blob: d29a8b32ab487f4f55aac7073b2f84c62d750fe0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Workaround for
# `androidx.savedstate.compose.LocalSavedStateRegistryOwner` will reflectively lookup for
# `androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalSavedStateRegistryOwner` to ensure backward compatibility
# when using SavedState >= 1.3 with Compose <= 1.7.
# We need to keep the getter if the code using this is included.
# We need to suppress `ShrinkerUnresolvedReference` because the `LocalComposition` is in a
# different module.
#noinspection ShrinkerUnresolvedReference
-if public class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidCompositionLocals_androidKt {
public static *** getLocalSavedStateRegistryOwner();
-keep public class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidCompositionLocals_androidKt {
public static *** getLocalSavedStateRegistryOwner();