blob: 4b4b79836fabbf9e33da6d707a9540eb89dbaa17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Equalizer functions
extern void android_eq_init(int sessionId, IEqualizer* ieq);
extern android::status_t android_eq_setParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, int32_t param2, void *pValue);
extern android::status_t android_eq_getParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, int32_t param2, void *pValue);
* BassBoost functions
extern void android_bb_init(int sessionId, IBassBoost* ibb);
extern android::status_t android_bb_setParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
extern android::status_t android_bb_getParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
* Virtualizer functions
extern void android_virt_init(int sessionId, IVirtualizer* ivi);
extern android::status_t android_virt_setParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
extern android::status_t android_virt_getParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
* PresetReverb functions
extern void android_prev_init(IPresetReverb* ipr);
extern android::status_t android_prev_setPreset(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
uint16_t preset);
extern android::status_t android_prev_getPreset(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
uint16_t* preset);
* EnvironmentalReverb functions
extern void android_erev_init(IEnvironmentalReverb* ier);
extern android::status_t android_erev_setParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
extern android::status_t android_erev_getParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, void *pValue);
* Generic Effect functions
extern SLresult android_genericFx_queryNumEffects(SLuint32 *pNumSupportedAudioEffects);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_queryEffect(SLuint32 index, effect_descriptor_t* pDescriptor);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_createEffect(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid,
int sessionId);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_releaseEffect(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_setEnabled(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid,
SLboolean enabled);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_isEnabled(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid,
SLboolean *pEnabled);
extern SLresult android_genericFx_sendCommand(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid,
SLuint32 command, SLuint32 commandSize, void* pCommandData,
SLuint32 *replySize, void *pReplyData);
extern bool android_genericFx_hasEffect(IAndroidEffect* iae, SLInterfaceID pUuid);
* EffectSend functions
* sendLevel is the total energy going to the send bus. This implies that the volume attenuation
* should be combined with the send level for the aux level to follow volume changes.
extern android::status_t android_fxSend_attach(CAudioPlayer* ap, bool attach,
android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx, SLmillibel sendLevel);
* sendLevel is the total energy going to the send bus. This implies that the volume attenuation
* should be combined with the send level for the aux level to follow volume changes.
extern SLresult android_fxSend_attachToAux(CAudioPlayer* ap, SLInterfaceID pUuid,
SLboolean attach, SLmillibel sendLevel);
* sendLevel is the total energy going to the send bus. This implies that the volume attenuation
* should be combined with the send level for the aux level to follow volume changes.
extern android::status_t android_fxSend_setSendLevel(CAudioPlayer* ap, SLmillibel sendLevel);
* Effect-agnostic functions
extern android::status_t android_fx_setParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, uint32_t paramSizeMax, void *pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
extern android::status_t android_fx_getParam(android::sp<android::AudioEffect> pFx,
int32_t param, uint32_t paramSizeMax, void *pValue, uint32_t valueSize);
extern SLresult android_fx_statusToResult(android::status_t status);
extern bool android_fx_initEffectObj(int sessionId, android::sp<android::AudioEffect>& effect,
const effect_uuid_t *type);
extern bool android_fx_initEffectDescriptor(const SLInterfaceID effectId,
effect_descriptor_t* fxDescrLoc);