blob: c0f82dc31453c2e64c49af68caad293150a52b88 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#include "spec.h"
#include <stdio.h>
void printFileHeader(FILE *f) {
fprintf(f, "/*\n");
fprintf(f, " * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project\n");
fprintf(f, " *\n");
fprintf(f, " * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n");
fprintf(f, " * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n");
fprintf(f, " * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n");
fprintf(f, " *\n");
fprintf(f, " *\n");
fprintf(f, " *\n");
fprintf(f, " * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n");
fprintf(f, " * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n");
fprintf(f, " * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n");
fprintf(f, " * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n");
fprintf(f, " * limitations under the License.\n");
fprintf(f, " */\n\n");
void printVarType(FILE *f, const VarType *vt) {
int ct;
if (vt->isConst) {
fprintf(f, "const ");
switch (vt->type) {
case 0:
fprintf(f, "void");
case 1:
fprintf(f, "int%i_t", vt->bits);
case 2:
fprintf(f, "uint%i_t", vt->bits);
case 3:
if (vt->bits == 32)
fprintf(f, "float");
fprintf(f, "double");
case 4:
fprintf(f, "%s", vt->typeName);
if (vt->ptrLevel) {
fprintf(f, " ");
for (ct=0; ct < vt->ptrLevel; ct++) {
fprintf(f, "*");
void printVarTypeAndName(FILE *f, const VarType *vt) {
printVarType(f, vt);
if (vt->name[0]) {
fprintf(f, " %s", vt->name);
void printArgList(FILE *f, const ApiEntry * api, int assumePrevious) {
int ct;
for (ct=0; ct < api->paramCount; ct++) {
if (ct || assumePrevious) {
fprintf(f, ", ");
printVarTypeAndName(f, &api->params[ct]);
void printStructures(FILE *f) {
int ct;
int ct2;
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
fprintf(f, "typedef struct RS_CMD_%s_rec RS_CMD_%s;\n", apis[ct].name, apis[ct].name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
const ApiEntry * api = &apis[ct];
fprintf(f, "#define RS_CMD_ID_%s %i\n", api->name, ct+1);
fprintf(f, "struct RS_CMD_%s_rec {\n", api->name);
//fprintf(f, " RsCommandHeader _hdr;\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
fprintf(f, " ");
printVarTypeAndName(f, &api->params[ct2]);
fprintf(f, ";\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
void printFuncDecl(FILE *f, const ApiEntry *api, const char *prefix, int addContext, int isFnPtr) {
printVarTypeAndName(f, &api->ret);
if (isFnPtr) {
char t[1024];
strcpy(t, api->name);
if (strlen(prefix) == 0) {
if (t[0] > 'A' && t[0] < 'Z') {
t[0] -= 'A' - 'a';
fprintf(f, " (* %s%s) (", prefix, api->name);
} else {
fprintf(f, " %s%s (", prefix, api->name);
if (!api->nocontext) {
if (addContext) {
fprintf(f, "Context *");
} else {
fprintf(f, "RsContext rsc");
printArgList(f, api, !api->nocontext);
fprintf(f, ")");
void printFuncDecls(FILE *f, const char *prefix, int addContext) {
int ct;
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
printFuncDecl(f, &apis[ct], prefix, addContext, 0);
fprintf(f, ";\n");
fprintf(f, "\n\n");
void printFuncPointers(FILE *f, int addContext) {
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "typedef struct RsApiEntrypoints {\n");
int ct;
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
fprintf(f, " ");
printFuncDecl(f, &apis[ct], "", addContext, 1);
fprintf(f, ";\n");
fprintf(f, "} RsApiEntrypoints_t;\n\n");
void printPlaybackFuncs(FILE *f, const char *prefix) {
int ct;
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
if (apis[ct].direct) {
fprintf(f, "void %s%s (Context *, const void *);\n", prefix, apis[ct].name);
static int hasInlineDataPointers(const ApiEntry * api) {
int ret = 0;
int ct;
if (api->sync || api->ret.typeName[0]) {
return 0;
for (ct=0; ct < api->paramCount; ct++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct];
if (!vt->isConst && vt->ptrLevel) {
// Non-const pointers cannot be inlined.
return 0;
if (vt->ptrLevel > 1) {
// not handled yet.
return 0;
if (vt->isConst && vt->ptrLevel) {
// Non-const pointers cannot be inlined.
ret = 1;
return ret;
void printApiCpp(FILE *f) {
int ct;
int ct2;
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsDevice.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsContext.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsThreadIO.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsgApiStructs.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsgApiFuncDecl.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsFifo.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "using namespace android;\n");
fprintf(f, "using namespace android::renderscript;\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
printFuncPointers(f, 0);
// Generate RS funcs for local fifo
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
int needFlush = 0;
const ApiEntry * api = &apis[ct];
fprintf(f, "static ");
printFuncDecl(f, api, "LF_", 0, 0);
fprintf(f, "\n{\n");
if (api->direct) {
fprintf(f, " ");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, "return ");
fprintf(f, "rsi_%s(", api->name);
if (!api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, "(Context *)rsc");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (ct2 > 0 || !api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, ", ");
fprintf(f, "%s", vt->name);
fprintf(f, ");\n");
} else {
fprintf(f, " ThreadIO *io = &((Context *)rsc)->mIO;\n");
fprintf(f, " const uint32_t size = sizeof(RS_CMD_%s);\n", api->name);
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " uint32_t dataSize = 0;\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->isConst && vt->ptrLevel) {
fprintf(f, " dataSize += %s_length;\n", vt->name);
//fprintf(f, " ALOGE(\"add command %s\\n\");\n", api->name);
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " RS_CMD_%s *cmd = NULL;\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " if (dataSize < io->getMaxInlineSize()) {;\n");
fprintf(f, " cmd = static_cast<RS_CMD_%s *>(io->coreHeader(RS_CMD_ID_%s, dataSize + size));\n", api->name, api->name);
fprintf(f, " } else {\n");
fprintf(f, " cmd = static_cast<RS_CMD_%s *>(io->coreHeader(RS_CMD_ID_%s, size));\n", api->name, api->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, " uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)&cmd[1];\n");
} else {
fprintf(f, " RS_CMD_%s *cmd = static_cast<RS_CMD_%s *>(io->coreHeader(RS_CMD_ID_%s, size));\n", api->name, api->name, api->name);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
needFlush += vt->ptrLevel;
if (vt->ptrLevel && hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " if (dataSize < io->getMaxInlineSize()) {\n");
fprintf(f, " memcpy(payload, %s, %s_length);\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " cmd->%s = (", vt->name);
printVarType(f, vt);
fprintf(f, ")(payload - ((uint8_t *)&cmd[1]));\n");
fprintf(f, " payload += %s_length;\n", vt->name);
fprintf(f, " } else {\n");
fprintf(f, " cmd->%s = %s;\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
} else {
fprintf(f, " cmd->%s = %s;\n", vt->name, vt->name);
if (api->ret.typeName[0] || api->sync) {
needFlush = 1;
fprintf(f, " io->coreCommit();\n");
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " if (dataSize >= io->getMaxInlineSize()) {\n");
fprintf(f, " io->coreGetReturn(NULL, 0);\n");
fprintf(f, " }\n");
} else if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, "\n ");
printVarType(f, &api->ret);
fprintf(f, " ret;\n");
fprintf(f, " io->coreGetReturn(&ret, sizeof(ret));\n");
fprintf(f, " return ret;\n");
} else if (needFlush) {
fprintf(f, " io->coreGetReturn(NULL, 0);\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
// Generate a remote sender function
const char * str = "core";
if (api->direct) {
str = "async";
fprintf(f, "static ");
printFuncDecl(f, api, "RF_", 0, 0);
fprintf(f, "\n{\n");
fprintf(f, " ThreadIO *io = &((Context *)rsc)->mIO;\n");
fprintf(f, " const uint32_t cmdID = RS_CMD_ID_%s;\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " io->%sWrite(&cmdID, sizeof(cmdID));\n\n", str);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 0) {
fprintf(f, " io->%sWrite(& %s, sizeof(%s));\n", str, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 1) && (vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " io->%sWrite(%s, %s_length);\n", str, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 2) && (vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " for (size_t ct = 0; ct < (%s_length_length / sizeof(%s_length)); ct++) {\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " io->%sWrite(%s[ct], %s_length[ct]);\n", str, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 1) && (!vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " io->%sGetReturn(%s, %s_length);\n", str, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 2) && (!vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " for (size_t ct = 0; ct < (%s_length_length / sizeof(%s_length)); ct++) {\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " io->%sGetReturn(%s[ct], %s_length[ct]);\n", str, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, " ");
printVarType(f, &api->ret);
fprintf(f, " retValue;\n");
fprintf(f, " io->%sGetReturn(&retValue, sizeof(retValue));\n", str);
fprintf(f, " return retValue;\n");
} else /*if (api->sync)*/ {
fprintf(f, " io->%sGetReturn(NULL, 0);\n", str);
fprintf(f, "}\n\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "static RsApiEntrypoints_t s_LocalTable = {\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
fprintf(f, " LF_%s,\n", apis[ct].name);
fprintf(f, "};\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "static RsApiEntrypoints_t s_RemoteTable = {\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
fprintf(f, " RF_%s,\n", apis[ct].name);
fprintf(f, "};\n");
fprintf(f, "static RsApiEntrypoints_t *s_CurrentTable = &s_LocalTable;\n\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
int needFlush = 0;
const ApiEntry * api = &apis[ct];
printFuncDecl(f, api, "rs", 0, 0);
fprintf(f, "\n{\n");
fprintf(f, " ");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, "return ");
fprintf(f, "s_CurrentTable->%s(", api->name);
if (!api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, "(Context *)rsc");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (ct2 > 0 || !api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, ", ");
fprintf(f, "%s", vt->name);
fprintf(f, ");\n");
fprintf(f, "}\n\n");
void printPlaybackCpp(FILE *f) {
int ct;
int ct2;
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsDevice.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsContext.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsThreadIO.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsgApiStructs.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsgApiFuncDecl.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "namespace android {\n");
fprintf(f, "namespace renderscript {\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
const ApiEntry * api = &apis[ct];
int needFlush = 0;
if (api->direct) {
fprintf(f, "void rsp_%s(Context *con, const void *vp, size_t cmdSizeBytes) {\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " const RS_CMD_%s *cmd = static_cast<const RS_CMD_%s *>(vp);\n", api->name, api->name);
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " const uint8_t *baseData = 0;\n");
fprintf(f, " if (cmdSizeBytes != sizeof(RS_CMD_%s)) {\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " baseData = &((const uint8_t *)vp)[sizeof(*cmd)];\n");
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, " ");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, "\n ");
printVarType(f, &api->ret);
fprintf(f, " ret = ");
fprintf(f, "rsi_%s(con", api->name);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
needFlush += vt->ptrLevel;
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api) && vt->ptrLevel) {
fprintf(f, ",\n (const %s *)&baseData[(intptr_t)cmd->%s]", vt->typeName, vt->name);
} else {
fprintf(f, ",\n cmd->%s", vt->name);
fprintf(f, ");\n");
if (hasInlineDataPointers(api)) {
fprintf(f, " size_t totalSize = 0;\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
if (api->params[ct2].ptrLevel) {
fprintf(f, " totalSize += cmd->%s_length;\n", api->params[ct2].name);
fprintf(f, " if ((totalSize != 0) && (cmdSizeBytes == sizeof(RS_CMD_%s))) {\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " con->mIO.coreSetReturn(NULL, 0);\n");
fprintf(f, " }\n");
} else if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, " con->mIO.coreSetReturn(&ret, sizeof(ret));\n");
} else if (api->sync || needFlush) {
fprintf(f, " con->mIO.coreSetReturn(NULL, 0);\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
const ApiEntry * api = &apis[ct];
int needFlush = 0;
fprintf(f, "void rspr_%s(Context *con, ThreadIO *io) {\n", api->name);
fprintf(f, " RS_CMD_%s cmd;\n", api->name);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 0) {
fprintf(f, " io->coreRead(&cmd.%s, sizeof(cmd.%s));\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 1) {
fprintf(f, " cmd.%s = (", vt->name);
printVarType(f, vt);
fprintf(f, ")malloc(cmd.%s_length);\n", vt->name);
if (vt->isConst) {
fprintf(f, " if (cmd.%s_length) io->coreRead((void *)cmd.%s, cmd.%s_length);\n", vt->name, vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 2) {
fprintf(f, " for (size_t ct = 0; ct < (cmd.%s_length_length / sizeof(cmd.%s_length)); ct++) {\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " cmd.%s = (", vt->name);
printVarType(f, vt);
fprintf(f, ")malloc(cmd.%s_length[ct]);\n", vt->name);
fprintf(f, " io->coreRead(& cmd.%s, cmd.%s_length[ct]);\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, " ");
printVarType(f, &api->ret);
fprintf(f, " ret =\n");
fprintf(f, " rsi_%s(", api->name);
if (!api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, "con");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (ct2 > 0 || !api->nocontext) {
fprintf(f, ",\n");
fprintf(f, " cmd.%s", vt->name);
fprintf(f, ");\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 1) && (!vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " io->coreSetReturn((void *)cmd.%s, cmd.%s_length);\n", vt->name, vt->name);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if ((vt->ptrLevel == 2) && (!vt->isConst)) {
fprintf(f, " for (size_t ct = 0; ct < (cmd.%s_length_length / sizeof(cmd.%s_length)); ct++) {\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " io->coreSetReturn((void *)cmd.%s[ct], cmd.%s_length[ct]);\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
if (api->ret.typeName[0]) {
fprintf(f, " io->coreSetReturn(&ret, sizeof(ret));\n");
} else /*if (needFlush)*/ {
fprintf(f, " io->coreSetReturn(NULL, 0);\n");
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 1) {
fprintf(f, " free((void *)cmd.%s);\n", vt->name);
for (ct2=0; ct2 < api->paramCount; ct2++) {
const VarType *vt = &api->params[ct2];
if (vt->ptrLevel == 2) {
fprintf(f, " for (size_t ct = 0; ct < (cmd.%s_length_length / sizeof(cmd.%s_length)); ct++) {\n", vt->name, vt->name);
fprintf(f, " free((void *)cmd.%s);\n", vt->name);
fprintf(f, " }\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n\n");
fprintf(f, "RsPlaybackLocalFunc gPlaybackFuncs[%i] = {\n", apiCount + 1);
fprintf(f, " NULL,\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
if (apis[ct].direct) {
fprintf(f, " NULL,\n");
} else {
fprintf(f, " %s%s,\n", "rsp_", apis[ct].name);
fprintf(f, "};\n");
fprintf(f, "RsPlaybackRemoteFunc gPlaybackRemoteFuncs[%i] = {\n", apiCount + 1);
fprintf(f, " NULL,\n");
for (ct=0; ct < apiCount; ct++) {
fprintf(f, " %s%s,\n", "rspr_", apis[ct].name);
fprintf(f, "};\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n");
fprintf(f, "};\n");
void yylex();
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s commandFile outFile\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
const char* rsgFile = argv[1];
const char* outFile = argv[2];
FILE* input = fopen(rsgFile, "r");
char choice = fgetc(input);
if (choice < '0' || choice > '3') {
fprintf(stderr, "Uknown command: \'%c\'\n", choice);
return -2;
// printf("# of lines = %d\n", num_lines);
FILE *f = fopen(outFile, "w");
switch (choice) {
case '0': // rsgApiStructs.h
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsContext.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "#include \"rsFifo.h\"\n");
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, "namespace android {\n");
fprintf(f, "namespace renderscript {\n");
printFuncDecls(f, "rsi_", 1);
printPlaybackFuncs(f, "rsp_");
fprintf(f, "\n\ntypedef struct RsPlaybackRemoteHeaderRec {\n");
fprintf(f, " uint32_t command;\n");
fprintf(f, " uint32_t size;\n");
fprintf(f, "} RsPlaybackRemoteHeader;\n\n");
fprintf(f, "typedef void (*RsPlaybackLocalFunc)(Context *, const void *, size_t sizeBytes);\n");
fprintf(f, "typedef void (*RsPlaybackRemoteFunc)(Context *, ThreadIO *);\n");
fprintf(f, "extern RsPlaybackLocalFunc gPlaybackFuncs[%i];\n", apiCount + 1);
fprintf(f, "extern RsPlaybackRemoteFunc gPlaybackRemoteFuncs[%i];\n", apiCount + 1);
fprintf(f, "}\n");
fprintf(f, "}\n");
case '1': // rsgApiFuncDecl.h
printFuncDecls(f, "rs", 0);
case '2': // rsgApi.cpp
case '3': // rsgApiReplay.cpp
case '4': // rsgApiStream.cpp
case '5': // rsgApiStreamReplay.cpp
return 0;