| import androidx.build.LibraryGroups |
| import androidx.build.LibraryVersions |
| import androidx.build.Publish |
| |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.ANDROIDX_TEST_CORE |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.ANDROIDX_TEST_EXT_JUNIT |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.ANDROIDX_TEST_RULES |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.ANDROIDX_TEST_RUNNER |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.DEXMAKER_MOCKITO |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.ESPRESSO_CORE |
| import static androidx.build.dependencies.DependenciesKt.MOCKITO_CORE |
| |
| plugins { |
| id("AndroidXPlugin") |
| id("com.android.library") |
| } |
| |
| dependencies { |
| api("androidx.annotation:annotation:1.1.0") |
| api('com.google.android.material:material:1.0.0') |
| api('androidx.viewpager:viewpager:1.0.0') |
| |
| androidTestImplementation(ANDROIDX_TEST_EXT_JUNIT) |
| androidTestImplementation(ANDROIDX_TEST_CORE) |
| androidTestImplementation(ANDROIDX_TEST_RUNNER) |
| androidTestImplementation(ANDROIDX_TEST_RULES) |
| androidTestImplementation(ESPRESSO_CORE, libs.exclude_for_espresso) |
| androidTestImplementation(MOCKITO_CORE, libs.exclude_bytebuddy) // DexMaker has it"s own MockMaker |
| androidTestImplementation(DEXMAKER_MOCKITO, libs.exclude_bytebuddy) // DexMaker has it"s own MockMaker |
| androidTestImplementation(project(":internal-testutils-espresso")) |
| androidTestImplementation(project(":internal-testutils-runtime")) |
| androidTestImplementation(project(":internal-testutils-common")) |
| androidTestImplementation(project(":leanback:leanback")) |
| androidTestImplementation('androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0') |
| androidTestImplementation(CONSTRAINT_LAYOUT, { transitive = true }) |
| |
| } |
| |
| android { |
| defaultConfig { |
| minSdkVersion 21 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| androidx { |
| name = "AndroidX Leanback Tab" |
| publish = Publish.SNAPSHOT_AND_RELEASE |
| mavenVersion = LibraryVersions.LEANBACK_TAB |
| mavenGroup = LibraryGroups.LEANBACK |
| inceptionYear = "2020" |
| description = "This library adds top tab navigation component to be used in TV" |
| } |