| # Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License |
| |
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| "android/support/", |
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| ], |
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| ], |
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| "from": "(.*)BuildConfig", |
| "to": "ignoreInPreprocessorOnly" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "(.*)/package-info", |
| "to": "ignoreInPreprocessorOnly" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "(.*)Parcelizer", |
| "to": "{0}Parcelizer" |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/NotificationManagerCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/RemoteInput(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/RemoteActionCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/NotificationBuilderWithBuilderAccessor(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/NotificationCompatBuilder(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/NotificationCompatExtras(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/app/NotificationCompatJellybean(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/core/app/DialogCompat(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/core/app/BundleCompat(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/core/app/ServiceCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/core/hardware/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/location/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/CancellationSignal(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/ConfigurationCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/EnvironmentCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/HandlerCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/LocaleListCompatWrapper(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/LocaleListInterface(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/LocaleListPlatformWrapper(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/MessageCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/OperationCanceledException(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/ParcelCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/ParcelableCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/TraceCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/ExecutorCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/UserHandleCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/os/UserManagerCompat(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/paging/(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/room/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/fragment/app/DefaultSpecialEffectsController(.*)", |
| "to": "android/support/v4/app/DefaultSpecialEffectsController{0}" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "android/support/v4/app/LogWriter{0}" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/fragment/app/SpecialEffectsControllerFactory(.*)", |
| "to": "android/support/v4/app/SpecialEffectsControllerFactory{0}" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/fragment/app/SpecialEffectsController(.*)", |
| "to": "android/support/v4/app/SpecialEffectsController{0}" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/fragment/app/strictmode/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/fragment/app/(.+)Kt(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/arch/core/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/collection/(.+)Kt(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/core/(.+)/(.+)Kt(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/cursoradapter/widget/SimpleCursorAdapter(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/interpolator/view/animation/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/inspection/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/preference/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/preference/internal/PreferenceImageView(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/wear/complications/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/wear/input/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/wear/input/testing/(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/benchmark/(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/camera/(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| { |
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| { |
| "from": "androidx/swiperefreshlayout/widget/CircularProgressDrawable(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/drawerlayout/R(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/emoji/bundled/BundledEmojiCompatConfig(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/mediarouter/app/MediaRoute(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/mediarouter/app/OutputSwitcherConstants(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/mediarouter/testing/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/app/LoaderManager(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/app/LoaderManagerImpl(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/content/Loader(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/content/CursorLoader(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/content/AsyncTaskLoader(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/loader/content/ModernAsyncTask(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| { |
| "from": "androidx/localbroadcastmanager/content/LocalBroadcastManager(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/palette/graphics/ColorCutQuantizer(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/palette/graphics/Palette(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/palette/graphics/Target(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/legacy/app/ActivityCompat(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/legacy/content/WakefulBroadcastReceiver(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/customview/view/AbsSavedState(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/cardview/widget/RoundRectDrawableWithShadow(.*)", |
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| { |
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| { |
| "from": "androidx/viewpager/widget/PagerTitleStrip(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/legacy/app/FragmentCompat(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/legacy/app/FragmentPagerAdapter(.*)", |
| "to": "ignore" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/legacy/app/FragmentStatePagerAdapter(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| { |
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| { |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/leanback/preference/internal/OutlineOnlyWithChildrenFrameLayout(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| { |
| "from": "androidx/(.*)/(.*)-lint/(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| "from": "androidx/activity/(.*)", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/annotation/experimental/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/startup/(.*)", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/profileinstaller/(.*)", |
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| { |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
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| "from": "androidx/room/testing", |
| "to": "androidx/room/testing" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/room", |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/room/compiler", |
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| }, |
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| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/runtime", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/runtime" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/testing", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/testing" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/livedata/core", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/livedata/core" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/work", |
| "to": "androidx/work" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/viewmodel", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/viewmodel" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/livedata", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/livedata" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/lifecycle/reactivestreams", |
| "to": "androidx/lifecycle/reactivestreams" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "android/support/multidex/instrumentation", |
| "to": "androidx/multidex/instrumentation" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "android/support/multidex", |
| "to": "androidx/multidex" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/biometric", |
| "to": "androidx/biometric" |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": "androidx/annotation/experimental", |
| "to": "androidx/annotation/experimental" |
| } |
| ], |
| "pomRules": [ |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.viewpager2", |
| "artifactId": "viewpager2", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.viewpager2", |
| "artifactId": "viewpager2", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable-animated", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable-animated", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable-seekable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable-seekable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.activity", |
| "artifactId": "activity", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.activity", |
| "artifactId": "activity", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.autofill", |
| "artifactId": "autofill", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.autofill", |
| "artifactId": "autofill", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.fragment", |
| "artifactId": "fragment-testing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.fragment", |
| "artifactId": "fragment-testing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.fragment", |
| "artifactId": "fragment-ktx", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.fragment", |
| "artifactId": "fragment-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.collection", |
| "artifactId": "collection-ktx", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.collection", |
| "artifactId": "collection-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-ktx", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.savedstate", |
| "artifactId": "savedstate", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.savedstate", |
| "artifactId": "savedstate", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "appcompat-v7", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.appcompat", |
| "artifactId": "appcompat", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-common", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-common", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-common-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-common-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-dynamic-features-fragment", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-dynamic-features-fragment", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-dynamic-features-runtime", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-dynamic-features-runtime", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-fragment", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-fragment", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-fragment-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-fragment-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-runtime", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-runtime", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-testing", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-testing", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-ui", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-ui", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-ui-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-ui-ktx", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-safe-args-generator", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-safe-args-generator", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.navigation", |
| "artifactId": "navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin", |
| "version": "{newNavigationVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "appcompat-resources", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.appcompat", |
| "artifactId": "appcompat-resources", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite-ktx", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite-ktx", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-coroutines", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-coroutines", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.cardview", |
| "artifactId": "cardview", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.cardview", |
| "artifactId": "cardview", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.browser", |
| "artifactId": "browser", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.browser", |
| "artifactId": "browser", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.arch.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-runtime", |
| "version": "{oldWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-runtime", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.arch.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{oldWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.arch.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{oldWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.arch.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-testing", |
| "version": "{oldWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-testing", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-gcm", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-gcm", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-rxjava3", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-rxjava3", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "android.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-multiprocess", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.work", |
| "artifactId": "work-multiprocess", |
| "version": "{newWorkManagerVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "design", |
| "version": "{oldMaterialVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "com.google.android.material", |
| "artifactId": "material", |
| "version": "{newMaterialVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.exifinterface", |
| "artifactId": "exifinterface", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.exifinterface", |
| "artifactId": "exifinterface", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.gridlayout", |
| "artifactId": "gridlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.gridlayout", |
| "artifactId": "gridlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-tab", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-tab", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-paging", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-paging", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.mediarouter", |
| "artifactId": "mediarouter", |
| "version": "{newMediarouterVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.mediarouter", |
| "artifactId": "mediarouter", |
| "version": "{newMediarouterVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "multidex", |
| "version": "1.0.3" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.multidex", |
| "artifactId": "multidex", |
| "version": "2.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "multidex-instrumentation", |
| "version": "1.0.3" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.multidex", |
| "artifactId": "multidex-instrumentation", |
| "version": "2.0.0" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.palette", |
| "artifactId": "palette", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.palette", |
| "artifactId": "palette", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.percentlayout", |
| "artifactId": "percentlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.percentlayout", |
| "artifactId": "percentlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-preference", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.leanback", |
| "artifactId": "leanback-preference", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.legacy", |
| "artifactId": "legacy-preference-v14", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.legacy", |
| "artifactId": "legacy-preference-v14", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.preference", |
| "artifactId": "preference", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.preference", |
| "artifactId": "preference", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.recommendation", |
| "artifactId": "recommendation", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.recommendation", |
| "artifactId": "recommendation", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "recyclerview-v7", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.recyclerview", |
| "artifactId": "recyclerview", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "support-annotations", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.annotation", |
| "artifactId": "annotation", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.core", |
| "artifactId": "core", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.core", |
| "artifactId": "core", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.contentpager", |
| "artifactId": "contentpager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.contentpager", |
| "artifactId": "contentpager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.legacy", |
| "artifactId": "legacy-support-core-utils", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.legacy", |
| "artifactId": "legacy-support-core-utils", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.dynamicanimation", |
| "artifactId": "dynamicanimation", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.dynamicanimation", |
| "artifactId": "dynamicanimation", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji-appcompat", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji-appcompat", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji-bundled", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji", |
| "artifactId": "emoji-bundled", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-bundled", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-bundled", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-views", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-views", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-views-helper", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.emoji2", |
| "artifactId": "emoji2-views-helper", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "support-fragment", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.fragment", |
| "artifactId": "fragment", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media", |
| "artifactId": "media", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media", |
| "artifactId": "media", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.tvprovider", |
| "artifactId": "tvprovider", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.tvprovider", |
| "artifactId": "tvprovider", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "support-v4", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.legacy", |
| "artifactId": "legacy-support-v4", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.vectordrawable", |
| "artifactId": "vectordrawable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.textclassifier", |
| "artifactId": "textclassifier", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.textclassifier", |
| "artifactId": "textclassifier", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.transition", |
| "artifactId": "transition", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.transition", |
| "artifactId": "transition", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.transition", |
| "artifactId": "transition-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.transition", |
| "artifactId": "transition-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-input", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-input", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-complications-data", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-complications-data", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-complications-rendering", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-complications-rendering", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-input-testing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-input-testing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-ongoing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-ongoing", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-phone-interactions", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-phone-interactions", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-remote-interactions", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-remote-interactions", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-client", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-client", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-client-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-client-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-data", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-data", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-editor", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-editor", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| },, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-editor-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-editor-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-guava", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-style", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.wear", |
| "artifactId": "wear-watchface-style", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.asynclayoutinflater", |
| "artifactId": "asynclayoutinflater", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.asynclayoutinflater", |
| "artifactId": "asynclayoutinflater", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.collection", |
| "artifactId": "collection", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.collection", |
| "artifactId": "collection", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.coordinatorlayout", |
| "artifactId": "coordinatorlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.coordinatorlayout", |
| "artifactId": "coordinatorlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.cursoradapter", |
| "artifactId": "cursoradapter", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.cursoradapter", |
| "artifactId": "cursoradapter", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.customview", |
| "artifactId": "customview", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.customview", |
| "artifactId": "customview", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.documentfile", |
| "artifactId": "documentfile", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.documentfile", |
| "artifactId": "documentfile", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.drawerlayout", |
| "artifactId": "drawerlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.drawerlayout", |
| "artifactId": "drawerlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.interpolator", |
| "artifactId": "interpolator", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.interpolator", |
| "artifactId": "interpolator", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.loader", |
| "artifactId": "loader", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.loader", |
| "artifactId": "loader", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "loader-ktx", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.loader", |
| "artifactId": "loader-ktx", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.localbroadcastmanager", |
| "artifactId": "localbroadcastmanager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.localbroadcastmanager", |
| "artifactId": "localbroadcastmanager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.print", |
| "artifactId": "print", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.print", |
| "artifactId": "print", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
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| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slidingpanelayout", |
| "artifactId": "slidingpanelayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
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| "groupId": "androidx.slidingpanelayout", |
| "artifactId": "slidingpanelayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.swiperefreshlayout", |
| "artifactId": "swiperefreshlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.swiperefreshlayout", |
| "artifactId": "swiperefreshlayout", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.viewpager", |
| "artifactId": "viewpager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
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| "artifactId": "viewpager", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "adapters", |
| "version": "undefined" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "databinding-adapters", |
| "version": "{newDataBindingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "baseLibrary", |
| "version": "undefined" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "databinding-common", |
| "version": "{newDataBindingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "compiler", |
| "version": "undefined" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "databinding-compiler", |
| "version": "{newDataBindingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "compilerCommon", |
| "version": "undefined" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "databinding-compiler-common", |
| "version": "{newDataBindingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "library", |
| "version": "undefined" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.databinding", |
| "artifactId": "databinding-runtime", |
| "version": "{newDataBindingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.versionedparcelable", |
| "artifactId": "versionedparcelable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.versionedparcelable", |
| "artifactId": "versionedparcelable", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.remotecallback", |
| "artifactId": "remotecallback", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.remotecallback", |
| "artifactId": "remotecallback", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
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| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-common", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-common", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-testing", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-testing", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-runtime", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.arch.core", |
| "artifactId": "core-runtime", |
| "version": "{newArchCoreVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-common", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-common", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-process", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-process", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-common-java8", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-common-java8", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-compiler", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-compiler", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-extensions", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-extensions", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-reactivestreams", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-reactivestreams", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime-testing", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime-testing", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-service", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-service", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-runtime-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-rxjava2-ktx", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-rxjava2-ktx", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-guava", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-guava", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-ktx", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-ktx", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-viewmodel", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-ktx", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-core", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.lifecycle", |
| "artifactId": "lifecycle-livedata-core", |
| "version": "{newLifecycleVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-common", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-common", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-runtime", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-runtime", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.paging", |
| "artifactId": "paging-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{newPagingVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite-framework", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sqlite", |
| "artifactId": "sqlite-framework", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-common", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-common", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-compiler", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-compiler", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-migration", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-migration", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-runtime", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-runtime", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-rxjava2", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-rxjava3", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-rxjava3", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-testing", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-testing", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-guava", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.room", |
| "artifactId": "room-guava", |
| "version": "{newRoomVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.constraint", |
| "artifactId": "constraint-layout", |
| "version": "1.1.0" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.constraintlayout", |
| "artifactId": "constraintlayout", |
| "version": "1.1.3" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.constraint", |
| "artifactId": "constraint-layout-solver", |
| "version": "1.1.0" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.constraintlayout", |
| "artifactId": "constraintlayout-solver", |
| "version": "1.1.3" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test", |
| "artifactId": "orchestrator", |
| "version": "1.0.2" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test", |
| "artifactId": "orchestrator", |
| "version": "{newTestsVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test", |
| "artifactId": "rules", |
| "version": "1.0.2" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test", |
| "artifactId": "rules", |
| "version": "{newTestsVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test", |
| "artifactId": "runner", |
| "version": "1.0.2" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test", |
| "artifactId": "runner", |
| "version": "{newTestsVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test", |
| "artifactId": "monitor", |
| "version": "1.0.2" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test", |
| "artifactId": "monitor", |
| "version": "{newTestsVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-accessibility", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-accessibility", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-contrib", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-contrib", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-core", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-core", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-idling-resource", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-idling-resource", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-intents", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-intents", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-remote", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-remote", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-web", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso", |
| "artifactId": "espresso-web", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso.idling", |
| "artifactId": "idling-concurrent", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso.idling", |
| "artifactId": "idling-concurrent", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso.idling", |
| "artifactId": "idling-net", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.espresso.idling", |
| "artifactId": "idling-net", |
| "version": "{newEspressoVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test.janktesthelper", |
| "artifactId": "janktesthelper", |
| "version": "1.0.1" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.jank", |
| "artifactId": "janktesthelper", |
| "version": "{newJankTestHelperVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test.services", |
| "artifactId": "test-services", |
| "version": "1.0.2" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test", |
| "artifactId": "test-services", |
| "version": "{newTestsVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support.test.uiautomator", |
| "artifactId": "uiautomator", |
| "version": "2.1.3" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.test.uiautomator", |
| "artifactId": "uiautomator", |
| "version": "{newUiAutomatorVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.car", |
| "artifactId": "car", |
| "version": "{newCarVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.car", |
| "artifactId": "car", |
| "version": "{newCarVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slices-core", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slice-core", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slices-builders", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slice-builders", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slices-view", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.slice", |
| "artifactId": "slice-view", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.heifwriter", |
| "artifactId": "heifwriter", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.heifwriter", |
| "artifactId": "heifwriter", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "com.android.support", |
| "artifactId": "recyclerview-selection", |
| "version": "{oldSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.recyclerview", |
| "artifactId": "recyclerview-selection", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.webkit", |
| "artifactId": "webkit", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.webkit", |
| "artifactId": "webkit", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.biometric", |
| "artifactId": "biometric", |
| "version": "{newBiometricVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.biometric", |
| "artifactId": "biometric", |
| "version": "{newBiometricVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-common", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-common", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-player", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-player", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-session", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-session", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-exoplayer", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-exoplayer", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-widget", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.media2", |
| "artifactId": "media2-widget", |
| "version": "{newMedia2Version}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sharetarget", |
| "artifactId": "sharetarget", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.sharetarget", |
| "artifactId": "sharetarget", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.benchmark", |
| "artifactId": "benchmark-common", |
| "version": "{newBenchmarkVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.benchmark", |
| "artifactId": "benchmark-common", |
| "version": "{newBenchmarkVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.benchmark", |
| "artifactId": "benchmark-junit4", |
| "version": "{newBenchmarkVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.benchmark", |
| "artifactId": "benchmark-junit4", |
| "version": "{newBenchmarkVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-core", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-core", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-camera2", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-camera2", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-lifecycle", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-lifecycle", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-mlkit-vision", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-mlkit-vision", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-video", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-video", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-view", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-view", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-extensions", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-extensions", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-testing", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.camera", |
| "artifactId": "camera-testing", |
| "version": "{newCameraVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier-common", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier-common", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier-provider", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.ads.identifier", |
| "artifactId": "ads-identifier-provider", |
| "version": "{newAdsIdentifierVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.annotation", |
| "artifactId": "annotation-experimental", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.annotation", |
| "artifactId": "annotation-experimental", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "from": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.annotation", |
| "artifactId": "annotation-experimental-lint", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "groupId": "androidx.annotation", |
| "artifactId": "annotation-experimental-lint", |
| "version": "{newSlVersion}" |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "versions": { |
| "latestReleased": { |
| "oldSlVersion": "28.0.0", |
| "oldMaterialVersion": "28.0.0", |
| "oldRoomVersion": "1.1.0", |
| "oldMediarouterVersion": "28.0.0-alpha5", |
| "oldExoplayerVersion": "28.0.0-alpha01", |
| "oldWorkManagerVersion": "1.0.0", |
| "newSlVersion": "1.0.0", |
| "newMaterialVersion": "1.0.0", |
| "oldNavigationVersion": "1.0.0", |
| "newNavigationVersion": "2.0.0", |
| "newArchCoreVersion": "2.0.0", |
| "newLifecycleVersion": "2.0.0", |
| "newPagingVersion": "2.0.0-rc01", |
| "newRoomVersion": "2.0.0-rc01", |
| "newEspressoVersion": "3.1.0-alpha3", |
| "newTestsVersion": "1.1.0-alpha3", |
| "newJankTestHelperVersion": "1.0.1-alpha3", |
| "newUiAutomatorVersion": "2.2.0-alpha3", |
| "newCarVersion": "1.0.0-alpha6", |
| "newMediarouterVersion": "1.0.0-alpha5", |
| "newMedia2Version": "1.0.0-alpha03", |
| "newExoplayerVersion": "1.0.0-alpha01", |
| "newBiometricVersion": "1.0.0-alpha03", |
| "newDataBindingVersion": "undefined", |
| "newWorkManagerVersion": "2.0.0", |
| "newBenchmarkVersion": "1.0.0-alpha04", |
| "newCameraVersion": "1.0.0-alpha01", |
| "newAdsIdentifierVersion": "1.0.0-alpha02" |
| } |
| }, |
| "map": { |
| "types": { |
| "android/databinding/BaseObservable": "androidx/databinding/BaseObservable", |
| "android/databinding/BaseObservableField": "androidx/databinding/BaseObservableField", |
| "android/databinding/Bindable": "androidx/databinding/Bindable", |
| "android/databinding/BindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/BindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/BindingBuildInfo": "androidx/databinding/BindingBuildInfo", |
| "android/databinding/BindingConversion": "androidx/databinding/BindingConversion", |
| "android/databinding/BindingMethod": "androidx/databinding/BindingMethod", |
| "android/databinding/BindingMethods": "androidx/databinding/BindingMethods", |
| "android/databinding/CallbackRegistry": "androidx/databinding/CallbackRegistry", |
| "android/databinding/DataBinderMapper": "androidx/databinding/DataBinderMapper", |
| "android/databinding/DataBinderMapperImpl": "androidx/databinding/DataBinderMapperImpl", |
| "android/databinding/DataBindingComponent": "androidx/databinding/DataBindingComponent", |
| "android/databinding/DataBindingUtil": "androidx/databinding/DataBindingUtil", |
| "android/databinding/InverseBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/InverseBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/InverseBindingListener": "androidx/databinding/InverseBindingListener", |
| "android/databinding/InverseBindingMethod": "androidx/databinding/InverseBindingMethod", |
| "android/databinding/InverseBindingMethods": "androidx/databinding/InverseBindingMethods", |
| "android/databinding/InverseMethod": "androidx/databinding/InverseMethod", |
| "android/databinding/ListChangeRegistry": "androidx/databinding/ListChangeRegistry", |
| "android/databinding/MapChangeRegistry": "androidx/databinding/MapChangeRegistry", |
| "android/databinding/MergedDataBinderMapper": "androidx/databinding/MergedDataBinderMapper", |
| "android/databinding/Observable": "androidx/databinding/Observable", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableArrayList": "androidx/databinding/ObservableArrayList", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableArrayMap": "androidx/databinding/ObservableArrayMap", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableBoolean": "androidx/databinding/ObservableBoolean", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableByte": "androidx/databinding/ObservableByte", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableChar": "androidx/databinding/ObservableChar", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableDouble": "androidx/databinding/ObservableDouble", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableField": "androidx/databinding/ObservableField", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableFloat": "androidx/databinding/ObservableFloat", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableInt": "androidx/databinding/ObservableInt", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableList": "androidx/databinding/ObservableList", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableLong": "androidx/databinding/ObservableLong", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableMap": "androidx/databinding/ObservableMap", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableParcelable": "androidx/databinding/ObservableParcelable", |
| "android/databinding/ObservableShort": "androidx/databinding/ObservableShort", |
| "android/databinding/OnRebindCallback": "androidx/databinding/OnRebindCallback", |
| "android/databinding/PropertyChangeRegistry": "androidx/databinding/PropertyChangeRegistry", |
| "android/databinding/Untaggable": "androidx/databinding/Untaggable", |
| "android/databinding/ViewDataBinding": "androidx/databinding/ViewDataBinding", |
| "android/databinding/ViewStubProxy": "androidx/databinding/ViewStubProxy", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/AbsListViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/AbsListViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/AbsSeekBarBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/AbsSeekBarBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/AbsSpinnerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/AbsSpinnerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ActionMenuViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ActionMenuViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/AdapterViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/AdapterViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/AutoCompleteTextViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/AutoCompleteTextViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/CalendarViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/CalendarViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/CardViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/CardViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/CheckedTextViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/CheckedTextViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ChronometerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ChronometerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/CompoundButtonBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/CompoundButtonBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/Converters": "androidx/databinding/adapters/Converters", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/DatePickerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/DatePickerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ExpandableListViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ExpandableListViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/FrameLayoutBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/FrameLayoutBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ImageViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ImageViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/LinearLayoutBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/LinearLayoutBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ListenerUtil": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ListenerUtil", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/NumberPickerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/NumberPickerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ObservableListAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ObservableListAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ProgressBarBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ProgressBarBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/RadioGroupBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/RadioGroupBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/RatingBarBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/RatingBarBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/SearchViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/SearchViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/SeekBarBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/SeekBarBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/SpinnerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/SpinnerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/SwitchBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/SwitchBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/SwitchCompatBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/SwitchCompatBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/TabHostBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/TabHostBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/TabWidgetBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/TabWidgetBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/TableLayoutBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/TableLayoutBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/TextViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/TextViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/TimePickerBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/TimePickerBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ToolbarBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ToolbarBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/VideoViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/VideoViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ViewBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ViewBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ViewGroupBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ViewGroupBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ViewStubBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ViewStubBindingAdapter", |
| "android/databinding/adapters/ZoomControlsBindingAdapter": "androidx/databinding/adapters/ZoomControlsBindingAdapter", |
| "android/support/annotation/AnimRes": "androidx/annotation/AnimRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/AnimatorRes": "androidx/annotation/AnimatorRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/AnyRes": "androidx/annotation/AnyRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/AnyThread": "androidx/annotation/AnyThread", |
| "android/support/annotation/ArrayRes": "androidx/annotation/ArrayRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/AttrRes": "androidx/annotation/AttrRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/BinderThread": "androidx/annotation/BinderThread", |
| "android/support/annotation/BoolRes": "androidx/annotation/BoolRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/CallSuper": "androidx/annotation/CallSuper", |
| "android/support/annotation/CheckResult": "androidx/annotation/CheckResult", |
| "android/support/annotation/ColorInt": "androidx/annotation/ColorInt", |
| "android/support/annotation/ColorLong": "androidx/annotation/ColorLong", |
| "android/support/annotation/ColorRes": "androidx/annotation/ColorRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/DimenRes": "androidx/annotation/DimenRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/Dimension": "androidx/annotation/Dimension", |
| "android/support/annotation/DrawableRes": "androidx/annotation/DrawableRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/FloatRange": "androidx/annotation/FloatRange", |
| "android/support/annotation/FontRes": "androidx/annotation/FontRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/FractionRes": "androidx/annotation/FractionRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/GuardedBy": "androidx/annotation/GuardedBy", |
| "android/support/annotation/HalfFloat": "androidx/annotation/HalfFloat", |
| "android/support/annotation/IdRes": "androidx/annotation/IdRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/IntDef": "androidx/annotation/IntDef", |
| "android/support/annotation/IntRange": "androidx/annotation/IntRange", |
| "android/support/annotation/IntegerRes": "androidx/annotation/IntegerRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/InterpolatorRes": "androidx/annotation/InterpolatorRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/Keep": "androidx/annotation/Keep", |
| "android/support/annotation/LayoutRes": "androidx/annotation/LayoutRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/LongDef": "androidx/annotation/LongDef", |
| "android/support/annotation/MainThread": "androidx/annotation/MainThread", |
| "android/support/annotation/MenuRes": "androidx/annotation/MenuRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/NavigationRes": "androidx/annotation/NavigationRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/NonNull": "androidx/annotation/NonNull", |
| "android/support/annotation/Nullable": "androidx/annotation/Nullable", |
| "android/support/annotation/PluralsRes": "androidx/annotation/PluralsRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/Px": "androidx/annotation/Px", |
| "android/support/annotation/RawRes": "androidx/annotation/RawRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/RequiresApi": "androidx/annotation/RequiresApi", |
| "android/support/annotation/RequiresFeature": "androidx/annotation/RequiresFeature", |
| "android/support/annotation/RequiresPermission": "androidx/annotation/RequiresPermission", |
| "android/support/annotation/RestrictTo": "androidx/annotation/RestrictTo", |
| "android/support/annotation/Size": "androidx/annotation/Size", |
| "android/support/annotation/StringDef": "androidx/annotation/StringDef", |
| "android/support/annotation/StringRes": "androidx/annotation/StringRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/StyleRes": "androidx/annotation/StyleRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/StyleableRes": "androidx/annotation/StyleableRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/TransitionRes": "androidx/annotation/TransitionRes", |
| "android/support/annotation/UiThread": "androidx/annotation/UiThread", |
| "android/support/annotation/VisibleForTesting": "androidx/annotation/VisibleForTesting", |
| "android/support/annotation/WorkerThread": "androidx/annotation/WorkerThread", |
| "android/support/annotation/XmlRes": "androidx/annotation/XmlRes", |
| "android/support/constraint/Barrier": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/Barrier", |
| "android/support/constraint/ConstraintHelper": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/ConstraintHelper", |
| "android/support/constraint/ConstraintLayout": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/ConstraintLayout", |
| "android/support/constraint/ConstraintSet": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/ConstraintSet", |
| "android/support/constraint/Constraints": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/Constraints", |
| "android/support/constraint/Group": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/Group", |
| "android/support/constraint/Guideline": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/Guideline", |
| "android/support/constraint/Placeholder": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/Placeholder", |
| "android/support/constraint/R": "androidx/constraintlayout/widget/R", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/ArrayLinkedVariables": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/ArrayLinkedVariables", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/ArrayRow": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/ArrayRow", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/Cache": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/Cache", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/GoalRow": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/GoalRow", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/LinearSystem": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/LinearSystem", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/Metrics": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/Metrics", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/Pools": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/Pools", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/SolverVariable": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/SolverVariable", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Analyzer": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Analyzer", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Barrier": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Barrier", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Chain": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Chain", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ChainHead": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ChainHead", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintAnchor": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintAnchor", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintHorizontalLayout": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintHorizontalLayout", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintTableLayout": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintTableLayout", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidget": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidget", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidgetContainer": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidgetContainer", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidgetGroup": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ConstraintWidgetGroup", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Guideline": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Guideline", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Helper": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Helper", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Optimizer": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Optimizer", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Rectangle": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Rectangle", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ResolutionAnchor": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ResolutionAnchor", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ResolutionDimension": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ResolutionDimension", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/ResolutionNode": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/ResolutionNode", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/Snapshot": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/Snapshot", |
| "android/support/constraint/solver/widgets/WidgetContainer": "androidx/constraintlayout/solver/widgets/WidgetContainer", |
| "android/support/multidex/MultiDex": "androidx/multidex/MultiDex", |
| "android/support/multidex/MultiDexApplication": "androidx/multidex/MultiDexApplication", |
| "android/support/multidex/MultiDexExtractor": "androidx/multidex/MultiDexExtractor", |
| "android/support/multidex/ZipUtil": "androidx/multidex/ZipUtil", |
| "android/support/v4/app/BackStackRecord": "androidx/fragment/app/BackStackRecord", |
| "android/support/v4/app/BackStackState": "androidx/fragment/app/BackStackState", |
| "android/support/v4/app/DialogFragment": "androidx/fragment/app/DialogFragment", |
| "android/support/v4/app/Fragment": "androidx/fragment/app/Fragment", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentActivity": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentActivity", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentContainer": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentContainer", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentController": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentController", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentHostCallback": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentHostCallback", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentManager": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManager", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentManagerImpl": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerImpl", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentManagerNonConfig": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerNonConfig", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentManagerState": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentManagerState", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentPagerAdapter": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentPagerAdapter", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentState": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentState", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentStatePagerAdapter": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentStatePagerAdapter", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentTabHost": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTabHost", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentTransaction": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransaction", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentTransition": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransition", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentTransitionCompat21": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransitionCompat21", |
| "android/support/v4/app/FragmentTransitionImpl": "androidx/fragment/app/FragmentTransitionImpl", |
| "android/support/v4/app/INotificationSideChannel": "androidx/core/app/INotificationSideChannel", |
| "android/support/v4/app/ListFragment": "androidx/fragment/app/ListFragment", |
| "android/support/v4/app/OneShotPreDrawListener": "androidx/fragment/app/OneShotPreDrawListener", |
| "android/support/v4/app/SuperNotCalledException": "androidx/fragment/app/SuperNotCalledException", |
| "android/support/v4/app/SupportActivity": "androidx/core/app/ComponentActivity", |
| "android/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer": "android/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer", |
| "android/support/v4/os/IResultReceiver": "androidx/core/os/IResultReceiver", |
| "android/support/v4/os/ResultReceiver": "androidx/core/os/ResultReceiver", |
| "android/support/v7/app/ActionBar": "androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar", |
| "android/support/v7/app/ActionBarDrawerToggle": "androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBarDrawerToggle", |
| "android/support/v7/app/ActionBarDrawerToggleHoneycomb": "androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBarDrawerToggleHoneycomb", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AlertController": "androidx/appcompat/app/AlertController", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AlertDialog": "androidx/appcompat/app/AlertDialog", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatActivity": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatCallback": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatDelegate": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatDialog": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDialog", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatDialogFragment": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDialogFragment", |
| "android/support/v7/app/AppCompatViewInflater": "androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater", |
| "android/support/v7/app/NavItemSelectedListener": "androidx/appcompat/app/NavItemSelectedListener", |
| "android/support/v7/app/ResourcesFlusher": "androidx/appcompat/app/ResourcesFlusher", |
| "android/support/v7/app/ToolbarActionBar": "androidx/appcompat/app/ToolbarActionBar", |
| "android/support/v7/app/TwilightCalculator": "androidx/appcompat/app/TwilightCalculator", |
| "android/support/v7/app/TwilightManager": "androidx/appcompat/app/TwilightManager", |
| "android/support/v7/app/WindowDecorActionBar": "androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar", |
| "android/support/v7/appcompat/R": "androidx/appcompat/R", |
| "android/support/v7/content/res/AppCompatResources": "androidx/appcompat/content/res/AppCompatResources", |
| "android/support/v7/graphics/drawable/AnimatedStateListDrawableCompat": "androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/AnimatedStateListDrawableCompat", |
| "android/support/v7/graphics/drawable/DrawableContainer": "androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/DrawableContainer", |
| "android/support/v7/graphics/drawable/DrawableWrapper": "androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/DrawableWrapper", |
| "android/support/v7/graphics/drawable/DrawerArrowDrawable": "androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/DrawerArrowDrawable", |
| "android/support/v7/graphics/drawable/StateListDrawable": "androidx/appcompat/graphics/drawable/StateListDrawable", |
| "android/support/v7/recyclerview/R": "androidx/recyclerview/R", |
| "android/support/v7/recyclerview/extensions/AsyncDifferConfig": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/AsyncDifferConfig", |
| "android/support/v7/recyclerview/extensions/AsyncListDiffer": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/AsyncListDiffer", |
| "android/support/v7/recyclerview/extensions/ListAdapter": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/ListAdapter", |
| "android/support/v7/text/AllCapsTransformationMethod": "androidx/appcompat/text/AllCapsTransformationMethod", |
| "android/support/v7/util/AdapterListUpdateCallback": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/AdapterListUpdateCallback", |
| "android/support/v7/util/AsyncListUtil": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/AsyncListUtil", |
| "android/support/v7/util/BatchingListUpdateCallback": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/BatchingListUpdateCallback", |
| "android/support/v7/util/DiffUtil": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/DiffUtil", |
| "android/support/v7/util/ListUpdateCallback": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/ListUpdateCallback", |
| "android/support/v7/util/MessageThreadUtil": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/MessageThreadUtil", |
| "android/support/v7/util/SortedList": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/SortedList", |
| "android/support/v7/util/ThreadUtil": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/ThreadUtil", |
| "android/support/v7/util/TileList": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/TileList", |
| "android/support/v7/view/ActionBarPolicy": "androidx/appcompat/view/ActionBarPolicy", |
| "android/support/v7/view/ActionMode": "androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode", |
| "android/support/v7/view/CollapsibleActionView": "androidx/appcompat/view/CollapsibleActionView", |
| "android/support/v7/view/StandaloneActionMode": "androidx/appcompat/view/StandaloneActionMode", |
| "android/support/v7/view/SupportActionModeWrapper": "androidx/appcompat/view/SupportActionModeWrapper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/SupportMenuInflater": "androidx/appcompat/view/SupportMenuInflater", |
| "android/support/v7/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompatSet": "androidx/appcompat/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompatSet", |
| "android/support/v7/view/WindowCallbackWrapper": "androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ActionMenuItem": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ActionMenuItem", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ActionMenuItemView": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ActionMenuItemView", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/BaseMenuPresenter": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/BaseMenuPresenter", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/BaseMenuWrapper": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/BaseMenuWrapper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/BaseWrapper": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/BaseWrapper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/CascadingMenuPopup": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/CascadingMenuPopup", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ExpandedMenuView": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ExpandedMenuView", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ListMenuItemView": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ListMenuItemView", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ListMenuPresenter": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ListMenuPresenter", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuAdapter": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuAdapter", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuBuilder": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuDialogHelper": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuDialogHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuHelper": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuItemImpl": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuItemImpl", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuItemWrapperICS": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuItemWrapperICS", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuItemWrapperJB": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuItemWrapperJB", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuPopup": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPopup", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuPopupHelper": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPopupHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuPresenter": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPresenter", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuView": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuView", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuWrapperFactory": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuWrapperFactory", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/MenuWrapperICS": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuWrapperICS", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/ShowableListMenu": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/ShowableListMenu", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/StandardMenuPopup": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/StandardMenuPopup", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/SubMenuBuilder": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/SubMenuBuilder", |
| "android/support/v7/view/menu/SubMenuWrapperICS": "androidx/appcompat/view/menu/SubMenuWrapperICS", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AbsActionBarView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AbsActionBarView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionBarBackgroundDrawable": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarBackgroundDrawable", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionBarContainer": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContainer", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionBarContextView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionBarOverlayLayout": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarOverlayLayout", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionMenuPresenter": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionMenuPresenter", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActionMenuView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionMenuView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActivityChooserModel": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActivityChooserModel", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/ActivityChooserView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/ActivityChooserView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AdapterHelper": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/AdapterHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AlertDialogLayout": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AlertDialogLayout", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatBackgroundHelper": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatBackgroundHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatButton": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatButton", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatCheckBox": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatCheckBox", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatCheckedTextView": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatCheckedTextView", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatCompoundButtonHelper": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatCompoundButtonHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatEditText": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatEditText", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatHintHelper": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatHintHelper", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatImageButton": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatImageButton", |
| "android/support/v7/widget/AppCompatImageHelper": "androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatImageHelper", |
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| "android/support/v7/widget/LinearLayoutManager": "androidx/recyclerview/widget/LinearLayoutManager", |
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| "android/viewbinding/ViewBinding": "androidx/viewbinding/ViewBinding" |
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| "androidx/{any}Parcelizer": [ |
| "androidx/{any}Parcelizer" |
| ], |
| "android/support/{any}": [ |
| "android/support/{any}", |
| "androidx/{any}" |
| ], |
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| ], |
| "android/support/v*/{any}": [ |
| "android/support/**", |
| "androidx/{any}" |
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| ], |
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| "androidx/appcompat/widget/{any}", |
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| ], |
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| ] |
| } |
| }, |
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| "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/EditorInfoCompat/CONTENT_MIME_TYPES": "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/EditorInfoCompat/CONTENT_MIME_TYPES", |
| "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/COMMIT_CONTENT": "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/COMMIT_CONTENT", |
| "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_DESCRIPTION": "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_DESCRIPTION", |
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| "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_RESULT_RECEIVER": "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_RESULT_RECEIVER", |
| "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_URI": "android/support/v13/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_URI", |
| "android/support/v4/app/EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY": "android/support/v4/app/EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY", |
| "android/support/v4/app/EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE": "android/support/v4/app/EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE", |
| "androidx/contentpager/content/wakelockid": "androidx/contentpager/content/wakelockid", |
| "androidx/core/app/EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY": "androidx/core/app/EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY", |
| "androidx/core/app/EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE": "androidx/core/app/EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/EditorInfoCompat/CONTENT_MIME_TYPES": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/EditorInfoCompat/CONTENT_MIME_TYPES", |
| "androidx/support/content/wakelockid": "androidx/support/content/wakelockid", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/COMMIT_CONTENT": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/COMMIT_CONTENT", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_URI": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_URI", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_DESCRIPTION": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_DESCRIPTION", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_LINK_URI": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_LINK_URI", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_OPTS": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_OPTS", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_FLAGS": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_FLAGS", |
| "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_RESULT_RECEIVER": "androidx/core/view/inputmethod/InputConnectionCompat/CONTENT_RESULT_RECEIVER" |
| } |
| } |
| } |