blob: 26503a741e4875c15a554180506b87c240ae5f0b [file] [log] [blame]
# Script to generate a CL with Android Test Hub test dashboard configurations
# for all libraries, which will display recent test failures. The test dashboard
# with failures for all AndroidX libraries is at go/androidx-ath, each of these
# dashboards will display a subset of these failures.
# Creates the set of libraries by grouping the test configs from the latest
# build by prefix. For libraries that already have test dashboards, just the
# query line is updated.
# If the library flag is used, the configuration is created/updated for just the
# one provided library instead of for all libraries.
# Sample usage to create/update dashboards for all libraries:
# ./development/
# Sample usage to create/update dashboard for just the paging library:
# ./development/ --library paging
source || exit
DEFINE_string library "" "If provided, the one library to create a dashboard for."
# Parse the command line arguments
gbash::init_google "$@"
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Fetch test configs from the latest green builds \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
# Fetch entries from both branches, as they can be different
branches=("aosp-androidx-main" "androidx-platform-dev")
for branch in ${branches[@]}; do
# Find the ID of the latest build
# --latest and --list_zip_entries don't work together for fetch_artifact: b/226554339
latestBuild=$(/google/data/ro/projects/android/ab lkgb \
--branch $branch --target androidx_device_tests \
--raw --custom_raw_format '{o[buildId]}')
if [ -z "$latestBuild" ]; then
printf "ERROR: Failed to fetch ID of latest green build for $branch \n"
printf "Using latest green build $latestBuild of $branch \n"
# Get the list of test configs from the latest build
branchZipEntries=$(/google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact \
--bid $latestBuild --target androidx_device_tests \
if [ -z "$branchZipEntries" ]; then
printf "ERROR: Failed to fetch test configs from build $latestBuild for $branch \n"
# Create list of unique .xml file names
testZipEntries=$(grep ".xml" <<< $allZipEntries | sort | uniq)
# Use the one library provided, or all library names (based on prefixes of the
# test entries) if no library was provided.
if [ -z $FLAGS_library ]; then
# The config file names are of the form `library-rest-of-config-name.xml` or
# `libraryRestOfConfigName.xml`. Truncate them to just `library`.
libraryNames=$(sed 's/\(\([a-z]\|[0-9]\)*\)\([A-Z]\|-\).*/\1/' <<< $testZipEntries \
| uniq)
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Create (if needed) and sync g4 workspace \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
client="$(p4 g4d -f androidx-test-dashboards --multichange)"
cd "$client"
# Revert all local changes to prevent merge conflicts when syncing.
# This is OK since we always want to start with a fresh CitC client
g4 revert ...
g4 sync
printf "\n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
printf "== Create a CL with the test dashboard configuration \n"
printf "=================================================================== \n"
for library in $libraryNames; do
# Filter test entries to ones starting with the library name
# Separate entries with "|" delimiter and remove trailing "|"
libraryTests=$(grep "^${library}\(-\|[A-Z]\)" <<< "$testZipEntries" \
| tr '\n' "|" \
| sed "s/|$//")
query="query = 'branch:(aosp-androidx-main|androidx-platform-dev) module:($libraryTests)'"
if [ -f "$filePath" ]; then
# Update just the query line if the file already exists
printf "Updating dashboard configuration for $library\n"
sed -i "s/query = '.*'/$query/" $filePath
printf "Creating dashboard configuration for $library\n"
cat > $filePath <<EOL
// To preview this dashboard, visit
// and copy the query string below into the search bar.
ath_config = {
tab = 'TAB_TESTS'
filters = {
failure_rate = {
high_failure_rate = true
med_failure_rate = true
# Construct CL description
clDesc="Create and update AndroidX library test dashboards
The following script was used to create this config:
# Grab the CL number generated from running `g4 change`.
clNum=$(g4 change --desc "$clDesc" | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')
printf "View pending changes at http://cl/${clNum} \n"