blob: e421bd75c99d2e70269dc18804e9b357b29a7508 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys, re, subprocess, os
def usage():
print("""Usage: cat <issues> | attempts to guess the assignee based on the title of the bug
triage-guesser reads issues from stdin
class Issue(object):
def __init__(self, issueId, description):
self.issueId = issueId
self.description = description
class AssigneeRecommendation(object):
def __init__(self, usernames, justification):
self.usernames = usernames
self.justification = justification
def intersect(self, other):
names = []
for name in self.usernames:
if name in other.usernames:
justification = self.justification + ", " + other.justification
return AssigneeRecommendation(names, justification)
class RecommenderRule(object):
def __init__(self):
def recommend(self, bug):
class ShellRunner(object):
def __init__(self):
def runAndGetOutput(self, args):
return subprocess.check_output(args)
shellRunner = ShellRunner()
class WordRule(RecommenderRule):
def __init__(self, word, assignees):
super(WordRule, self).__init__()
self.word = word
self.assignees = assignees
def recommend(self, bug):
if self.word.lower() in bug.description.lower():
return AssigneeRecommendation(self.assignees, '"' + self.word + '"')
return None
class FileFinder(object):
def __init__(self, rootPath):
self.rootPath = rootPath
self.resultsCache = {}
def findIname(self, name):
if name not in self.resultsCache:
text = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["find", self.rootPath , "-type", "f", "-iname", name])
filePaths = [path.strip() for path in text.split("\n")]
filePaths = [path for path in filePaths if path != ""]
self.resultsCache[name] = filePaths
return self.resultsCache[name]
class InterestingFileFinder(object):
def __init__(self):
def findInterestingWords(self, text):
words = re.split("#| |\.", text)
words = [word for word in words if len(word) >= 4]
words.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
return words
interestingFileFinder = InterestingFileFinder()
class GitLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
def gitLog1Author(self, filePath):
text = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["bash", "-c", "cd " + os.path.dirname(filePath) + " && git log --no-merges -1 --format='%ae' -- " + filePath]).strip().replace("", "")
return text
gitLogger = GitLogger()
class LastTouchedBy_Rule(RecommenderRule):
def __init__(self, fileFinder):
super(LastTouchedBy_Rule, self).__init__()
self.fileFinder = fileFinder
def recommend(self, bug):
interestingWords = interestingFileFinder.findInterestingWords(bug.description)
for word in interestingWords:
for queryString in [word + "*", word + ".*"]:
filePaths = self.fileFinder.findIname(queryString)
if len(filePaths) > 0 and len(filePaths) <= 4:
candidateAuthors = []
for path in filePaths:
thisAuthor = gitLogger.gitLog1Author(path)
if len(candidateAuthors) == 0 or thisAuthor != candidateAuthors[-1]:
if len(candidateAuthors) == 1:
return AssigneeRecommendation(candidateAuthors, "last touched " + os.path.basename(filePaths[0]))
return None
class OwnersRule(RecommenderRule):
def __init__(self, fileFinder):
super(OwnersRule, self).__init__()
self.fileFinder = fileFinder
def recommend(self, bug):
interestingWords = interestingFileFinder.findInterestingWords(bug.description)
for word in interestingWords:
for queryString in [word + "*", word + ".*"]:
filePaths = self.fileFinder.findIname(queryString)
commonPrefix = os.path.commonprefix(filePaths)
dirToCheck = commonPrefix
if len(dirToCheck) < 1:
while True:
if dirToCheck[-1] == "/":
dirToCheck = dirToCheck[:-1]
if len(dirToCheck) <= len(self.fileFinder.rootPath):
ownerFilePath = os.path.join(dirToCheck, "OWNERS")
if os.path.isfile(ownerFilePath):
with open(ownerFilePath) as ownerFile:
lines = ownerFile.readlines()
names = [line.replace("", "").strip() for line in lines]
relOwnersPath = os.path.relpath(ownerFilePath, self.fileFinder.rootPath)
justification = relOwnersPath + " (" + os.path.basename(filePaths[0] + ' ("' + word + '")')
if len(filePaths) > 1:
justification += "..."
justification += ")"
return AssigneeRecommendation(names, justification)
parent = os.path.dirname(dirToCheck)
if len(parent) >= len(dirToCheck):
dirToCheck = parent
class Triager(object):
def __init__(self, fileFinder):
self.recommenderRules = self.parseKnownOwners({
"fragment": ["ilake", "mount", "adamp"],
"animation": ["chet", "mount", "tianlu"],
"transition": ["chet", "mount"],
"theme": ["alanv"],
"style": ["alanv"],
"preferences": ["pavlis", "lpf"],
"ViewPager": ["jgielzak", "aurimas"],
"DrawerLayout": ["kirillg"],
"RecyclerView": ["shepshapard", "yboyar"],
"Loaders": ["ilake"],
"VectorDrawableCompat": ["tianliu"],
"AppCompat": ["kirillg"],
"Design Library": ["dcarlsson"],
"": ["dcarlsson"],
"RenderThread": ["jreck"],
"VectorDrawable": ["tianliu"],
"drawable": ["alanv"],
"colorstatelist": ["alanv"],
"multilocale": ["nona", "mnita"],
"TextView": ["siyamed", "clarabayarri"],
"Linkify": ["siyamed", "toki"],
"Spannable": ["siyamed"],
"Minikin": ["nona"],
"Fonts": ["clarabayarri", "dougfelt"],
"freetype": ["nona", "junkshik"],
"harfbuzz": ["nona", "junkshik"],
"slice": ["jmonk", "madym"]
def parseKnownOwners(self, ownersDict):
rules = []
keywords = sorted(ownersDict.keys())
for keyword in keywords:
assignees = ownersDict[keyword]
rules.append(WordRule(keyword, assignees))
return rules
def process(self, lines):
issues = self.parseIssues(lines)
outputs = []
print("Analyzing " + str(len(issues)) + " issues")
for issue in issues:
assigneeRecommendation = self.recommendAssignees(issue)
recommendationText = "?"
if assigneeRecommendation is not None:
usernames = assigneeRecommendation.usernames
if len(usernames) > 2:
usernames = usernames[:2]
recommendationText = str(usernames) + " (" + assigneeRecommendation.justification + ")"
outputs.append(("(" + issue.issueId + ") " + issue.description.replace("\t", "...."), recommendationText, ))
maxColumnWidth = 0
for item in outputs:
maxColumnWidth = max(maxColumnWidth, len(item[0]))
for item in outputs:
print(str(item[0]) + (" " * (maxColumnWidth - len(item[0]))) + " -> " + str(item[1]))
def parseIssues(self, lines):
priority = ""
issueType = ""
description = ""
when = ""
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
fields = [line for line in lines if line != ""]
linesPerIssue = 5
if len(fields) % linesPerIssue != 0:
raise Exception("Parse error, number of lines must be divisible by " + str(linesPerIssue) + ", not " + str(len(fields)) + ". Last line: " + fields[-1])
issues = []
while len(fields) > 0:
priority = fields[0]
issueType = fields[1]
middle = fields[2].split("\t")
expectedNumTabComponents = 3
if len(middle) != expectedNumTabComponents:
raise Exception("Parse error: wrong number of tabs in " + str(middle) + ", got " + str(len(middle) - 1) + ", expected " + str(expectedNumTabComponents - 1))
description = middle[0]
currentAssignee = middle[1]
status = middle[2]
middle2 = fields[3].split("\t")
expectedNumTabComponents = 2
if len(middle2) != expectedNumTabComponents:
raise Exception("Parse error: wrong number of tabs in " + str(middle2) + ", got " + str(len(middle2) - 1) + ", expected " + str(expectedNumTabComponents - 1))
issueId = middle2[1]
when = fields[4]
issues.append(Issue(issueId, description))
fields = fields[linesPerIssue:]
return issues
def recommendAssignees(self, issue):
overallRecommendation = None
for rule in self.recommenderRules:
thisRecommendation = rule.recommend(issue)
if thisRecommendation is not None:
if overallRecommendation is None:
overallRecommendation = thisRecommendation
newRecommendation = overallRecommendation.intersect(thisRecommendation)
count = len(newRecommendation.usernames)
if count > 0 and count < len(overallRecommendation.usernames):
overallRecommendation = newRecommendation
return overallRecommendation
def main(args):
if len(args) != 1:
fileFinder = FileFinder(os.path.dirname(args[0]))
print("Reading issues from stdin")
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
triager = Triager(fileFinder)