| const node = document.querySelector('#explore'); |
| |
| const buildFragment = (url: string): Node => { |
| const fragment = ` |
| <tr class="additional_info"> |
| <th data-key="additional_info"><!---->additional_info<!----></th> |
| <!----> |
| <td> |
| <!----> |
| <div class="" data-key="additional_info" data-value="${url}"> |
| <a href="${url}" target="_blank">Additional Information</a> |
| </div><!----> |
| </td><!----> |
| <td> |
| <add-icon-sk data-key="additional_info" data-values="["${url}"]"> |
| <svg class="icon-sk-svg" |
| xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> |
| <path d="M19 13h-6v6h-2v-6H5v-2h6V5h2v6h6v2z"></path> |
| </svg></add-icon-sk> |
| </td><!----> |
| </tr> |
| `; |
| const template = document.createElement('template'); |
| template.innerHTML = fragment; |
| return template.content.querySelector('.additional_info')!; |
| }; |
| |
| if (node) { |
| const callback = () => { |
| const device = document.querySelector("div[data-key='device_name']"); |
| // As more tests are selected in the Skia UI, additional nodes are |
| // added to the below NodeList, but only one of them is actually visible. |
| const tests = document.querySelectorAll("div[data-key='test']"); |
| let selectedTest: Element | null = null; |
| if (tests) { |
| // Checking if an element is visible triggers a layout. So stop listening for |
| // mutation events temporarily. |
| observer.disconnect(); |
| for (let i = 0; i < tests.length; i += 1) { |
| const test = tests[i]; |
| const visibility = test.checkVisibility(); |
| if (visibility) { |
| selectedTest = test; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| // Start observing for new changes. |
| observer.observe(node, { |
| subtree: true, |
| childList: true, |
| attributes: true |
| }); |
| } |
| const logEntry = document.querySelector('#logEntry'); |
| if (device && selectedTest) { |
| const deviceName = device.getAttribute('data-value'); |
| const testName = selectedTest.getAttribute('data-value'); |
| DEVICE_NAME = deviceName; |
| TEST_NAME = testName; |
| } |
| if (logEntry) { |
| const content = logEntry.textContent; |
| if (content) { |
| const matches = content.match(/jump-to-build[/](\d+)/); |
| if (matches) { |
| BUILD = matches[1]; |
| updateUrl(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| const updateUrl = () => { |
| observer.disconnect(); |
| const url = buildUrl(); |
| if (url) { |
| // Populate details |
| const details = document.querySelector('div#details table.clickable_values tbody'); |
| if (details) { |
| const existing = details.querySelector('.additional_info'); |
| if (existing) { |
| existing.remove(); |
| } |
| const row = buildFragment(url); |
| details.appendChild(row); |
| } |
| } |
| observer.observe(node, { |
| subtree: true, |
| childList: true, |
| attributes: true |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); |
| observer.observe(node, { |
| subtree: true, |
| childList: true, |
| attributes: true |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Globals |
| let DEVICE_NAME: string | null = null; |
| let BUILD: string | null = null; |
| let TEST_NAME: string | null = null; |
| |
| const buildUrl = (): string | null => { |
| const encodedBuild = encodeURIComponent(BUILD); |
| const encodedTestName = encodeURIComponent(TEST_NAME); |
| const encodedDeviceName = encodeURIComponent(DEVICE_NAME); |
| return `https://androidx.dev/tests/artifacts/builds/${encodedBuild}?testName=${encodedTestName}&device=${encodedDeviceName}`; |
| } |
| return null; |
| }; |