blob: 20098c4127083ce277f0e85f239495bd23b57ca9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Replace marker comments in asciidoctor-generated HTML with JavaScript
# and HTML supporting the searchbox.
# The marker comments are inserted by config/loadable_html/extension.rb,
# and are a stable place to add these comments, unlike the previous
# method of using 'patch'. That could fail when moving to new
# asciidoctor versions and style files. This can still fail, but should
# be more robust.
# Usage: input-file output-file
# Find path to the script, which is also the patch to the replacements
path=`dirname $0`
test -f $input || (echo "No input file $1" ; exit 1)
# Replace the first marker comment with text in addscript.jsmarker
# Replace the second marker comment with text in addscript.searchboxmarker
cp $input $output
sed -i -e '/<\!--ChunkedSearchJSMarker-->/r '"$path/addscript.jsmarker" \
-e '/<\!--ChunkedSearchboxMarker-->/r '"$path/addscript.searchboxmarker" \