blob: 67de81a35da2a5d3cee7b549df50dbfac4a3a79c [file] [log] [blame]
import os,sys,json
# SAMPLE USE CASE: python --no-daemon -PuseMaxDepVersions
# Runs both gradle builds, then merges the output that needs merging
# Arguments to this script are passed to both gradle builds without modification
# Exceptions to this policy:
# if DIST_DIR=path/to/dir is not passed, it is assumed to be out/dist(/ui)
# build variables OUT_DIR=out(/ui), ANDROID_HOME=prebuilts/fullsdk-linux
# are set before each gradle build
# -p frameworks/support(/ui) is passed by default
# arguments with '=' in them (e.g. SNAPSHOT=true) are prefixed to the gradle runs
# If you want to run only one gradle build, you do not want to merge.
# So do not run this; instead run the gradle build directly
projectDirArg = "-p frameworks/support"
ui = "/ui"
tasks = "buildOnServer ktlint"
gradlew = "frameworks/support/gradlew"
gradlewC = "frameworks/support/ui/gradlew"
outDirArg = "OUT_DIR=out"
androidHomeArg = "ANDROID_HOME=" + os.path.realpath("prebuilts/fullsdk-linux")
androidxGradleCommand = " ".join([outDirArg, androidHomeArg, gradlew, tasks, projectDirArg])
composeGradleCommand = " ".join([outDirArg + ui, androidHomeArg, gradlewC, tasks,
projectDirArg + ui])
# the DIST_DIR arg
distargs = [arg for arg in sys.argv if "DIST_DIR=" in arg]
distDir = "out/dist" if len(distargs) == 0 else distargs[0][9:]
distarg = "" if len(distargs) == 0 else " " + distargs[0]
distargC = "" if len(distargs) == 0 else " " + distargs[0] + ui
# args of the form VAR=thing
preargs = " ".join([arg for arg in sys.argv if '=' in arg and arg not in distargs])
postargs = " ".join([arg for arg in sys.argv if ".py" not in arg and arg not in distargs
and arg not in preargs])
# remove ""
def runCommand(commandText):
print('Running "' + commandText + '"')
result = os.system(commandText)
assert(os.WEXITSTATUS(result)) == 0
def runGradleBuilds():
runCommand(" ".join([preargs + distarg, androidxGradleCommand, postargs]))
runCommand(" ".join([preargs + distargC, composeGradleCommand, postargs]))
def mergeAggregateBuildInfoFiles() :
androidxBuildInfo = json.load(open("androidx_aggregate_build_info.txt"))["artifacts"]
nitemsA = len(androidxBuildInfo)
composeBuildInfo = json.load(open("ui/androidx_aggregate_build_info.txt"))["artifacts"]
nitemsC = len(composeBuildInfo)
duplicatecheckingdict = {}
for buildinfo in androidxBuildInfo + composeBuildInfo:
artifactId, groupId, sha = buildinfo["artifactId"], buildinfo["groupId"], buildinfo["sha"]
# artifactid and groupid is the unique identifier for libraries
if (artifactId, groupId) not in duplicatecheckingdict:
duplicatecheckingdict[(artifactId, groupId)] = (sha, buildinfo)
else: assert duplicatecheckingdict[(artifactId, groupId)][0] == sha
# androidx and compose requiring two different versions of the same lib breaks everything
resultJson = {"artifacts":[buildinfo for sha,buildinfo in duplicatecheckingdict.values()]}
with open("androidx_aggregate_build_info.txt", 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(resultJson, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def mergeBuildInfoFolders():
os.system("cp -a ui/build-info/. build-info/")
# -a = all in directory; -u = overwrite iff newer
def doMergesInDistDir():