blob: 214493d860eab02b89e7bd534d6d9211538a3531 [file] [log] [blame]
# Keep the attributes that contain annotations.
-keepattributes RuntimeVisible*Annotation*
# @UsedByNative should be used to annotate things referenced from name by JNI.
# This includes external methods in the Kotlin code and classes whose type
# is referenced by name in JNI C++ code, as well as any method that is looked
# up by name.
-if class
-keep class
# Keep annotated class names.
-if class
-keepnames class * {
# Keep annotated class members if the class is kept. This is preserved not only
# from renaming but also from pruning, since some of the annotated methods may
# only be used as callbacks from native code.
-if class
-keepclassmembers class * { *;