blob: e39cf958f40d9a61c4b23ac224ae47fd223caa97 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Parses information about failing tests, and then generates a change to disable them.
Requires that the `bugged` command-line tool is installed, see go/bugged .
import argparse, csv, os, subprocess
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("-v", help="Verbose", action="store_true")
dirOfThisScript = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
supportRoot = os.path.dirname(dirOfThisScript)
logger = None
class PrintLogger(object):
def log(self, message):
class DisabledLogger(object):
def log(self, message):
def log(message):
class LocatedFailure(object):
def __init__(self, failure, location, bugId):
self.failure = failure
self.location = location
self.bugId = bugId
class TestFailure(object):
def __init__(self, qualifiedClassName, methodName, testDefinitionName, branchName, testFailureUrl, bugId):
self.qualifiedClassName = qualifiedClassName
self.methodName = methodName
self.testDefinitionName = testDefinitionName
self.branchName = branchName
self.failureUrl = testFailureUrl
self.bugId = bugId
def getUrl(self):
return self.testFailureUrl
class FailuresDatabase(object):
"""A collection of LocatedFailure instances, organized by their locations"""
def __init__(self):
self.failuresByPath = {}
def add(self, locatedFailure):
path = locatedFailure.location.filePath
if path not in self.failuresByPath:
self.failuresByPath[path] = {}
failuresAtPath = self.failuresByPath[path]
lineNumber = locatedFailure.location.lineNumber
if lineNumber not in failuresAtPath:
failuresAtPath[lineNumber] = locatedFailure
# returns Map<String, LocatedFailure> with key being filePath
def getAll(self):
results = {}
for path, failuresAtPath in self.failuresByPath.items():
lineNumbers = sorted(failuresAtPath.keys(), reverse=True)
resultsAtPath = []
# add failures in reverse order to make it easier to modify methods without adjusting line numbers for other methods
for line in lineNumbers:
results[path] = resultsAtPath
return results
def parseBugLine(bugId, line):
components = line.split(" | ")
if len(components) < 3:
return None
testLink = components[1]
# Example test link: [compose-ui-uidebugAndroidTest.xml androidx.compose.ui.window.PopupAlignmentTest#popup_correctPosition_alignmentTopCenter_rtl](
closeBracketIndex = testLink.rindex("]")
if closeBracketIndex <= 0:
raise Exception("Failed to parse b/" + bugId + " '" + line + "', testLink '" + testLink + "', closeBracketIndex = " + str(closeBracketIndex))
linkText = testLink[1:closeBracketIndex]
linkDest = testLink[closeBracketIndex + 1:]
# Example linkText: compose-ui-uidebugAndroidTest.xml androidx.compose.ui.window.PopupAlignmentTest#popup_correctPosition_alignmentTopCenter_rtl
# Example linkDest: (
testResultUrl = linkDest.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
# Example testResultUrl:
spaceIndex = linkText.index(" ")
if spaceIndex <= 0:
raise Exception("Failed to parse b/" + bugId + " '" + line + "', linkText = '" + linkText + ", spaceIndex = " + str(spaceIndex))
testDefinitionName = linkText[:spaceIndex]
testPath = linkText[spaceIndex+1:]
# Example test path: androidx.compose.ui.window.PopupAlignmentTest#popup_correctPosition_alignmentTopCenter_rtl
testPathSplit = testPath.split("#")
if len(testPathSplit) != 2:
raise Exception("Failed to parse b/" + bugId + " '" + line + "', testPath = '" + testPath + "', len(testPathSplit) = " + str(len(testPathSplit)))
testClass, testMethod = testPathSplit
branchName = components[2].strip()
print(" parsed test failure class=" + testClass + " method='" + testMethod + "' definition=" + testDefinitionName + " branch=" + branchName + " failureUrl=" + testResultUrl + " bugId=" + bugId)
return TestFailure(testClass, testMethod, testDefinitionName, branchName, testResultUrl, bugId)
def parseBug(bugId):
bugText = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["bugged", "show", bugId])
log("bug text = '" + bugText + "'")
failures = []
bugLines = bugText.split("\n")
stillFailing = True
listingTests = False
for i in range(len(bugLines)):
line = bugLines[i]
#log("parsing bug line " + line)
if listingTests:
failure = parseBugLine(bugId, line)
if failure is not None:
if "---|---|---|---|---" in line: # table start
listingTests = True
if " # " in line: # start of new section
listingTests = False
if "There are no more failing tests in this regression" in line or "ATN has not seen a failure for this regression recently." in line or "This regression has been identified as a duplicate of another one" in line:
stillFailing = False
if len(failures) < 1:
raise Exception("Failed to parse b/" + bugId + ": identified 0 failures. Rerun with -v for more information")
if not stillFailing:
print("tests no longer failing")
return []
return failures
# identifies failing tests
def getFailureData():
bugsQuery = ["bugged", "search", "hotlistid:5083126 status:open", "--columns", "issue"]
print("Searching for bugs: " + str(bugsQuery))
bugsOutput = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(bugsQuery)
bugIds = bugsOutput.split("\n")
print("Checking " + str(len(bugIds)) + " bugs")
failures = []
for i in range(len(bugIds)):
bugId = bugIds[i].strip()
if bugId != "issue" and bugId != "":
print("Parsing bug " + bugId + " (" + str(i) + "/" + str(len(bugIds)) + ")")
failures += parseBug(bugId)
return failures
class FileLocation(object):
def __init__(self, filePath, lineNumber):
self.filePath = filePath
self.lineNumber = lineNumber
def __str__(self):
return self.filePath + "#" + str(self.lineNumber)
class ShellRunner(object):
def __init__(self):
def runAndGetOutput(self, args):
result =, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
return result
def run(self, args):, capture_output=False)
shellRunner = ShellRunner()
class FileFinder(object):
def __init__(self, rootPath):
self.rootPath = rootPath
self.resultsCache = {}
def findIname(self, name):
if name not in self.resultsCache:
text = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["find", self.rootPath , "-type", "f", "-iname", name])
filePaths = [path.strip() for path in text.split("\n")]
filePaths = [path for path in filePaths if path != ""]
self.resultsCache[name] = filePaths
return self.resultsCache[name]
fileFinder = FileFinder(supportRoot)
class ClassFinder(object):
"""Locates the file path and line number for classes and methods"""
def __init__(self):
self.classToFile_cache = {}
self.methodLocations_cache = {}
def findMethod(self, qualifiedClassName, methodName):
bracketIndex = methodName.find("[")
if bracketIndex >= 0:
methodName = methodName[:bracketIndex]
fullName = qualifiedClassName + "." + methodName
containingFile = self.findFileContainingClass(qualifiedClassName)
if containingFile is None:
return None
if fullName not in self.methodLocations_cache:
index = -1
foundLineNumber = None
with open(containingFile) as f:
for line in f:
index += 1
if (" " + methodName + "(") in line:
if foundLineNumber is not None:
# found two matches, can't choose one
foundLineNumber = None
foundLineNumber = index
result = None
if foundLineNumber is not None:
result = FileLocation(containingFile, foundLineNumber)
self.methodLocations_cache[fullName] = result
return self.methodLocations_cache[fullName]
def findFileContainingClass(self, qualifiedName):
if qualifiedName not in self.classToFile_cache:
lastDotIndex = qualifiedName.rindex(".")
if lastDotIndex >= 0:
packageName = qualifiedName[:lastDotIndex]
className = qualifiedName[lastDotIndex + 1:]
packageName = ""
className = qualifiedName
options = fileFinder.findIname(className + ".*")
possibleContainingFiles = sorted(options)
result = None
for f in possibleContainingFiles:
if self.getPackage(f) == packageName:
result = f
self.classToFile_cache[qualifiedName] = result
return self.classToFile_cache[qualifiedName]
def getPackage(self, filePath):
prefix = "package "
with open(filePath) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(prefix):
suffix = line[len(prefix):]
if suffix.endswith(";"):
return suffix[:-1]
return suffix
return None
classFinder = ClassFinder()
def readFile(path):
f = open(path)
text =
return text
def writeFile(path, text):
f = open(path, "w")
def extractIndent(text):
indentSize = 0
for c in text:
if c == " ":
indentSize += 1
return " " * indentSize
class SourceFile(object):
"""An in-memory model of a source file (java, kotlin) that can be manipulated and saved"""
def __init__(self, path):
text = readFile(path)
self.lines = text.split("\n")
self.path = path
def isKotlin(self):
return self.path.endswith(".kt")
def maybeSemicolon(self):
if self.isKotlin():
return ""
return ";"
def addAnnotation(self, methodLineNumber, annotation):
parenIndex = annotation.find("(")
if parenIndex > 0:
baseName = annotation[:parenIndex]
baseName = annotation
if self.findAnnotationLine(methodLineNumber, baseName) is not None:
# already have an annotation, don't need to add another
indent = extractIndent(self.lines[methodLineNumber])
self.insertLine(methodLineNumber, indent + annotation)
# Adds an import to this file
# Attempts to preserve alphabetical import ordering:
# If two consecutive imports can be found such that one should precede this import and
# one should follow this import, inserts between those two imports
# Otherwise attempts to add this import after the last import or before the first import
# (Note that imports might be grouped into multiple blocks, each separated by a blank line)
def addImport(self, symbolText):
insertText = "import " + symbolText + self.maybeSemicolon()
if insertText in self.lines:
return # already added
# set of lines that the insertion could immediately precede
beforeLineNumbers = set()
# set of lines that the insertion could immediately follow
afterLineNumbers = set()
for i in range(len(self.lines)):
line = self.lines[i]
if line.startswith("import"):
# found an import. Should our import be before or after?
if insertText < line:
# search for two adjacent lines that the line can be inserted between
insertionLineNumber = None
for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1):
if i in afterLineNumbers and (i + 1) in beforeLineNumbers:
insertionLineNumber = i + 1
# search for a line we can insert after
if insertionLineNumber is None:
for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1):
if i in afterLineNumbers and (i + 1) not in afterLineNumbers:
insertionLineNumber = i + 1
# search for a line we can insert before
if insertionLineNumber is None:
for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1, 0, -1):
if i in beforeLineNumbers and (i - 1) not in beforeLineNumbers:
insertionLineNumber = i
if insertionLineNumber is not None:
self.insertLine(insertionLineNumber, insertText)
def insertLine(self, beforeLineNumber, text):
self.lines = self.lines[:beforeLineNumber] + [text] + self.lines[beforeLineNumber:]
def findAnnotationLine(self, methodLineNumber, annotationText):
lineNumber = methodLineNumber
while True:
if lineNumber < 0:
return None
if annotationText in self.lines[lineNumber]:
return lineNumber
if self.lines[lineNumber].strip() == "":
return None
lineNumber -= 1
def removeLine(self, index):
self.lines = self.lines[:index] + self.lines[index + 1:]
def hasAnnotation(self, methodLineNumber, annotation):
return self.findAnnotationLine(methodLineNumber, annotation) is not None
def save(self):
writeFile(self.path, "\n".join(self.lines))
# converts from a List<TestFailure> to a FailuresDatabase containing LocatedFailure
def locate(failures):
db = FailuresDatabase()
for failure in failures:
location = classFinder.findMethod(failure.qualifiedClassName, failure.methodName)
if location is not None:
db.add(LocatedFailure(failure, location, failure.bugId))
message = "Could not locate " + str(failure.qualifiedClassName) + "#" + str(failure.methodName) + " for " + str(failure.bugId)
if failure.branchName != "aosp-androidx-main":
message += ", should be in " + failure.branchName
return db
# Given a FailureDatabase, disables all of the tests mentioned in it, by adding the appropriate
# annotations:
# failures get annotated with @Ignore ,
# Annotations link to the associated bug if possible
def disable(failuresDatabase):
numUpdates = 0
failuresByPath = failuresDatabase.getAll()
for path, failuresAtPath in failuresByPath.items():
source = SourceFile(path)
addedIgnore = False
for failure in failuresAtPath:
lineNumber = failure.location.lineNumber
if source.hasAnnotation(lineNumber, "@Ignore"):
bugId = failure.bugId
bugText = '"b/' + bugId + '"'
source.addAnnotation(lineNumber, "@Ignore(" + bugText + ")")
addedIgnore = True
if addedIgnore:
numUpdates += 1
print("Made " + str(numUpdates) + " updates")
def commit():
print("Generating git commit per OWNERS file")
commitMessage = """Autogenerated suppression of test failures
This commit was created with the help of development/
"""["development/", commitMessage])
def main():
global logger
arguments = parser.parse_args()
if arguments.v:
logger = PrintLogger()
logger = DisabledLogger()
failures = getFailureData()
if len(failures) < 1:
print("Found 0 failures")
locations = locate(failures)
if __name__ == "__main__":