| cc_library_static { |
| name: "libOpenSLESUT", |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "assert.cpp", |
| "ut/OpenSLESUT.c", |
| "ut/slesutResult.c", |
| ], |
| |
| header_libs: ["libOpenSLES_headers"], |
| export_header_lib_headers: ["libOpenSLES_headers"], |
| export_include_dirs: ["ut"], |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| "-fvisibility=hidden", |
| "-UNDEBUG", |
| |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| cc_library_static { |
| name: "libopensles_helper", |
| |
| header_libs: ["libOpenSLES_headers"], |
| export_header_lib_headers: ["libOpenSLES_headers"], |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| "-Wno-initializer-overrides", |
| //"-Wno-missing-field-initializers", |
| // optional, see comments in MPH_to.c: |
| //"-S", |
| // and also see ../tools/mphgen/Makefile |
| "-UNDEBUG", |
| |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "assert.cpp", |
| "MPH_to.c", |
| "handlers.c", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| |
| cc_library_shared { |
| name: "libwilhelm", |
| |
| cflags: [ |
| // do not claim support for any OpenSL ES or OpenMAX AL profiles |
| |
| // enable API logging; details are set separately by SL_TRACE_DEFAULT below |
| // or -UUSE_TRACE to disable API logging |
| "-DUSE_TRACE", |
| |
| // see Configuration.h for USE_DEBUG |
| |
| // enable assert() to do runtime checking |
| // or -DNDEBUG for no runtime checking |
| "-UNDEBUG", |
| |
| // select the level of log messages |
| // or -DUSE_LOG=SLAndroidLogLevel_Verbose for verbose logging |
| "-DUSE_LOG=SLAndroidLogLevel_Info", |
| |
| // log all API entries and exits (also requires Debug or Verbose log level) |
| // (otherwise a warning log on error results only) |
| |
| // Reduce size of .so and hide internal global symbols |
| "-fvisibility=hidden", |
| "-DLI_API=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", |
| |
| "-Wno-multichar", |
| "-Wno-invalid-offsetof", |
| |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Wextra", |
| "-Wno-unused-parameter", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| |
| product_variables: { |
| platform_sdk_version: { |
| // API level |
| cflags: ["-DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION=%d"], |
| }, |
| }, |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "OpenSLES_IID.cpp", |
| "assert.cpp", |
| "classes.cpp", |
| "data.cpp", |
| "devices.cpp", |
| "entry.cpp", |
| "handler_bodies.cpp", |
| "trace.cpp", |
| "locks.cpp", |
| "sles.cpp", |
| "sl_iid.cpp", |
| "sllog.cpp", |
| "ThreadPool.cpp", |
| "android/AudioPlayer_to_android.cpp", |
| "android/AudioRecorder_to_android.cpp", |
| "android/MediaPlayer_to_android.cpp", |
| "android/OutputMix_to_android.cpp", |
| "android/VideoCodec_to_android.cpp", |
| "android/BufferQueueSource.cpp", |
| "android/CallbackProtector.cpp", |
| "android/AacBqToPcmCbRenderer.cpp", |
| "android/android_AudioSfDecoder.cpp", |
| "android/android_AudioToCbRenderer.cpp", |
| "android/android_GenericMediaPlayer.cpp", |
| "android/android_GenericPlayer.cpp", |
| "android/android_LocAVPlayer.cpp", |
| "android/android_StreamPlayer.cpp", |
| "android/android_Effect.cpp", |
| "android/util/AacAdtsExtractor.cpp", |
| "android/channels.cpp", |
| "autogen/IID_to_MPH.cpp", |
| "objects/C3DGroup.cpp", |
| "objects/CAudioPlayer.cpp", |
| "objects/CAudioRecorder.cpp", |
| "objects/CEngine.cpp", |
| "objects/COutputMix.cpp", |
| "objects/CMediaPlayer.cpp", |
| "itf/IAndroidBufferQueue.cpp", |
| "itf/IAndroidConfiguration.cpp", |
| "itf/IAndroidEffect.cpp", |
| "itf/IAndroidEffectCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IAndroidEffectSend.cpp", |
| "itf/IAcousticEchoCancellation.cpp", |
| "itf/IAutomaticGainControl.cpp", |
| "itf/IBassBoost.cpp", |
| "itf/IBufferQueue.cpp", |
| "itf/IDynamicInterfaceManagement.cpp", |
| "itf/IEffectSend.cpp", |
| "itf/IEngine.cpp", |
| "itf/IEngineCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IEnvironmentalReverb.cpp", |
| "itf/IEqualizer.cpp", |
| "itf/IMetadataExtraction.cpp", |
| "itf/INoiseSuppression.cpp", |
| "itf/IMuteSolo.cpp", |
| "itf/IObject.cpp", |
| "itf/IOutputMix.cpp", |
| "itf/IPlay.cpp", |
| "itf/IPlaybackRate.cpp", |
| "itf/IPrefetchStatus.cpp", |
| "itf/IPresetReverb.cpp", |
| "itf/IRecord.cpp", |
| "itf/ISeek.cpp", |
| "itf/IStreamInformation.cpp", |
| "itf/IVideoDecoderCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IVirtualizer.cpp", |
| "itf/IVolume.cpp", |
| |
| /* unused source files: |
| "sync.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DCommit.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DDoppler.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DGrouping.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DLocation.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DMacroscopic.cpp", |
| "itf/I3DSource.cpp", |
| "itf/IAudioDecoderCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IAudioEncoder.cpp", |
| "itf/IAudioEncoderCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IAudioIODeviceCapabilities.cpp", |
| "itf/IDeviceVolume.cpp", |
| "itf/IDynamicSource.cpp", |
| "itf/ILEDArray.cpp", |
| "itf/IMIDIMessage.cpp", |
| "itf/IMIDIMuteSolo.cpp", |
| "itf/IMIDITempo.cpp", |
| "itf/IMIDITime.cpp", |
| "itf/IMetadataTraversal.cpp", |
| "itf/IPitch.cpp", |
| "itf/IRatePitch.cpp", |
| "itf/IThreadSync.cpp", |
| "itf/IVibra.cpp", |
| "itf/IVisualization.cpp", |
| */ |
| ], |
| |
| header_libs: [ |
| "libOpenSLES_headers", |
| "media_plugin_headers", |
| ], |
| |
| export_header_lib_headers: [ |
| "libOpenSLES_headers", |
| "media_plugin_headers", |
| ], |
| |
| static_libs: [ |
| "libopensles_helper", |
| "libOpenSLESUT", |
| ], |
| |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "liblog", |
| "libutils", |
| "libmedia", |
| "libmedia_omx", |
| "libmediaextractor", |
| "libaudioclient", |
| "libaudiomanager", |
| "libbinder", |
| "libstagefright", |
| "libstagefright_foundation", |
| "libcutils", |
| "libnativewindow", |
| "libgui", |
| "libdl", |
| "libandroid_runtime", |
| |
| "libstagefright_http_support", |
| ], |
| |
| include_dirs: [ |
| "frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/mpeg2ts", |
| ], |
| |
| export_shared_lib_headers: [ |
| "libmedia", |
| "libstagefright", |
| "libaudioclient", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| cc_library_shared { |
| name: "libOpenSLES", |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "sl_entry.cpp", |
| "sl_iid.cpp", |
| "assert.cpp", |
| ], |
| include_dirs: [ |
| "frameworks/native/include/media/openmax", |
| ], |
| |
| export_shared_lib_headers: ["libwilhelm"], |
| cflags: [ |
| "-DLI_API=", |
| "-fvisibility=hidden", |
| "-UNDEBUG", |
| "-DSL_API=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", |
| |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libwilhelm", |
| "liblog", |
| "libnativewindow", |
| ], |
| } |
| |
| cc_library_shared { |
| name: "libOpenMAXAL", |
| |
| srcs: [ |
| "xa_entry.cpp", |
| "xa_iid.cpp", |
| "assert.cpp", |
| ], |
| include_dirs: [ |
| "frameworks/native/include/media/openmax", |
| ], |
| |
| export_shared_lib_headers: ["libwilhelm"], |
| cflags: [ |
| "-DLI_API=", |
| "-fvisibility=hidden", |
| "-UNDEBUG", |
| "-DXA_API=__attribute__((visibility(\"default\")))", |
| |
| "-Wall", |
| "-Werror", |
| ], |
| shared_libs: [ |
| "libwilhelm", |
| "liblog", |
| "libnativewindow", |
| ], |
| } |