| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <issues format="5" by="lint 4.2.0-beta02" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="4.2.0-beta02"> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" synchronized void unblock() {" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="154" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" synchronized void beginBlocking() {" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="160" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" @JavascriptInterface" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="166" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.beginLoad(request.getUrl().toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" WebResourceResponse response = mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="88"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.endLoad(request.getUrl().toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="61" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.java" |
| line="64" |
| column="64"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.AssetLoaderSimpleActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderSimpleActivity.java" |
| line="49" |
| column="64"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.CustomInterstitialActivity.CustomInterstitialWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" myIntent.putExtra(PopupInterstitialActivity.THREAT_URL, request.getUrl().toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/CustomInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="104" |
| column="77"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.DocumentStartJavaScriptActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/DocumentStartJavaScriptActivity.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="64"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.ErrorLoggingWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" logErrors(request.getUrl().toString(), error.getErrorCode());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/ErrorLoggingWebViewClient.java" |
| line="47" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.MenuListView is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="48" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.WebMessageListenerActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebMessageListenerActivity.java" |
| line="78" |
| column="64"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnsafeNewApiCall" |
| message="This call is to a method from API 21, the call containing class com.example.androidx.webkit.WebMessageListenerMaliciousWebsiteActivity.MyWebViewClient is not annotated with @RequiresApi(x) where x is at least 21. Either annotate the containing class with at least @RequiresApi(21) or move the call to a static method in a wrapper class annotated with at least @RequiresApi(21)." |
| errorLine1=" WebResourceResponse response = loader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebMessageListenerMaliciousWebsiteActivity.java" |
| line="69" |
| column="86"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `allowlistSafeBrowsingTestSite` of class `AllowlistActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" allowlistSafeBrowsingTestSite(null);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AllowlistActivity.java" |
| line="63" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `clearAllowlist` of class `AllowlistActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" clearAllowlist();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AllowlistActivity.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAllowlistWebView` of class `AllowlistActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mAllowlistWebView.loadUrl(SafeBrowsingHelpers.TEST_SAFE_BROWSING_SITE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AllowlistActivity.java" |
| line="83" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mUriIdlingResource != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="56" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.beginLoad(request.getUrl().toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" WebResourceResponse response = mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mUriIdlingResource != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.endLoad(request.getUrl().toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="61" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mUriIdlingResource != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="69" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.beginLoad(request);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" WebResourceResponse response = mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(Uri.parse(request));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mUriIdlingResource != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="73" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mUriIdlingResource` of class `AssetLoaderAjaxActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mUriIdlingResource.endLoad(request);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `MyWebViewClient` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderAjaxActivity.java" |
| line="109" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.java" |
| line="64" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(Uri.parse(request));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `MyWebViewClient` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mWebView` of class `AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.loadUrl(path.toString());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderInternalStorageActivity.java" |
| line="106" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderSimpleActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(request.getUrl());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderSimpleActivity.java" |
| line="49" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mAssetLoader` of class `AssetLoaderSimpleActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" return mAssetLoader.shouldInterceptRequest(Uri.parse(request));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderSimpleActivity.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `MyWebViewClient` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AssetLoaderSimpleActivity.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDarkStrategySpinner` of class `ForceDarkStrategyActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" switch (mDarkStrategySpinner.getSelectedItemPosition()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/ForceDarkStrategyActivity.java" |
| line="148" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDarkThemeWebView` of class `ForceDarkStrategyActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" WebSettingsCompat.setForceDarkStrategy(mDarkThemeWebView.getSettings()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/ForceDarkStrategyActivity.java" |
| line="158" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mNoDarkThemeWebView` of class `ForceDarkStrategyActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" WebSettingsCompat.setForceDarkStrategy(mNoDarkThemeWebView.getSettings()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/ForceDarkStrategyActivity.java" |
| line="160" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mContext` of class `MenuListView` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" featureArrayAdapter.getItem(position).start(mContext);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="91" |
| column="61"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `recreateWebView` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" ((RendererTerminationActivity) getActivity())" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `terminateWebViewRenderer` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" ((RendererTerminationActivity) getActivity())" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="136" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updateButtonState` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updateButtonState(false);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="151" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updateButtonState` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updateButtonState(false);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="157" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mWebView` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.evaluateJavascript("__blocker__.block();", null);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="162" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updateButtonState` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updateButtonState(true);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="163" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mWebView` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mWebView.destroy();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="216" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBlocker` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mBlocker.unblock();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="217" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mStatus` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mStatus.setText("terminated");" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="222" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mStatus` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mStatus.setText("unresponsive");" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="242" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mStatus` of class `RendererTerminationActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mStatus.setText("responsive");" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="252" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `setupLayout` of class `SafeBrowsingActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" setupLayout();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/SafeBrowsingActivity.java" |
| line="48" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `showSafeBrowsingRequirementsInBrowser` of class `SafeBrowsingActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" showSafeBrowsingRequirementsInBrowser();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/SafeBrowsingActivity.java" |
| line="54" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mInfo` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mInfo.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="96" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mButton` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="97" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mInfo` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mInfo.setText(" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="98" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mLogPath` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" getString(R.string.tracing_controller_log_path, mLogPath));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="99" |
| column="89"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `verifyJSON` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" verifyJSON();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="101" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mInfo` of class `TracingControllerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mInfo.setText(R.string.tracing_controller_invalid_log);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/TracingControllerActivity.java" |
| line="103" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `createNativeTitle` of class `WebMessageListenerActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" createNativeTitle(), "\n", "" + mCounter + " messages received."));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebMessageListenerActivity.java" |
| line="155" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `AvailableInAllowedOriginsFrameMessageListener` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" new AvailableInAllowedOriginsFrameMessageListener());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebMessageListenerMaliciousWebsiteActivity.java" |
| line="160" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/AllowlistActivity.java" |
| line="46" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/CustomInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/CustomInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="70"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/FullscreenActivity.java" |
| line="98" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/GiantInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/InvisibleActivity.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/LoudInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="44" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MediumInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="38" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="38" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="47" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="47" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuItem(String name, Intent intentToLaunch) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MenuItem(String name, Intent intentToLaunch) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void start(Context activityContext) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="76" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setItems(MenuItem[] items) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MenuListView.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/MultiProcessEnabledActivity.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/PerWebViewEnableActivity.java" |
| line="35" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/PopupInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Proxy(int port, ProxyRequestCallback callback) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/Proxy.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static RendererTerminatedDialogFragment newInstance() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="95" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="102" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="102" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static RendererUnresponsiveDialogFragment newInstance() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="121" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/RendererTerminationActivity.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/SmallInterstitialActivity.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/UnattachedActivity.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static void appendWebViewVersionToTitle(Activity activity) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebkitHelpers.java" |
| line="35" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static TextView showMessageInActivity(Activity activity," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebkitHelpers.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static TextView showMessageInActivity(Activity activity," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/androidx/webkit/WebkitHelpers.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| </issues> |