The WebView/Webkit demo app serves as both a practical demonstration how to use the latest AndroidX Webkit APIs and as a means to exercise those APIs for manual testing.
cd frameworks/support/ # Optional: you can use Android Studio as your editor ./studiow -y # Build the app ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:assembleDebug # Install the app ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:installDebug # Check for Lint warnings ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:lintDebug # Optional: launch the app via adb adb shell am start -n com.example.androidx.webkit/.MainActivity adb shell am start -n com.example.androidx.webkit/.ForceDarkActivity # or, any exported Activity
array in, or in a suitable lower-level Activity, like do not publicly distribute prebuilt APKs. Googlers can download prebuilt APKs by following these instructions.