;
Element *MESH;
Element *A_8;
Element *RGB_565;
Element *RGB_888;
Element *RGBA_5551;
Element *RGBA_4444;
Element *RGBA_8888;
Element *FLOAT_2;
Element *FLOAT_3;
Element *FLOAT_4;
Element *DOUBLE_2;
Element *DOUBLE_3;
Element *DOUBLE_4;
Element *UCHAR_2;
Element *UCHAR_3;
Element *UCHAR_4;
Element *CHAR_2;
Element *CHAR_3;
Element *CHAR_4;
Element *USHORT_2;
Element *USHORT_3;
Element *USHORT_4;
Element *SHORT_2;
Element *SHORT_3;
Element *SHORT_4;
Element *UINT_2;
Element *UINT_3;
Element *UINT_4;
Element *INT_2;
Element *INT_3;
Element *INT_4;
Element *ULONG_2;
Element *ULONG_3;
Element *ULONG_4;
Element *LONG_2;
Element *LONG_3;
Element *LONG_4;
Element *MATRIX_4X4;
Element *MATRIX_3X3;
Element *MATRIX_2X2;
} mElements;
class BaseObj : public android::LightRefBase<BaseObj> {
void *mID;
sp<RS> mRS;
String8 mName;
BaseObj(void *id, sp<RS> rs);
void checkValid();
static void * getObjID(sp<const BaseObj> o);
void * getID() const;
virtual ~BaseObj();
virtual void updateFromNative();
virtual bool equals(const BaseObj *obj);
class Allocation : public BaseObj {
android::sp<const Type> mType;
uint32_t mUsage;
android::sp<Allocation> mAdaptedAllocation;
bool mConstrainedLOD;
bool mConstrainedFace;
bool mConstrainedY;
bool mConstrainedZ;
bool mReadAllowed;
bool mWriteAllowed;
uint32_t mSelectedY;
uint32_t mSelectedZ;
uint32_t mSelectedLOD;
RsAllocationCubemapFace mSelectedFace;
uint32_t mCurrentDimX;
uint32_t mCurrentDimY;
uint32_t mCurrentDimZ;
uint32_t mCurrentCount;
void * getIDSafe() const;
void updateCacheInfo(sp<const Type> t);
Allocation(void *id, sp<RS> rs, sp<const Type> t, uint32_t usage);
void validateIsInt32();
void validateIsInt16();
void validateIsInt8();
void validateIsFloat32();
void validateIsObject();
virtual void updateFromNative();
void validate2DRange(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
android::sp<const Type> getType() {
return mType;
void syncAll(RsAllocationUsageType srcLocation);
void ioSendOutput();
void ioGetInput();
void generateMipmaps();
void copy1DRangeFrom(uint32_t off, size_t count, const void *data);
void copy1DRangeFrom(uint32_t off, size_t count, sp<const Allocation> data, uint32_t dataOff);
void copy1DRangeTo(uint32_t off, size_t count, void *data);
void copy1DFrom(const void* data);
void copy1DTo(void* data);
void copy2DRangeFrom(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
const void *data);
void copy2DRangeTo(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
void *data);
void copy2DRangeFrom(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
sp<const Allocation> data, uint32_t dataXoff, uint32_t dataYoff);
void copy2DStridedFrom(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
const void *data, size_t stride);
void copy2DStridedFrom(const void *data, size_t stride);
void copy2DStridedTo(uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
void *data, size_t stride);
void copy2DStridedTo(void *data, size_t stride);
void resize(int dimX);
void resize(int dimX, int dimY);
static sp<Allocation> createTyped(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Type> type,
RsAllocationMipmapControl mips, uint32_t usage);
static sp<Allocation> createTyped(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Type> type,
RsAllocationMipmapControl mips, uint32_t usage, void * pointer);
static sp<Allocation> createTyped(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Type> type,
static sp<Allocation> createSized(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e, size_t count,
static sp<Allocation> createSized2D(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e,
size_t x, size_t y,
class Element : public BaseObj {
bool isComplex();
size_t getSubElementCount() {
return mVisibleElementMap.size();
sp<const Element> getSubElement(uint32_t index);
const char * getSubElementName(uint32_t index);
size_t getSubElementArraySize(uint32_t index);
uint32_t getSubElementOffsetBytes(uint32_t index);
RsDataType getDataType() const {
return mType;
RsDataKind getDataKind() const {
return mKind;
size_t getSizeBytes() const {
return mSizeBytes;
static sp<const Element> BOOLEAN(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U8(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I8(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U16(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I16(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U32(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I32(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U64(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I64(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F32(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F64(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> ELEMENT(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> TYPE(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> ALLOCATION(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> SAMPLER(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> SCRIPT(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> MESH(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> PROGRAM_FRAGMENT(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> PROGRAM_VERTEX(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> PROGRAM_RASTER(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> PROGRAM_STORE(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> A_8(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> RGB_565(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> RGB_888(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> RGBA_5551(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> RGBA_4444(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> RGBA_8888(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F32_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F32_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F32_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F64_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F64_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> F64_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U8_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U8_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U8_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I8_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I8_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I8_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U16_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U16_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U16_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I16_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I16_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I16_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U32_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U32_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U32_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I32_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I32_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I32_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U64_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U64_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> U64_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I64_2(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I64_3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> I64_4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> MATRIX_4X4(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> MATRIX_3X3(sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Element> MATRIX_2X2(sp<RS> rs);
Element(void *id, sp<RS> rs,
android::Vector<sp<Element> > &elements,
android::Vector<android::String8> &elementNames,
android::Vector<uint32_t> &arraySizes);
Element(void *id, sp<RS> rs, RsDataType dt, RsDataKind dk, bool norm, uint32_t size);
Element(sp<RS> rs);
virtual ~Element();
void updateFromNative();
static sp<const Element> createUser(sp<RS> rs, RsDataType dt);
static sp<const Element> createVector(sp<RS> rs, RsDataType dt, uint32_t size);
static sp<const Element> createPixel(sp<RS> rs, RsDataType dt, RsDataKind dk);
bool isCompatible(sp<const Element>e);
class Builder {
sp<RS> mRS;
android::Vector<sp<Element> > mElements;
android::Vector<android::String8> mElementNames;
android::Vector<uint32_t> mArraySizes;
bool mSkipPadding;
Builder(sp<RS> rs);
void add(sp<Element>, android::String8 &name, uint32_t arraySize = 1);
sp<const Element> create();
void updateVisibleSubElements();
android::Vector<sp</*const*/ Element> > mElements;
android::Vector<android::String8> mElementNames;
android::Vector<uint32_t> mArraySizes;
android::Vector<uint32_t> mVisibleElementMap;
android::Vector<uint32_t> mOffsetInBytes;
RsDataType mType;
RsDataKind mKind;
bool mNormalized;
size_t mSizeBytes;
size_t mVectorSize;
class FieldPacker {
unsigned char* mData;
size_t mPos;
size_t mLen;
FieldPacker(size_t len)
: mPos(0),
mLen(len) {
mData = new unsigned char[len];
virtual ~FieldPacker() {
delete [] mData;
void align(size_t v) {
if ((v & (v - 1)) != 0) {
ALOGE("Non-power-of-two alignment: %zu", v);
while ((mPos & (v - 1)) != 0) {
mData[mPos++] = 0;
void reset() {
mPos = 0;
void reset(size_t i) {
if (i >= mLen) {
ALOGE("Out of bounds: i (%zu) >= len (%zu)", i, mLen);
mPos = i;
void skip(size_t i) {
size_t res = mPos + i;
if (res > mLen) {
ALOGE("Exceeded buffer length: i (%zu) > len (%zu)", i, mLen);
mPos = res;
void* getData() const {
return mData;
size_t getLength() const {
return mLen;
template <typename T>
void add(T t) {
if (mPos + sizeof(t) <= mLen) {
memcpy(&mData[mPos], &t, sizeof(t));
mPos += sizeof(t);
void add(rs_matrix4x4 m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
void add(rs_matrix3x3 m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
void add(rs_matrix2x2 m) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
void add(BaseObj* obj) {
if (obj != NULL) {
add((uint32_t) (uintptr_t) obj->getID());
} else {
add((uint32_t) 0);
class Type : public BaseObj {
friend class Allocation;
uint32_t mDimX;
uint32_t mDimY;
uint32_t mDimZ;
bool mDimMipmaps;
bool mDimFaces;
size_t mElementCount;
sp<const Element> mElement;
void calcElementCount();
virtual void updateFromNative();
sp<const Element> getElement() const {
return mElement;
uint32_t getX() const {
return mDimX;
uint32_t getY() const {
return mDimY;
uint32_t getZ() const {
return mDimZ;
bool hasMipmaps() const {
return mDimMipmaps;
bool hasFaces() const {
return mDimFaces;
size_t getCount() const {
return mElementCount;
size_t getSizeBytes() const {
return mElementCount * mElement->getSizeBytes();
Type(void *id, sp<RS> rs);
static sp<const Type> create(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY, uint32_t dimZ);
class Builder {
sp<RS> mRS;
uint32_t mDimX;
uint32_t mDimY;
uint32_t mDimZ;
bool mDimMipmaps;
bool mDimFaces;
sp<const Element> mElement;
Builder(sp<RS> rs, sp<const Element> e);
void setX(uint32_t value);
void setY(int value);
void setMipmaps(bool value);
void setFaces(bool value);
sp<const Type> create();
class Script : public BaseObj {
Script(void *id, sp<RS> rs);
void forEach(uint32_t slot, sp<const Allocation> in, sp<const Allocation> out,
const void *v, size_t) const;
void bindAllocation(sp<Allocation> va, uint32_t slot) const;
void setVar(uint32_t index, const void *, size_t len) const;
void setVar(uint32_t index, sp<const BaseObj> o) const;
void invoke(uint32_t slot, const void *v, size_t len) const;
void invoke(uint32_t slot) const {
invoke(slot, NULL, 0);
void setVar(uint32_t index, float v) const {
setVar(index, &v, sizeof(v));
void setVar(uint32_t index, double v) const {
setVar(index, &v, sizeof(v));
void setVar(uint32_t index, int32_t v) const {
setVar(index, &v, sizeof(v));
void setVar(uint32_t index, int64_t v) const {
setVar(index, &v, sizeof(v));
void setVar(uint32_t index, bool v) const {
setVar(index, &v, sizeof(v));
class FieldBase {
sp<const Element> mElement;
sp<Allocation> mAllocation;
void init(sp<RS> rs, uint32_t dimx, uint32_t usages = 0);
sp<const Element> getElement() {
return mElement;
sp<const Type> getType() {
return mAllocation->getType();
sp<const Allocation> getAllocation() {
return mAllocation;
//void updateAllocation();
class ScriptC : public Script {
ScriptC(sp<RS> rs,
const void *codeTxt, size_t codeLength,
const char *cachedName, size_t cachedNameLength,
const char *cacheDir, size_t cacheDirLength);
class ScriptIntrinsic : public Script {
ScriptIntrinsic(sp<RS> rs, int id, sp<const Element> e);
class ScriptIntrinsicBlend : public ScriptIntrinsic {
ScriptIntrinsicBlend(sp<RS> rs, sp <const Element> e);
void blendClear(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSrc(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendDst(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSrcOver(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendDstOver(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSrcIn(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendDstIn(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSrcOut(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendDstOut(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSrcAtop(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendDstAtop(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendXor(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendMultiply(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendAdd(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void blendSubtract(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
class ScriptIntrinsicBlur : public ScriptIntrinsic {
ScriptIntrinsicBlur(sp<RS> rs, sp <const Element> e);
void blur(sp<Allocation> in, sp<Allocation> out);
void setRadius(float radius);