blob: 85039a7838431019c5770177857c9f025528d0a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os,sys,json
from constants_and_utils import *
def usage():
Runs gradle build(s). You may want to use the target-specific shell scripts rather than call this directly
This script recognizes and consumes the following arguments in any order (pasing all others through to gradle):
doBoth (equivalent to "-doAndroidX -doCompose". Runs both gradle builds, e.g. if you want to merge outputs)
doCompose (do the compose build)
doAndroidX (do the androidx build) (default if no '-do*' argument passed, due to being most common use case)
doDryRun (prevents commands form being run, but commands are still printed: dry-run the commands)
doVerifyRerun (runs commands a second time and verifies that no work was done, and everything is cached)
(these args are case sensitive)
DIST_DIR=<a path to a directory> if this is not passed, the default value is out/dist.
Should be absolute or relative to e.g. androidx-master-dev/
In addition, OUT_DIR, ANDROID_HOME, and -p project directory are hardcoded, and will be overwritten if set
Sample usage: time busytown/ DIST_DIR=out/dist assembleDebug test doBoth doDryRun -PuseMaxDepVersions --stacktrace --rerun-tasks > buildLog.log
Other example usages appear in the shell scripts for each target (e.g.
def main():
which_builds, dry_run, verify_rerun, dist_dir, gradle_args = parse_args()
androidx_base_command, compose_base_command = compute_gradle_commands(dist_dir)
if DO_ANDROIDX in which_builds: run_command(" ".join(androidx_base_command + gradle_args), dry_run=dry_run, verify_rerun=verify_rerun)
if DO_COMPOSE in which_builds: run_command(" ".join(compose_base_command + gradle_args), dry_run=dry_run, verify_rerun=verify_rerun)
def parse_args():
which_builds = [DEFAULT]
dry_run = False; verify_rerun = False
dist_dir = "out/dist"
gradle_args = []
for arg in sys.argv:
if any(arg.endswith(SKIPPED_SUFFIX) for SKIPPED_SUFFIX in SKIPPED_ARG_SUFFIXES): continue
elif arg in BUILD_COMMANDS:
elif arg == DO_DRY_RUN: dry_run = True # if we are mocking, we print but do not run commands
elif arg == DO_VERIFY_RERUN: verify_rerun = True # re-run the command with -PdisallowExecution to verify everything is cached
elif "dist_dir" in arg.lower():
dist_dir = arg.split("=")[1]
dist_dir = remove_suffix(dist_dir, '/')
dist_dir = remove_suffix(dist_dir, '/ui')
# --task keyword is part of gradle's help syntax, so if that's present they're not asking for help with this script
elif any(help_keyword in arg for help_keyword in HELP_SYNTAX_LIST) and not "--task" in sys.argv: usage()
elif arg.startswith("do"): print("ERROR:", arg, "is an invalid keyword"); usage()
else: gradle_args.append(arg)
if which_builds == [DEFAULT]: which_builds = [DO_ANDROIDX] # default is androidx
if DO_BOTH in which_builds: which_builds = [DO_ANDROIDX, DO_COMPOSE]
return which_builds, dry_run, verify_rerun, dist_dir, gradle_args
def compute_gradle_commands(dist_dir):
androidx_base_command = ["DIST_DIR="+dist_dir, OUT_DIR_ARG, ANDROID_HOME_ARG, GRADLEW, PROJECT_DIR_ARG]
compose_base_command = ["DIST_DIR="+dist_dir+ui, OUT_DIR_ARG+ui, ANDROID_HOME_ARG, GRADLEW_COMPOSE, PROJECT_DIR_ARG+ui]
return androidx_base_command, compose_base_command
if __name__ == "__main__": main()