| # TODO(https://github.com/spdx/spdx-gradle-plugin/issues/16) remove `-DSPDXParser.OnlyUseLocalLicenses=true` |
| org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx8g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseParallelGC -Dkotlin.daemon.jvm.options=-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1g -Dlint.nullness.ignore-deprecated=true -Dorg.gradle.configuration-cache.internal.report-link-as-warning=true -DSPDXParser.OnlyUseLocalLicenses=true |
| org.gradle.daemon=true |
| org.gradle.configureondemand=true |
| org.gradle.parallel=true |
| org.gradle.caching=true |
| org.gradle.welcome=never |
| org.gradle.projectcachedir=../../out/gradle-project-cache |
| # Disabled due to https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/18626 |
| # org.gradle.vfs.watch=true |
| # Reenabled in gradlew, but disabled in Studio until these errors become shown (b/268380971) or computed more quickly (https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/23272) |
| org.gradle.dependency.verification=off |
| org.gradle.dependency.verification.console=verbose |
| org.gradle.configuration-cache=true |
| org.gradle.configuration-cache.problems=fail |
| org.gradle.java.installations.auto-download=false |
| org.gradle.java.installations.auto-detect=false |
| org.gradle.java.installations.fromEnv=ANDROIDX_JDK17,ANDROIDX_JDK21 |
| |
| android.javaCompile.suppressSourceTargetDeprecationWarning=true |
| android.lint.baselineOmitLineNumbers=true |
| android.lint.printStackTrace=true |
| android.builder.sdkDownload=false |
| android.uniquePackageNames=true |
| android.enableAdditionalTestOutput=true |
| android.useAndroidX=true |
| android.nonTransitiveRClass=true |
| android.experimental.lint.missingBaselineIsEmptyBaseline=true |
| android.experimental.lint.reservedMemoryPerTask=1g |
| # Remove when AGP defaults to 2.1.0 |
| android.prefabVersion=2.1.0 |
| |
| # Do generate versioned API files |
| androidx.writeVersionedApiFiles=true |
| |
| # Do run the CheckAarMetadata task |
| android.experimental.disableCompileSdkChecks=false |
| |
| # Don't warn about needing to update AGP |
| android.suppressUnsupportedCompileSdk=UpsideDownCake,VanillaIceCream,33,34 |
| |
| androidx.compileSdk=34 |
| androidx.targetSdkVersion=34 |
| androidx.allowCustomCompileSdk=true |
| androidx.includeOptionalProjects=false |
| |
| # Keep ComposeCompiler pinned unless performing Kotlin upgrade & ComposeCompiler release |
| androidx.unpinComposeCompiler=false |
| |
| # Prefix of projects that are opted-in to use ktfmt |
| androidx.ktfmt.optin=:a,:b,:camera,:car,:collection,:concurrent,:constraintlayout,:core,:customview,:d,:e,:f,:g,:h,:i,:j,:k,:l,:n,:p |
| androidx.ktfmt.optin.s=:savedstate,:security,:slice,:sliding,:sqlite,:stable,:startup |
| # Disable features we do not use |
| android.defaults.buildfeatures.aidl=false |
| android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig=false |
| android.defaults.buildfeatures.renderscript=false |
| android.defaults.buildfeatures.resvalues=false |
| android.defaults.buildfeatures.shaders=false |
| |
| # Enable adding baseline-prof.txt files to AAR artifacts |
| android.experimental.enableArtProfiles=true |
| # Disables dependency constraints for libraries (b/276714425) |
| android.experimental.dependency.excludeLibraryComponentsFromConstraints=true |
| # Disallow resolving dependencies at configuration time, which is a slight performance problem |
| android.dependencyResolutionAtConfigurationTime.disallow=true |
| android.suppressUnsupportedOptionWarnings=android.suppressUnsupportedOptionWarnings,android.dependencyResolutionAtConfigurationTime.disallow,android.experimental.lint.missingBaselineIsEmptyBaseline,android.lint.printStackTrace,android.lint.baselineOmitLineNumbers,android.experimental.disableCompileSdkChecks,android.overrideVersionCheck,android.r8.maxWorkers,android.experimental.lint.reservedMemoryPerTask,android.experimental.dependency.excludeLibraryComponentsFromConstraints,android.prefabVersion,android.experimental.privacysandboxsdk.plugin.enable,android.experimental.privacysandboxsdk.requireServices |
| # Workaround for b/162074215 |
| android.includeDependencyInfoInApks=false |
| # Allow multiple r8 tasks at once because otherwise they can make the critical path longer: b/256187923 |
| android.r8.maxWorkers=2 |
| |
| kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency=false |
| # mac targets cannot be built on linux, suppress the warning. |
| kotlin.native.ignoreDisabledTargets=true |
| # Don't use maven for downloading native prebuilts: KT-64181 b/311215561 |
| # We should eventually set this to true and get rid of konan prebuilts |
| # but it does not seem possible yet. |
| kotlin.native.distribution.downloadFromMaven=false |
| kotlin.mpp.enableCInteropCommonization=true |
| # Suppress pointless warning about mpp being experimental |
| kotlin.mpp.stability.nowarn=true |
| # b/227307216 |
| kotlin.mpp.absentAndroidTarget.nowarn=true |
| kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion=2 |
| # Suppress warnings about https://kotl.in/hierarchy-template |
| kotlin.mpp.applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate=false |
| # As of October 3 2022, AGP 7.4.0-alpha08 is higher than AGP 7.3 |
| # Presumably complains if using a non-stable AGP, which we are regularly doing to test pre-stable. |
| kotlin.mpp.androidGradlePluginCompatibility.nowarn=true |
| # Until we get a newer AGP which doesn't do this |
| kotlin.options.suppressFreeCompilerArgsModificationWarning=true |
| |
| # Properties we often want to toggle |
| ksp.version.check=false |
| |
| # Enable com.android.privacy-sandbox-sdk plugin |
| android.experimental.privacysandboxsdk.plugin.enable=true |
| # Allow non-shim usage |
| android.experimental.privacysandboxsdk.requireServices=false |
| |
| # Annotation processors discovery from compile classpath is deprecated |
| kapt.include.compile.classpath=false |
| |
| # Disable dependency analysis on test sources |
| systemProp.dependency.analysis.test.analysis=false |