| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <issues format="6" by="lint 7.1.0-alpha02" type="baseline" client="cli" name="Lint" variant="all" version="7.1.0-alpha02"> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="WifiManagerLeak" |
| message="The WIFI_SERVICE must be looked up on the Application context or memory will leak on devices < Android N. Try changing `service` to `service.getApplicationContext()`" |
| errorLine1=" this.mWifiLock = ((WifiManager) service.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE))" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="102" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="WrongConstant" |
| errorLine1=" return ServiceCompat.START_STICKY;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/LocalServiceBroadcaster.java" |
| line="152" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanConcurrentHashMap" |
| message="Detected ConcurrentHashMap usage." |
| errorLine1="import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;" |
| errorLine2="~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="37" |
| column="1"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" public synchronized void updateMusic(String musicId, MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="139" |
| column="5"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" private synchronized void buildListsByGenre() {" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="202" |
| column="5"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="BanSynchronizedMethods" |
| message="Use of synchronized methods is not recommended" |
| errorLine1=" private synchronized void retrieveMedia() {" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="219" |
| column="5"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 26; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.media.MediaNotificationManager is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" notificationManager.createNotificationChannel(" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="117" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 26; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.media.MediaNotificationManager is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, TAG," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="118" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 26; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.media.MediaNotificationManager is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" notificationManager.deleteNotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="161" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 16; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.widget.SlidingPaneLayoutActivity.FirstLayoutListener is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" mSlidingLayout.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/SlidingPaneLayoutActivity.java" |
| line="203" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 21; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.view.WindowInsetsPlayground is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" getWindow().setStatusBarColor(0x80000000);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/WindowInsetsPlayground.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ClassVerificationFailure" |
| message="This call references a method added in API level 21; however, the containing class com.example.android.supportv4.view.WindowInsetsPlayground is reachable from earlier API levels and will fail run-time class verification." |
| errorLine1=" getWindow().setNavigationBarColor(0x80000000);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/WindowInsetsPlayground.java" |
| line="73" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="MetadataTagInsideApplicationTag" |
| message="Detected <application>-level meta-data tag." |
| errorLine1=" <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.car.notification.SmallIcon"" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="454" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="MetadataTagInsideApplicationTag" |
| message="Detected <application>-level meta-data tag." |
| errorLine1=" <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.car.application.theme"" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="462" |
| column="9"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ObsoleteSdkInt" |
| message="This folder configuration (`v11`) is unnecessary; `minSdkVersion` is 14. Merge all the resources in this folder into `values`."> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/res/values-v11"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCache` of class `AlbumArtCache` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCache.put(artUrl, bitmaps);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="105" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCache` of class `AlbumArtCache` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "doInBackground: putting bitmap in cache. cache size=" + mCache.size());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="109" |
| column="85"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (itemIndex >= mMediaItems.size()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="89" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.addAll(children);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="94" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (itemIndex < mMediaItems.size()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="98" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.set(itemIndex, item);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="99" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.add(item);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="101" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" while (mMediaItems.size() > itemIndex) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="109" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.remove(mMediaItems.size() - 1);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.remove(mMediaItems.size() - 1);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBrowserAdapter` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mBrowserAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="114" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCanLoadNewPage` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCanLoadNewPage = true;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="115" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.clear();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaItems.addAll(children);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="123" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBrowserAdapter` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mBrowserAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="124" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "onConnected: session token " + mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="139" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken() == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="141" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="145" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaId` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMediaId == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="148" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaId = mMediaBrowser.getRoot();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="149" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaId` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaId = mMediaBrowser.getRoot();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="149" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMediaItems.size() == 0) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="152" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `loadPage` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" loadPage(0);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="153" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBrowserAdapter` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item = mBrowserAdapter.getItem(position);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="192" |
| column="53"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCanLoadNewPage` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mCanLoadNewPage && firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount == totalItemCount) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="213" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCanLoadNewPage` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCanLoadNewPage = false;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaItems` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" loadPage((mMediaItems.size() + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="215" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `loadPage` of class `BrowseFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" loadPage((mMediaItems.size() + PAGE_SIZE - 1) / PAGE_SIZE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="215" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `onCommitContent` of class `CommitContentSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" CommitContentSupport.this.onCommitContent(" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/inputmethod/CommitContentSupport.java" |
| line="217" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `clearTint` of class `DrawableCompatActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" clearTint();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/DrawableCompatActivity.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `setColorTint` of class `DrawableCompatActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" setColorTint();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/DrawableCompatActivity.java" |
| line="62" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `setColorStateListTint` of class `DrawableCompatActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" setColorStateListTint();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/DrawableCompatActivity.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mId` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mId = mItems.size();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="160" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBounds = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="161" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDescription` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mDescription = description;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="162" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mChecked = false;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="163" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mParent = parent;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="175" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChildren` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mChildren.add(item.mId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="176" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mId` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mChildren.add(item.mId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="176" |
| column="39"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBoundsInRoot = new RectF(item.mBounds);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="189" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBoundsInRoot = new RectF(item.mBounds);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="189" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" CustomItem parent = item.mParent;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="190" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" RectF bounds = item.mBoundsInRoot;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="192" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBoundsInRoot.set(parent.mBounds.left + bounds.left * parent.mBounds.width()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="193" |
| column="22"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBoundsInRoot.set(parent.mBounds.left + bounds.left * parent.mBounds.width()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="193" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mBoundsInRoot.set(parent.mBounds.left + bounds.left * parent.mBounds.width()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="193" |
| column="83"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.top + bounds.top * parent.mBounds.height()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="194" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.top + bounds.top * parent.mBounds.height()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="194" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.left + bounds.right * parent.mBounds.width()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="195" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.left + bounds.right * parent.mBounds.width()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="195" |
| column="69"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.top + bounds.bottom * parent.mBounds.height());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="196" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent.mBounds.top + bounds.bottom * parent.mBounds.height());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="196" |
| column="69"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" parent = parent.mParent;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="197" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (item.mParent == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="211" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" paint.setColor(item.mChecked ? Color.RED : Color.BLUE);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="212" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" paint.setColor(item.mChecked ? Color.MAGENTA : Color.GREEN);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" scaleRectF(item.mBoundsInRoot, bounds, width, height);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="217" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDescription` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" canvas.drawText(item.mDescription, bounds.centerX(), bounds.centerY(), paint);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="221" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mChecked = !item.mChecked;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="231" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" item.mChecked = !item.mChecked;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="231" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (item.mBoundsInRoot.contains(scaledX, scaledY)) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="256" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mItems` of class `CustomView` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" final int n = mItems.size();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="304" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mItems` of class `CustomView` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mItems.get(i).mParent == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="306" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mItems.get(i).mParent == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="306" |
| column="39"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDescription` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" event.getText().add(item.mDescription);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="325" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mDescription` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" node.setText(item.mDescription);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="338" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (item.mParent != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="347" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" width = (int) (width * item.mParent.mBoundsInRoot.width());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="348" |
| column="57"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" width = (int) (width * item.mParent.mBoundsInRoot.width());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="348" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBoundsInRoot` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" height = (int) (height * item.mParent.mBoundsInRoot.height());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="349" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" height = (int) (height * item.mParent.mBoundsInRoot.height());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="349" |
| column="51"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mBounds` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" scaleRectF(item.mBounds, bounds, width, height);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="351" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChecked` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" node.setChecked(item.mChecked);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="360" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (item.mParent != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="363" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mId` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" node.setParent(CustomView.this, item.mParent.mId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="364" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mParent` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" node.setParent(CustomView.this, item.mParent.mId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="364" |
| column="58"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mChildren` of class `CustomItem` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" for (Integer id : item.mChildren) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="366" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mResults` of class `ReceiveResultFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Editable text = (Editable)mResults.getText();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="88" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `clss` of class `TabInfo` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" info.clss.getName());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="150" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `args` of class `TabInfo` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" fragment.setArguments(info.args);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="151" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` constructor of class `DelayedStopHandler` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" private DelayedStopHandler mDelayedStopHandler = new DelayedStopHandler(this);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="140" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `MediaSessionCallback` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setCallback(new MediaSessionCallback());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="160" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `loadChildrenImpl` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" loadChildrenImpl(parentMediaId, result, options);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="258" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updatePlaybackState` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updatePlaybackState(getString(R.string.error_no_metadata));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="260" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue == null || mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="367" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue == null || mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="367" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="368" |
| column="60"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="368" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="369" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="369" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueueTitle(getString(R.string.random_queue_title));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="370" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="372" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="375" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="375" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="376" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="384" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="384" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, queueId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="386" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, queueId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="386" |
| column="73"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="388" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayback` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayback.seekTo((int) position);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="395" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueue(mediaId, mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="407" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueue(mediaId, mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="407" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="408" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="408" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueueTitle(queueTitle);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="411" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="413" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="413" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, mediaId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="415" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue(mPlayingQueue, mediaId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="415" |
| column="73"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mCurrentIndexOnQueue < 0) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="417" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="422" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayback` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "pause. current state=" + mPlayback.getState());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="429" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePauseRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePauseRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="430" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayback` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "stop. current state=" + mPlayback.getState());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="435" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handleStopRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handleStopRequest(null);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="436" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue++;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="442" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue >= mPlayingQueue.size()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="443" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue >= mPlayingQueue.size()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="443" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue >= mPlayingQueue.size()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="443" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="446" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="448" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="448" |
| column="67"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="449" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue + " queue length=" +" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="452" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" (mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="453" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" (mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="453" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handleStopRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handleStopRequest("Cannot skip");" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="454" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue--;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="461" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue < 0) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="462" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && mCurrentIndexOnQueue < 0) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="462" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="465" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="467" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (QueueHelper.isIndexPlayable(mCurrentIndexOnQueue, mPlayingQueue)) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="467" |
| column="67"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="468" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue + " queue length=" +" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="471" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" (mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="472" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" (mPlayingQueue == null ? "null" : mPlayingQueue.size()));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="472" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handleStopRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handleStopRequest("Cannot skip");" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="473" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `getCurrentPlayingMusic` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaMetadataCompat track = getCurrentPlayingMusic();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="481" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMusicProvider.setFavorite(musicId, !mMusicProvider.isFavorite(musicId));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="484" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMusicProvider.setFavorite(musicId, !mMusicProvider.isFavorite(musicId));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="484" |
| column="58"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updatePlaybackState` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updatePlaybackState(null);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="488" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="502" |
| column="60"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getRandomQueue(mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="502" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueueFromSearch(query, mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="504" |
| column="78"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlayingQueue = QueueHelper.getPlayingQueueFromSearch(query, mMusicProvider);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="504" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "playFromSearch playqueue.length=" + mPlayingQueue.size());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="507" |
| column="62"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="508" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setQueue(mPlayingQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="508" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="510" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mPlayingQueue != null && !mPlayingQueue.isEmpty()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="510" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mCurrentIndexOnQueue = 0;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="512" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handlePlayRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handlePlayRequest();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="514" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `handleStopRequest` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" handleStopRequest(getString(R.string.no_search_results));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="517" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentIndexOnQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem queueItem = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="609" |
| column="80"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayingQueue` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem queueItem = mPlayingQueue.get(mCurrentIndexOnQueue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="609" |
| column="62"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaMetadataCompat track = mMusicProvider.getMusic(trackId);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="610" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMusicProvider` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMusicProvider.updateMusic(trackId, track);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="622" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSession` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mSession.setMetadata(track);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="628" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayback` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (service != null && service.mPlayback != null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="768" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlayback` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (service.mPlayback.isPlaying()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="769" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mServiceStarted` of class `MediaBrowserServiceSupport` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" service.mServiceStarted = false;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="775" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlaybackState = state;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="218" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `createNotification` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Notification notification = createNotification();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="224" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mNotificationManager` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="226" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMetadata` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMetadata = metadata;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="234" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `createNotification` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Notification notification = createNotification();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="236" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mNotificationManager` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="238" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updateSessionToken` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updateSessionToken();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="246" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMetadata` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMetadata != null && mMetadata.getDescription() != null &&" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="360" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMetadata` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMetadata != null && mMetadata.getDescription() != null &&" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="360" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMetadata` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" artUrl.equals(mMetadata.getDescription().getIconUri().toString())) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="361" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mNotificationManager` of class `MediaNotificationManager` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, builder.build());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="365" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `retrieveMedia` of class `MusicProvider` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" retrieveMedia();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="189" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mCurrentState` of class `MusicProvider` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" return mCurrentState;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="190" |
| column="24"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mService` of class `Playback` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mService.startService(i);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="91" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `ViewHolder` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" holder = new ViewHolder();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueAdapter.java" |
| line="63" |
| column="22"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" Log.d(TAG, "onConnected: session token " + mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="63" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken() == null) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController = new MediaControllerCompat(getActivity()," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="69" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaBrowser` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaBrowser.getSessionToken());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mTransportControls = mMediaController.getTransportControls();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mTransportControls` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mTransportControls = mMediaController.getTransportControls();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController.registerCallback(mSessionCallback);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSessionCallback` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController.registerCallback(mSessionCallback);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" ((MediaBrowserSupport) getActivity()).setMediaController(mMediaController);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="70"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlaybackState = mMediaController.getPlaybackState();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlaybackState = mMediaController.getPlaybackState();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue = mMediaController.getQueue();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="77" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.clear();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="79" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="80" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.addAll(queue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" onPlaybackStateChanged(mPlaybackState);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `onPlaybackStateChanged` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" onPlaybackStateChanged(mPlaybackState);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController.unregisterCallback(mSessionCallback);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="95" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mSessionCallback` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController.unregisterCallback(mSessionCallback);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="95" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mTransportControls` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mTransportControls = null;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="96" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mMediaController` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mMediaController = null;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="97" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mPlaybackState = state;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="117" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `onPlaybackStateChanged` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" QueueFragment.this.onPlaybackStateChanged(state);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="118" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.clear();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.addAll(queue);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="127" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mQueueAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mQueueAdapter` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem item = mQueueAdapter.getItem(position);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="162" |
| column="53"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mTransportControls` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mTransportControls.skipToQueueItem(item.getQueueId());" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="163" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" final int state = mPlaybackState == null ?" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="256" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mPlaybackState` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_NONE : mPlaybackState.getState();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="257" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `playMedia` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" playMedia();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="264" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `pauseMedia` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" pauseMedia();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="266" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `skipToPrevious` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" skipToPrevious();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="271" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `skipToNext` of class `QueueFragment` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" skipToNext();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="274" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mRoundedBitmapDrawable` of class `RoundedBitmapDrawableActivity` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mRoundedBitmapDrawable.setCircular(isChecked);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/RoundedBitmapDrawableActivity.java" |
| line="58" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` member of class `ColorPagerAdapter` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" mAdapter = new ColorPagerAdapter();" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/ViewPagerActivity.java" |
| line="43" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` field `mRootWindowInsetsEnabled` of class `WindowInsetsPlayground` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" if (mRootWindowInsetsEnabled) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/WindowInsetsPlayground.java" |
| line="90" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SyntheticAccessor" |
| message="Access to `private` method `updateTextForInsets` of class `WindowInsetsPlayground` requires synthetic accessor" |
| errorLine1=" updateTextForInsets(ViewCompat.getRootWindowInsets(root));" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/WindowInsetsPlayground.java" |
| line="91" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="LambdaLast" |
| message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "queue", in com.example.android.supportv4.media.utils.QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue) should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html#sam-conversions" |
| errorLine1=" String mediaId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="14"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="LambdaLast" |
| message="Functional interface parameters (such as parameter 1, "queue", in com.example.android.supportv4.media.utils.QueueHelper.getMusicIndexOnQueue) should be last to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html#sam-conversions" |
| errorLine1=" long queueId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="93" |
| column="14"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/accessibility/AccessibilityDelegateSupportActivity.java" |
| line="46" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AccessibilityDelegateSupportView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/accessibility/AccessibilityDelegateSupportActivity.java" |
| line="61" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AccessibilityDelegateSupportView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/accessibility/AccessibilityDelegateSupportActivity.java" |
| line="61" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/accessibility/AccessibilityManagerSupportActivity.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/accessibility/AccessibilityRoleDescriptionSupportActivity.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static AlbumArtCache getInstance() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="53" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Bitmap getBigImage(String artUrl) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Bitmap getBigImage(String artUrl) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Bitmap getIconImage(String artUrl) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="76" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Bitmap getIconImage(String artUrl) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="76" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void fetch(final String artUrl, final FetchListener listener) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void fetch(final String artUrl, final FetchListener listener) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public abstract void onFetched(String artUrl, Bitmap bigImage, Bitmap iconImage);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public abstract void onFetched(String artUrl, Bitmap bigImage, Bitmap iconImage);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public abstract void onFetched(String artUrl, Bitmap bigImage, Bitmap iconImage);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="72"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onError(String artUrl, Exception e) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="127" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onError(String artUrl, Exception e) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/AlbumArtCache.java" |
| line="127" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/text/BidiFormatterSupport.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap scaleBitmap(Bitmap src, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="35" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap scaleBitmap(Bitmap src, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="35" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap scaleBitmap(int scaleFactor, InputStream is) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap scaleBitmap(int scaleFactor, InputStream is) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static int findScaleFactor(int targetW, int targetH, InputStream is) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="53" |
| column="65"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap fetchAndRescaleBitmap(String uri, int width, int height)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="66" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static Bitmap fetchAndRescaleBitmap(String uri, int width, int height)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/BitmapHelper.java" |
| line="66" |
| column="48"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" void onMediaItemSelected(MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="64" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static BrowseFragment newInstance(String mediaId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="169" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static BrowseFragment newInstance(String mediaId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="169" |
| column="46"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="178" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="178" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="178" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/BrowseFragment.java" |
| line="179" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static boolean isValidCarPackage(String packageName) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/CarHelper.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static void setSlotReservationFlags(Bundle extras, boolean reservePlayingQueueSlot," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/CarHelper.java" |
| line="38" |
| column="48"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CheckableFrameLayout(Context context) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/CheckableFrameLayout.java" |
| line="30" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CheckableFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/CheckableFrameLayout.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CheckableFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/CheckableFrameLayout.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/inputmethod/CommitContentSupport.java" |
| line="61" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/inputmethod/CommitContentSupport.java" |
| line="178" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ContentLoadingProgressBarActivity.java" |
| line="54" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onClick(View v) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ContentLoadingProgressBarActivity.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/DrawableCompatActivity.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CustomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="109" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CustomView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="109" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="118" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CustomItem addItem(String description, float left, float top, float right," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="157" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public CustomItem addItem(String description, float left, float top, float right," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="157" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setParentItem(CustomItem item, CustomItem parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="174" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setParentItem(CustomItem item, CustomItem parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="174" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="202" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected CustomItem getItem(int index) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="264" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected static void scaleRectF(RectF in, Rect out, int width, int height) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="272" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected static void scaleRectF(RectF in, Rect out, int width, int height) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/ExploreByTouchHelperActivity.java" |
| line="272" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/FileProviderExample.java" |
| line="43" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onShareFileClick(View view) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/FileProviderExample.java" |
| line="48" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentAlertDialogSupport.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static MyAlertDialogFragment newInstance(int title) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentAlertDialogSupport.java" |
| line="78" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentAlertDialogSupport.java" |
| line="87" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentAlertDialogSupport.java" |
| line="87" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="44" |
| column="39"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="94" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="110" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentArgumentsSupport.java" |
| line="111" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="53" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="67"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentContextMenuSupport.java" |
| line="67" |
| column="46"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="39" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="63" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="111" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="121" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="121" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="121" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentCustomAnimationSupport.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogOrActivitySupport.java" |
| line="35" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogOrActivitySupport.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogOrActivitySupport.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogOrActivitySupport.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogOrActivitySupport.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="38" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="63" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="123" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="149" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="149" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="149" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentDialogSupport.java" |
| line="150" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="96" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="107" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="107" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="107" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentHideShowSupport.java" |
| line="108" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="131" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="131" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static DetailsFragment newInstance(int index) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="185" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="201" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="201" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="201" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentLayoutSupport.java" |
| line="202" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentListArraySupport.java" |
| line="39" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentListArraySupport.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentListArraySupport.java" |
| line="59" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onViewStateRestored(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="82" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="106" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="112" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="112" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="127" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentMenuSupport.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MyAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="78" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Fragment getItem(int position) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="88" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="115" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="141" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentPagerSupport.java" |
| line="141" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="41" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="96" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="101" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="106" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="106" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="106" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="107" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentReceiveResultSupport.java" |
| line="130" |
| column="71"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="50" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackFragmentSupport.java" |
| line="86" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="76" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="121" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="131" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="131" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="131" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStackSupport.java" |
| line="132" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MyAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="78" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Fragment getItem(int position) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="88" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="115" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="125" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="126" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="141" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentStatePagerSupport.java" |
| line="141" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="46" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public TabsAdapter(FragmentActivity activity, TabHost tabHost, ViewPager pager) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public TabsAdapter(FragmentActivity activity, TabHost tabHost, ViewPager pager) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public TabsAdapter(FragmentActivity activity, TabHost tabHost, ViewPager pager) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="72"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void addTab(TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec, Class<?> clss, Bundle args) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void addTab(TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec, Class<?> clss, Bundle args) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="53"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void addTab(TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec, Class<?> clss, Bundle args) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="68"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Fragment getItem(int position) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="147" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onTabChanged(String tabId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/FragmentTabsPager.java" |
| line="156" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="69" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AppEntry(AppListLoader loader, ApplicationInfo info) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="86" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AppEntry(AppListLoader loader, ApplicationInfo info) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="86" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="92" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public String getLabel() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="96" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Drawable getIcon() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="100" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public PackageIntentReceiver(AppListLoader loader) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="187" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="201" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="201" |
| column="58"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AppListLoader(Context context) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="217" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public List<AppEntry> loadInBackground() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="231" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void deliverResult(List<AppEntry> apps) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="263" |
| column="45"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onCanceled(List<AppEntry> apps) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="325" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onReleaseResources(List<AppEntry> apps) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="360" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public AppListAdapter(Context context) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="371" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setData(List<AppEntry> data) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="376" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="388" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="388" |
| column="53"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="388" |
| column="71"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="437" |
| column="51"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="437" |
| column="62"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="473" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="473" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public Loader<List<AppEntry>> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="479" |
| column="72"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" List<AppEntry> data) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCustomSupport.java" |
| line="486" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="214" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="215" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="215" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public String getType(Uri uri) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="257" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public String getType(Uri uri) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="257" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="272" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="272" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="272" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="308" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="308" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="308" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="344" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="344" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="344" |
| column="58"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="344" |
| column="72"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="374" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="424" |
| column="51"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="424" |
| column="62"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="432" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="482" |
| column="47"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="482" |
| column="59"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="495" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onLoadFinished(@NonNull Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderThrottleSupport.java" |
| line="503" |
| column="68"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/LocalServiceBroadcaster.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/LocalServiceBroadcaster.java" |
| line="144" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/LocalServiceBroadcaster.java" |
| line="167" |
| column="16"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/LocalServiceBroadcaster.java" |
| line="167" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int onStartCommand(Intent startIntent, int flags, int startId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="188" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public BrowserRoot onGetRoot(String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="222" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public BrowserRoot onGetRoot(String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="222" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public BrowserRoot onGetRoot(String clientPackageName, int clientUid, Bundle rootHints) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="222" |
| column="75"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onLoadChildren(final String parentMediaId, final Result<List<MediaItem>> result) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="243" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onLoadChildren(final String parentMediaId, final Result<List<MediaItem>> result) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="243" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onLoadChildren(final String parentMediaId, final Result<List<MediaItem>> result," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="248" |
| column="38"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onLoadChildren(final String parentMediaId, final Result<List<MediaItem>> result," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="248" |
| column="66"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" final Bundle options) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="249" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onError(String error) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserServiceSupport.java" |
| line="751" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserSupport.java" |
| line="34" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onMediaItemSelected(MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem item) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserSupport.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setMediaController(MediaControllerCompat mediaController) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaBrowserSupport.java" |
| line="64" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createMediaID(String musicID, String... categories) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createMediaID(String musicID, String... categories) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createMediaID(String musicID, String... categories) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="56"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createBrowseCategoryMediaID(String categoryType, String categoryValue) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createBrowseCategoryMediaID(String categoryType, String categoryValue) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String createBrowseCategoryMediaID(String categoryType, String categoryValue) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="75"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String extractMusicIDFromMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="68" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String extractMusicIDFromMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="68" |
| column="52"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String[] getHierarchy(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String[] getHierarchy(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="84" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String extractBrowseCategoryValueFromMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="92" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String extractBrowseCategoryValueFromMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="92" |
| column="64"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String getParentMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="104" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static String getParentMediaID(String mediaID) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/MediaIDHelper.java" |
| line="104" |
| column="43"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MediaNotificationManager(MediaBrowserServiceSupport service) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="80" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="167" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/MediaNotificationManager.java" |
| line="167" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public List<String> getGenres() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="93" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public List<MediaMetadataCompat> getMusicsByGenre(String genre) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="103" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public List<MediaMetadataCompat> getMusicsByGenre(String genre) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="103" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Iterable<MediaMetadataCompat> searchMusic(String titleQuery) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="115" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Iterable<MediaMetadataCompat> searchMusic(String titleQuery) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="115" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MediaMetadataCompat getMusic(String musicId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="135" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MediaMetadataCompat getMusic(String musicId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="135" |
| column="41"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public synchronized void updateMusic(String musicId, MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="139" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public synchronized void updateMusic(String musicId, MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="139" |
| column="58"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setFavorite(String musicId, boolean favorite) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="156" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean isFavorite(String musicId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="164" |
| column="31"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void retrieveMediaAsync(final Callback callback) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MusicProvider.java" |
| line="177" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MediaMetadataCompat metadata;" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MutableMediaMetadata.java" |
| line="28" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MutableMediaMetadata(String trackId, MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MutableMediaMetadata.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="33"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public MutableMediaMetadata(String trackId, MediaMetadataCompat metadata) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/model/MutableMediaMetadata.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/NestedScrollActivity.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/NestedScrollActivity3Levels.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public PackageValidator(Context ctx) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/PackageValidator.java" |
| line="52" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean isCallerAllowed(Context context, String callingPackage, int callingUid) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/PackageValidator.java" |
| line="94" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean isCallerAllowed(Context context, String callingPackage, int callingUid) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/PackageValidator.java" |
| line="94" |
| column="53"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Playback(MediaBrowserServiceSupport service, MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="97" |
| column="21"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Playback(MediaBrowserServiceSupport service, MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="97" |
| column="57"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void play(QueueItem item) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="146" |
| column="22"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void setCallback(Callback callback) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="235" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onSeekComplete(MediaPlayer mp) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="349" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer player) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="367" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer player) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="382" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean onError(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/Playback.java" |
| line="397" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public QueueAdapter(Activity context) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueAdapter.java" |
| line="42" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueAdapter.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueAdapter.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="39"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueAdapter.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="57"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static QueueFragment newInstance() {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="133" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="138" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="138" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="138" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/QueueFragment.java" |
| line="139" |
| column="30"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getPlayingQueue(String mediaId," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getPlayingQueue(String mediaId," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="40" |
| column="70"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="41" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getPlayingQueueFromSearch(String query," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getPlayingQueueFromSearch(String query," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="71" |
| column="80"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="72" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static int getMusicIndexOnQueue(Iterable<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="80" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" String mediaId) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="81" |
| column="14"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static int getMusicIndexOnQueue(Iterable<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="92" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getRandomQueue(MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="136" |
| column="19"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> getRandomQueue(MusicProvider musicProvider) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="136" |
| column="69"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static boolean isIndexPlayable(int index, List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/QueueHelper.java" |
| line="147" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public static int getThemeColor(Context context, int attribute, int defaultColor) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/media/utils/ResourceHelper.java" |
| line="37" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/graphics/RoundedBitmapDrawableActivity.java" |
| line="41" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SendResult.java" |
| line="43" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle b) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingReceiverSupport.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle b) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingSupport.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingSupport.java" |
| line="57" |
| column="40"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onShareTextClick(View v) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingSupport.java" |
| line="66" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onShareFileClick(View v) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingSupport.java" |
| line="74" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onShareMultipleFileClick(View v) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SharingSupport.java" |
| line="95" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="25"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="34"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="55"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs," |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="45" |
| column="73"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" String sortOrder) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="46" |
| column="13"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public String getType(Uri uri) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public String getType(Uri uri) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="51" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="60" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="65" |
| column="50"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="23"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="32"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="54"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="70" |
| column="72"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="12"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="42"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SharingSupportProvider.java" |
| line="75" |
| column="51"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/app/SimpleJobIntentController.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SimpleWakefulController.java" |
| line="36" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SimpleWakefulReceiver.java" |
| line="30" |
| column="27"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SimpleWakefulReceiver.java" |
| line="30" |
| column="44"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/content/SimpleWakefulService.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="39" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(String prefix) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="15"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData(String prefix) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="55" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected Intent activityIntent(String pkg, String componentName) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="15"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected Intent activityIntent(String pkg, String componentName) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="37"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected Intent activityIntent(String pkg, String componentName) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="122" |
| column="49"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected Intent browseIntent(String path) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="15"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected Intent browseIntent(String path) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="128" |
| column="35"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void addItem(List<Map<String, Object>> data, String name, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="135" |
| column="28"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void addItem(List<Map<String, Object>> data, String name, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="135" |
| column="60"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void addItem(List<Map<String, Object>> data, String name, Intent intent) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="135" |
| column="73"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="144" |
| column="36"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/Support4Demos.java" |
| line="144" |
| column="48"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/widget/SwipeRefreshLayoutActivityList.java" |
| line="31" |
| column="26"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="UnknownNullness" |
| message="Unknown nullability; explicitly declare as `@Nullable` or `@NonNull` to improve Kotlin interoperability; see https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/interop.html#nullability-annotations" |
| errorLine1=" protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/supportv4/view/ViewPagerActivity.java" |
| line="38" |
| column="29"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| </issues> |