blob: 382893dd9e0fef1e5b07ecef5b55147b5462a377 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Check for and replace aliases with their new names from vk.xml
import argparse
import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
THIS_FILE = pathlib.Path(__file__)
CWD = pathlib.Path.cwd()
VK_XML = THIS_FILE.parent / 'vk.xml'
# These files come from other repos, there's no point checking and
# fixing them here as that would be overwritten in the next sync.
def get_aliases(xml_file: pathlib.Path):
Get all the aliases defined in vk.xml
xml = et.parse(xml_file)
for node in ([]
+ xml.findall('.//enum[@alias]')
+ xml.findall('.//type[@alias]')
+ xml.findall('.//command[@alias]')
yield node.attrib['name'], node.attrib['alias']
def remove_prefix(string: str, prefix: str):
Remove prefix if string starts with it, and return the full string
if not string.startswith(prefix):
return string
return string[len(prefix):]
# Function from
def chunks(lst: list, n: int):
Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.
for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[i:i + n]
def main(check_only: bool):
Entrypoint; perform the search for all the aliases, and if `check_only`
is not True, replace them.
def prepare_identifier(identifier: str) -> str:
# vk_find_struct() prepends `VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_`, so that prefix
# might not appear in the code
identifier = remove_prefix(identifier, 'VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_')
return identifier
aliases = {}
for old_name, alias_for in get_aliases(VK_XML):
old_name = prepare_identifier(old_name)
alias_for = prepare_identifier(alias_for)
aliases[old_name] = alias_for
print(f'Found {len(aliases)} aliases in {}')
# Some aliases have aliases
recursion_needs_checking = True
while recursion_needs_checking:
recursion_needs_checking = False
for old, new in aliases.items():
if new in aliases:
aliases[old] = aliases[new]
recursion_needs_checking = True
# Doing the whole search in a single command breaks grep, so only
# look for 500 aliases at a time. Searching them one at a time would
# be extremely slow.
files_with_aliases = set()
for aliases_chunk in chunks([*aliases], 500):
search_output = subprocess.check_output([
], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode()
def file_matches_path(file: str, path: str) -> bool:
# if path is a folder; match any file within
if path.endswith('/') and file.startswith(path):
return True
return file == path
for excluded_path in EXCLUDE_PATHS:
files_with_aliases = {
file for file in files_with_aliases
if not file_matches_path(file, excluded_path)
if not files_with_aliases:
print('No alias found in any file.')
print(f'{len(files_with_aliases)} files contain aliases:')
print('\n'.join(f'- {file}' for file in files_with_aliases))
if check_only:
print('You can automatically fix this by running '
command = [
";".join([f's/{old}/{new}/g' for old, new in aliases.items()]),
command += files_with_aliases
subprocess.check_call(command, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
print('All aliases have been replaced')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Replace aliases found')
args = parser.parse_args()