| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| # Exports AppSearch Androidx code to Framework |
| # |
| # NOTE: This will remove and replace all files in the |
| # packages/modules/AppSearch path. |
| # |
| # Example usage (from root dir of androidx workspace): |
| # $ ./frameworks/support/appsearch/exportToFramework.py "$HOME/android/master" "<jetpack git sha>" |
| |
| # Special directives supported by this script: |
| # |
| # Causes the file where it appears to not be copied at all: |
| # @exportToFramework:skipFile() |
| # |
| # Causes the text appearing between startStrip() and endStrip() to be removed during export: |
| # // @exportToFramework:startStrip() ... // @exportToFramework:endStrip() |
| # |
| # Replaced with @hide: |
| # <!--@exportToFramework:hide--> |
| # |
| # Replaced with @CurrentTimeMillisLong: |
| # /*@exportToFramework:CurrentTimeMillisLong*/ |
| # |
| # Removes the text appearing between ifJetpack() and else(), and causes the text appearing between |
| # else() and --> to become uncommented, to support framework-only Javadocs: |
| # <!--@exportToFramework:ifJetpack()--> |
| # Jetpack-only Javadoc |
| # <!--@exportToFramework:else() |
| # Framework-only Javadoc |
| # --> |
| # Note: Using the above pattern, you can hide a method in Jetpack but unhide it in Framework like |
| # this: |
| # <!--@exportToFramework:ifJetpack()-->@hide<!--@exportToFramework:else()--> |
| |
| import os |
| import re |
| import subprocess |
| import sys |
| |
| # Jetpack paths relative to frameworks/support/appsearch |
| JETPACK_API_ROOT = 'appsearch/src/main/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| JETPACK_API_TEST_ROOT = 'appsearch/src/androidTest/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| JETPACK_IMPL_ROOT = 'appsearch-local-storage/src/main/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| JETPACK_IMPL_TEST_ROOT = 'appsearch-local-storage/src/androidTest/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| JETPACK_TEST_UTIL_ROOT = 'appsearch-test-util/src/main/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| JETPACK_TEST_UTIL_TEST_ROOT = 'appsearch-test-util/src/androidTest/java/androidx/appsearch' |
| |
| # Framework paths relative to packages/modules/AppSearch |
| FRAMEWORK_API_ROOT = 'framework/java/external/android/app/appsearch' |
| FRAMEWORK_API_TEST_ROOT = 'testing/coretests/src/android/app/appsearch/external' |
| FRAMEWORK_IMPL_ROOT = 'service/java/com/android/server/appsearch/external' |
| FRAMEWORK_IMPL_TEST_ROOT = 'testing/servicestests/src/com/android/server/appsearch/external' |
| '../../../cts/tests/appsearch/testutils/src/android/app/appsearch/testutil/external') |
| FRAMEWORK_TEST_UTIL_TEST_ROOT = 'testing/servicestests/src/android/app/appsearch/testutil/external' |
| FRAMEWORK_CTS_TEST_ROOT = '../../../cts/tests/appsearch/src/com/android/cts/appsearch/external' |
| '../../../prebuilts/tools/common/google-java-format/google-java-format') |
| |
| # Miscellaneous constants |
| SHA_FILE_NAME = 'synced_jetpack_sha.txt' |
| |
| |
| class ExportToFramework: |
| def __init__(self, jetpack_appsearch_root, framework_appsearch_root): |
| self._jetpack_appsearch_root = jetpack_appsearch_root |
| self._framework_appsearch_root = framework_appsearch_root |
| self._written_files = [] |
| |
| def _PruneDir(self, dir_to_prune): |
| for walk_path, walk_folders, walk_files in os.walk(dir_to_prune): |
| for walk_filename in walk_files: |
| abs_path = os.path.join(walk_path, walk_filename) |
| print('Prune: remove "%s"' % abs_path) |
| os.remove(abs_path) |
| |
| def _TransformAndCopyFile( |
| self, source_path, default_dest_path, transform_func=None, ignore_skips=False): |
| """ |
| Transforms the file located at 'source_path' and writes it into 'default_dest_path'. |
| |
| An @exportToFramework:skip() directive will skip the copy process. |
| An @exportToFramework:copyToPath() directive will override default_dest_path with another |
| path relative to framework_appsearch_root (which is usually packages/modules/AppSearch) |
| """ |
| with open(source_path, 'r') as fh: |
| contents = fh.read() |
| |
| if not ignore_skips and '@exportToFramework:skipFile()' in contents: |
| print('Skipping: "%s" -> "%s"' % (source_path, default_dest_path), file=sys.stderr) |
| return |
| |
| copy_to_path = re.search(r'@exportToFramework:copyToPath\(([^)]+)\)', contents) |
| if copy_to_path: |
| dest_path = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, copy_to_path.group(1)) |
| else: |
| dest_path = default_dest_path |
| |
| self._TransformAndCopyFileToPath(source_path, dest_path, transform_func) |
| |
| def _TransformAndCopyFileToPath(self, source_path, dest_path, transform_func=None): |
| """Transforms the file located at 'source_path' and writes it into 'dest_path'.""" |
| print('Copy: "%s" -> "%s"' % (source_path, dest_path), file=sys.stderr) |
| with open(source_path, 'r') as fh: |
| contents = fh.read() |
| if transform_func: |
| contents = transform_func(contents) |
| os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path), exist_ok=True) |
| with open(dest_path, 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write(contents) |
| |
| # Save file for future formatting |
| self._written_files.append(dest_path) |
| |
| def _TransformCommonCode(self, contents): |
| # Apply stripping |
| contents = re.sub( |
| r'\/\/ @exportToFramework:startStrip\(\).*?\/\/ @exportToFramework:endStrip\(\)', |
| '', |
| contents, |
| flags=re.DOTALL) |
| |
| # Apply if/elses in javadocs |
| contents = re.sub( |
| r'<!--@exportToFramework:ifJetpack\(\)-->.*?<!--@exportToFramework:else\(\)(.*?)-->', |
| r'\1', |
| contents, |
| flags=re.DOTALL) |
| |
| # Add additional imports if required |
| imports_to_add = [] |
| if '@exportToFramework:CurrentTimeMillisLong' in contents: |
| imports_to_add.append('android.annotation.CurrentTimeMillisLong') |
| if '@exportToFramework:UnsupportedAppUsage' in contents: |
| imports_to_add.append('android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage') |
| for import_to_add in imports_to_add: |
| contents = re.sub( |
| r'^(\s*package [^;]+;\s*)$', r'\1\nimport %s;\n' % import_to_add, contents, |
| flags=re.MULTILINE) |
| |
| # Remove all imports for stub CREATOR classes imported for SafeParcelable |
| # If there are more use cases in the future we might want to add |
| # imports_to_delete |
| contents = re.sub( |
| r'import androidx\.appsearch\.safeparcel\.stub.*?\;', |
| '', contents, flags=re.MULTILINE) |
| |
| # Apply in-place replacements |
| contents = (contents |
| # replace fake flag imports with real ones |
| .replace('androidx.appsearch.annotation.FlaggedApi', 'android.annotation.FlaggedApi') |
| .replace('androidx.appsearch.app', 'android.app.appsearch') |
| .replace( |
| 'androidx.appsearch.localstorage.', |
| 'com.android.server.appsearch.external.localstorage.') |
| .replace('androidx.appsearch', 'android.app.appsearch') |
| .replace( |
| 'androidx.annotation.GuardedBy', |
| 'com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy') |
| .replace( |
| 'androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting', |
| 'com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting') |
| .replace('androidx.annotation.', 'android.annotation.') |
| .replace('androidx.collection.ArrayMap', 'android.util.ArrayMap') |
| .replace('androidx.collection.ArraySet', 'android.util.ArraySet') |
| .replace( |
| 'androidx.core.util.ObjectsCompat', |
| 'java.util.Objects') |
| # Preconditions.checkNotNull is replaced with Objects.requireNonNull. We add both |
| # imports and let google-java-format sort out which one is unused. |
| .replace( |
| 'import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;', |
| 'import java.util.Objects; import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;') |
| .replace('import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;', '') |
| .replace('@RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY)', '') |
| .replace('@RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP)', '') |
| .replace('Preconditions.checkNotNull(', 'Objects.requireNonNull(') |
| .replace('ObjectsCompat.', 'Objects.') |
| |
| .replace('/*@exportToFramework:CurrentTimeMillisLong*/', '@CurrentTimeMillisLong') |
| .replace('/*@exportToFramework:UnsupportedAppUsage*/', '@UnsupportedAppUsage') |
| .replace('<!--@exportToFramework:hide-->', '@hide') |
| .replace('@exportToFramework:hide', '@hide') |
| .replace('// @exportToFramework:skipFile()', '') |
| ) |
| contents = re.sub(r'\/\/ @exportToFramework:copyToPath\([^)]+\)', '', contents) |
| contents = re.sub(r'@RequiresFeature\([^)]*\)', '', contents, flags=re.DOTALL) |
| |
| # Jetpack methods have the Async suffix, but framework doesn't. Strip the Async suffix |
| # to allow the same documentation to compile for both. |
| contents = re.sub(r'(#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)Async}', r'\1}', contents) |
| contents = re.sub( |
| r'(\@see [^#]+#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)Async$', r'\1', contents, flags=re.MULTILINE) |
| return contents |
| |
| def _TransformTestCode(self, contents): |
| contents = (contents |
| .replace('androidx.appsearch.testutil.', 'android.app.appsearch.testutil.') |
| .replace( |
| 'package androidx.appsearch.testutil;', |
| 'package android.app.appsearch.testutil;') |
| .replace( |
| 'import androidx.appsearch.localstorage.LocalStorage;', |
| 'import android.app.appsearch.AppSearchManager;') |
| .replace('LocalStorage.', 'AppSearchManager.') |
| ) |
| for shim in [ |
| 'AppSearchSession', 'GlobalSearchSession', 'EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession', |
| 'SearchResults']: |
| contents = re.sub(r"([^a-zA-Z])(%s)([^a-zA-Z0-9])" % shim, r'\1\2Shim\3', contents) |
| return self._TransformCommonCode(contents) |
| |
| def _TransformAndCopyFolder(self, source_dir, dest_dir, transform_func=None): |
| for currentpath, folders, files in os.walk(source_dir): |
| dir_rel_to_root = os.path.relpath(currentpath, source_dir) |
| for filename in files: |
| source_abs_path = os.path.join(currentpath, filename) |
| dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, dir_rel_to_root, filename) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFile(source_abs_path, dest_path, transform_func) |
| |
| def _ExportApiCode(self): |
| # Prod source |
| api_source_dir = os.path.join(self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_API_ROOT) |
| api_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_API_ROOT) |
| |
| # Unit tests |
| api_test_source_dir = os.path.join(self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_API_TEST_ROOT) |
| api_test_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_API_TEST_ROOT) |
| |
| # CTS tests |
| cts_test_source_dir = os.path.join(api_test_source_dir, 'cts') |
| cts_test_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_CTS_TEST_ROOT) |
| |
| # Test utils |
| test_util_source_dir = os.path.join(self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_TEST_UTIL_ROOT) |
| test_util_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_TEST_UTIL_ROOT) |
| |
| # Prune existing files |
| self._PruneDir(api_dest_dir) |
| self._PruneDir(api_test_dest_dir) |
| self._PruneDir(cts_test_dest_dir) |
| self._PruneDir(test_util_dest_dir) |
| |
| # Copy api classes. We can't use _TransformAndCopyFolder here because we |
| # need to specially handle the 'app' package. |
| print('~~~ Copying API classes ~~~') |
| def _TransformApiCode(contents): |
| contents = contents.replace( |
| 'package androidx.appsearch.app;', |
| 'package android.app.appsearch;') |
| return self._TransformCommonCode(contents) |
| for currentpath, folders, files in os.walk(api_source_dir): |
| dir_rel_to_root = os.path.relpath(currentpath, api_source_dir) |
| for filename in files: |
| # Figure out what folder to place them into |
| source_abs_path = os.path.join(currentpath, filename) |
| if dir_rel_to_root == 'app': |
| # Files in the 'app' folder live in the root of the platform tree |
| dest_path = os.path.join(api_dest_dir, filename) |
| else: |
| dest_path = os.path.join(api_dest_dir, dir_rel_to_root, filename) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFile(source_abs_path, dest_path, _TransformApiCode) |
| |
| # Copy api unit tests. We can't use _TransformAndCopyFolder here because we need to skip the |
| # 'util' and 'cts' subfolders. |
| print('~~~ Copying API unit tests ~~~') |
| for currentpath, folders, files in os.walk(api_test_source_dir): |
| if (currentpath.startswith(cts_test_source_dir) or |
| currentpath.startswith(test_util_source_dir)): |
| continue |
| dir_rel_to_root = os.path.relpath(currentpath, api_test_source_dir) |
| for filename in files: |
| source_abs_path = os.path.join(currentpath, filename) |
| dest_path = os.path.join(api_test_dest_dir, dir_rel_to_root, filename) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFile(source_abs_path, dest_path, self._TransformTestCode) |
| |
| # Copy CTS tests |
| print('~~~ Copying CTS tests ~~~') |
| self._TransformAndCopyFolder( |
| cts_test_source_dir, cts_test_dest_dir, transform_func=self._TransformTestCode) |
| |
| # Copy test utils |
| print('~~~ Copying test utils ~~~') |
| self._TransformAndCopyFolder( |
| test_util_source_dir, test_util_dest_dir, transform_func=self._TransformTestCode) |
| for iface_file in ( |
| 'AppSearchSession.java', 'GlobalSearchSession.java', |
| 'EnterpriseGlobalSearchSession.java', 'SearchResults.java'): |
| dest_file_name = os.path.splitext(iface_file)[0] + 'Shim.java' |
| self._TransformAndCopyFile( |
| os.path.join(api_source_dir, 'app/' + iface_file), |
| os.path.join(test_util_dest_dir, dest_file_name), |
| transform_func=self._TransformTestCode, |
| ignore_skips=True) |
| |
| def _ExportImplCode(self): |
| impl_source_dir = os.path.join(self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_IMPL_ROOT) |
| impl_test_source_dir = os.path.join(self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_IMPL_TEST_ROOT) |
| impl_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_IMPL_ROOT) |
| impl_test_dest_dir = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_IMPL_TEST_ROOT) |
| test_util_test_source_dir = os.path.join( |
| self._jetpack_appsearch_root, JETPACK_TEST_UTIL_TEST_ROOT) |
| test_util_test_dest_dir = os.path.join( |
| self._framework_appsearch_root, FRAMEWORK_TEST_UTIL_TEST_ROOT) |
| |
| # Prune |
| self._PruneDir(impl_dest_dir) |
| self._PruneDir(impl_test_dest_dir) |
| self._PruneDir(test_util_test_dest_dir) |
| |
| # Copy impl classes |
| def _TransformImplCode(contents): |
| contents = (contents |
| .replace('package androidx.appsearch', |
| 'package com.android.server.appsearch.external') |
| .replace('com.google.android.icing.protobuf.', 'com.google.protobuf.') |
| ) |
| return self._TransformCommonCode(contents) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFolder( |
| impl_source_dir, impl_dest_dir, transform_func=_TransformImplCode) |
| |
| # Copy servicestests |
| def _TransformImplTestCode(contents): |
| contents = (contents |
| .replace('package androidx.appsearch', |
| 'package com.android.server.appsearch.external') |
| .replace('com.google.android.icing.proto.', |
| 'com.android.server.appsearch.icing.proto.') |
| .replace('com.google.android.appsearch.proto.', |
| 'com.android.server.appsearch.appsearch.proto.') |
| .replace('com.google.android.icing.protobuf.', |
| 'com.android.server.appsearch.protobuf.') |
| ) |
| return self._TransformTestCode(contents) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFolder( |
| impl_test_source_dir, impl_test_dest_dir, transform_func=_TransformImplTestCode) |
| self._TransformAndCopyFolder( |
| test_util_test_source_dir, |
| test_util_test_dest_dir, |
| transform_func=self._TransformTestCode) |
| |
| def _FormatWrittenFiles(self): |
| google_java_format_cmd = [GOOGLE_JAVA_FORMAT, '--aosp', '-i'] + self._written_files |
| print('$ ' + ' '.join(google_java_format_cmd)) |
| subprocess.check_call(google_java_format_cmd, cwd=self._framework_appsearch_root) |
| |
| def ExportCode(self): |
| self._ExportApiCode() |
| self._ExportImplCode() |
| self._FormatWrittenFiles() |
| |
| def WriteShaFile(self, sha): |
| """Copies the git sha of the most recent public CL into a file on the framework side. |
| |
| This file is used for tracking, to determine what framework is synced to. |
| |
| You must always provide a sha of a submitted submitted git commit. If you abandon the CL |
| pointed to by this sha, the next person syncing framework will be unable to find what CL it |
| is synced to. |
| |
| The previous content of the sha file, if any, is returned. |
| """ |
| file_path = os.path.join(self._framework_appsearch_root, SHA_FILE_NAME) |
| old_sha = None |
| if os.path.isfile(file_path): |
| with open(file_path, 'r') as fh: |
| old_sha = fh.read().rstrip() |
| with open(file_path, 'w') as fh: |
| print(sha, file=fh) |
| print('Wrote "%s"' % file_path) |
| return old_sha |
| |
| def FormatCommitMessage(self, old_sha, new_sha): |
| print('\nCommand to diff old version to new version:') |
| print(' git log --pretty=format:"* %h %s" {}..{} -- appsearch/'.format(old_sha, new_sha)) |
| pretty_log = subprocess.check_output([ |
| 'git', |
| 'log', |
| '--pretty=format:* %h %s', |
| '{}..{}'.format(old_sha, new_sha), |
| '--', |
| 'appsearch/' |
| ]).decode("utf-8") |
| bug_output = subprocess.check_output([ |
| '/bin/sh', |
| '-c', |
| 'git log {}..{} -- appsearch/ | grep Bug: | sort | uniq'.format(old_sha, new_sha) |
| ]).decode("utf-8") |
| |
| print('\n--------------------------------------------------') |
| print('Update Framework from Jetpack.\n') |
| print(pretty_log) |
| print() |
| for line in bug_output.splitlines(): |
| print(line.strip()) |
| print('Test: Presubmit\n') |
| print('--------------------------------------------------\n') |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| if len(sys.argv) != 3: |
| print('Usage: %s <path/to/framework/checkout> <git sha of head jetpack commit>' % ( |
| sys.argv[0]), |
| file=sys.stderr) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| if sys.argv[2].startswith('I'): |
| print('Error: Git sha "%s" looks like a changeid. Please provide a git sha instead.' % ( |
| sys.argv[2]), |
| file=sys.stderr) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| source_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) |
| dest_dir = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[1]) |
| dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'packages/modules/AppSearch') |
| if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): |
| print('Destination path "%s" does not exist or is not a directory' % ( |
| dest_dir), |
| file=sys.stderr) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| exporter = ExportToFramework(source_dir, dest_dir) |
| exporter.ExportCode() |
| |
| # Update the sha file |
| new_sha = sys.argv[2] |
| old_sha = exporter.WriteShaFile(new_sha) |
| if old_sha and old_sha != new_sha: |
| exporter.FormatCommitMessage(old_sha, new_sha) |