blob: ce6e261005c9908568ae2a332cf8178a3ad386a4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-beta06">
message="Detected ConcurrentHashMap usage."
summary="ConcurrentHashMap usage is not allowed"
explanation="ConcurrentHashMap has an issue on Android’s Lollipop release that can lead to lost updates under thread contention."
errorLine1="import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;"
message="This call references a method added in API level 30; however, the containing class androidx.AutofixUnsafeConstructorReferenceJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" AccessibilityNodeInfo node = new AccessibilityNodeInfo(new View(context), 1);"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 23; however, the containing class androidx.AutofixUnsafeGenericMethodReferenceJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" return context.getSystemService(serviceClass);"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 21; however, the containing class androidx.AutofixUnsafeReferenceWithExistingClassJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" view.setBackgroundTintList(new ColorStateList(null, null));"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 17; however, the containing class androidx.AutofixUnsafeStaticMethodReferenceJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" return View.generateViewId();"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 21; however, the containing class androidx.AutofixUnsafeVoidMethodReferenceJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" view.setBackgroundTintList(new ColorStateList(null, null));"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 21; however, the containing class androidx.ClassVerificationFailureFromJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" view.setBackgroundTintList(tint);"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 17; however, the containing class androidx.ClassVerificationFailureFromJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" return View.generateViewId();"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 23; however, the containing class androidx.ClassVerificationFailureFromJava is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" return view.getAccessibilityClassName();"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 19; however, the containing class androidx.sample.core.widget.ListViewCompat is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" listView.scrollListBy(y);"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="This call references a method added in API level 19; however, the containing class androidx.sample.core.widget.ListViewCompat is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification."
summary="Even in cases where references to new APIs are gated on SDK_INT checks, run-time class verification will still fail on references to APIs that may not be available at run time, including platform APIs introduced after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion."
explanation="The Java language requires a virtual machine to verify the class files it&#xA;loads and executes. A class may fail verification for a wide variety of&#xA;reasons, but in practice it‘s usually because the class’s code refers to&#xA;unknown classes or methods.&#xA;&#xA;References to APIs added after a library&apos;s minSdkVersion -- regardless of&#xA;any surrounding version checks -- will fail run-time class verification if&#xA;the API does not exist on the device, leading to reduced run-time&#xA;performance.&#xA;&#xA;Gating references on SDK checks alone DOES NOT address class verification&#xA;failures.&#xA;&#xA;To prevent class verification failures, references to new APIs must be&#xA;moved to inner classes that are only initialized inside of an appropriate&#xA;SDK check.&#xA;&#xA;For example, if our minimum SDK is 14 and platform method a.x(params...)&#xA;was added in SDK 16, the method call must be moved to an inner class like:&#xA;&#xA;@RequiresApi(16)&#xA;private static class Api16Impl{&#xA; @DoNotInline&#xA; static void callX(params...) {&#xA; a.x(params...);&#xA; }&#xA;}&#xA;&#xA;The call site is changed from a.x(params...) to Api16Impl.callX(params).&#xA;&#xA;Since ART will only try to optimize Api16Impl when it&apos;s on the execution&#xA;path, we are guaranteed to have a.x(...) available.&#xA;&#xA;In addition, optimizers like R8 or Proguard may inline the method in the&#xA;separate class and replace the wrapper call with the actual call, so you&#xA;must disable inlining using the @DoNotInline annotation.&#xA;&#xA;Failure to do the above may result in overall performance degradation."
errorLine1=" return listView.canScrollList(direction);"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="Utility class is missing private constructor"
summary="Utility classes should have a private constructor"
explanation="Classes which are not intended to be instantiated should be made non-instantiable with a private constructor. This includes utility classes (classes with only static members), and the main class."
errorLine1=" static class DefaultInnerClass {"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="Utility class is missing private constructor"
summary="Utility classes should have a private constructor"
explanation="Classes which are not intended to be instantiated should be made non-instantiable with a private constructor. This includes utility classes (classes with only static members), and the main class."
errorLine1=" protected static class ProtectedInnerClass {"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="Utility class is missing private constructor"
summary="Utility classes should have a private constructor"
explanation="Classes which are not intended to be instantiated should be made non-instantiable with a private constructor. This includes utility classes (classes with only static members), and the main class."
errorLine1=" public static class PublicInnerClass {"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
category="Interoperability:Kotlin Interoperability"
summary="Unknown nullness"
explanation="To improve referencing this code from Kotlin, consider adding&#xA;explicit nullness information here with either `@NonNull` or `@Nullable`.&#xA;&#xA;You can set the environment variable&#xA; `ANDROID_LINT_NULLNESS_IGNORE_DEPRECATED=true`&#xA;if you want lint to ignore classes and members that have been annotated with&#xA;`@Deprecated`."
errorLine1=" public static Sample confirmIntrinisicLintChecksRun() {"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~">
message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see"
category="Interoperability:Kotlin Interoperability"
summary="Unknown nullness"
explanation="To improve referencing this code from Kotlin, consider adding&#xA;explicit nullness information here with either `@NonNull` or `@Nullable`.&#xA;&#xA;You can set the environment variable&#xA; `ANDROID_LINT_NULLNESS_IGNORE_DEPRECATED=true`&#xA;if you want lint to ignore classes and members that have been annotated with&#xA;`@Deprecated`."
errorLine1=" public static void confirmCustomAndroidXChecksRun(ConcurrentHashMap m) {"
errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~">