| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <issues format="6" by="lint 8.6.0-beta01" type="baseline" client="gradle" dependencies="false" name="AGP (8.6.0-beta01)" variant="all" version="8.6.0-beta01"> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 21): `android.graphics.Paint#getBlendMode`" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(paragraph.textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/AndroidParagraphTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Implicit cast from `BlendMode` to `Comparable` requires API level 29 (current min is 21)" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(paragraph.textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/AndroidParagraphTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 21): `android.graphics.Paint#getBlendMode`" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(paragraph.textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/AndroidParagraphTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Implicit cast from `BlendMode` to `Comparable` requires API level 29 (current min is 21)" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(paragraph.textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/AndroidParagraphTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 21): `android.graphics.Paint#getBlendMode`" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidTextPaintTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Implicit cast from `BlendMode` to `Comparable` requires API level 29 (current min is 21)" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.SrcOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidTextPaintTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 21): `android.graphics.Paint#setBlendMode`" |
| errorLine1=" textPaint.blendMode = BlendMode.DstOver" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidTextPaintTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Call requires API level 29 (current min is 21): `android.graphics.Paint#getBlendMode`" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.DstOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidTextPaintTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="NewApi" |
| message="Implicit cast from `BlendMode` to `Comparable` requires API level 29 (current min is 21)" |
| errorLine1=" assertThat(textPaint.blendMode).isEqualTo(BlendMode.DstOver)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/androidInstrumentedTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/platform/AndroidTextPaintTest.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="ListIterator" |
| message="Creating an unnecessary Iterator to iterate through a List" |
| errorLine1=" "'$key' must be unique. Actual [ [${value.joinToString()}]"" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/font/FontVariation.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="return type List<FontStyle> of values: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" fun values(): List<FontStyle> = listOf(Normal, Italic)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/font/FontStyle.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable transitions with type TreeSet<Integer>: replace with IntSet" |
| errorLine1=" val transitions = sortedSetOf(0, text.length)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/jvmMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/JvmAnnotatedString.jvm.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable offsetMap with type Map<Integer, Integer>: replace with IntIntMap" |
| errorLine1=" val offsetMap = mutableMapOf(0 to 0)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/jvmMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/JvmAnnotatedString.jvm.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="method collectRangeTransitions has parameter target with type SortedSet<Integer>: replace with IntSet" |
| errorLine1="private fun collectRangeTransitions(ranges: List<Range<*>>?, target: SortedSet<Int>) {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/jvmMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/JvmAnnotatedString.jvm.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="field paragraphEnds with type List<Integer>: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" private val paragraphEnds: List<Int>" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/LayoutHelper.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable lineFeeds with type List<Integer>: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" val lineFeeds = mutableListOf<Int>()" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/LayoutHelper.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable list with type List<? extends Float>: replace with FloatList" |
| errorLine1=" @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val list = it as List<Float>" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/Savers.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="return type List<Integer> of breakInWords: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" private fun breakInWords(layoutHelper: LayoutHelper): List<Int> {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable words with type List<? extends Integer>: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" val words = breakWithBreakIterator(text, BreakIterator.getLineInstance(Locale.getDefault()))" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable set with type TreeSet<Integer>: replace with IntSet" |
| errorLine1=" val set = TreeSet<Int>().apply { words.fastForEach { add(it) } }" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="return type List<Integer> of breakWithBreakIterator: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" private fun breakWithBreakIterator(text: CharSequence, breaker: BreakIterator): List<Int> {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="variable res with type List<Integer>: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" val res = mutableListOf(0)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="return type List<Integer> of breakOffsets: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" fun breakOffsets(layoutHelper: LayoutHelper, segmentType: SegmentType): List<Int> {" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="${:compose:ui:ui-text*debug*MAIN*sourceProvider*0*javaDir*4}/androidx/compose/ui/text/android/animation/SegmentBreaker.android.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| <issue |
| id="PrimitiveInCollection" |
| message="return type List<TextAlign> of values: replace with IntList" |
| errorLine1=" fun values(): List<TextAlign> = listOf(Left, Right, Center, Justify, Start, End)" |
| errorLine2=" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"> |
| <location |
| file="src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/ui/text/style/TextAlign.kt"/> |
| </issue> |
| |
| </issues> |