blob: cb14c77ee091f31f8ff3e912131c34962270193d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "sles_allinclusive.h"
/** \brief Exclusively lock an object */
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
void object_lock_exclusive_(IObject *thiz, const char *file, int line)
int ok;
ok = pthread_mutex_trylock(&thiz->mMutex);
if (0 != ok) {
// pthread_mutex_timedlock_np is not available, but wait up to 100 ms
static const useconds_t backoffs[] = {1, 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000};
unsigned i = 0;
for (;;) {
ok = pthread_mutex_trylock(&thiz->mMutex);
if (0 == ok)
if (++i >= (sizeof(backoffs) / sizeof(backoffs[0]))) {
SL_LOGW("%s:%d: object %p was locked by %p at %s:%d\n",
file, line, thiz, *(void **)&thiz->mOwner, thiz->mFile, thiz->mLine);
// attempt one more time; maybe this time we will be successful
ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
pthread_t zero;
memset(&zero, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
if (0 != memcmp(&zero, &thiz->mOwner, sizeof(pthread_t))) {
if (pthread_equal(pthread_self(), thiz->mOwner)) {
SL_LOGE("%s:%d: object %p was recursively locked by %p at %s:%d\n",
file, line, thiz, *(void **)&thiz->mOwner, thiz->mFile, thiz->mLine);
} else {
SL_LOGE("%s:%d: object %p was left unlocked in unexpected state by %p at %s:%d\n",
file, line, thiz, *(void **)&thiz->mOwner, thiz->mFile, thiz->mLine);
thiz->mOwner = pthread_self();
thiz->mFile = file;
thiz->mLine = line;
void object_lock_exclusive(IObject *thiz)
int ok;
ok = pthread_mutex_lock(&thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
/** \brief Exclusively unlock an object and do not report any updates */
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
void object_unlock_exclusive_(IObject *thiz, const char *file, int line)
assert(pthread_equal(pthread_self(), thiz->mOwner));
assert(NULL != thiz->mFile);
assert(0 != thiz->mLine);
memset(&thiz->mOwner, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
thiz->mFile = file;
thiz->mLine = line;
int ok;
ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
void object_unlock_exclusive(IObject *thiz)
int ok;
ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
/** \brief Exclusively unlock an object and report updates to the specified bit-mask of
* attributes
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
void object_unlock_exclusive_attributes_(IObject *thiz, unsigned attributes,
const char *file, int line)
void object_unlock_exclusive_attributes(IObject *thiz, unsigned attributes)
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
assert(pthread_equal(pthread_self(), thiz->mOwner));
assert(NULL != thiz->mFile);
assert(0 != thiz->mLine);
int ok;
// make SL object IDs be contiguous with XA object IDs
SLuint32 objectID = IObjectToObjectID(thiz);
SLuint32 index = objectID;
} else if ((SL_OBJECTID_ENGINE <= index) && (index <= SL_OBJECTID_METADATAEXTRACTOR)) {
} else {
index = 0;
// first synchronously handle updates to attributes here, while object is still locked.
// This appears to be a loop, but actually typically runs through the loop only once.
unsigned asynchronous = attributes;
while (attributes) {
// this sequence is carefully crafted to be O(1); tread carefully when making changes
unsigned bit = ctz(attributes);
// ATTR_INDEX_MAX == next bit position after the last attribute
assert(ATTR_INDEX_MAX > bit);
// compute the entry in the handler table using object ID and bit number
AttributeHandler handler = handlerTable[index][bit];
if (NULL != handler) {
asynchronous &= ~(*handler)(thiz);
attributes &= ~(1 << bit);
// any remaining attributes are handled asynchronously in the sync thread
if (asynchronous) {
unsigned oldAttributesMask = thiz->mAttributesMask;
thiz->mAttributesMask = oldAttributesMask | asynchronous;
if (oldAttributesMask) {
asynchronous = ATTR_NONE;
#ifdef ANDROID
// hack to safely handle a post-unlock AudioTrack::start()
android::sp<android::AudioTrackProxy> audioTrack;
CAudioPlayer *ap = (CAudioPlayer *) thiz;
if (ap->mDeferredStart) {
audioTrack = ap->mAudioTrack;
ap->mDeferredStart = false;
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
memset(&thiz->mOwner, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
thiz->mFile = file;
thiz->mLine = line;
ok = pthread_mutex_unlock(&thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
#ifdef ANDROID
// call AudioTrack::start() while not holding the mutex on AudioPlayer
if (audioTrack != 0) {
// first update to this interface since previous sync
if (ATTR_NONE != asynchronous) {
unsigned id = thiz->mInstanceID;
if (0 != id) {
assert(MAX_INSTANCE > id);
IEngine *thisEngine = &thiz->mEngine->mEngine;
// FIXME atomic or here
thisEngine->mChangedMask |= 1 << id;
/** \brief Wait on the condition variable associated with the object; see pthread_cond_wait */
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
void object_cond_wait_(IObject *thiz, const char *file, int line)
// note that this will unlock the mutex, so we have to clear the owner
assert(pthread_equal(pthread_self(), thiz->mOwner));
assert(NULL != thiz->mFile);
assert(0 != thiz->mLine);
memset(&thiz->mOwner, 0, sizeof(pthread_t));
thiz->mFile = file;
thiz->mLine = line;
// alas we don't know the new owner's identity
int ok;
ok = pthread_cond_wait(&thiz->mCond, &thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
// restore my ownership
thiz->mOwner = pthread_self();
thiz->mFile = file;
thiz->mLine = line;
void object_cond_wait(IObject *thiz)
int ok;
ok = pthread_cond_wait(&thiz->mCond, &thiz->mMutex);
assert(0 == ok);
/** \brief Signal the condition variable associated with the object; see pthread_cond_signal */
void object_cond_signal(IObject *thiz)
int ok;
ok = pthread_cond_signal(&thiz->mCond);
assert(0 == ok);
/** \brief Broadcast the condition variable associated with the object;
* see pthread_cond_broadcast
void object_cond_broadcast(IObject *thiz)
int ok;
ok = pthread_cond_broadcast(&thiz->mCond);
assert(0 == ok);