blob: d8229c4ace6ce5c1bd5035d582833721fc91f514 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "OpenglRender/RenderChannel.h"
#include "OpenglRender/render_api_platform_types.h"
#include "android/base/files/Stream.h"
#include "android/base/ring_buffer.h"
#include "android/emulation/address_space_graphics_types.h"
#include "android/snapshot/Snapshotter.h"
#include "android/snapshot/common.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace android_studio {
class EmulatorGLESUsages;
namespace emugl {
// Renderer - an object that manages a single OpenGL window used for drawing
// and is able to create individual render channels for that window.
class Renderer {
// createRenderChannel - create a separate channel for the rendering data.
// This call instantiates a new object that waits for the serialized data
// from the guest, deserializes it, executes the passed GL commands and
// returns the results back.
// |loadStream| - if not NULL, RenderChannel uses it to load saved state
// asynchronously on its own thread. |loadStream| can be used right after
// the call as all the required data is copied here synchronously.
virtual RenderChannelPtr createRenderChannel(
android::base::Stream* loadStream = nullptr) = 0;
// analog of createRenderChannel, but for the address space graphics device
virtual void* addressSpaceGraphicsConsumerCreate(
struct asg_context,
android::emulation::asg::ConsumerCallbacks) = 0;
virtual void addressSpaceGraphicsConsumerDestroy(void*) = 0;
// getHardwareStrings - describe the GPU hardware and driver.
// The underlying GL's vendor/renderer/version strings are returned to the
// caller.
struct HardwareStrings {
std::string vendor;
std::string renderer;
std::string version;
virtual HardwareStrings getHardwareStrings() = 0;
// A per-frame callback can be registered with setPostCallback(); to remove
// it pass an empty callback. While a callback is registered, the renderer
// will call it just before each new frame is displayed, providing a copy of
// the framebuffer contents.
// The callback will be called from one of the renderer's threads, so will
// probably need synchronization on any data structures it modifies. The
// pixels buffer may be overwritten as soon as the callback returns; it
// doesn't need to be synchronized, but if the callback needs the pixels
// afterwards it must copy them.
// The pixels buffer is intentionally not const: the callback may modify the
// data without copying to another buffer if it wants, e.g. in-place RGBA to
// RGB conversion, or in-place y-inversion.
// Parameters are:
// width, height Dimensions of the image, in pixels. Rows are tightly
// packed; there is no inter-row padding.
// ydir Indicates row order: 1 means top-to-bottom order, -1
// means bottom-to-top order.
// format, type Format and type GL enums, as used in glTexImage2D() or
// glReadPixels(), describing the pixel format.
// pixels The framebuffer image.
// In the first implementation, ydir is always -1 (bottom to top), format
// and type are always GL_RGBA and GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, and the width and
// height will always be the same as the ones used to create the renderer.
using OnPostCallback = void (*)(void* context,
int width,
int height,
int ydir,
int format,
int type,
unsigned char* pixels);
virtual void setPostCallback(OnPostCallback onPost, void* context, bool useBgraReadback) = 0;
// Async readback API
virtual bool asyncReadbackSupported() = 0;
// Separate callback to get RGBA Pixels in async readback mode.
using ReadPixelsCallback = void (*)(void* pixels, uint32_t bytes);
virtual ReadPixelsCallback getReadPixelsCallback() = 0;
// showOpenGLSubwindow -
// Create or modify a native subwindow which is a child of 'window'
// to be used for framebuffer display. If a subwindow already exists,
// its properties will be updated to match the given parameters.
// wx,wy is the top left corner of the rendering subwindow.
// ww,wh are the dimensions of the rendering subwindow.
// fbw,fbh are the dimensions of the underlying guest framebuffer.
// dpr is the device pixel ratio, which is needed for higher density
// displays like retina.
// zRot is the rotation to apply on the framebuffer display image.
// Return true on success, false on failure, which can happen when using
// a software-only renderer like OSMesa. In this case, the client should
// call setPostCallback to get the content of each new frame when it is
// posted, and will be responsible for displaying it.
virtual bool showOpenGLSubwindow(FBNativeWindowType window,
int wx,
int wy,
int ww,
int wh,
int fbw,
int fbh,
float dpr,
float zRot,
bool deleteExisting) = 0;
// destroyOpenGLSubwindow -
// destroys the created native subwindow. Once destroyed,
// Framebuffer content will not be visible until a new
// subwindow will be created.
virtual bool destroyOpenGLSubwindow() = 0;
// setOpenGLDisplayRotation -
// set the framebuffer display image rotation in units
// of degrees around the z axis
virtual void setOpenGLDisplayRotation(float zRot) = 0;
// setOpenGLDisplayTranslation
// change what coordinate of the guest framebuffer will be displayed at
// the corner of the GPU sub-window. Specifically, |px| and |py| = 0
// means
// align the bottom-left of the framebuffer with the bottom-left of the
// sub-window, and |px| and |py| = 1 means align the top right of the
// framebuffer with the top right of the sub-window. Intermediate values
// interpolate between these states.
virtual void setOpenGLDisplayTranslation(float px, float py) = 0;
// repaintOpenGLDisplay -
// causes the OpenGL subwindow to get repainted with the
// latest framebuffer content.
virtual void repaintOpenGLDisplay() = 0;
// hasGuestPostedAFrame / resetGuestPostedAFrame -
// for liveness checking; queries whether or not the guest
// has successfully issued a framebuffer post to the emulator,
// and a method to reset that state.
virtual bool hasGuestPostedAFrame() = 0;
virtual void resetGuestPostedAFrame() = 0;
// setScreenMask -
// provide the image that should be overlayed on the
// device screen to mask that screen
virtual void setScreenMask(int width, int height, const unsigned char* rgbaData) = 0;
// setMultiDisplay
// add/modify/del multi-display window
virtual void setMultiDisplay(uint32_t id,
int32_t x,
int32_t y,
uint32_t w,
uint32_t h,
uint32_t dpi,
bool add) = 0;
// setMultiDisplayColorBuffer
// bind ColorBuffer to the display
virtual void setMultiDisplayColorBuffer(uint32_t id, uint32_t cb) = 0;
virtual bool tryLockMultiDisplayOnLoad(void) = 0;
virtual void unlockMultiDisplayOnLoad(void) = 0;
// cleanupProcGLObjects -
// clean up all per-process resources when guest process exits (or is
// killed). Such resources include color buffer handles and EglImage handles.
virtual void cleanupProcGLObjects(uint64_t puid) = 0;
// Stops all channels and render threads. The renderer cannot be used after
// stopped.
virtual void stop(bool wait) = 0;
// Waits for all channels to finish and deletes all render threads.
// The renderer can still be used after finish().
virtual void finish() = 0;
// Pauses all channels to prepare for snapshot saving.
virtual void pauseAllPreSave() = 0;
// Resumes all channels after snapshot saving or loading.
virtual void resumeAll() = 0;
virtual void save(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureSaverPtr& textureSaver) = 0;
virtual bool load(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureLoaderPtr& textureLoader) = 0;
// Fill GLES usage protobuf
virtual void fillGLESUsages(android_studio::EmulatorGLESUsages*) = 0;
virtual void getScreenshot(unsigned int nChannels, unsigned int* width,
unsigned int* height, std::vector<unsigned char>& pixels) = 0;
virtual void snapshotOperationCallback(
android::snapshot::Snapshotter::Operation op,
android::snapshot::Snapshotter::Stage stage) = 0;
~Renderer() = default;
using RendererPtr = std::shared_ptr<Renderer>;
} // namespace emugl