| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <issues format="5" by="lint 3.6.0-alpha12" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="3.6.0-alpha12"> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="GradleDependency" |
| message="A newer version of androidx.test.espresso:espresso-idling-resource than 3.1.0 is available: 3.2.0" |
| errorLine1=" implementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-idling-resource:3.1.0'" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="build.gradle" |
| line="48" |
| column="5"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="RestrictedApi" |
| message="CameraX.getCameraWithLensFacing can only be called from within the same library group (groupId=androidx.camera)" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentCameraId = CameraX.getCameraWithLensFacing(facing);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/integration/extensions/CameraExtensionsActivity.java" |
| line="438" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="RestrictedApi" |
| message="CameraX.getCameraWithLensFacing can only be called from within the same library group (groupId=androidx.camera)" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentCameraId = CameraX.getCameraWithLensFacing(facing);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/integration/extensions/CameraExtensionsActivity.java" |
| line="438" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="RestrictedApi" |
| message="FutureCallback can only be accessed from within the same library group (groupId=androidx.camera)" |
| errorLine1=" new FutureCallback<ExtensionsManager.ExtensionsAvailability>() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/androidx/camera/integration/extensions/CameraExtensionsActivity.java" |
| line="449" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="AllowBackup" |
| message="On SDK version 23 and up, your app data will be automatically backed up and restored on app install. Consider adding the attribute `android:fullBackupContent` to specify an `@xml` resource which configures which files to backup. More info: https://developer.android.com/training/backup/autosyncapi.html" |
| errorLine1=" <application" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="26" |
| column="6"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="AllowBackup" |
| message="Should explicitly set `android:allowBackup` to `true` or `false` (it's `true` by default, and that can have some security implications for the application's data)" |
| errorLine1=" <application" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="26" |
| column="6"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="MissingApplicationIcon" |
| message="Should explicitly set `android:icon`, there is no default" |
| errorLine1=" <application" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="26" |
| column="6"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="HardcodedText" |
| message="Hardcoded string "Take Picture", should use `@string` resource" |
| errorLine1=" android:text="Take Picture"" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/res/layout/activity_camera_extensions.xml" |
| line="57" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="HardcodedText" |
| message="Hardcoded string "DEFAULT", should use `@string` resource" |
| errorLine1=" android:text="DEFAULT"" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/res/layout/activity_camera_extensions.xml" |
| line="71" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| </issues> |