| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <issues format="5" by="lint 3.5.0-beta04" client="gradle" variant="debug" version="3.5.0-beta04"> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Exception requires API level 23 (current min is 23): `android.security.keystore.KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException`, and having a surrounding/preceding version check **does** not help since prior to API level 19, just **loading** the class will cause a crash. Consider marking the surrounding class with `RequiresApi(19)` to ensure that the class is never loaded except when on API 19 or higher." |
| errorLine1=" } catch (KeyPermanentlyInvalidatedException e) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/biometric/BiometricPromptDemo.java" |
| line="314" |
| column="18"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="SwitchIntDef" |
| message="Switch statement on an `int` with known associated constant missing case `BiometricManager.BIOMETRIC_ERROR_NO_HARDWARE`" |
| errorLine1=" switch (bm.canAuthenticate()) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/biometric/BiometricPromptDemo.java" |
| line="190" |
| column="17"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="TrulyRandom" |
| message="Potentially insecure random numbers on Android 4.3 and older. Read https://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/08/some-securerandom-thoughts.html for more info." |
| errorLine1=" cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/java/com/example/android/biometric/BiometricPromptDemo.java" |
| line="312" |
| column="20"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="AllowBackup" |
| message="On SDK version 23 and up, your app data will be automatically backed up and restored on app install. Consider adding the attribute `android:fullBackupContent` to specify an `@xml` resource which configures which files to backup. More info: https://developer.android.com/training/backup/autosyncapi.html" |
| errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="38" |
| column="6"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="AllowBackup" |
| message="Should explicitly set `android:allowBackup` to `true` or `false` (it's `true` by default, and that can have some security implications for the application's data)" |
| errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="38" |
| column="6"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="IconMissingDensityFolder" |
| message="Missing density variation folders in `src/main/res`: drawable-mdpi, drawable-xhdpi, drawable-xxhdpi"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/res"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="GoogleAppIndexingWarning" |
| message="App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent filter. See issue explanation for more details." |
| errorLine1=" <application android:label="@string/activity_sample_code"" |
| errorLine2=" ^"> |
| <location |
| file="src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" |
| line="38" |
| column="5"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| </issues> |