| // Signature format: 4.0 |
| package androidx.compose.ui.unit { |
| |
| public final class AndroidDensity_androidKt { |
| method public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density Density(android.content.Context context); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class Constraints { |
| ctor public Constraints(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class Constraints.Companion { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public long fixed(int width, int height); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public long fixedHeight(int height); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public long fixedWidth(int width); |
| } |
| |
| public final class ConstraintsKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long Constraints(optional int minWidth, optional int maxWidth, optional int minHeight, optional int maxHeight); |
| method public static long constrain(long, long otherConstraints); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long constrain(long, long size); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static int constrainHeight(long, int height); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static int constrainWidth(long, int width); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static boolean isSatisfiedBy(long, long size); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long offset(long, optional int horizontal, optional int vertical); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public interface Density { |
| method public float getDensity(); |
| method public float getFontScale(); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default int roundToPx(float); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default int roundToPx(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default float toDp(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default float toDp(int); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default float toDp(float); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default float toPx(float); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default float toPx(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect toRect(androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default long toSp(float); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default long toSp(int); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public default long toSp(float); |
| property public abstract float density; |
| property public abstract float fontScale; |
| } |
| |
| public final class DensityKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density Density(float density, optional float fontScale); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class Dp implements java.lang.Comparable<androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp> { |
| ctor public Dp(); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public operator int compareTo(float other); |
| method public float getValue(); |
| property public final float value; |
| } |
| |
| public static final class Dp.Companion { |
| method public float getHairline(); |
| method public float getInfinity(); |
| method public float getUnspecified(); |
| property public final float Hairline; |
| property public final float Infinity; |
| property public final float Unspecified; |
| } |
| |
| public final class DpKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long DpOffset(float x, float y); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline float coerceAtLeast(float, float minimumValue); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline float coerceAtMost(float, float maximumValue); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline float coerceIn(float, float minimumValue, float maximumValue); |
| method public static inline float getDp(int); |
| method public static inline float getDp(double); |
| method public static inline float getDp(float); |
| method public static inline float getHeight(androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect); |
| method public static inline float getWidth(androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect); |
| method public static inline boolean isFinite(float); |
| method public static inline boolean isSpecified(float); |
| method public static inline boolean isUnspecified(float); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static float lerp(float start, float stop, float fraction); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long lerp(long start, long stop, float fraction); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline float max(float a, float b); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline float min(float a, float b); |
| method public static inline float takeOrElse(float, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp> block); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator float times(float, float other); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator float times(double, float other); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator float times(int, float other); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class DpOffset { |
| ctor public DpOffset(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class DpOffset.Companion { |
| method public long getZero(); |
| property public final long Zero; |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class DpRect { |
| ctor public DpRect(@androidx.compose.runtime.Stable float left, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable float top, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable float right, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable float bottom); |
| method public float component1-D9Ej5fM(); |
| method public float component2-D9Ej5fM(); |
| method public float component3-D9Ej5fM(); |
| method public float component4-D9Ej5fM(); |
| method public androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect copy-a9UjIt4(float left, float top, float right, float bottom); |
| method public float getBottom(); |
| method public float getLeft(); |
| method public float getRight(); |
| method public float getTop(); |
| property public final float bottom; |
| property public final float left; |
| property public final float right; |
| property public final float top; |
| field public static final androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpRect.Companion Companion; |
| } |
| |
| public static final class DpRect.Companion { |
| } |
| |
| @kotlin.RequiresOptIn(message="This API is experimental and is likely to change in the future.") public @interface ExperimentalUnitApi { |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class IntOffset { |
| ctor public IntOffset(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class IntOffset.Companion { |
| method public long getZero(); |
| property public final long Zero; |
| } |
| |
| public final class IntOffsetKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long IntOffset(int x, int y); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long lerp(long start, long stop, float fraction); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static operator long minus(long, long offset); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static operator long minus(long, long offset); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static operator long plus(long, long offset); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static operator long plus(long, long offset); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline long round(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline long toOffset(long); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final class IntRect { |
| ctor public IntRect(@androidx.compose.runtime.Stable int left, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable int top, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable int right, @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable int bottom); |
| method public int component1(); |
| method public int component2(); |
| method public int component3(); |
| method public int component4(); |
| method public boolean contains(long offset); |
| method public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect copy(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect deflate(int delta); |
| method public int getBottom(); |
| method public long getBottomCenter(); |
| method public long getBottomLeft(); |
| method public long getBottomRight(); |
| method public long getCenter(); |
| method public long getCenterLeft(); |
| method public long getCenterRight(); |
| method public int getHeight(); |
| method public int getLeft(); |
| method public int getMaxDimension(); |
| method public int getMinDimension(); |
| method public int getRight(); |
| method public long getSize(); |
| method public int getTop(); |
| method public long getTopCenter(); |
| method public long getTopLeft(); |
| method public long getTopRight(); |
| method public int getWidth(); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect inflate(int delta); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect intersect(androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect other); |
| method public boolean isEmpty(); |
| method public boolean overlaps(androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect other); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect translate(long offset); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect translate(int translateX, int translateY); |
| property public final int bottom; |
| property public final long bottomCenter; |
| property public final long bottomLeft; |
| property public final long bottomRight; |
| property public final long center; |
| property public final long centerLeft; |
| property public final long centerRight; |
| property public final int height; |
| property public final boolean isEmpty; |
| property public final int left; |
| property public final int maxDimension; |
| property public final int minDimension; |
| property public final int right; |
| property public final long size; |
| property public final int top; |
| property public final long topCenter; |
| property public final long topLeft; |
| property public final long topRight; |
| property public final int width; |
| field public static final androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect.Companion Companion; |
| } |
| |
| public static final class IntRect.Companion { |
| method public androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect getZero(); |
| property public final androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect Zero; |
| } |
| |
| public final class IntRectKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect IntRect(long offset, long size); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect IntRect(long topLeft, long bottomRight); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect IntRect(long center, int radius); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect lerp(androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect start, androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect stop, float fraction); |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class IntSize { |
| ctor public IntSize(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class IntSize.Companion { |
| method public long getZero(); |
| property public final long Zero; |
| } |
| |
| public final class IntSizeKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long IntSize(int width, int height); |
| method public static long getCenter(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static operator long times(int, long size); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntRect toIntRect(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long toSize(long); |
| } |
| |
| public enum LayoutDirection { |
| enum_constant public static final androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection Ltr; |
| enum_constant public static final androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection Rtl; |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class TextUnit { |
| ctor public TextUnit(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class TextUnit.Companion { |
| method public long getUnspecified(); |
| property public final long Unspecified; |
| } |
| |
| public final class TextUnitKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.ui.unit.ExperimentalUnitApi public static long TextUnit(float value, long type); |
| method public static long getEm(float); |
| method public static long getEm(double); |
| method public static long getEm(int); |
| method public static long getSp(float); |
| method public static long getSp(double); |
| method public static long getSp(int); |
| method public static inline boolean isSpecified(long); |
| method public static boolean isUnspecified(long); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long lerp(long start, long stop, float fraction); |
| method public static inline long takeOrElse(long, kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0<androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit> block); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator long times(float, long other); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator long times(double, long other); |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static inline operator long times(int, long other); |
| } |
| |
| public final inline class TextUnitType { |
| ctor public TextUnitType(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class TextUnitType.Companion { |
| method public long getEm(); |
| method public long getSp(); |
| method public long getUnspecified(); |
| property public final long Em; |
| property public final long Sp; |
| property public final long Unspecified; |
| } |
| |
| @androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable public final inline class Velocity { |
| ctor public Velocity(); |
| } |
| |
| public static final class Velocity.Companion { |
| method public long getZero(); |
| property public final long Zero; |
| } |
| |
| public final class VelocityKt { |
| method @androidx.compose.runtime.Stable public static long Velocity(float x, float y); |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |